  • Report:  #1473907

Complaint Review: PayPal - San Jose CA

Reported By:
Blockhead - Ukiah, CA, United States

2211 North First Street San Jose, 95131 CA, United States
(402) 935-2258
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Let the saga begin.

I sent a $1000 payment to a puppy breeder. Somehow, an old account ended up as the payment source. I never had this happen before, and recently made many payments through PayPal with no issue. All the payments get processed on my credit card which is on file at PayPal.

Okay, so there was an error along the way. No big deal/ Contact PayPal. inform them of the issue. Change the payment source. no harm, no foul. The PayPal automated phone system is horrid. Getting through to a live person is a process. 

When the person come on this morning, her accent was s0 thick, it was hard for me to understand her. She talked at full volume and talked over me, which reasonably upset me. The call ended with no resolutins and no real path to one; I called my bank where the closed account is. They can’t do anything until the charge comes in, and then, it will be rejected.

Great. What next?

I message Paypal,through their website. They send me the same drivel that Im had already read; none of which applied to my case since in my case, the billing source was a defunct account.

 I sent several messages to PAYPAL. here is one:

‘PayPal Customer Support :

‘If the payment is completed, you won’t be able to cancel it. You’ll need to contact the recipient (or seller) and request a refund.’

Exactly, how does one go about requesting a “refund” to a DEFUNCT ACCOUNT”?

 I’d like to know. It would be nice to get refunds for funds one didn’t pay, from a DEFUNCT ACCOUNT.  A person could get rich that way. ‘  End message.     Paypal has failed to respond, other than sending me drivel that does not apply to me. Because PayPal has failed to respond; and since the payment is for a puppy and it is urgent that the payment he tendered and not stuck in paypal’s Twilight Zone; and since I cannot find out what happens next, I had to remove my good card from PayPal, hopefully to prevent billing, and now I might have to get a new card from my bank.  

Thanks, PayPal.  Be aware people. PayPall’s Customer Service appears to be from the PI; the Philippines. Expect thick accents, fast talking, and be prepared to be interrupted and rudely talked over. I guess, by Paypal’s Calculations, they can save a few shekels by making It harder for customers to get their issues resolved.    With th a few decades in technical customer service, I can say that Paypal’s Support team should be replaced with houseplants. PayPal could save even more money, while their customers would never know the difference.

Time for a new payment service.

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