  • Report:  #175782


Reported By:
- Anaheim, California,

507 PRUDENTIAL ROAD HORSHAM, 19044 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
818-848 3888
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I talked by phone to Nadia Harris this morning regarding the extreme harassment from your Company! Calling at all hours, recorded calls and phone calls from a Mr. Cody NCO Financial Systems AKA NCO Group &

Brenda Watkins.

This is the 5th time I have requested you to cease and desist all calls, remove any inquiries form the Credit reporting agencies of Trans Union , Equifax and Experian and any others that will effect my Credit profile.

I have issued a fraud alert with these three Credit reporting agencies. Filed a complaint with the Attorney General Pennsylvania office, about your deceptive violations of the state Consumer Protection and Fair Credit Uniformity Act, and the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I do not owe your Company any money and have not been behind on any bills! You ran inquires to take down my FICA scores. I enclosed a copy of my Police report, placed a trap on the phone through SBC/ AT T to stop receiving these calls. I have grounds for litigation and this will be my last attempt to stop harassment! I will be forced to take action in LA or San Diego Federal Court!

You must write a letter to The Credit Agencies listed above and remove your Inquires at once! You must send me a letter that you will cease and desist .

I am sending a copy of this to the Attorney General and the credit agencies! I will not allow you to defraud money from me by all your false, deceptive misleading representation or means in connection with the collection of a debt that I informed you I never had and didn't owe!

I enclosed a copy of Consumer Credit Report Inquiries with NCO GROUP/NCO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, showing up 5 times. A complaint to FTC's web page and copy of Police report.

Carole Wright

(This letter went to NCO) this is the 5th time.

cc Trans Union

Attorney General Pennsylvania

Law Offices of Paul E. Smith

FTC web page

Anaheim Police Department

At & T/SBC


Anaheim, California

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Some helpful info for Charles..

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 26, 2006

Charles, I appreciate your input, but it's really not that bad. NCO is a bunch of PUNKS suffering from the Napolean complex. They cannot do anything to you. They are totally powerless, and I have said this many times, and they have yet to prove me wrong. I beat them twice, and I am ready to educate every debtor in the country on how to beat them and every other scumbag bottomfeeder out there. Unfortunately, what they are doing illegal is not criminal. The things they are doing are civil violations, which means you must sue them for damages. They know this and exploit it. I want to educate people on how cheap and easy you can actually sue them for damages under the FTC / FDCPA. As far as bankruptcy goes, and the new laws for filing. That is a joke, and in most cases irrelevant. There is usually no reason to file bankruptcy unless you have property to protect, or excess wages from garnishment. If you own nothing, they can take nothing. If you are living at the poverty level, or below a living wage, they usually cannot even get a garnishment, and even if they do, it will only be a few dollars a week. In most states garnishments for bad debt are limited to a percentage of your disposable income. You do not have to take the harassment. Just send the CEASE COMMUNICATIONS letter, and usually you will never hear from them again. The FTC will come down on them again, it is just a matter of time, and just like CAMCO and others, they will get the doors locked by the US Marshals, and all files and computers will be siezed. This is the day I am waiting for, so I can gloat. In the mean time, just have fun tormenting and insulting these impotent punks. I notice that all of the prior big mouths have not come back here, Michael, Elliot, and Stef..Where are you? Can't stick around when someone stands up to you. Like I said...NCO Collectors=Impotent PUNKS!


Phenix City,
Nco thinks the billions of $ they have will protect them satan must be the ceo & his collectors are his demons justice will be served

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, February 25, 2006

NCO thinks the billions of $ they have will protect them so they can go ahead $ break the laws they break they think they are above the law! putting collection accounts on peoples credit files without notifying them first which is required by! law. Intengtly placing accounts on a consumer credit report is punishable by LAW! they cannot just place anything on your credit files without first seeing that you owe it & providing proof, which many collectors like NCO love to threaten suit & falsely accuse you of things you have not done. NCO should spend come unpleastant time in a cold jail cell for all the unpleastant things they have done to their victims. Also here is some advice do not run to many bills up of you don't have the money to pay then your friend NCO will harass & threaten you with a law suit I am gonna try my best not to run up bills & not to file for bankruptcy in my lifetime Sense george w. bush is president is has made it harder for americans even if you do file for bankruptcy you still have to pay your bills what kind of caring president has much he says he cares for americans make it harder for americans to live.


Much appreciated!!...AND Sn..Check this out!

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, February 20, 2006

Thanks Sherri. I appreciate the compliment and your position. You give some good solid advice too. I do have a passion for helping people and it makes me feel good to read other constructive posts from a few of the regulars here. Sn...These guys are stressing hard only after i mentioned the book I am writing. It is my goal to totally destroy the debt buying game through national TV exposure of my book. I already have it outlined and have prime time sponsors lined up. [Some are REAL attorneys who are consumer advocates in the credit and consumers rights, and a radio show is interested too]. My ultimate goal is to destroy the unsecured credit market by forcing creditors to practice ETHICAL and non predatory lending. I will show debtors who are in trouble with no other options, how to just walk away without bankruptcy! I know my posture here is often very aggressive, but I learned a long time ago when dealing with these types that is the only thing that gets results. I was in politics in the transportation industry in Las Vegas for 6 years. I was the President of the Professional Driver's Association and represented the issues and rights of more than 4500 taxi and limo drivers who in NV are ALL employees. I also did some organizing for the Teamster's in a mob infested corrupt industry, I co-hosted a radio show as a consumer advocate, and was a registered intervenor at State hearings before the Transportation Services Authority and the Nevada TaxiCab Authority and in front of the Governor. I fought organized crime on a daily basis and lived through several death threats and actual attacks on my life and property. Thats why jerks like Elliot and Michael are totally clueless in thier comments here. They have no idea what the real world has to offer [both good and bad]. The real world is a very scary place. It is obvious that these jerks have never visited the real world. I also served my country for 10+years active duty and some ARNG time on top of that. I am a 30% disabled veteran for my efforts. AND, I can STILL kick A*S!! BRING IT ON!!



#5Consumer Comment

Sun, February 19, 2006

Elliott and his junk debt buyer butt-buddies are getting just a wee bit nervous and stepping up their aggressive attempted extortion in an attempt to make their ill-gotten commission checks. People ARE getting educated, thanks to sites like ROR, Bud Hibbs, AOC, as well as others. People don't tremble at the thought of getting a call or junk mail, excuse me, letters from NCO, Calvary, Sherman and other JDBs under the guise of collection agencies. Why? Because people are beginning to realize just how impotent and powerless you are. Yes, people should pay their bills..just not to a junk debt buyer. And before you go off screaming "deadbeat debtor", I have an 800 FICO and am six months ahead on my mortgage payments, not to mention that I own all of my vehicles free and clear. Does "Team NCO" tell the consumers that they harrass for money that paying them will get the SOL/credit reporting clock over again? Do you tell them that giving you money will actually HURT their credit more than helping it? Do you tell them that after you "collect", you will likely sell their info to another one of your JDB associates, because they are now considered an easy mark? Somehow, I don't think that you do. It took me four years to get false information off my credit report provided by one of your fellow JDBs...I donated the settlement check to an animal rescue group. Steve provides good information to people on this board...that seems to be your only problem with him. Though I don't agree with him on everything, I find him to be far more credible than you ever will be...after all, JDBs-pretending-to-be-collection-agencies are PROFESSIONAL LIARS.


Hey Elliott, Weren't You Previously Employed by Camco?

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 19, 2006

Did it just slip your mind that Camco's doors were locked and all the employees had to scramble for new jobs. NCO has a bad habit of not playing by the rules the same as Camco did. It will catch up with them. Companies liked these are the reason for the free annual credit report...For all consumers reading this if you have NOT gotten your free annual report, get one now...NCO and it's list of subsidiaries will slap a collection on your report,not notify you, and when you go to purchase a home or refinanc, you will find yourself paying off a debt that isn't yours just so you can close on your home. What scares Elliott is that comsumers are learning more and more about how to protect themselves and the Government is stepping in, slapping on fines and closing doors. Don't ever think your complaint against these companies does not make a difference.


Some education for Elliot, FORMER NCO employee..

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 19, 2006

First of all, if you are going to comment on someone's education level and grammar, you should learn how to spell and use words properly yourself. Here is what Mr. All powerful allegedly educated wrote: "Steve, I would like to reiterate something I seen in a posting and thought it was splendid:" Something I seen? What college did you learn that in? Also, I have documented proof that I shut down NCO's collection activities TWICE in less than 2 weeks each time they got my file, AND the last time, I got a letter stating that they have ceased all collection efforts against me and will not be contacting me again. You state that NCO can bankrupt me in court. That I cannot afford a lawyer. Well scumbag idiot, I do not need a lawyer. I represent myself and win every time. I have not lost yet, and don't plan to. I'll put my education and real life experience up against yours anyday. When you decide which bottomfeeder you want to work for next and become employed again, come after me. I'll educate you. You are the model example of the profile of a debt collector, which in itself is a very scary thing. A debt collector is usually someone who was abused as a child and has a need for percieved power to get even with the world. You feel powerful when on the phone terrorizing and harassing people that you would never approach in person. I can guarantee that you would never come yo my door or to my face and spout your BS. I can absolutely guarantee that it would be a one time deal. You are powerless, NCO is powerless. Just because NCO has more lawyers and more money, does not mean they will win. They just have more to lose. And I go after scumbag collectors like you personally with a lawsuit for damages as is provided for under the law. I can take your assets in a heartbeat. You know nothing of the real world. You are on some ego trip or on some sort of drugs. And you are uneducated as your grammar proves. So who is the idiot here? You are, Mr. NCO EX EMPLOYEE. You are impotent. You cannot perform. How does that feel?


New York,
New York,
Get real Advise, never listen to "Steve's" NCO is bigger and stronger then a weak consumer debtor's wake up and concede

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 19, 2006

If this is not your debt you can contact NCO Corporate compliance in Horsham, PA, who will be more then happy to stop these calls. If this is not your debt then I would suggest looking into the security of your identity documents and mail. When communicating with a multi million dollar organization that can bankrupt you through the courts, you must always use proper form and grammar. You are dealing with people that will dispose of a communication if it appears it has been sent by someone under the age of majority as they are not allowed to communicate with children unless a parent's permission is given. So if you have not been privy to higher education, you may want to photo copy your driver's license and send it with the letter so they take you serious. Steve, I would like to reiterate something I seen in a posting and thought it was splendid: You will never shut NCO down, you will never work for NCO, you will never impact NCO, you will never change legislation, you will never be a politician, you have no influence on anybody, you can't afford to retain a law firm and team of lawyers strong enough to litigate against NCO for your remote damages, and no lawyer with the experience necessary to take on a monster sized organization with millions of dollars to burn will take your case on contingency. Never listen to a weak voice like Steve. He is high school educated with no college degree. He only learns from others that have no knowledge, and he is at a point in his life, where success and financial freedom, and beauty are only a dream that may be resolved in unconsciousness.


Carole, here's what you need to do.....

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 11, 2006

Carole, There are a few things you need to do and how you do them and how you word things is very inportant. Forget CA law, it will not help you as NCO is in PA. You need to reference FEDERAL law, which is the FDCPA and the letter you want to send is a CEASE COMMUNICATIONS request, NOT a cease and desist. Proper wording is essential. All communications need to be sent by certified mail, return reciept requested, and put a copy of the certified# on the letter itself, and keep a copy for your records. Keep in mind, that they needed your SS# to place an entry on your credit or even to pull it. Most likely you have some old debt from 5-10-15-20 years ago that was reported incorrectly and/or sold, or something you let go long ago and forgot about it. NCO Group are junk debt buyers of the worst kind. They are parasites. Writing letters telling them to remove entries will never work. Filing fraud alerts does nothing for you unless your ID was stolen and accounts fraudulently opened. Referencing lawyers in your letter is worthless. If you had a lawyer, he/she would be writing the letters and you would not be permitted to post here. NCO knows all of this.

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