  • Report:  #811883

Complaint Review: Peachtree - Boca Raton Florida

Reported By:
eileenm - hicksville, New York, United States of America

Boca Raton Florida Boca Raton, Florida, United States of America
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I had previously sent a letter, forgive me if this is a repeat. I receivd a strructured stettlement for a TBI  I received and saw the Peachtree commercial stating get some money up front. I called expressed I was looking into as a widow with 4 children, I had wanted to help College cost.   He was informed of my serious head injury and the fact that I was the sole supporter in my home and said he would just send out soe paperwork to filll it out and just send it back. He assured me iI would have to be in Court for anybody to do anything,this was just a usual company form.                                                                                            

I was told not to worry by Mr. Levine (whom I beliecve has been FIRED) that nothing could be done until I talked to an atty, they sent me a list, I called one of the first names, Andrea Arrigo in Queens NY and she was honest and told me I would be taking a large loss. I called Mr. Levine told him I was not interested,thanks anyway and he seemed irate. He knew I spoke to an atty, and said "they dont careabout you, they arent paying your bills" I dismissed this as a lost sale, This was June 2010, I kept receiving letters and  calls from Peachtree stating I could not get my settlement unless they heard from me. I never responed,forgot about it,borrowed money from my mom and put out of my head.

In August I wrote Mr. Levine as with my head injury I did not want to discuss something I alresdy turned down with this company Deal Done.IN November I get a congragulations letter from Mr.Levine stating my  money was in escrow. I was shocked called LibertyMutual who has my structued money and expressed my fear of what happened. It seems Mr . Levine got two attys, Paris,&Chakin from Manhattan  whom I never spoke to or met or heard of congragulatng me     on cash advance. .Being an honest person not used to legal systemI went to Supreme Court and asked for a date to see the Judge Phelan that was misled believing I wanted this settlement and was informed I would have to get an atty. I do not have money for that.I had 4 mouths to feed, get education and a Dead husband.I was totally broke had to get money after months of it being in escrow as Liberty told me,they had to give them the money under court order, Broke, I had to (months later,get this money that I dont even know where iti was,only that it wasnt where it was supposed to bes I turned away all mail from Liberty knowing it was my check from Peachtree, so often that the perosn deliveing my mail, would wave and ask if he should come to the door and sign fornot having enough food, lost electric because I couldnt afford it, and had to stay in a 39 dollar a night hotedl becasue we ran out of oil.

This is not a sympathy letter, my children are all successful young adults whom have had to go through a depression as though it were the 20s.  I deserve  my money and the difficuty surroundings it I endured.NOt only the horrible electrical shock that went in my hand and out my foot,requiring surgeries,because I was robbed, the Judge was misled,and the lawyers were totally out oforder. They are a disgrace to our justice system. PLease,Please,anyone that thinks they can help with this be in touch with me. I am certainly at the end of my rope.Eileenma (((REDACTED))) @aol.com   
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