  • Report:  #213806

Complaint Review: NINA HARTLEY - Berkeley California

Reported By:
- League, Other,

nina.com Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This report that I have posted, is met for the masses of [black, asian, and hispanic] minority males, whom have been [past and even present] "fans", of this [anglo] "female" "adult entertainer"..... [A report of which will draw much mass criticism & ridicule from anyone whom is is a anglo male and anglo female fan of hers, or just anyone whom is a anglo male and or anglo female bigot and or racist]

Though this NINA HARTLEY, has been "successfull", an "adult entertainer", [since 1984] having her own film company and website, it seems that she is less than co-opertive to anyone that addresses inquiries to her via, her own forums, when it comes to being asked inquiries concerning racism in the adult film industry, and indeed, her own point of view, in doing interracial features and or scenes: {Of the past}

The reason why I chose this [particular] "adult film" performer, to ask such a inquiry to, is all due in part that she seemed to have been the.... "Authority", in adult films.... And has [indeed] done [some] interracial features and or scenes through out her adult film "career".... And so: Knowing such, brought me to the [final] conclusion of thiking that she would be "the one" in some respects be the "woman", to write to, hoping that she would be "open" to give me some "insight", as to why the "adult entertainment industry" seems to have a strong discord toward [at least] veteran black male "adult film" performers, as well as having discord & animosity toward [black, asian, and hispanic] males, whom desire to be "entry level" "adult film performers".....

My assesment of her was wrong, as when I had tried to post such a inquiry to her, [over a year ago and recent] she, or one of of her male or female moderators of her b.b.s. boards would not only delete my inquiry on the matter of which I had inquired on, but block my i.s.p. address as well... The reason being for the block would be "none" [as the banning message would indicate] the lifting of the ban would be "never"....

This hostile action indicates to me that this nina hartely as well as her [male and female] forum staff are not only in-coopertive to answer such inquires, but are indeed racist, to the very core: Uphodling and supporting the [current] actions of the adult entertainment industry, in it's ban regarding "entry level" minority males performers..... I hypothesize, that she [nina hartley] did interracial features and scenes at one point in time in her [early] adult film career, to correct a overstatement that she may have made regarding her detesting to doing interracial features, in order to atone & gain a "audience" of black male patrons, whom may have learned of her interview, that implied her despise in doing interacial features and scenes with black males...

[Also, the adult entertainment industry back in the mid 80's and early 90's was suffering, due to a lack of sales, in not producing interracial features that would show black males in sexual situations females of other races & other colors] Now, with the matter resolved, [as far as where she is concerend] she has continued on in her "career", feeling no more reprise to come.... From my view, it seems that she hasn't changed, and is stil the same... But she is not alone: There have been a great number of anglo and asian female adult film performers that feel the same as she does....

Adult film actresses, whom have a great number of minority male fans, whom are unaware that the very adult film actresses they are fans of, have a racist attitude, & are against doing interracial: Choosing to make sexually oriented features and or scenes with anglo males and anglo females only.. [Or make features with both anglo males and anglo females] Though it is the {sole} right, of any female adult film performer, [of any race, any color] to choose to do the kind of adult oriented subject(s) that she wants, I feel that they have NO RIGHT, to be racist, nor to lobby the [entire] adult adult film industry to pose a ban on minority males, [none withstanding anglo male performers] of any race, any color...... A [underground] ban, which implies open and blatnant racism to the utmost, in any way, form, and or fashion....

I would urge minority males whom are black, asian, and hispanic, reading this post, to not buy, [boycott] any and all adult oriented features by NINA HARTLEY, [that she has made, past and present] but boycott in buying adult oriented features, from any adult female film performer, whom you may suspect be against doing interracial features, and indeed, against black, asian, and hispanic males from being performers in the adult film industry...

Send a message to them all: Let them know that you will NOT, uphold and support a industry that imposes restrictions on males of any race, and color.... {Minus, anglo male performers] Because in a industry where "anything [sexually] goes", you wouldn't think that racism would be something.... "Institutionalized".... They do not deserve your patronage, [the adult entertainment industry] nor do any of the racist female performers whom you love and are fans of...



5 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,
RE: Regarding Mister Ernest Greene's Rebuttal..

#2Author of original report

Mon, November 06, 2006

I, "the advisor", "owner", of this webpage, am writing in regards to mr. ernest greene's rebuttal regarding the matter of which he is purtubed regarding.... {Which is on my alleged attacking this nina hartley in her "open" forums} While it is true, that I have posted and several times under various "alias" [posting] names when posting on the nina.com forum(s), it should be mentioned that since it is a free and "open access" forum, [area of the website] for any and all interested parites to participate in, [regarding posting inquires and messages to this nina hartley] it is a [open access] forum which does not require you to pay, nor having to be required to have to "authenticate", as to whom you [really] are to post in the [various] forums.... While it is also true that I have posted several times after having been banned from the nina.com forums, this mr. greene has not been forthright nor honest as to what it is that he has posted as a rebuttal update on this site therein, and as to the reason WHY, he banned me: Which was over my making fairly simple and direct [AND NONE THREATENING] inquiries to this nina hartley: Whos career as an adult film actress/producer I have been aware of for the several years, [LIKE ANYONE ELSE] & of whom, has not only been considered one of the adult entertainment indusries leading adult film star/producer, but, as mentioned in my pre-complaint/post regarding her, an "authority", in the adult entertainment industry... On [matters of] sex, relationships, and all other matters pertaining, to the adult film industry, & therein.... I have to admit, yes, she has done a interracial feature or 2, but I do not feel that would justify her in not replying to simple inquiries of which I have tried to ask of her, which were: * Why is it that there so much racist in the adult film industry? * Why do so many anglo, asian, and hispanic female adult film actresses refuse to do interracial features with black males? * Do black males wanting to enter into the adult film industry face an even more difficult time then before? * Is it true, that a large portion anglo, asian, and even hispanic female adult film actresses & producers are trying to lobbying the adult entertainment industry to have ban black males from the adult film industry?... [Without any real reason] * Have you even done interracial features with black males, [past, and or present] and if so, have you found that your career has suffered due to your doing interracial features with black males?.... * Have you notice a increase and decrease in fandom because of your doing interracial feautures?... [These are] Legitimate & none threatening inquires that I have addressed to this ms. hartley: Inquiries of which are not replied to, and ones of which mr. greene has banned me for... I should mention, that I have saved image mimics, [and indeed mimics] of the banning messages that are from either mr. greene, and or from ms hartley...... They all say the same thing when I have tried to log in: Which are: "You are banned from these forums" "Reason: NONE" "Time Of Ban To Be Lifted: NEVER" Mister Greene has stated that my attacks on this ms. hartley "character" are opporbrious at best and false. I say nay... As the only one whom has brought harm to themselves have been mr. greene and or this ms.hartley: Whom have acted in a more invidious & malicious fashion toward me than I have ever acted toward them... It is only now that mister greene, [whom is nina.com] has decided to give a reply as to that which I have alleged, concerning this ms. nina hartley's "character"... As before, they, [he] did not feel to do so, and in many other respect chose to treat the matter in a apathetic and humorous fashion...... Feeling to have to defend the "honor" of a "woman" whom felt no concern to reply to a limited of inquiries from a former fan... Though it is true: In this life, you do not have to answer to anyone, [minus law enforcement, the justice system, and the i.r.s.] that is a mundane, [us, the average person] for what it is that you do that is wrong, ms. hartley and mr. green should be aware that people in their postion whom work in the "industry" as they do, should be aware that it could be brought down by the mere stroke of a pin.... [In congress] You would think that one such as they would have more concern for fans and patrons alike that keep the adult entertainment industry going, but they do not:.... Yes: They may be charming and semi impressive while giving interviews on OPRAH WHINFREY or HOWARD STERN, but ones like her lack a great deal when you met them in person... They are not anything as to way that talk show make them appear.. If mr. green wants to pursue the action as he so claims that he would then it is his right: I cannot prevent him in doing so, nor would I: It is his sole right to do so... It is erroneous for mr. greene or ms. hartley to having to NOW reply to my allegations, in order to correct a wrong that they needed not had to in the beginning... There was a opportunity that presented itself to them both and they treated the matter with a flagrant disregard... [When being asked inquiries such as the ones that I asked, that were legal and legitimate] Neither one felt to do so, but take time to do so now, when it is too late.... I still warn males of all races & colors against being a fan of this ms. hartely, because if she will not be kind enough to reply to just a simple thing, such as the inquires that I addressed: {To her] What kind of person do you think that she could be, in real life?...... P.S.: In no way, am I stalker, toward he, [ha] or this ms. hartley, and feel to take action of my own, regarding his and or her fabrication... I may have been over insistent to want to get replies for the inquires that I asked, but that does not make me what HE, has inaccurately reffered me in being.... "Advisor"


Los Angeles,
This libelous attack on Nina Hartley is entirely false

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 31, 2006

Nina Hartley has been a tireless crusader for racial equality in the adult film industry for twenty years. She was among the first major caucasion performers to do interracial scenes at considerable jeopardy to her own financial well-being. The individual who posted this libel against her has harrassed Nina's Web site repeatedly under various usernames and addresses for over two years. He has been banned repeatedly and is now spreading his lies here,at Wikipedia and in other venues to which he can still gain access. This latest batch of false accusations should be deleted immediately and the poster denied further access to this site. In the meantime, we are persuing an investigation into the activities of this stalker under his real name and identity and he can expect serious legal consequences to be coming his way very shortly. In the meantime, I challenge anyone else here, particularly anyone associated with the adult film industry, to come forward with a single statement or action on Ms. Hartley's part to justify these false, libelous and malicious charges. Ernest Greene Administrator www.nina.com


New York,
New York,
Yes, you are damned...

#4Author of original report

Fri, October 13, 2006

I don't know as to whom you are, nor as to what your at your problem is, but it seems as if you may be one of the very 5150's that you so caustically write to me of: It's seems as if you [and a great deal of other "5150's] have posted quite number of harrassing comments to this "aeropostale", going through out the service, & finding negative comments on [corrupt] people and businesses: Posting negative rebuttals to others whom come here to post their valid views regarding [corrupt] busineses and people, whom are mistreatful and unfair to others... Whom you feel should take a stand with, defend, unholding and support: By coming to this site, & TRY to intimidate others that "post out", regarding those [corrupt] businesses and people... It seems apperant to me that all you do is "camp out" on this site, bothering people with legitimate grevances having nothing more to do with your time & LIFE, after having finally escaped from the state mental instittute.... [Whence you resided, for over 60 years] I am going to send this post to the editors of the site, asking them to your [negative] comment, as well as others [negative] comments, like like your comments removed, as it is counter-productive: Throwing off the balance of the complaint itself..... [Negative] Comments, that waste bandwidth & space, saying nothing....... THE ONLY [SOFT BOILED] COCONUT HERE, IS YOU: IF YOU REALLY ARE A "FEMALE" THAT CARE TAKES FOR THE MENTALLY INSANE, [WHICH I SERIOUSLY DOUBT, AS IF THEY DID INDEED HAVE THE LIKES OF YOU CARE TAKING THOSE POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS, THEY WOULD COMMIT SUICIDE, TO GET AWAY FROM YOU] I THINK THAT YOUR JUST DUE FOR A FRONTAL LOBOTOMY, AND MEDS, TO GET YOU JUST A SLIGHT BIT BACK UNDER CONTROL... YOUR MOTHER HAVING ABORTED WOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF THE PROBLEM: THEN YOU WOULD [NOT HAVE GROWN UP, AND] FEEL THE WAY THAT YOU DO: BYE....


Sherri, you have a point there...

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 05, 2006

I normally have no interest in this type of posting, but want to point something out to the author...Nina and anyone else who chooses to risk their lives entertaining in this genre will have at it with ANY race or gender for the age old renumeration...MONEY. Her personal choices are none of yours or my business. Her primary motivation as to partners,I'm quite sure, is relative to what brings in the bucks for the folks she f*&%$. Sour grapes are your snack as you try to smack...



#6Consumer Comment

Wed, October 04, 2006

I get back from working the in ER, babysitting 51-50's for 18 hours straight, go on the RoR to relax, and find they have followed me home... could it be...maybe.... POSTAL'S BACK??!?!?

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