  • Report:  #281876

Complaint Review: National Home Trainers And The Motivators Network LLC - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Stamford, Connecticut,

National Home Trainers And The Motivators Network LLC
1700 Commerce Street Suite 1800 Dallas, 75201 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I hired this company to supply a trainer at home. The trainer was supposed to be experienced and bring their own equipment. What I got was a nice but inept trainer who complained about having to carry equipment and told me it would be best if I bought weights, etc. What she did bring was covered in cobwebs as she didn't use it often. She also knew of only a few exercises for each muscle group and I got the sense I could teach her more than she could me, as I'd been in gyms and trained for 26 years.

The details of how everything was handled are below and were prepared at the suggestion of Tony, the head, supposedly, of customer service. I also called AMEX and put a stop on paying the organization. The report AMEX sent me yesterday had a hand written note from someone in the company that said they were charging me for three sessions. I'm not surprised, they are so dishonest.

The email below was prepared, at the behest of the "head of customer service", Tony, to support his "effort" to convince the Board that I deserved a full refund. I've shortened it somewhat.

Per our conversation, below is a list of of reasons I'm cancelling my training sessions. Thank you for promising to send it on to the Board. I support your firing Monica, I can only hope your Board is compassionate and not out to nickel and dime a very unhappy customer.

It is my hope too that your Board will realize that the responsibility for things going badly lies in their company, not me, so penalizing me for Monica's consistent failure and the poor choice of a trainer (who even broke your advertised promise that trainers would bring all the equipment and I'd not have to buy anything) is absurd. If your company were a well known organization, you would not be able to get away with this.

What really irks me is your threat to not only charge me the 20% penalty, though the problems were created by your company, but then to tell me you'd charge me an increased per session fee for the one session I used. Where does it say you can do that in your emails to me, on-line? No where. That really proves your company is a scam.

A. I spoke with Ashley on Saturday the 8th of September and chose a small package of training sessions just to test the quality of your service - thank heaven's I did.

B. I was told you had a large network of trainers, even in my area (turns out you only have 14 w/in 20 miles and I'm not sure even that is true)

C. I was told about the 20% cancellation fee - couldn't imagine why I'd need it. If I were to cancel for no reason, it makes sense.

D. I received no call that week until I called and left Monica a message on the 12th at 1:14pm, never heard back from her

E. I received a call from another woman, whose name escapes me, but I can track it down if it's important, she said that a trainer would call me to schedule a time to visit.

F. The trainer, did call 9/15 around 12N and we spoke. It was after that conversation that I grew nervous. She came across as disinterested or distracted, told me it would be best if I bought weights as it would be difficult for her to carry them to me for each training session, and had no idea what my goals were (Ashley or Monica never communicated them though I'd had a long conversation with Ashley who'd told me she would make sure the trainer was up to speed).

Our conversation moved to her background as I wanted to get a sense of her as a trainer and person before I chose her - well, I had only one trainer call me. It became obvious to me that while nice, she had no energy. I asked her how she worked out and she said she used a tape called Firm and followed it. At the end of the conversation, I called Monica, x13, spoke with a nice gal who said she'd leave her a note on her desk, as I had complained about Monica never returning my calls, she assured me that she'd leave a note and suggested I send an email. I did.

G. I had my training session Monday the 17th. Daphne needed my help carrying in her 'tools', as she had not thought to put them in a gym bag. She actually carried all the weights (three sets) separately. The stepping platform was covered in cobwebs/leaves on one side and in apology she told me she'd had to dig it out of the garage (not a sign of a prepared or active 'at home trainer'). I grew more uncomfortable and wanted to cancel.

She then was upset - mildly upset - that she'd forgotten one of her 'tools' so we couldn't do a lot of things she'd normally do with a client. I actually made some suggestions to her as I've been working out for 26 years. I have to tell you I was appalled. I didn't let on, was cheerful and upbeat but by the looks of everything, I knew and then confirmed, she has almost no repetoire of exercises - perhaps I could have trained her??? I've worked with trainers for years but wanted to try something fresh to balance my sessions in the gym.

To top it off she forgot triceps when we'd worked biceps - big no-no. I reminded her and she said, 'oh yeah' and laughed. Yikes! For this your company might dare to charge me the 'market' price for a training session vs. my package price!

H. So the session finally ended, and I helped her load her things in the car and leave to make her tennis date. She handed me some forms I was supposed to have filled out in the beginning and said I could give them to her at our next session.

I. The next day, 9/18 I spoke with Monica in the morning. I asked her if she'd received my email, voicemail and the handwritten message left on her desk. She said she had not. I see why you fired her. So I took a deep breath and told her I wanted to know what we could do to get a second trainer asap as Daphne was not going to work. She asked why, I told her in detail, she was appalled too. I felt some validation that I wasn't expecting too much. She said someone would call me everyday with a progress report. I said that seemed like overkill but a check-in in a few days would suffice. She said it was hard finding people in my area as those here were booked with clients (so Daphne had a lot of clients???).

Anyway, I said if we didn't move on this as time was a wasting I was thinking of cancelling. She insisted that I give it another try, I figured I'd see if anyone called me in two days. I knew they wouldn't but still, one can be optimistic. She seemed sincere and motivated.

I. Until I called John on the 20th, I heard nothing from Monica or anyone else. John is a good listener and I sense he really wants to help and is honest. He listened for nearly 10 minutes and then told me to expect a call within an hour or so from Maya. No call, I left for a dinner engagement at 6:30 p.m Eastern Time. No message even. I had told John I'd be going out to dinner at 6:30.

J. Finally I'd had it and then Tony called and left a message that, "your system was squirrelly" whatever that means and that was the reason no one called me back. My guess, Tony, is that you meant Monica. But upon receiving your innocent voicemail, you can imagine my reaction. Another excuse for the ball being dropped yet again. I called back and got Tony and he/you had no apparent idea of what I'd been through, so to avoid repeating it all I asked for John. You sent me to him and John then listened to the situation once more and got it.

So he tried to convince me to try another trainer but as I told you Tony, more of an investment of my money is pointless - especially now that I know you would have charged me nearly triple for that session than the package price I cancelled. I left out the part where I asked for your boss, Tony and he said it was Marco - ended up he was in Sales not Customer Service.

So here we are, I feel as though this is a bit of a scam and unless I get a full refund, less the one training session at the package rate (and you should give me everything back out of sheer embarrassment) I plan to make a real stink.


Stamford, Connecticut


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Contacted and interacted with CEO

#2Author of original report

Tue, December 11, 2007

He was willing to discuss what happened and I encouraged him to call while simultaneously reiterating why I was upset. He thought I should have contacted him rather than file all my complaints but when I told him via em that his head of customer service would not release any contact information for the CEO or any other senior executives, he had no response. He also saw my letters/emails to various state and Federal Agencies as 'Blackmail" to quote his email. I gave him proof that I'd only had one training session and his company was trying to bill for three and he said he'd 'look into it' but I've not heard from him since. I had hoped he'd do the right thing but obviously, his company is a reflection of his leadership. I have filed complaints with AMEX (they have copies of all emails and all complaints filed by me) and they have suspended the full amount of my charge until they decide what to do. Also filed with Federal Department of Consumer Protection (all who read this should as well as it is easy to do online and effective if more than one person complains) and with a lot of Better Business Bureaus. If any of you have legit complaints, such as those who have responded to this report, go online, make the effort, not just for yourself or me but for potentially a lot of other people.


Fort Wayne,
There must be many more complaints

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 05, 2007

I have just been I guess, "layed off," from the NHT. I was hired without ever being met. I applied to the trainer job on-line and they quickly called me back. With a quick question and answer session over the phone I was hired. They never asked to prove my certification. I told them I had no insurance and they said that's fine. They were not careful. I had only one client the whole time I was employeed with them. They told me they were working on getting me new clients but of course that never happend. I don't know how they would find more clients in my area when I lived in another state hundreds of miles away from my manager who was in Texas. It was never easy working with them. They were always late mailing my paychecks. I took pride in my work and loved my client dearly. I kept training her even when though I was waiting on payment from the company. Well, I never received my last four paychecks. I am out hundreds of dollars and I don't know what to do. Please let me know if anything has come of your report. I want to find where this company or the people responsible have ended up for me and on the behalf of my client and what we can do. I am sure there are many other customers like you that have been let down and perhaps other trainers who were taken advantage of.


I have filed complaints with Federal and State Consumer Protection Agencies

#4Author of original report

Thu, November 08, 2007

An update. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureaus of Dallas and Houston and will now do the same in California. I have filed another complaint with the Federal Government's Department of Consumer Protection. Next I will call the Attorney General for Texas and file a complaint and will do the same in California. Finally, I am now filling out the Connecticut's Department of Consumer Protection form, it's a bit of a pain, and will send that into Hartford. Fortunately, American Express is considering supporting my claim that I was ripped off, so they have suspended the chargers. Copies of all the above complaints will be sent to them in Texas and with the amount of effort I've made, they will seriously consider my claim. I appreciate your help Fraggleout. Dee


Finding "National Home Trainers"

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 02, 2007

The Motivators Network LLC is the actual company you're working with, they do buisness as National Home Trainers. They started doing business as National Home Trainers and Womes Focused Fitness in 2005. You can go to alexa.com and use the "way back machine" to validate this. As for their physical location. It keeps changing. First it was Houston, then Dallas, and within the last few weeks they fired everyone in the Dallas office (didn't pay them) and the owners moved to California to run the company from there. If you go to monster.com and search on "national home trainers" you can see they're looking for inside sales people in Mission Viejo, CA. It will be hard to get an actual address on them, their company policy appears to be not to give it out, obviously for good reason. You can't sue someone you can't find. If you really want the address pose as a candidate for one of their jobs in CA and see where they send you for the interview. I hope this helps.


Second Address

#6Author of original report

Tue, October 30, 2007

It appears they have a second address: 1900 W Gray St Houston, TX 77019

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