  • Report:  #1057819

Complaint Review: OKLAHOMA Dept of Labor - Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Reported By:

OKLAHOMA Dept of Labor
3017 No Stiles Suite 100 Oklahoma City, 73105 Oklahoma, USA
405 - 521 - 6100
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Dear Fellow Americans,  and  fellow  Oklahomans, and  Taxpayers everywhere:   Herein  follows  a little  drama,  and  the  stars  of  this  sleezy little  drama,  are  three  (minimum)  State  level  Big-Shot scumbags:

MARK  COSTELLO,  Commissioner, Okla Department  of  Labor Ray Andrews,  Director,  Employment  Standards Don  Schooler, Esquire,  General  Counsel,  same  department.

****ACT  One

Sometime  back,  in  the  very  recent  past, I  turned  in  ANOTHER major  criminal, scumbag,  psychopath,  liar,  cheat,  and  all-around thief/fake/phony,  who  hired  me,  to do  some  professional  work.

I  asked  a  fellow  human  being  in  the Tulsa  Wage and Hour Divison,  to  investigate  this  liar/cheat/fake/phony/thief  and  attempt to  get  me  the  money  I  earned,  but  did  not  receive,  because  I unwittingly  did  business  with  a  typical  Oklahoma  liar/cheat/thief and  phony  entrepreneur.    Well,  due  to  technical  problems  beyond my  apparent  control,  my  investigator  ultimately  sent  me  a  letter informing  me  that  the  rules  said  there was  no  basis  on which  to continue  the  investigation  into  the  crime  of   stealing  my  honorably earned  wages.   End  of  Act One.

****ACT Two 

I  advised  my  investigator  that  I  wanted  to  appeal  the  decision to  discontinue  my  investigation.  She  said  her  decison was  not appealable.   EXCUSE  ME !?!?!?!?!?  Yes,  she  said,  "not  appealable".

I was  stunned,  to  say  the  least.  Where  in  the  unmitigated HELL does  the  State  of  OKLAHOMA  get off  telling  me  that  anything to  do  with  the  investigation  of  a  crime,  is  not  appealable ??

End  of  Act  Two.

****ACT Three  

I  contacted  the department  people  that  inhabit  state  level  offices and  employment,  namely  a  major  jack-a**  named  Ray Andrews. I  also,  interestingly,   e-mailed   the  Commissioner,   another major  worthless  scumbag,  Mark Costello,  whom  I  innocently  referred  to  as  "Sir".  My  mistake.  

The  scumbag  Ray Andrews,  the  "Director"  of  Employment  Standards, who  couldn't  direct  the  profit  and loss  factors  for  a  telephone  booth,  finally  called  me,  and  told  me  that  I  did  not  have  a  chance  in  HELL  of  getting  my  case  reviewed,  and  appealed.  He said,  NO  WAY.  HE  said,  RULES  ARE  RULES  AND  WE  DON'T  HALLENGE  THE  F'ING  RULES.  NO  WAY.  End  of   Act Three.

***ACT Four

I  tried  calling  the  BIGSHOT  JERK-OFF  Commish,  Mark Costello. Oh,  well,  why  should  a  punk-a**  like  me  expect  a  call  back  from  a  WORLD-CLASS  BIG-SHOT   like  the  Commish ?   Heck, no! He's  the   COMMISH,  you  IDIOTS !!!!!  Talking  to a  working  man is  to  reduce  himself,  THE  COMMISH,  to  the  rough  eqivalent  of drizzly  puppy  crap.   THE  COMMISH  can't  be  expected  to  con-descend  to  the  level  of  an  ordinary  working  man  who  owns a  four  degrees,  and   45  years  of  f'ing  work,  paying  taxes  into OKLAHOMA  STATE  COFFERS  so  that   BIGSHOT  JERK-OFFS  like  MARK COSTELLO, RAY  ANDREWS,  AND  THE  A$$H@#$%LE  General  Counsel, Big-Time Lawyer,  and   thief  of  time  and  salary,  Don Schooler, Esq., can  have  jobs  where  they  do  no  good,  do no  work,  and  accomplish nothing,  except  get  their   names  in  the  paper  three   to  four  times a  year.   End of  ACT Four


****FINAL  ACT,  in  which  we  find  ourselves  in  the   classic  mortuary scene,  where  all   decent  working  people  must  go,  in  dealing  with pseudo-big-shots:   I  was  always  told  that  there  were   TWO  things that  we  must  all  face:   DEATH....and  TAXES.   Well,  Mom  and  Dad, you  left  out  one  thing:   PHONY   BIG-SHOTS  THAT  THINK  THEY OWN  YOU, AND  THEIR  JOBS.   OK  DOL   MARK  COSTELLO:  YOU ARE  A  SORRY  PIECE  OF  CRAP.    JUST  ONCE,  YOU  SHOULD  LIVE BY  YOUR  OWN  PHONY  RULES.   SAVE  YOUR  DOUGH, MARK. YOU'LL  NEED   IT  FOR  THE  UNEMPLOYMENT  LINE, BUDDY !!!

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