  • Report:  #677783

Complaint Review: Nishijima-Blaisdell & Associates - Internet

Reported By:
warveterans - Makena, Hawaii, USA

Nishijima-Blaisdell & Associates
Waihe'e Street 96793 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Keali'i Blaisdell, is Not an attorney. He does Not have a law degree nor does he have a license to practice law in any State.

Keali'i Blaisdell, is an 'Alias.' 'Keali'i Blaisdell, is not his family name. Alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, is an assumed name. The primary reason for this masquerade by this fraud, - he is a crime syndicate member. His family name, is synonymous with crime in Hawai'i.

Alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, masquerades as an attorney.

He pretends to be an authority on Native Hawai'ian Law, Native American Law and Hawai'i, Washington, Oregon & California State Law.

The reason for this pretense by this fraud, - to avoid court ordered child support payments. *He has failed to support his children.

There are court ordered warrants for his arrest in the United States.

This alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, intentionally, terrorizes and harasses his victims with threats of violence if they report him to the authorities.

This alias, 'Ke'alii' 'Blaisdell,' a.k.a., 'Ke'alii' 'Aiken,' has fabricated, and created fictitious Internet essays, and articles, - recruited the complicit, and the idle, to his obsession with Steven Christian Du Pont.

If you or anyone else has been victimized by this alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, please report him to the Federal Bureau of Investigation ('FBI') and/or your Police Department, immediately.

When you learn that the earth is round you see that the previous mysteries are not solved; instead, they are rendered irrelevant.

When this alias, 'Ke'alii, was finished, his fantasy had become so confused with reality, he could no longer separate his fantasies from truth.

This alias, 'Ke'alii,' claims that even dismissed cases are not dismissed, -

this alias, 'Ke'alii,' claims that even sisters are not sisters to you, -

with this alias, 'Ke'alii,' regardless of where you reach or search, the truth for "Ke'alii," is absolutely, - unnecessary.

7 Updates & Rebuttals

The Tracker


#2Consumer Comment

Tue, July 24, 2012


Yes....you da man you copy and paste person...da man!

See ya corky!

Report Attachments


Los Angeles,
United States of America
Kealii, - Is mentally ill.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 24, 2012

Alias, 'Keali'i' 'Aiken,' alias, 'Keali'i "Blaisdell," - Is mentally ill.

If you are seriously interested in anyone contact serious sources for your information rather than Internet sites designed for the malicious and the vindictive.  

Steven Christian Du Pont, Is Not guilty of any crimes or any 'schemes,' nor has he ever been. 

Alias, 'Keali'i' Aiken, Alias, 'Keali'i' "Blaisdell," is guilty of many crimes and many 'schemes.'

Alias, 'Keali'i' Blaisdell, continues to literally exemplify why one should never abuse cocaine and opium.

Sources confirm, 'Keali'i's' substance abuse ruined his career, his credit and his family.

Apparently, 'Keali'i's' addiction to cocaine irreparably damaged his cognitive abilities.  

Tragically, Keali'i is psychotically obsessed with Steven Christian Du Pont.

The tragedy is that 'Keali'i,' obsessively & compulsively, 'projects,' his problems, psychologically onto any & every one, especially Steven Christian Du Pont.

'Keali'i's' psychotic 'projection' of his 'issues,' & 'problems,' onto Steven Christian Du Pont, is simply a desperate attempt to escape reality, - 

'Keali'i's,' reality of poverty & failure.

The Tracker

One word...

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 09, 2012


Report Attachments


Los Angeles,
United States of America
'Psychopath,' Keali'i Blaisdell

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 08, 2012

Keali'i Blaisdell or is it, David Aiken or is it, Nishijima Blaisdell??

Kealii, or who ever you are, today or what ever you are, today, - are you an attorney, today?, or are you a realtor, today?, or are you a producer, today?

Kealii, or who ever you are pretending to be today, - I 'tracked the tracker,' -

Kealii, you never attended law school, yet you pretend to be an attorney, -

you are a fugitive from justice, - you have never paid court ordered alimony to your children in Oregon & Washington State, -

you are unemployed, you have no credit, you have no assets, (no property, not a house or even an automobile), -

you live on the sofa of your ex., (you are in your 50's, not 18), -

you have manipulated women your entire life, (your ex., pays for your cell phone, your Internet, your groceries), -

you have stolen a $3,500., Dell Computer from the Betsill Brothers, (you are a cyber-terrorist on a stolen computer), -
*you have stolen $2,500., from Steven Christian Du Pont, - you are anti-semitic, - (by your own admission),

Kealii, you have projected your problems onto Steven Christian Du Pont, - (Kealii, you copied his response to you, on this Internet site, then 'projected' it onto him.)

Kealii, beyond any reasonable doubt you have proved you project your problems onto Steven Christian Du Pont. 


Alias, Ke'alii Blaisdell, Alias, 'Madcrab,' etc., 'Aneurysm,' of 'Ethics,' & 'Intelligence,' II

#6Author of original report

Tue, January 18, 2011

Steven Christian Du Pont, Mau'i

'Cyber Terrorism.'

Recently, an alias, decided to commit fraud, and harassment via the Internet. This alias, 'Ke'alii Blaisdell,' has created false police reports, has created false court judgements, and has creatively re-written history, - 'cyber terrorism.'

The tragedy is that Steven Christian Du Pont, is not guilty of any crimes, - anywhere.

The tragedy is that Steven Du Pont, lent this alias, 'Ke'alii,' two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.), to assist this 'Ke'alii,' with his child support payments only to discover that this 'Ke'alii,' had used the loan for expensive holiday's in Waile'a, and Ka'anapali, Mau'i.

The tragedy is that this alias, 'Ke'alii,' has created false pretenses, essentially fraud, to obfuscate the truth on the Internet whenever and where ever possible in reference to Steven Christian Du Pont. Why? That is the question...

Why, this 'Ke'alii,' is obsessed with Steven Christian Du Pont, is a question for qualified therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. The reason for 'Ke'alii's,' compulsive desire to harm others is well beyond the scope of this article.

Finally, Steven Christian Du Pont, has had an extraordinary career as an advisor, insurance agent, and realty agent.

Aloha Nu'i Lo'a

Report Attachments

Keali''i Blaisdell

United States of America

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 05, 2011


Steven Christian DuPont a.k.a warveterans; you are hereby notified that you have violated Hawaii Revised Statutes 711-1106 1 (b)(c)(e). You have been warned several times and reported to the Maui Police Department of your continuous Harassment more than once.

Therefore, at the suggestion of the Maui Police Department and by my Attorney, I will be filing a Temporary Restraining Order against you on January 05, 2011 at the District Court of the Second Circuit.

Please be advised that all of your postings are hereby submitted as evidence against you, as well as your emails. You are hereby warned and notified pursuant to HRS 711-1106, that all communication from you either electronically or via third-party must cease immediately.

Keali''i Blaisdell

United States of America
warveterans a.k.a. Steven C. Dupont, still stupid as ever....

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 04, 2011

Steven, I dont know what to say man...but your still a child. What are you trying to accomplish by posting crap? I told you to stop hiding behind your keyboard and mouse and confront me like a man you coward. Everything you posted about me is crap and everyone in Maui knows this. When are you ever going to grow up?

Again, I never said I was an attorney... I am a consultant, so get it right. Oh and by the way, as far as the authorities are concerned, well, lets just say they are focused on you and Nelson and I speak with them on a constant basis concerning you and Nelson's Opunui Water Fraud...or didnt you get the memo?

Again, no matter what you do or say, as far as I am concerned...any publicity good or bad is just what it is.....publicity.

See you in Court stupid. And please post more crap about me on here or anywhere, because all it does is make you look stupid...and yes every post you post...it gets forwarded to the authorities and a police report is filed...this just makes No. 7, all filed against you.

Later Stupid and Happy New Year oh, and see you in Court really soon.

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