  • Report:  #46620

Complaint Review: MWI Connections - Nationwide

Reported By:
- elmira hts, New York,

MWI Connections
mwiconnections123.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been receiving add pop-ups when on-line. I have been exiting them out. I may have clicked on the site to look at it but I have not ordered anything. I know for sure that my computer address is being sent out so anyone can get my information. I believe this is how they got my account number because I have only authorized AOL to use my Bank Checkcard because I dont have a credit card. I have went through this before with two other companies. Just because I want to look at their information dosent mean that I am buying I know all this is true because I have not filled out any form with my personal information on it yet!

Please help me I am poor and need my money back!!!


elmira hts, New York

1 Updates & Rebuttals


AOL sold your bankcard number to Memberworks Inc. aka mwi connections etc.

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, February 23, 2003

Call the MWI Connections and be polite. Be firm and tell them that you will contact the FTC (Federal Trade Commission)and your states Attorney General. They (MWI)will refund your money in 3 to 5 days. Do file a report with the above and contact Bill Oreilly, Dateline, your local news, etc. AOL sold its members credit and debit card numbers to MemberWorks Inc for $4,000,000 minimum fee in DEC. 2002. Or in words, AOL may making up 25% of the membership fee from people like you. However, you were a failure for them like most of people who write in to this site. They were hoping that you would not check your statement and they could charge you a membership fee year after year. They have over 6,000,000 members and I would be surprised if 40% if the members knew they were member. Call AOL too, to get there number you need to go to the on-line custmer service and ask for the number to cancel your AOL account. This about the only way to get an AOL phone number. Instead of calling this department the cancellation dept. they call the Save dept.. Tell them you are pissed about AOL selling your account info to Memberworks Inc.. They will offer you two free months to remain on AOL and some cheaper rates not given to other members unless they call. So you can take $48 from AOL or cancel and get a cheaper service. Memberworks could of had your bankcard number before AOL gave it to them because odds are your bank already sold to them or your credit card company. Memberworks buys card numbers from telemarketing companies (mainly West Telemarketing), Sears, Victoria Secrets, the Limited brand Stores and many others.

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