  • Report:  #1100405

Complaint Review: Opt In Online Marketing - LEHIGH Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Eric - Boynton Beach, Florida,

Opt In Online Marketing
17 S. COMMERCE WAY #21184 LEHIGH, 18002-1184 Pennsylvania, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

John Lewis, aka John Lucus (based on other complaints related to their 800 number), took $299 from me for an email marketing campaign. Two days into the campaign that would supposedly send out emails to seniors, I find that 80% of the traffic to my site (verified by the leading three IP tracking software programs, including Google Analytics) was occuring two days in a row at 2-3 am. Now let me ask you this...how many seniors do you know are surfing the web and going to websites at 2-3am EST?? Afer I learned this, John the liar made one excuse after another, such as the tracking software must be wrong. Yeah right John, all three are wrong. I checked all three several times and all three showed when I visitied my site in real time. Plus all three work fine for other sites I have, accurately tracking every IP visit, in real time.

When I asked John for a refund, he then said he couldn't do it because once a campaign has started on their servers, it can't be stopped. What a load of garbage! Any server guy can stop the script automatically, at any moment.

Here's what he does...his company sends fake IP hits to your site, making you think they are living up to their guarantted website traffic that is supposed to result from the emails being sent out. The mistake they made, is they had their fake IP hits concentrated in a small window of time at 2-3am EST, for the first two days. But of course he wants me to beleive that 80% of seniors go to websites at 2-3am EST. Not even 1% of seniors go to websites at 2-3am, let alone 80%!! And another thing, of the hundred supposed hits to my site, not one single perrson stays over 3 seconds. What are the cchances of that? Real visitors would would spend 20-30 seconds at least, on average, and they would NOT be on the site at 2-3AM EST!

I asked for a refund once I became aware of the tricks they were playing. He won't call me back and sends emails that state over and over again, that unless I can send proof that the IP addresses are fake, they won't refund the money. As if a fake IP address is any easier to determine than a real one. If I could bunch the guy in the face right now, I would...and that's the Christian guy in me saying this, Lord forgive me!

John (what ever his last name is) is a scammer, liar and thief. He will likely resurface with a new name and website once complaints become to great.

One more thing, they strongly motivate you (through large discounts) to pay them via e-check. I now understand why. because disputing it is not very easy.

Don't ever pay e-check, and never deal with any online email marketing company based in Pennsylvania that has a PO box as an address. That's my mistake for not noticing that too.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Is is John Lucas or John Lewis that owns the scam company Opt In Marketing (onlineoptinmailing.com)

#2Author of original report

Wed, November 20, 2013

The other complaints on this forum about Opt In Marketing (onlineoptinmailing.com) were replied to by "John Lucas", who listed himself as the owner. With my complaint, it's John "Lewis" that replies with his lies, and he lists himself as the owner. Seems two Johns own the scamming company. Or is it one in the same...hmmmmm. What do you all think, that are reading this? If you read my other posts, I explain that John "whatever his last name is", would never give me the name and contact details of the owner of the company when I requested it several times. He also of course never refunded my money either. He ignored all my requests to speak with the owner...which is him of course...he just needs to pick which alias he wants to use.

If anyone reading this works with this company, YOU ARE NUTS!!!!! One of the BIGGEST scammers I have ever worked with...and I've worked with some bad ones. John Lewis/Lucas/Liar is a piece of crap, with no morals, ethics, integrity, honesty or decency. He couldn't make a living selling things to people, so he decided to scam them instead. What a worthless human being.



John the Liar slithers out of his snake hole.

#3Author of original report

Tue, November 19, 2013

Dear John Lewis/Lucas, aka John Liar, aka John the Scammer...first off, you have not done everything to "work with me". I have had three IT guys look into your fake IP hits to my site and they all said the same thing..."80% of seniors don't got to Medicare websites at 2-3am EST. Only artificial traffic, created from a server that utilizes thousands of IP blocks and sup-addresses, goes to a medicare website at 2-3AM EST." John is a liar, his company is a fraud, and they are all thieves. Check out their BBB rating. Over a dozen complaints, with the ones that have been resolved were likely resolved only after they feared not resolving the complaints would hurt their internet reputation. Well, it's already hurt.

The facts are:

1. I paid Opt In Marketing to email to senior citizens, and two days into the campaign, 81% of the IP hits to my site were between 2-3am EST. Everyone reading this, ask your grandparents how often they are surfing the web and going to websites at 2-3am. As my Cisco IT friend said..."brother, when 80% of any traffic goes to a website at 2-3am EST, you can be sure it is fake traffic."

2. I asked for a refund within 2.5 days of the campaign starting and learning of this fake traffic, and John the Liar said it could not happen because a program running on a server can't stop once it's started. My Cisco friend, who oversees a Cisco server department, had this as a response: " Are you serious? he told you that? wow, this guy is really a piece of garbage. he's lying out of his teeth! You can stop any script on a server the same way you can stop any program on a PC...and it can be done in a matter of seconds". How accurate my friend is about John Liar, I mean John Lewis, I mean John Lucas...well, whatever John's name is. Let's just call him JL.

3. The second day into requesting my refund, I asked for the company owner's info...guess what, John has ignored several of those requests, never calling me back either.

4. Opt in Marketing strongly encourages you to pay via e-check. Why? Well, disputing an e-check is very tough if not impossible for most.

5. The only credit card processing company that will process for them is a mickey mouse firm based out of California, who charges 7.99%. Now EVERYONE reading this, please understand, the ONLY REASON any company has to work with a credit card company that charges such usury rates, is when the company has been turned down by PayPal or other reputable processing companies. Opt In Marketing pays usury Credit Card processing fees because they are a very high risk merchant, due to their shady back ground and likely being denied by many other much lower cost processing firms.

6. Opt In Marketing has a PO BOX address, and doesn't even own an email address that is related to their domain. Shady.

7. Now that I have exposed their thievery and fraud, the 100+ fake IP hits to my site they were sending the first few days, has totally stopped! Ponder this, if their campaign was legitimate as John asserts it was, wouldn't I still be seeing hits to my website the next day? To go from 100+ hits a day (which were again concentrated between 2-3am) to ZERO hits can ONLY happen when they turn off their fake IP Hits script. To them, there's no need to any longer create the artificial elusion and make it seem like I am getting traffic, when it's a day later and I asked for a refund and told them what a scam operation they are.

8. The have no refund policy, except that they will send out your campaign in 5 days or your money back. By the time you realize it's bogus traffic going to your site, it's too late.

9. It is impossible for me to send John Liar proof that the fake IP hits are from addresses that are fake, BECAUSE IP addresses are just that...addresses. Ip addresses are neither fake nor real, they are just addresses. But the traffic he has sent to my site is fake, as are the hits to my site. I've had three IT guys, one of which heads a Cisco server department, look this over. They all said the same thing, that I have been stolen from and lied to.

10. John won't call you back when you request a refund, he will ignore the calls like the coward. liar and scammer he is.

11. John Liar has no "legal department". he answers all the calls, and works out of his home likely. He's a two bit thief, who couldn't make a living providing a real service if his life depended upon it. He steals for a living, cleverly masking it with the difficult to track and confirm cover of email marketing.

It's funny how I posted this complaint yesterday, and the scammer already came back with his nonsense and lies. He must have been out checking the internet to see what further derogatory comments where out there on him.

My website has a perfectly good conversion from REAL visits. Your campaign failed because you never sent out 10 million emails as your were paid to, and the "guaranteed" traffic to my site you promised me, were all from IP addresses that had nothing to do with any senior citizens. They were IP addresses from your own system of creating the elusion of IP visits to peoples websites. Or, do you want everyone reading this to believe that 81% of senior citizens over the age of 65 go to websites only between 2-3am eastern standard time, for several days in a row? How dumb do you think people are John?

John, please bring your "legal department" on me...which is run by John Louis probably, your third alias.

One more thing.....as of today, the day after my blow up with John the Liar, I now have 15 different spam emails in my email inbox. That email address never had one single spam email, until today. Thanks John, for some more of your garbage. What a wimp you are, your attempts to retaliate against me for calling you out publicly as the scammer you are, is to give my email address to spammers? What a wimp! Try meeting with me face to face John, then you can express how angry you are that your thievery has been publicly revealed yet again.

John Liar, we will meet some day, I assure you. We can then hash this out man to man, discuss this in person. I look very forward to it. Until then, keep collecting e-checks, do business out of a PO Box address, not issue refunds, and lie your way to hell, you worthless thief. You know what a piece of garbage you are, as does everyone else reading this.

John Lewis

Something is not right with this person

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 19, 2013

In regards to the complaint posted.  We have done everything in our power to work with this customer.  He does not understand the difference between email traffic and targeted traffic. He has made nothing but make rasist remarks.  There is something now right with him. The only thing we have ask him to provide is a simply ip log to show us when the campaign went wrong.  He refuses to do so.  He had a very bad product and it did not do well.

He is lashing out at us but nothing went wrong on our side. We now have our legal dept involed because he is harassing the company. Any more comments like this and we will be forced to post all the details about him and his company in 100's of places and send out million about him in an awareness campaign.  We do not want any other company to go through what we have with him.


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