  • Report:  #289330

Complaint Review: Paul And Deborah Pledger Of PuppyMatch.org - Piedmont Alabama

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

Paul And Deborah Pledger Of PuppyMatch.org
3212 TomCat Rd Piedmont, Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Where to start? I found this woman's website through puppy find. I called her in regards to a little Chihuahua she had advertised. So I made an appointment (should have known all Puppy Mills require an appointment).

I showed up at her house about 20 minutes early. I knocked on the door, it sounded as though the house was filled with dogs, they were all barking. I waited and nobody came. So I can hear a lot of dogs behind the house barking. So I walk around the house I almost vomited because of the smell of poop, and urine.

I see dogs upon dogs pilled in cages. Mind you these were not little cages that you see on the puppy mill websites. These were kennels, I guess is the better term. Some where on concrete and others were on dirt. By the looks of it the dogs on concrete, although heavily matted were in Fairly clean kennels.

The concrete was wet so I assume she had just got done spraying the poop out. Mind you this was on a day where the tepatures were not above 30. These poor dogs were shaking they were so cold. Then to look at the dogs on the dirt. Wow!.....It appeared as though they had not been cleaned in months. It was terrible.

I noticed a Papillon in with several different breeds of dogs. Another Papillon with a broken leg. There was one dog with a very cloudy eye. this was so discusting. Upon further inspection, there was no dog on the dirt in the right pen with its breed. Some of the most ugly merle Chihuahuas you would ever see in your life were in with Yorkshire Terriers, and Poodles, and Cockers, and even in with Shih Tzus. No covering on some of the pens, I did not see a trace of food for any of these poor dogs, most were thin and matted. Some were in Severe need of medical attention. The most terrible thing I have ever seen.

Deborah came out of a building twards the back of this "Kennel" and rushed to meet me. She then ussered me to the door of her home. I assume she was pretty embarased about the condition of her dogs. Inside sat her husband Paul in a recliner watching TV. I thought "why is he not outside cleaning these poor animals". He was very unfriendly, he would not even look me in the eye to say hello.

Deborah leads me through her home and into a living room. Again, here is cages upon cages of sick looking puppies. There was a Doberman and a Lab running around the home. It was obvious that these 2 were Not properly house trained by the sight of poop and urine puddles all over. I am standing there very confused about this woman. She has all kinds of Christian things on her website. But it is apparnt this woman is No Christian. God would not want his creatures treated this way.

This house was very cold. Like they had no heat. Here I am the nosey one and I ask Deborah why it feels colder then outside. She then tells me (Like I am her friend) that they are out of gas for heat and have been for months. Her lazy husband, you know the one I mentioned in the recliner is out of a job and they do not have money to pay for gas.

She finishes with the story and pulles the puppy I inquired about out of her cage and hands her to me. She is tiny. Wow very tiny for a 12 week old puppy. I can feel ribs, spine and hip bones. When I ask if the baby is sick. She actualy looks at me and says " I feed all of my dogs the minimal, they poop less and stay smaller, which is what people want". I about diedwhen this woman told me this. I was appaled. I am standing there trying to process what Deborah had just said when I look up at a beautiful cat in a small cage.

I ask her about the cat and she told me that she was going to start breeding cats. Persians to be more acurate. So I ask where she got the cat, She tell me she got her Puss from her "friends" Sherry and Katie Renfro.

I am thinking Oh my god. The same people who sold me a sick puppy that died of parvo. They breed cats too? What is wrong with all of these people. I hand Deborah the puppy back. I am still trying to process this information, when I look to my left and see BIRDS. OMG. I am totaly freaking out at this point. I ask about the birds and Deborah tells me she raises birds too. I am thinking WHAT? Anything to make money right?? She has no care about the actual animals. They are pure money makers to her.

I tell Deborah I would have to think about the puppy and I would let her know. I say goodbye and rush out the door and to my car. As soon as I get out of her drive way I start crying. Thinking about my Huggy and all of those other animals. I drive all the way home not knowing how to save the animals, from these money hungry Puppy Mills.

I want to warn everyone. Stay away from Deborah Pledger, Sherry Renfro-Privett and I have not been to Katie's home but I am sure it is just as bad. So I would advise we stay away from her too. We need to unite, and shut these 3 Puppy mills (cat mills, and bird mills too) down.


Atlanta, Georgia


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