  • Report:  #68449

Complaint Review: MWI BusinessMax - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Brighton, Massachusetts,

MWI BusinessMax
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They used MSI BusinessMax as a cover and as I go to Office Max every once in a while, I didnt pay much attention until I started seeing a pattern of deducting $9.95 at the end of the 3rd month by this company.

I called up the company and they insisted that I signed up for this even though I didnt and said I received some materials and email (both which I didnt) and after much haggling, they took off one month charge despite me telling them that

1) I didnt sign up for it nor give my card for anything

2) I didnt receive anything in the mail for 3 months

3) I didnt get anything in my email

4) I didnt use any of their serivces or even knew I signed up for this!

I have called up my bank to report fraud and they have launched an investigation. I have also called up the Better Business Bureau as well as write in the FTC.

We must not let these con-artist get away with our money!


Brighton, Massachusetts

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