  • Report:  #283740

Complaint Review: Noble Roman's Pizza And Tuscanos Subs - Indianapolis Indiana

Reported By:
- Noble Romans Indy Northside Franchisee, Indiana,

Noble Roman's Pizza And Tuscanos Subs
Nobel Romans Inc, One Virginia Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, 46204 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
For everyone who is being offered Area Developer "rights" or considering purchase of a Noble Roman's Pizza and Tuscanos Sub Franchise- STAY Turned for more information and copies of our earnings statements since we opened. There will also be additions from other franchisees.

Many owners are now facing bankruptcy and further loss of assets due to multiple missteps and improper guidance from Noble Roman's.

Included will be reports from additional franchisees who are closing, are closed, and facing bankruptcy and have endured the loss of their savings and their homes. We will be opening a separate website to describe our experience with Noble Romans management.

At this time, be advised to please do your research- Ask to talk to owners who are making a profit after being in business longer than 6 months to one year. Talk to the franchisees in Ohio, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, and Indiana- in Carmel, Fishers, and Noblesville Indiana in the company's own backyard.

More information coming soon and more websites will be listed.

Please be aware that all of our statements here will just be "our opinion" of course.

Banruptcy- Nobel Roman's Pizza Franchisee operator

Noble Romans Indy Northside Franchisee, Indiana


21 Updates & Rebuttals


Armchair Quarterbacking....

#2Author of original report

Wed, November 14, 2007

Jim, I appreciate the armchair quarterbacking, part of your expert commentary is perfect and dead on, and I am well aware of the events and numbers that were given to us, I was there. What you don't have is the information and the detail in which it was presented, along with some other specifics and how our very detailed questions were answered. Most of your other comments are completely off base again, so I wont waste our time on those. Again, as I have stated before, this information is a warning. Again, and again, I am going to present this to warn other potential franchisees to be wary of false facts and figures, and the state of the company's business model presented to them by Noble Roman's executives and other franchisees.


At Least You Answered Part of What Happened

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, November 14, 2007

People who are successful in franchises understand numbers almost as well as an accountant should. They don't take the franchisor's word for anything because he is nothing more than a salesman. You don't listen to a sales rep because he's going to tell you what you want to hear. That's why you are supposed to perform your own due diligence. You perform due diligence to determine if the numbers provided by the franchisor add up. If they don't based on your own due diligence, you determine whether the variance between your determination and the rep's numbers is large enough for you to walk away from the deal. If the difference makes a franchise a bad idea, then you don't hand the franchisor his fee until you believe this is a good deal for you and the truth is that it may never be a good idea - you may just have a rep who put lipstick on a pig and handed the deal to you. It's your choice at that point whether you want to dance with the pig; I personally would not. I think these other stories will be people who didn't do their own due diligence, but relied on the franchisor for all of their information and did so to their detriment. While that's sad.... you did this willingly. Your situation is a common one for people who don't belong owning a franchise; it is not easy work and you need to be multi-talented to not only know how to manage the business, but market it, account for it properly, and understand the liability end of the business. If you can only do 1-2 of those things properly, you won't be successful in the business.


You can assume what you want.

#4Author of original report

Wed, November 14, 2007

Your list of three assumptions are 100% incorrect. It's not my model- it's Noble Roman's. My biggest mistake was trusting the numbers and explainations given- I am not an accountant, nor a financial auditor- most franchisees are not. But I can read a P + L. Forming a corp. doesn't completely protect you especially when most business start up funding requires a personal guarantee. This is simply a warning that what is being purported, concocted, and the story told by Noble Romans is not what it seems.....if this stops one more family from losing everything, thats all I care about. Obviously, this is just my opinion. Franchisees have had significant costly problems with Noble Romans, beginning with site selection and the construction process. Unfortuanatley- your basically captive after you given them your franchise fee. It's amazing how crappy they treat you once they get your check from you. I believe they clearly know that they are signing up franchisees, that are able to get financing- but have nowhere near enough cash reserves to weather a 18 month heavy six figure loss. One of the main problem I have heard many instances that due to errors made by Noble Roman's during the construction process managed by Noble Romans, some franchisees have been left with little if any cash reserves to get them thru the first 4 to 6 months. In my opinion, I have never seen more disingenuous people, or a more screwed up company in my all my years in business.


That's Nice - But

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, November 13, 2007

Yet again, you did not indicate whether you did any of the things you professed people should do. As near as I can tell: 1. You performed no due diligence prior to the purchase. 2. You did not incorporate your business to limit your liability. 3. You did not ask even a question as to the ROI of the franchise. As far as I can tell, you're blaming the franchisor for your failed business model. To ask people to call the other franchisees and find out whether they are in the same boat omits the fact that franchisees go out of business all of the time and many aren't successful - yes, even those associated with the same franchisor. If you could be more specific about YOUR situation - we would all appreciate it.


Yes, I am encouraging due dilingence....

#6Author of original report

Tue, November 13, 2007

I am certainly encouraging "due diligence", so future franchisees understand what is really happening to current franchisees and what they are really buying. They won't hear the full truth from Noble Roman's. Is it a scam, is it a ripoff, is it a scheme to pump up the stock and dump it so as to enrich the Scott and Paul Mobley? I see single mom's , veterans who have fought for our freedom, retired people, all who didnt have alot of capital to ride out an estimated $10000 - $15000 loss per month -- which Noble Roman's is likely aware of.... , and right now "in my opinion" have been shown information that was false or misleading, and or lied to, and see them lose their house, savings, and have to file bankruptcy- all while Noble Romans sings how great their franchise system is, while store are failing are happening all over the country, and the Mobley's are pocketing hundreds of thousands in stock sales. Franchisees are getting "financially slaughtered" and It's time for it to stop. I could care less if I am villified or sued, I have nothing anymore to lose, but what is happening to Noble Roman's Pizza and Tuscanos Subs franchisees will be known.


Near Pony,
Bart, don't have a cow man!

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, November 13, 2007

I already stated that I regret doing that other report. I was drunk!! I can say that I do help people on here. You just come here for conflict....right!! You get pleasure from other peoples pain. I thought I would too, then I saw how much pain it can cause. Hell sometimes it's funny. But I must say that you bother me more than others. I could compare you to someone like Margaret. You two respond daily to reports as if they anger you personally. If you don't agree with someones report, just stop, take a few deep breaths and move on. You don't have to point out the mundane over and over again to the public. Don't you think if the report doesn't sound kosher to you, then another person is smart enough to figure that out??? Here's a question for ya...do you actually think you're right about everything??? YOU AREN'T! Also, Judge Judy and court TV aren't enough of an educational experience to start handing out pompous legal advise. I can't believe you even admitted to that...you're too funny! I never said you were an attorney, I was just making it clear to someone that obviously doesn't frequent this site, that you are not an attorney...just your average everyday loser like me :)


Near Pony,
Bart, don't have a cow man!

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, November 13, 2007

I already stated that I regret doing that other report. I was drunk!! I can say that I do help people on here. You just come here for conflict....right!! You get pleasure from other peoples pain. I thought I would too, then I saw how much pain it can cause. Hell sometimes it's funny. But I must say that you bother me more than others. I could compare you to someone like Margaret. You two respond daily to reports as if they anger you personally. If you don't agree with someones report, just stop, take a few deep breaths and move on. You don't have to point out the mundane over and over again to the public. Don't you think if the report doesn't sound kosher to you, then another person is smart enough to figure that out??? Here's a question for ya...do you actually think you're right about everything??? YOU AREN'T! Also, Judge Judy and court TV aren't enough of an educational experience to start handing out pompous legal advise. I can't believe you even admitted to that...you're too funny! I never said you were an attorney, I was just making it clear to someone that obviously doesn't frequent this site, that you are not an attorney...just your average everyday loser like me :)


Near Pony,
Bart, don't have a cow man!

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, November 13, 2007

I already stated that I regret doing that other report. I was drunk!! I can say that I do help people on here. You just come here for conflict....right!! You get pleasure from other peoples pain. I thought I would too, then I saw how much pain it can cause. Hell sometimes it's funny. But I must say that you bother me more than others. I could compare you to someone like Margaret. You two respond daily to reports as if they anger you personally. If you don't agree with someones report, just stop, take a few deep breaths and move on. You don't have to point out the mundane over and over again to the public. Don't you think if the report doesn't sound kosher to you, then another person is smart enough to figure that out??? Here's a question for ya...do you actually think you're right about everything??? YOU AREN'T! Also, Judge Judy and court TV aren't enough of an educational experience to start handing out pompous legal advise. I can't believe you even admitted to that...you're too funny! I never said you were an attorney, I was just making it clear to someone that obviously doesn't frequent this site, that you are not an attorney...just your average everyday loser like me :)


Ha Ha Ha you fool

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, November 13, 2007

"Bart is NO attorney" >>No s**t. Never alleged I was. Just stated observations noticed in a court room. They do braodcast trials on TV pretty much full time now. "...and he probably isn't associated with this franchise." >>Hey, you got one right" "or misspell so many simple words (on other reports)." >>Ewwwww, One whole word. You got me. Keep trying. "He obviously has anger inside of him, because I have yet to read one positive comment or helpful tip from him yet. Just anger and conflict oozes from his words. So don't take it personally...it his MO" >>You better look in the mirror you tool. You started a whole thread bashing someone.


Now I'm Interested...!

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

All you've indicated is that people are going BK. As this happens everyday to a lot of people, your report is sort of h*o-hum and doesn't really say anything. Posting the same stuff over and over doesn't cut it. I guess here are some questions: 1. What sort of due diligence did you do before you bought in? 2. Did you incorporate your business? 3. When did the franchisor indicate you would probably begin turning a profit? I mean I can list a lot more questions, but these 3 would provide people a little more flavor as to whether this was a legit rip-off or not. And YES, the fact you are going BK does not necessarily mean there is a rip-off. Thanks in advance for your response.


Near Pony,
Bart is NO attorney

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

...and he probably isn't associated with this franchise. However he does frequently post on several random posts here daily! He's quick to point out how wrong everyone is while he sits on his imaginary high horse. I think it makes him feel better, and passes the day for him. No attorney would have that much time, or misspell so many simple words (on other reports). He obviously has anger inside of him, because I have yet to read one positive comment or helpful tip from him yet. Just anger and conflict oozes from his words. So don't take it personally...it his MO


Near Pony,
Bart is NO attorney

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

...and he probably isn't associated with this franchise. However he does frequently post on several random posts here daily! He's quick to point out how wrong everyone is while he sits on his imaginary high horse. I think it makes him feel better, and passes the day for him. No attorney would have that much time, or misspell so many simple words (on other reports). He obviously has anger inside of him, because I have yet to read one positive comment or helpful tip from him yet. Just anger and conflict oozes from his words. So don't take it personally...it his MO


Near Pony,
Bart is NO attorney

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

...and he probably isn't associated with this franchise. However he does frequently post on several random posts here daily! He's quick to point out how wrong everyone is while he sits on his imaginary high horse. I think it makes him feel better, and passes the day for him. No attorney would have that much time, or misspell so many simple words (on other reports). He obviously has anger inside of him, because I have yet to read one positive comment or helpful tip from him yet. Just anger and conflict oozes from his words. So don't take it personally...it his MO


Near Pony,
Bart is NO attorney

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

...and he probably isn't associated with this franchise. However he does frequently post on several random posts here daily! He's quick to point out how wrong everyone is while he sits on his imaginary high horse. I think it makes him feel better, and passes the day for him. No attorney would have that much time, or misspell so many simple words (on other reports). He obviously has anger inside of him, because I have yet to read one positive comment or helpful tip from him yet. Just anger and conflict oozes from his words. So don't take it personally...it his MO


"Nobel Roman and Tuscanos Subs- Why is Bart so desparate ? is he part of the "scam"?

#16Author of original report

Mon, November 12, 2007

Bart- why do you care, you pretend to be just a "passer-by,.... so innocent.? Mods must not care too much- they haven't asked anything to me. You tell me- Is it a matter of opinion that when you are sold a number and lead to believe the cost is "x" when it is actually "X times 200%" That is just one example.....Let's say you buy some gas and at the pump it says $1.00 , but after you run your card it is $2.00 and they just take your money and not say anyting about it to you.....Is that a rip off? or just a lie? or is it fraud ??? hmmm....maybe you can comment. You must be an attorney since you are so familiar with the court of law... Bart- why don't you educate us all- and you seem to side step why you are so interested....you obviously have a connection to Noble Roman's as this seems to bunch up your panties quite a bit doesnt it. Is this a warning to not believe everything you hear from those at Noble Roman's- before you give them a check? Is it a warning about being ripped off or lied to? Seems one in the same to me. But I guess it's just my opinion- do opinions count in the court of law?


Even the mods here want to know

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

as they editted my orginal post title. This website is a resource for people to post THEIR ripoffs. All you have stated is that you might almost have some sort of secondhand information that is potentially damaging to a company. Yet, you clearly have no first hand knowledge as you have chosen to deflect and not answer what was asked. And, in a court of law, the would be pretty important. And, since no one else who would allegedly be an actual victim has posted anything about this alleged scam, one can assume that any that now do show up are posted by you under an alias just to try and prove that you may almost be correct.


Why are so interested Bart??? You must be puckered up to the Mobley's!

#18Author of original report

Mon, November 12, 2007

If you can't figure out the rip-off you must not be real bright, maybe you should talk to some of the current franchisees.


You still have not posted your ripoff.

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

Again, all you have posted - in 2 seperate but same bs threads - is second hand hearsay. What is YOUR immediate ripoff. All this is, is some jilted lover or ex employee which give no credibility whatsoever to anything you state.


Bart must be the Area Developer for Springfield , Missouri just chiming in...

#20Author of original report

Mon, November 12, 2007

Bart.....I guess you need to contact the bandwidth police then.... Facts are -good people are losing their savings and homes after being given high expectations of revenue by Troy Branson, Mitch Grunat, and Scott and Paul Mobley. These stores are high dollar stores in high traffic areas- and they are closing.... Bart- do you want to open one?-- I know of several for sale. Obviously, this is all just my opinion..... Bart- Glad you share our concern- maybe you will explain why you even have an interest in this "crap and babbling".


What is the crap you are babbling?

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, November 09, 2007

The only rip off so far is that you are alluding that you MAY have some kind of rip off to report. Your bs update just states what you posted in the initial post which was - well - nothing. You are ripping off bandwidth.


Another Store closes this week, Franchisee facing Bankrupcty. Very Sad....

#22Author of original report

Fri, November 09, 2007

Stay tuned for more Noble Roman's Pizza and Tuscanos Subs store closing updates!! Area developers- how are you going to explain the store closings in some of the best areas of your developmental area? don't forget the what they taught you. ABTF. Always Blame The Franchisee-- Scott , Paul, Troy and Mitch are real good at this, they have it down to a science. 1st -send in the corporate trainer and have him blame you "slow deliveries"- for having low sales. 2nd- try to concoct some kind of employee conspiracy so the owner thinks his employees. 3rd. - make up some BS about wasting product and food, and labor. Area Developers thats how you do it!

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