  • Report:  #269849

Complaint Review: Payment Trust Services - Boston Massachusetts

Reported By:
- Pinnacle, North Carolina,

Payment Trust Services
800 Franklin AVE, London NW2 4V1 Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
WEll needless to say, I got my big ole check in the mail, for the sum of $2,970.00 big ones. I'm not a real smart person, but Im not stupid either. But for a very short period, lets say 1 hour, I was one happy girl. I already had some of the lotto money spent... First and for most, I was going straight and pay off my mama's funeral bill, bless her heart., then I was gonna buy my daddy a big tv, something nice to play his music cd's on, buy me a car that cranks when I want it to, not when it feel s like it, buy my daughter a wooden clarinet, she is a 6 year bad student, she always wanted a wooden clarinet. Was gonna take some and get my sons choppers fixed, 14 and he feels bad about himself, just gonna give him a boost. Then I was gonna pay my rent up for a year, then ask my boss to cut my hours back just a bit ,so i could spent, some one, on one, time with my daddy. Then, I dunno, Im a sucker for homeless people, I would have gave some to the local homeless shelter. Then put some up just for hard times... WELL that stupid dream went right down the toilet, right after I called that number, all my dreams just went boom, gone ,over, nothing, done. Well, Im just thankful I wasnt so stupid as to cash that bad check, I feel for the people who see $ signs ( like myself) and then go cash it, and then to find out its fake... I sure hope somene gets these people. They can ruin someones life.. Well ,sense Im no richer today as I was yesterday, I better get to bed and get ready for a hard day at work, been there 10 years, not gonna hurt me to be there 10 more......good luck and best wishes to everyone


Pinnacle, North Carolina


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