  • Report:  #462825

Complaint Review: Neptune Promotions Red Line Events TODAY Fresh Marketing Solutions Inc. Doug Alvino Eric Ferrari - Virginia Beach Virginia

Reported By:
- Hampton Roads, Virginia,

Neptune Promotions Red Line Events TODAY Fresh Marketing Solutions Inc. Doug Alvino Eric Ferrari
2697 International Parkway Parkway 3 Suite 140 Virginia Beach, 23452 Virginia, U.S.A.
757-286 4334
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Red line events is now running under a different name "neptune promotions" is what they now call their marketing company in their ads on hotjobs careerbuilder and monster they will either call you or send you an email telling you that they have reviewed your resume and would like you to come in for an interview and that they would like you to check out their website before hand www.vbpromotions.com

When I came in for my interview I was sat down in one of six crappy chairs in the "lobby" and given a BASIC information sheet to fill out ...how many job applications have you filled out that are only 1 page front only?. Then i sat and waited for a little over an hour until i could be interviewed the whole time i was in there it sounded like they were trying to run a cheap club out of the back room.

When i finally got to the interview process the first thing i was told was that he had just landed a MAJOR contract with home depot and sears (which made sense to me at the time because i had just seen a bunch of people coming from the back and they were all dressed in either home depot or sears shirts with slacks so i figured they were reps from those companies ... which i latter found out that they were just employees of this SCAM) Doug kept stressing the point that these were major companies. close to the end of the interview doug started coaching me on how to approach the hiring board that i would possibly meet with (i figured it was b/c we bonded a little bit sharing a first name and all). then after the interview i was told that i would be receiving a call between 5and 7 either today or tomorrow to let me know if i was selected for another interview with the HR hiring staff... needless to say i recieved a call before i had even gotten home after my first interview and then scheduled a second interview for the following day at 3:30... i was given some paperwork to fill out sayin that i would be treated as an employee only i would not get paid for my training session. when doug called me back to his office i realized that there was no hiring staff then me and him when on a training session which was just a drive down to a home depot and walking around inside asking people if they had taken advantage of the free promotion (which is a design and estimate for either kitchen cabinet refacing or bath overlays) we walked around for about 30 min he said his script to 3 people and then proceded to 'teach' a little about marketing... then we went back to the little office and he gave me a test saying fill this out to the best of your ability. the test was nothing more than what he had just gone over in the home depot needless to say i passed it.

when i was called back into dougs office we went over the test breifly and then he proceded to tell me about his background he said that when he was 18-19 he opened his own flooring business. he said that when he was 19 he was making six figures. then he said that his business went under so he started trading stocks (making $25k-35k a month easy) he said he was living the mtv cribs life and living in the top penthouse of the va beach town center he said he was getting a new car every 5 months and spending $10k in rent each month... then he said that when the market crashed he lost everything (if you are half decent in stocks you know to cut your losses and sell when bad news comes out) then he said he went through a depression and then found this company and proceded to talk about his stats and a guy who became a national leader in 13 months and is now making upwards of $500k/ yr "I dont like to throw any numbers out there" atmosphere or the dojo is a cult like meeting that they have in the morning.. then i spent the entire day walking around home depot trying to appear as a manager asking people if they were finding everything ok and if they had taken advantage of the free promotion. in the dress code that you sign it says that you must dress professionally and have a contemporary haircut ... my trainer had dreads ... hmm all of the people that work there are the typical insecure mindless drones that you find working for companys like amway, or cutco take it from me ... if you have to sign a waver before you begin working saying that you are in no way an employee of home depot or the parent marketing company ...stay away if the promotion plan seems extremely quick ... stay away ... if there are promises of making six figures and beyond and obtaining all of your dreams (making a poster with magazine cutouts of your dream items) ... stay away ... if your co-workers are sketchy when you ask them how much they have made with the business and why they arnt owners already if they have been with the business for 6 months ... stay away ... all of the other reviews for Red line events are true this is the same company if you dont believe me take a look

red line events location: http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=red+line+events&near=Chesapeake,+VA&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&view=text&latlng=423430746667703583

neptune promotions location:


and TODAY fresh marketing solutions inc.:

2697 international pkwy

parkway 3 suite 140

virginia beach, Va 23452

... if a business has to change its name every 6 months ...STAY AWAY i am ashamed that i ever thought that Doug Alvino (his # is 757-286-4334) was a cool guy b/c we shared a name and nickname "Doug E Fresh" if you want to know anything else or if you are interested in joining Amway global contact me

Doug e fresh

Hampton Roads, Virginia


4 Updates & Rebuttals

You should know

virginia beach,

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 19, 2010

Eric you did not write that. I am sorry your company keeps making so many appearences on this site, and other like it. Maybe its time to put that "cheesy smile" away. let it rest, and only let it come out when you truly mean it. Why not do something more honorable. I know your reading this, your probably high, and you know exactly what im talking about. Your not that old...well i mean your old but not like... that old. I mean, its not to late to change paths. Motivate people in another way. Take some time off. and lay off the pepto.

Eric Ferrari

Virginia Beach,
Why so Bitter? continued.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 18, 2009

Continued.. Some people were upset that the "events" they attended for the NON PROFITS were less than GLAMOROUS i.e. retailers,malls,etc we have done some cool events with fairs, festivals, sporting events, car shows, but these are not every day and not frequent enough for the company to profit and for the causes to benefit. That's Right PROFIT. WE are not, nor do we pretend to be a non-profit organization.WE ARE a 3rd party marketing company and we have no problem with making money. In fact we also represent for profit companies. To avoid any confusion about Charity "events" and for profit promotions we do business as Neptune promotions. Lastly some people were furious that only a portion of the proceeds benefit the non profit. That is because they didn't have the courage to ask me questions, instead they make assumptions and start typing. We have CONTRACTS with these 501c3's that state how much of our revenue is to go back to them. my reps are trained to be as transparent as possible, and to always put the cause first. if a customer is unhappy with the % they are told how to give 100% to the cause. For some promotions we have a self addressed envelope to the 501c3 so all the customer has to do is put it in the mail and ALL the $ goes to the cause. Any rep who violates the contractual code of ethics approved by the client and company is instantly terminated. So we have addressed these criticisms made changes and moved forward, but in business you cant make everyone happy. I always look at criticism as an opportunity to Improve. What could we have done? Why is this person(s) so upset that they would go through this whole process just to besmirch our reputation? why do they feel so misled? Lets consider the source? some of these complaints seem rather personal. I question the motivation for some one who makes such a post. maybe you were unsuccessful in your attempts to engage the public,rejection hurts.Maybe you were freaked out by all the hard working,good looking, ambitious, positive people under one roof I Imagine someone with low self esteem would be intimidated by such a group. maybe you are a competing company trying to slow our success. Or are you just a concerned citizen trying to protect people from our "brainwashing Cult". Keep in mind you seem to have been a "member of this cult" for 1 day 1 week 1 month? Were you "tricked " into working here. These posts all say how everyone SEEMED cool, Doug was cool until what? until your mom/friend/blogger/ex employee told you he wasn't? That is mindless.That is a Follower.That is a cult of personality. Doug started out entry level (after having a successful career in mortgages) he humbled himself to do those promotions for 6 mo and now he Owns his own company,bonded and registered with the state of Virginia.Today Fresh marketing solutions handles all the lead generations for HD from here to Richmond. What you have done is help us weed out the Weak,self absorbed individuals who would base an opinion on something they read on the internet (must be true) rater than finding out for themselves. If the company (Industry) is a scam how have we expanded into 3 new markets this year while the banking industry, car makers ,and most of the countrys small business have folded quicker than you did here? maybe because our system works. It does not work for everyone. I only chose now to respond because I feel the need to defend my Honor. although these comments are personal I don't take ANYTHING personal. One blogger put Doug's cell phone # in his report. why? maybe I should post all the resumes for all the people who post here so when your friends/family/colleges/future partners or employers search YOUR name this site can alert them as to how bitter,misguided and ignorant you are . at the very least future employers would be warned .It is also funny that these posters are anonymous or use fake names.A life without honor is a life not worth living ! if you saw Doug or I face to face you would be as quiet as a mouse, or scarred witless. fortunately for you we are professionals and business men. I don't remember anything or anyone who is not important. Giants don't argue with FLEAS. you can insult the company,our practices, our furniture,wardrobe,etc. you can dissect this post maybe even find flaws in my spelling , grammar, and blogging skills. That's all YOU can do.We will keep growing helping our clients and causes and I will keep working hard to offer this opportunity to others. I will "Brain Wash" people to be positive, hardworking,self reliant, compassionate business men and women. SUCCESS is the only form of revenge I can offer you bloggers. Big money -yes that's real. most of the very successful people here (and in the world) are compensated for their performance. how my employees are paid is entirely up to me and based not only on experience and expectations,but how the client pays the company. Big opportunity- yes that's real . you need to start at the entry level just like everyone else.If you think that your new degree is better than mine in 1998 and because your a "people person" and your work experience(hooters,olivegarden,car sales for 4 months) trumps my 8 years on Wall street need not apply (misssixty)If its good enough for me it should be good enough for you - if you are not humble you need not apply.(JOHN Beets) (norfolkguy). if you "don't really need to work" because your husband/wife/mommy/daddy/ take care of you don't come here for employment.(Douglas Boyer)-by the way research these people you will find they Blog/complain about everything. Big clients- Yep that's true too. since the original postings we have signed GIANTS in their industry. Home Depot #1. Direct t.v. #1. Operation Smile the wealthiest non profit IN THE WORLD.What have you done? Cult- I don't know like minded people, relentlessly optimistic, defiantly unconventional with the Hi fives and pumped up meetings. no animal sacrifices, religious or political affiliations, you never have to buy our products or sell anything to friends or family. If you never played organized sports. or if you were always the last guy picked for dodge ball- you might not get it- thats okay we LIKE that YOU don't get it. But we try to have fun. Which brings me to my final point The BIG Smiles. Cheesy? well if you were fit, healthy,good looking, with a supportive group of people, successful in your career, helping clients/causes everyday . helping others archive their goals you would smile too.mine is ear to ear and there is nothing that a blogger can do to take that away, Ill keep smiling-you keep blogging and invest in some anti frowning cream.maybe someone some day will feel bad for you but it wont be me. That is all the energy I am prepared to invest on this, I will now return to Investing MY ENERGIES in more constructive tasks. ERIC FERRARI President Neptune promotions/Red line events P.S. a copy of our annual reports can be obtained by contacting Virginia State consumer Affairs.

Eric Ferrari

Virginia Beach,
Why So Bitter?

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 18, 2009

From time to time we get these posts from disgruntled ex employees, one day wonders, people who spent a one day interview with us, pretentious recent grads who have (because of their new piece of paper) inflated self worth with no understanding of the work force much less our business . When I graduated college in 1998 it was with the understanding that my 4yr degree, internships and extracurricular activities would Maybe separate me from the THOUSANDS of students graduating that spring. I learned that that was not always the case. I took my series 7 and 63 and was offered a position at a Firm. I felt very good about my self with my degree, my new licenses, and my new found career as a stockbroker. My first day (and for the next 6 months) I cold called investors, the pay sucked the hours were long and the daily rejection was intense. I stuck with it , built a client base, and had a career in the securities industry for almost a decade. Making money was great, but I wanted to do something more. When I started Red Line Events it was with the genuine desire to use my advanced skill set (Sales,developing relationships,outgoing personality, Cheesy Smile??,ability to motivate others) to do something for someone other than myself. Because my business model is unconventional we received some negative posts on this site. People complained that we were a small office(we try to keep overhead as low as possible),our ads were misleading (so now we post only sales, marketing,Entry level management positions).Others were "alarmed" when we contacted them without them having applied(you do realize you posted your resume on career builder, monster etc.)Some people don't like that they have to spend a full day interview with the company before being offered a position. Sorry, that's the best way for us to get a true sense of the candidates motivation. at the same time it gives the applicant a first hand account of what the entry level position entails. TBC.


Newport News,
They keep contacting me...

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, July 15, 2009

Hi, Thanks for filing this info... I have been looking for a job recently and have been contacted by several marketing companies including all of the above listed in your post. It sounded a little shady considering that I did not recall applying to either company- so, I came to rip-off to see what was up. Thanks for saving my gas and time... Someone should do something to make these people stop treating these circus routines as a real job...lol... this is nuts. God Bless, Ms S

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