  • Report:  #622336

Complaint Review: Pathway Ministries Moncton - Lakeville New Brunswick

Reported By:
disgruntedone - moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Pathway Ministries Moncton
24 Miracle Drive Lakeville, e1c1s5 New Brunswick, United States of America
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Report Attachments

A little lie is like a little pregnancy-it doesnt take long before everyone knows. -C.S Lewis


1 Timothy 5:20  Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.?

I met Pastor Harry Nunn while attending Moncton Faith Victory Church; Harry became a friend of not only myself but my family as well.

Harry expressed his dislike of Moncton Faith Victory Church, stating that Steve McLean, MFVs Pastor, was willing to take Harrys church land from under his feet which is not the character of Pastor Steve Mclean at all.

Sporadically on my Facebook, Pastor Harry Nunn would make rude and insulting comments concerning Moncton Faith Victory Church, knowing that some of its members were reading his words as they were on my FB Friends list.

His indiscretion was quite obvious as he would also openly and maliciously attack individuals on my list; on more than one occasion I received PMs concerning Harrys insults towards individuals and some asked me to remove him from my list. Im not sure they realized that he was even a Pastor.

My first face to face meeting with Harry Nunn was in my kitchen at my home; it was a nice get together. In this meeting he told me very specifically that he personally revoked the credentials of Pathways former pastor, Paul Donnelle. He made this statement sitting at my kitchen table; I then relayed it to my wife, as Harry had spoken of Paul in such a negative light that I had no reason to doubt him concerning calling Paul Donnelle many malicious things. After all, Harry was a Bishop with the Church of God and as such he certainly had a duty to expose false shepherds. There was no reason for me (or anyone) to believe Harry to be fabricating stories concerning local pastors. Thus, I believed him, in error, and relayed these things to my wife, Carolyn. We were quite impressed that Harry had such courage to openly expose and remove false shepherds oh how we were wrong!

I later learned, through Harrys own statement, that Paul Donnelle resigned; Harry in fact did not revoke Paul Donnelles credentials as he had previously and specifically told me he did. Harrys latter statement completely contradicted his prior one and when I called him on it, he of course denied stating the former however, a liar oftentimes forgets his own web of falsehoods.

Let me backtrack for a moment.

During my growing friendship with Harry, I had two very clear dreams from the Lord concerning him, and told him both.

The first dream: I dreamt of being in Harrys church (before we ever attended) and in the dream I was preparing to paint a pool table from black to white. Harry did not want me to scrape the black off of the pool table but to simply paint over it with the white, representing a whitewashing of sin rather than a removal of sin.

The second dream: In my second dream, Harry was standing with two others; I noticed a liteness about their atmosphere, that it was all joking around and no seriousness whatsoever. I walked up to him in my dream and prophesied the following: Because you have not sought My face therefore have I removed My Hand of Anointing from you and will make manifest in the eyes of the People that My Anointing is no longer with you.

I relayed this dream to Harry in my home at my kitchen table as my wife went to Canadian Tire. When I did,k Harry seemed to humble himself and confessed many issues of hurt. This was a great meeting by all standards. He gladly received the word of the Lord.

Due to this, I was excited that Harry was on his way to experiencing personal revival and decided to go to his next service with my family, which we did.

That Sunday my wife and I sat in his meeting and heard him preach and it was, by all appearances, a great message as Harry delivered it with soundness and passionbut oh how appearances can be wrong!

Not long after having spoken my second dream to Pastor Harry Nunn, we spoke on the phone and he stated that he did not lose the Anointing as my second dream clearly indicated he did through lack of communion with God.

I must concede that I should not have attended but instead followed the word of the Lord from the first dream and the second; I should have waited to see genuine fruit but instead I jumped the boat, believing that a small fire was now sparked in Harrys heart to move forward in the Things of God.

How wrong I was.

Progressively, Pastor Harry Nunn has digressed rather than progressed in his relationships with people showing he has a broken relationship with the Lord.

Not long ago a man named Kemp from Moncton Faith Victory Church became homeless for a short season due to unfortunate circumstances. Harry informed me of this yet in a manner unbefitting a Man of God. Harry, upon learning of Kemps situation, called Kemp a loser via Facebook PM. I privately rebuked Harry for such a thing without response from Harry on the matter.

I again confronted him on this by email and he denied stating he knew that Kemp was homeless when he called him a loser, which shows this to be untrue due to the Facebook PM showing that that was the reason Harry called him a loser. Harry seems to have forgotten or deleted the Facebook PM and thus denied it later by email.

To call a man a loser due to such circumstances does not show the Love of God, but on the contrary shows that Pastor Harry Nunn is a bitter man and is backslidden:

1 John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

He also lied concerning this in his email to me, showing that the standards he holds others to he will not himself abide by and worse, this clearly shows that Pastor Harry Nunn is not serving the Lord but instead the pleasures of sin.

Another noted example:

Pastor Harry Nunn personally clearly implied to me that he was the final say in whether or not Cal Maskery of Monctons Harvest House would be allowed to hold a fundraiser for 100 Huntley Street.  While I may not necessarily agree with all of Harvest House Monctons policies and structure, I am confident that Cal Maskery would have used the funds for the poor as that is what Harvest Houses Mission is. However, Pastor Harry Nunn stated that 100 Huntley Street called him and asked whether they should allow Cal Maskery to have a televised fundraiser or not Harry cautioned them against Cal Maskery and hence Cal did not get to have a fundraisder for the Harvest House. This is according to Harry Nunns own words.

Proverbs 22:22-23  Rob not the poor, because he is poor: neither oppress the afflicted in the gate: For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.

No man is perfect; we should not expect perfection in the human understanding of the word to do so is not wise! However, we must call for Holiness in our lives and we must by all means hold to account those who stand behind the sacred desk to deliver the Word of God.

Harry Nunn is neither anointed to preach the Word of God nor does he display a lifestyle of holiness:

1 Timothy 3:1-7  This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a

bishop, he desireth a good work. A

bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to

hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not

covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in

subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his

own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) Not a

novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation

of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

His preaching, like any fired up Pentecostal, is passionate and for the most part sound; however, his lifestyle in secret is one of malicious talk, slander, defamation, libel and deliberate lies in an attempt to silence those who would dare expose him.

For example:

A couple of years ago I was living a lifestyle of falseness, vileness and utter and complete hypocrisy; this is clearly referenced in my own testimony as I do not hide these things concerning my former life before the Lord washed me clean from those things. During my days of hypocrisy I committed such heinous crimes against God and man that it is a wonder why today I stand saved; I deserve nothing less than a thousand fires set ablaze on my head and yet the Heavenly Father saw fir to bring me into a place of Outer Darkness and reveal to me the eternal torment of the lost in Hell. (Testimony here: http://www.dannylirette.net/?page_id=5 in article format and here in video format http://www.dannylirette.net/?page_id=71)

Pastor Harry Nunn, upon being told I would expose his lies and malicious talk and willful fabrications, first threatened to expose me and then consorted with atheists and God haters to attack me; this is truth. Let me explain this part further as it cloearly shows what spirit Harry Nunn is under:

A while ago a group who run a forum in the USA decided to attack me based on my former lifestyle. Their attacks were meant to terrorize myself as well as my family as they at one point threatened to rape my wife. Harry knew this and yet has gone to these same individuals on one of their websites and has shown them a forum I post on in an effort to see them once again attack myself and family. He actually went to these types of people in order to see harm come to myself and wife and children. Here is his post to them:


Pastor Harry Nunn actually went ahead and decided that it was an apprpriate thing to have individuals search me out and find me who at one point, which Harry knew, threatened to sexually assault my wife by means of rape.

He then went on to threaten a lawsuit, claiming that I must let this go since I dont have enough money to defend myself.

Are these the words and actions of a genuine Believer let alone a Pastor? Of course not. Harry Nunn is a pastor in title only; his actions betray his confession as his lifestyle is one of hypocrisy and vileness, consorting with the wicked to defame and slander those who he feels are a threat to him.

Harry Nunn  also sent letters to personal friends, implying that they should investigate my former lifestyle in an effort to discredit my present life and ministry:

Proverbs 10:18  He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.

Harry Nunn, being and extremely angry man, will stop at nothing to destroy my integrity and harm my family as hes already engaged in using ungodly methods such as blatant lying, secret emails, PMs and much more.

The problem for Pastor Harry Nunn is that those with an ear to hear what the Spirit of God is saying will not give Harry an ear to hear what he is saying as his words are malicious, fabricated and simply evil.

Brethren, Pastor Harry Nunn is an angry man with an agenda, a calculated agenda, to destroy those who do not submit to his spirit of control. His words, spirit and secret lifestyle are those of willful lies, falsehoods, compromises and fabrications.

Already 90% of Pathways members have departed for other assemblies, assemblies which of course Pastor Harry Nunn has very little good to speak about , such as Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church in Moncton. Board members, music leaders, congregation members Harrys flock is running very thin indeed as he continues to walk in deception and sin rather than submit to the Lords plan and purpose for his life.

At the time Harry Nunn repents and does so Biblically, as he knows he must, God will then defend his integrity; until that time, I must keep this post online with the set purpose of seeing seeing that the sheep who may entertain the idea of attending his assembly are cautioned that  the senior pastor of Pathway Church in Lakeville, NB, is backslidden and is in a spiritual state of deliberate sin.

As regards public sins, experience has shown us that these can only be swept away by public confession. True, this amounts to crucifixion; but by our willful disobedience we have put the Lord of Glory to an open shame, and it is the price that we must pay. -Jonathan Goforth


To Pastor Harry Nunn:

Money is not something I need in order to defend myself against any lawsuit you bring forward; I have truth in exposing your hypocritical lifestyle. I sought to reason with you privately several times and yet you have resorted to threatening me with various things of which I have no fear; God is my defense and my wife speaks of my integrity. Thus, what can you do to me that God cannot repair? You must repent of your double life, Harry; come back to the Lord.  What is taking place here is not meant to harm your reputation or character but to expose the unfortunate fact that you have and presently are engaging in behavior which is ungodly and not befitting a Man of God.

I do pray you come to repentance, Harry, as you know that I did not want to openly write this letter as I gave you every opportunity to make things right the Biblical way (public apologies where needed) and yet you responded by threatening me with a lawsuit. You have left me no choice in this matter and it saddens me that youve turned to such methods in dealing with issues. As a Man of God you should know better than to behave as you do and my hope and prayer is that you come out of this hypocrisy and make things right with God and the people youve harmed:

Matthew 18:15-17  Moreover if thy

brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between

thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy

brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two

more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be

established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Report Attachments

3 Updates & Rebuttals


New Brunswick,

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 16, 2020

"Long history of attacking churches"? Which ones and of those ones which "attacks" were false? I stand by my statements on Harry Nunn. His reputation in Moncton, New Brunswick, was that of a divider and he's certainly not a "welcome friend" here. I'm a drop in the bucket of those lined up to take metaphorical aim at Harry Nunn. The entire Church of God denomination was suing him over his theft of their church and land. Remember that? He lost; they won. He left town and now he's in Ontario. 

I hold nothing against Harry... nothing at all. That was a looooong time ago; many YEARS ago. However, to paint a picture of Harry as some kind of saintly example is the nonsense here. The Church of God and those in this city beg to differ. They're all wrong? Give your head a shake pal.

Rev. PDG


#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, September 21, 2015

This is in NO WAY a true reflection of Rev. Harry Nunn, nor h is ministry over 30 plus years!

I have known this man for most of his ministry years and have known him to be merciful, loving, patient and wise in his decisions.

Harry has served 2 major denominations as pastor, evangelist, overseer and served on several ministry boards. This is a very sad an unwaranted attack on his character and his ministry.

BEFORE making any jusgement on this post, PLEASE contact Harry and speak with his references.

This attack was from an individual who seems to have experieced a change of heart and is no longer interested in attacking local churches and pastors. This individual (The Poster) has a long history of attacking numerous pastors and churches, using the internet and primarily his own website forums, primarily in the area of Moncton, NB where he resides.

I have personally seen emails sent to mutiple pastors including Harry Nunn, threatening to "destroy you via multiple internet sites". The attacks have been brutal and vial, containing fabicated and/or exteme misinterpreted information.

I have seen follow up emails from this individual apologizing to Harry and regretting the actions. He has expressed via email how Harry "treated him like a son and always gave him Godly advice with a merciful heart. Unfortunately at a time where a rebuke was necessary, it was not received well and responded to with an evil sprited soul.

I am also aware that this individual has removed all postings with the exception of this one, which he has no control over. Which leads to another obvious perspective.....


WHY would anyone trust information on a website which has one mission, and that is to be a resource for the degradation and destroying of the character of a business or individual, with NO PROOF required!!! Furthermore, their policy is to NEVER remove what has been posted on their site. That is a shame, however it says volumes about the individuals behind the site and what their character is lacking.

If you are reading this, please take to heart what I share, and should you have any concern at all, you know how to reach Harry. So ask him, he will share the facts and hides nothing and he has several credible references to his long success in God's work.



Harry Nunn

Long Been Settled

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, April 09, 2015

This report was issued by a young man who was struggling at the time, and admits what he did here was "wrong".

I have emails where Dan thanked and honored me for "being a father to him" and treating him with "mercy and giving Godly counsel".

Since this report was posted Dan has issued an apology and expressed his regret. He has aknowledged his attempt to ruin my character and reputation, which I have fully forgiven him for.

This conflict has been long resolved and mutual fogiveness offered and accepted.

It is a shame that a website like this promotes their unwillingness to remove or delete any posts, no matter how damaging or painful their content may be.


Another GREAT example of "once it's out there, you no longer have control". be very careful of what you release on the internet pertaining to yourself or anyone else!


Harry Nunn

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