  • Report:  #870203

Complaint Review: Peter Shoucair - Kingston Nationwide

Reported By:
Hollywood Reporter CNN/CNBC - Beverly Hills, California, United States of America

Peter Shoucair
Kingston, Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
First off, as I am a reporter researcher and I do validate my facts prior to posting.

secondly, these are 100% my views and opinions based on what I have seen, heard and gathered from the numerous people I have spoken too. I have spent numerous hours on the phone discussing Peter Shoucair, who as well is a JP (Justice of the Peace) in Kingston, has basically ripped people off, and does it so arrogantly and because he throws around the "JP" card, people do not pursue him.

During my course of research I also was able to gather that Peter Shoucair from Electrotech Productions was involved with David Smith of Olint (yes the same David Smith that got 30 years in prison for his US$220 Million dollar Ponzi scheme) It seems Peter was involved and when he had others place money into this ponzi scheme, and it collapsed, he just told people "the money is gone".  Interesting...

Peter Shoucair and Electrotech Productions have taken money from clients for products and services that were never delivered nor rendered.

When I flew to Jamaica , I thought I was only going to stay a couple days and get the research information together , those couple of days turned into 3 1/2 weeks!

Now, having been in the same room and in front of Mr. Peter Shoucair (he doesn't know me) and listening to him speak and talk to people, this guy is so full of himself, that he tells people he is the best sound man, best lighting technician and that he has done the stages and or design for all sorts of top celebrities. (and it seems that this hype talk is what gets him the ability to scam these people)

I visited 2 Venues, one is a sponsored event by a TOP spirits distributor (Wray & Nephew) , as well I spoke with current and prior business owners that used Peter Shoucair of Electrotech Productions and were in one way or another at a loss, and when they attempted to recoup, they got story after story.. Just like the folks that invested money thru him for the David Smith ponzi scheme.

I even heard him tell one person, that he has bad health issues and that he cant do anything! Seems he knows how to cash a check or goto the bank all OK.

Before I generate a full posting, I am inviting people to share there stories with me (you can remain private, as I will not publish names) - I will then add all this information together for a complete report and article that I will post and publish.

And of course, Peter Shoucair JP, of Electrotech Productions Ltd in Kingston Jamaica, I welcome your comments and input too.

12 Updates & Rebuttals

Scammed Consumer

Peter Shoucair Ripped Me off Too

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, November 10, 2013

Nothing this man says or does has any truth to it.  He lies with such ease one cannot sparate the truth from fiction.  Plus he never stops bragging and bragging and bragging without any truth.  The man is delusional and a cronic hoax.  He will take your money without shame.


United States of America
Only good, there is no bad

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, September 07, 2012

The good outweighs the bad so the first report is from someone vindictive and unscrupulous himself.   Again, I have known Peter for over 20 yrs and nothing reported negatively about him is true.   This can be proven by his impeccable character and all his friends, family and clients who know the true Peter. 

This person is low and conniving and will soon be identified.  This website is a ripoff itself.  It allows people to post lies about others without proof. 


Sales Mgr

This is a hoax!!!

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 05, 2012

This has obviously been deliberatly fabricated in an attempt to destroy Peter Shoucair and his company.

I have worked for Peter Shoucair since 1994, and during this time he has earned an excellent reputation in the event planning and production industry in Jamaica. His portfolio includes events and projects completed throughout the island, with client testimonials to prove it.

One only needs to look at his website to see the quality of work that he produces. He does not deserve this.


Peter's Character vs. Someone in Hiding

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, September 05, 2012

I have read your fairy tale\fiction story or is it a vendetta? And I have seen no proof to your claims.
I have know Peter for several years and nothing in your story matches his character.  Peter is not hiding, he is in the public eye doing his profession and giving back to Jamaica.
Seen that you have used his name as your star to get your publicity, be a real man and reveal your Identity. You are the writer\reporter and you deserve the publicity.
Lets see who will continue to hide.

Peter no worries your character is intact.


corrections to peter shoucair article

#6General Comment

Wed, August 29, 2012

I have known peter for over 40 years. The slanderous, nasty words being writen about him are UNTRUE. This has clearly been written by someone who is being malicious and disingenuous and who is trying their best to slander Peter's name.

It is amazing that people are allowed to post garbage like this without anything being done by the website to control what they publish. I guess the internet is now a free for all for folks who have an axe to grind to slander other people without consequences- this is wrong.

Peter - stay strong and hold your head high above this this my friend- this jerk's time will come when he will be found out and exposed.

your friend of 40 years PJ


United States of America
all lies about peter shoucair

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 23, 2012

I am writing to say that all the things mentioned about peter shoucair are lies.   I have known him for over 20 years and none of these things are true.  I know him personally and on a business level and the only con artist is the person that made this up.  Peter is an honest, trustworthy person and that is how he runs his business. 

The person who created this obviously has nothing better to do with their time and is clearly a nasty low life that is probably guilty of all the things he has posted about peter. 

Peter is a caring and genuine person who looks out for the best interest of others.  He is helpful and willing to help others whenever he can. 

I am JD


United States of America
I am Peter Shoucair and have nothing to hide.

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 23, 2012

I am Peter Shoucair and the person who posted this is a low lying con artist that could not take me down. The only difference is that they have no proof on me and cant find any. I have so much proof on them that I would be happy to go to court anytime , anyplace to prove that this posting about me being a rip off and all the other lies are not true and the person is just trying to take me down the cyber way. This is what he does and has been arrested for in many countries. Again I have the proof. You are like a scared mouse that hides behind your computer. I am not hiding and will soon see you in court if you do not run again like you keep doing from one country to another. I am a good person and a great family, many friends and many clients that know me and know this is a bag of lies.  

You also posted about a CNN reported and CNBC. Wow I must be so popular and I think you will make me even more popular now. You have committed fraud by using my name as a webpage and using this site to make it. You have committed libels for using CNN in your lying stories. You will soon pay as we are all doing what needs to be done and I will take you down soon so you cant rip off, con or lie your way out again to anyone.

I stand behind my name and will defend it anywhere anytime anyplace and bring many testimonials and persons to defend it as well. Who can you bring as you have no one. So lonely and so scared and so jealous. May you rot in jail soon. God know best and he knows me and without God you have no one. I stand by my name. I am a good person, hard worker and live each day to take care of my family. I am there for my friends and who needs me. I am nothing you say I am and no one believes you or these lies.

If there is anyone that I have ripped off or stolen from you can contact me anytime at [email protected]

I would be more than happy to meet you in person as I have nothing to hide.

Why dont you sign your name as you are just a lier and scared mouse with everything to hide.

I am 
Peter Shoucair,J.P.


This is impossible to believe

#9General Comment

Wed, August 22, 2012

I have known and worked with Peter Shoucair for the better part of 20 years. In my entire experience with him, I have found him to be a hard working, honest worker with his integrity that has never had cause to be questioned.

I have also known him personally for over 30 years, and am abhorred at the slanderous statements being made in this report, as it cannot be the same individual that I know. It never ceases to amaze what can be done in writing, and in public here with no thought of what is sure to be a a libel and slander suit that most lawyers would fight over.

Clearly...whomever has created this fictitious barrage of lies has their own issues best suited for a good psychologist, and my hope for either him or her is to get rid of this nonsense, and seek the medical professional help required, so that they are in full understanding of the legal implications and repercussions that such  a bunch of diatribe can create.

Peter Shoucair is one of the best. He is a good man, with a giving heart, a tremendous father and husband, and an extremely hard worker who has on his own, created his own earning path built on service, products and service. I will stand up anywhere in court, in any country and stand behind these words...and if it comes to that...will, with the greates of pleasures.

Business Guru

This is a big fat Lie

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, August 22, 2012

I have known and done business with Mr. Peter Shoucair for the past 20 years. During this time i have found him to be a very straight forward and professional businessman. My associates and I who have any encounter with Mr Shoucair have never had so malicious activities purported by this individual. I therefore find this to be a malicious and propoganada activity to smear the name of Mr. Shoucair. I wish to inform any prospective client of Mr Shoucair to ignore the false data provided above and proceed to see for yourself.

Satisfied Customer for 20 years and continuing ...

King carib

United States of America
I was robbed too

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, July 21, 2012

He robbed me as well i want to meet you to share some details.

Hollywood Reporter CNN/CNBC

Beverly Hills,
United States of America
Go Green Jamaica - Peter Shoucair - scam artist , con man

#12Author of original report

Tue, April 24, 2012

Everyone - Thank you for the responses and replies.. please keep the info coming, this is amazing stuff...

To the person in Montego Bay - "Thank you for all the information!"

I will definitely follow up on this, as I have been told by many others that people tends to "sell one thing, and then replaces it, or swaps it with something else, (most of the time is a cheap or used product) and of course he does not refund the difference.

I have a couple of people in Florida that contacted me as well, and I am actually traveling to Miami from LA this week, and plan on doing a report with them to see how this all ties in.

It seems that Peter owes people money, and claims he has none, but he has the money to take family and kids on vacations to Treasure Beach Sunset Resort...

So I guess he is getting all his cash from this new venture he has going...

So far to date :

24 people have sent complaints and or complete details of negative dealings with Peter Shoucair

Peter Shoucair is associated with:

ElectroTech Productions

Go Green Jamaica

I do have more emails and material that has been emailed to me, I have just been to busy to review, and once I do, I will update this posting as well.

Victim in Jamaica

United States of America
Seems I am a victim too!

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, April 19, 2012

I was just sent the link to this from a friend in NY who was in Jamaica last week, I am the owner of a club in Jamaica that had the unfortunate luck to end up doing business with Electrotech (Peter Shoucair) Is it possible you can contact me directly as well, I would like to share my experiances with you, and I had been approached by a few others, that I can see if they want to speak to you.

I am currently owed money !

Reports & Rebuttal
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