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Complaint Review: News11.tv (phony) - Internet

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Joe - Madison, Wisconsin, USA

News11.tv (phony)
www.news11.tv Internet, United States of America
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Consumer Report 2009 Top Diet Trends This site is not affiliated with any news publication.

Foods that Fuel Weight Loss "Super foods are becoming a real source in the battle to fight fat..."

Acai Berry Diet Exposed: Miracle Diet or Scam?

As part of a new series: "Diet Trends: A look at America's Top Diets" we examine consumer tips for dieting during a recession

[email protected] Investigates the top diet trends of 2009 to find out for herself if these new diets work.

Y ou probably have seen at least one internet ad or weigh loss blog talking about how great the Acai Berry Diet is, but have you seen any real evidence to support the claims of weight loss? And, do you really think that people are losing weight with this so called Super Food? The ads for Acai Berrys weigh loss products are everywhere, and just about everyone seems to be creating a blog telling us how much weight they lost while on the diet. So, I decided to do my own test to find out if this super food really does work.

One blogger claims to have dropped from a Size 20 to a Size 10 in 3 months on Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse Diet . Since Acai Berry ads are everywhere it did not take long to find a suitable offer for the Test. But, I did my research and came across the following offer from one of the more trustworthily Acai Berry sites, Acai Berry Breeze .

Just like all the other Acai Berry offers this offer included a Free* Trial, but it was one of the few offers that did NOT try and add-on additional hidden offers. The Acai Berry Breeze product also promised the highest grade Acai powder available, so that also factored into the decision to choose this particular product. It was important for me to test the purest product, so that I would potentially see the best results.

Acai Berry Breeze :

Lose Weight

Burn Fat While You Sleep

Cleans your Body of Toxins

Increase you Energy

I was a little skeptical, but I wanted to see for myself if the Acai Berry Breeze weight loss claims were true. Before I started the Acai Berry Diet Test I was told by a trusted physician that it would be best to use one of the Colon Cleansing products commonly associated with this diet. Colon cleansing helps to rid your body of toxins, so that any diet you try will have the maxium results.

Colon Cleansing :

Helps Eliminate Bad Toxins that have Built Up Over the Years

Removes Sludge from the Walls of the Colon

Helps Get Rid of Gas and Bloating

Helps to Regulate Metabolism

Like most physicians, I, have really been quite impressed with the health benefits associated with the Acai Berry diet. But, because most Americans have such high fat diets I highly recommend that anyone considering this diet use a Colon Cleansing supplement before they start any Acai Berry Diet. A Leading Nutritionist

Upon hearing this I added the Colon Cleanse supplement to my test. Again, I choose this colon cleans product based on the fact that it was not associated with any add-on type offers and also because it had a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee .

Within just a few days after I placed the orders I received the Free* Trial offers for both Acai Berry Breeze and BromaCleanse. Before I place the orders I found a coupons for each offer .

For the Acai Berry Breeze

My Test: 4 Week Acai Berry Diet: Acai Berry Breeze + BromaCleanse

Step 1: Take one Acai Berry Breeze per Day use Coupon Code - SUMMER - for $1.95 shipping.

Step 2: Take one BromaCleanse pill per Day, use Coupon Code - NEWS11 - for REDUCED shipping.


My Results Journal:

Week One:   After one week with the diet I was surprised to say that I started seeing some startling results. My energy level seemed to steady climb each day during this first week, and surprisingly I also noticed that my appetite was subsiding every day. I truly ended the week feeling great, and I really did not feel like I was doing much different other that taking the Acai Berry Breeze and BromaCleanse pills each day. But, the real test came when I jumped on the scale at the end of the week. I got another surprise. I LOST 3 pounds! I was completely surprised, and less than 145 lbs for the first time in years."

Weigth: 142

Week Two: Beginning week two I did not know what to think. I defiantly started the week off with a ton more energy than I did in week one. I noticed that my sleep schedule started to become more regular, and I wasnt waking up in the middle of the night like I have been doing for months. I could not tell if I was burning fat in my sleep all I know is that I was sleeping great during week two of the diet. The second week seemed to fly by too, and again it was time to hop on the scale. Like I said, I was skeptical this second week. But I still managed to lose another 3 pounds.

Weight: 132

Week Three: At the start of week three I could not really notice any energy increases, but I also did not notice any energy decreases either. In past diets I would seem to lose motivation, but this was different. The diet was actually working. I continued to make the Acai Berry Breeze and Colon Cleanse part of my daily routine, and just seem to go on with life as normal. Every week I seemed to be noticing something different and this week I started noticing that my skin looked better than it had in years. I did a little more research and found that the antioxidants and vitamin components in the Acai Berry has the added benefit of helping improve your skins health. At this point I this point I might actually agree that this could truly be a Super Food. And, after losing another 3 pounds I think I was truly convinced.

Weight: 122

Week Four: With the start of week four I can say that any skepticism that I had was long gone. Within the first three weeks I had LOST 10 Sizes , seen an increase in my energy level, was sleeping like a baby, and truly just felt healthy. No wonder why people are writing all of these diet blogs.  Acai Berry diets work!

"I not only found products that gave me results better than I would have expected, but after researching online I discovered that these companies are desperate for new customers in this recession and are currently handing out free* trials of their products."

The truth is that people are really really finding real success with the Acai Berry diet. People all over the world have enjoyed the health benefits and antioxidents from this little purple berry from the Amazon rain forest for hundreds of years. But, because this berry is now so popular in the United States some people are having a tough time getting the purest Acai Berry products.

Like me you might be a little skepital about trying the Acai Berry diet for yourself, but the results are real.

Step 1: Take one Acai Berry Breeze per Day use Coupon Code - SUMMER - for $0.99 shipping.

Step 2: Take one BromaCleanse pill per Day, use Coupon Code - NEWS11 - for REDUCED shipping.

Would you like to share a consumer tip for next week? If so, please send us an email. [email protected]



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