  • Report:  #417766

Complaint Review: Phelan - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- San Francisco, California,

3577 Chamblee Tucker Rd, Ste. A Box 273 Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After researching and looking at various sites for spellcasting services, as well as information on what to look for in terms of these scams, I came across Phelan's site. I had previously written to a few other spellcasters, but like Phelan, I had gotten generic, impersonal responses and immediate requests for money with no consultation or response to questions asked.

Originally, I had become interested in Phelan's services because he not only provides information on what to look for as far as scams are concerned on his site, he also makes no guarantees or promises as to the results of his spells, but he seemed to offer reasonable expectations and information, he provides contact information and an actual physical address, and most importantly on his site, he clearly states that you will be treated with RESPECT, KINDNESS, and COMPASSION.

Well, so much for any of those things. I took the time to send a very detailed email to this person, and I did not receive either RESPECT, KINDNESS, nor COMPASSION or any personal show of interest to my situation and very generic, impersonal response, which not to mention took almost FOUR days for him to respond to to begin with, and he has the nerve to ask me for $224 for a spell! (a special he called it, which was due to expire the next day).

I've copied and pasted the actual exchange between myself (my actual name withheld for privacy purposes) and this Phelan person for people to see for themselves. I will never do business with this person as he clearly only has time to receive money.

Date Replied On: Thursday, Jan/29/2009 1:11 PM

Time Elapsed Until Reply: 1 hour, 11 minutes and 59 seconds.

From: Phelan

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Thank You For Your Response/Interested In Working With You

Reply to this Message

My time is money, and this is how I weed out those who just want free information, as is this case. Good luck and the paypal request will be cancelled. Phelan

Alicia B wrote:

Thank you for the offer and lowering your price. I would be willing to purchase this item at the offered price, however so far, your responses tend to be very generic and impersonal and more about money. Thanks again. You can cancel the offer.

Date Replied On: Thursday, Jan/29/2009 11:54 AM

Time Elapsed Until Reply:

From: Malewitch.com

Subject: From: Malewitch.com-Paypal request

Reply to this Message

I am on the way out of the office, I have sent you a paypal request for the lesser amount and it will say Atlanta Botanica. If you decide not to proceed I will cancel the request this afternoon upon my return.


Date Replied On: Thursday, Jan/29/2009 11:51 AM

Time Elapsed Until Reply: 3 minutes and 11 seconds.

From: Phelan

Subject: RE: Thank You For Your Response/Interested In Working With You

Reply to this Message

If you are paying through paypal I will reduce the cost to $174.95. If so I can send you a paypal request.


Alicia B wrote:

Hello Phelan,

Thank you for your response to my message and for your suggestion. I would be interested in working with you and in the Kundalini binding spell, however at this time, I'm unable to spend $224.00 at this time, especially since I was only notified a day ago and you say your offer expires today. I'm wondering if you may have anything that's comparable and less expensive or if you'd willing to negotiate a slightly price.

Also, because this person is married as I mentioned before, does this or any other spell cover this area and will it help them mutually divorce?

Date Replied On: Wednesday, Jan/28/2009 4:25 PM

Time Elapsed Until Reply: 3 days, 17 hours, 1 minute and 37 seconds.


Subject: Kundalini Binding

Reply to this Message

Greetings Alicia!

I have had great success in assisting my clients with uniting or reuniting with their mates, as long as you are coming from a place of love and its not about control or manipulation it will work for you. I use a combination of a Love spell (A

11 Updates & Rebuttals

Terri K

I'm a dumb***

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 17, 2015

 whats a long time coming is my stupid reply to my stupid comment when I was mad. I should have asked for another set of instructions when I didn tget them- I should have been patient- he took time to help me and I was too hasty. things DID happen...after my dumb report. I apologize Phalen--sincerely--it wont matter--but I do. yall need to realize that if you want something to happen you need to work on it and do your part! im embarassed and def wont be reporting anymore. give it time--if he does get snippy its for a d**n good reason...i should know....!!

Terri K

I spoke too soon- apologize

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 17, 2015

 I cant find what I wrote a few months back about him I was angry- I said something about my money bag and no instructions- I should have just asked him for a new set . Patience is something he alwayas taught and I was hasty. If I can find my origional post I'll re-post this again.. He took the time to reply to me even after I wrote this and he knew it. I didnt tel lhim he just knew. People really need to learn to watch what they write about others. I lost someone who tried to help me hes pissed and rightfully so! Lesson learned--be patient and your majick will happen!!


Long time coming

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, December 05, 2014

I just wanted to add that at first I was very excited about his works he did a "love spell" for me to bring me someone I wanted to be with....then I did 2 more spells to help myself become better...then i had a expendsive reading with him and he told me I would end up with this person...well 2 years later almost...um yeah NOT with him...he ended up getting BACK with the ex wife that the original spell was supposed to keep him from...... so I wasted hundreds of $$$ for nothing.....oh and I also stupidly got a gamblers bag...no instruction....and nope havent won anything....and I always listened to him say stay focused..I did...I went above and beyond to give thanks to the universe all those things.....then my account was deactivated..I called and he set me back up but then when I went to e mail him its gone again.......I left several messages and never ever heard back......I was very heartbroken about this....but I tell ya Im glad...NEVER do a love spell......I think the thing that hurt most was no response to my pleas for him to call so I could get back in.....and Im young....and im STILL paying off the credit card bill I spent over 700. and NOTHING at all happened......he covers himself ( rightfully so) saying he doesnt guarantee his work but jesus.....when not one of the 4 spells I had done worked......that wasnt right....I even asked if I could have another gamblers bag sent since It came with no instructions... and my reply was that : I ruined the bag "..huh??/ thats it??? I was scared to write this in fear Id have something bad cast upon me....its freedom of speech...and I cant log in to talk to him now...even under a different e mail address....Phalen I missed talking to you and I wish that you could have helped me....I also wish I could have gotten back some of my hard earned money.....now I get to see this man happy back with his wife........ I learned my lesson but someone with compassion should reimburse people a little bit back when a young girl who only wanted to change herself couldnt and never got even close to happiness.....its a shame for the people who got all their dreams come true good for you......none of that ever happend for me..... No gonna spell check no time so sorry for mistakes....but its been too long....im in debt...for services I never got.....Karma is real for sure....


Phelans work does help

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 09, 2013

I went through phelan few years back when me and the mothers of my babies seperated and she left to move to another state with her ex bf. After the ritual was made I began getting calls from her tell me how much she missed and then she broke up with her bf and moved back and we were going to get things started but while she was away i got with someone else which kinda ruined it for me but i will get her back with phelans help. 


Dripping Springs,
United States of America
Phelan does all he agrees to do and more

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, November 07, 2012

I have experienced Phelan's help two times. He truly helped me at the agreed upon price. I will never forget him.Additionally his writings and blogs which are available FOR FREE on his website contain information that is not available anywhere on earth and I am a very well-read person. It has been several years since then but some of his quotes still ring in my ears when I face situations in life.

Anyone can cast a spell, including the requestor. Phelan is not into a lot of hand holding and he expects people to make their own choices without a lot of complicated explanations for every single one of the thousands of people that contact him. He doesnt pretend to be perfect or immune to the chaos that troubles us all, especially those people who live fully. Any true responsible communication from the heart I have ever sent him has been responded to whether or not  money was involved. He is in my opinion "a Lighthouse" kind of person.

He has plenty of money, he gives his gifts to the world. If he lowers his price for someone you can be sure it wasnt to "get"  business but to meet people at their limited state of consciousness and try to make his help available. This negative report reminded me of just how rare and great and honest an individual Phelan was and Ive decided to go from here and revisit his websites. I want to see how the dear guy is doing today. Thank you.



#7General Comment

Sat, November 21, 2009

Hi again Alicia... Youll have to forgive me for my previous post, being an emotional wreck made me fail to see ALOT of things clearly and made me read alot of things through the old "Rose Colored Glasses"...

I was merely posting what i thought, you said he was after money but as far as i was concerned he was nice enuff to cancell my full price payment and told me to purchase at the discounted price which suggested otherwise...

I just wanted to add that its come to my attention that when you start asking too many questions he tends to "blow you off"... I recieved a newsletter that clearly states "International clients who are expecting a package from me please let me know when you receive the shipment" HOWEVER!! in one of my messages from him AFTER saying i would purchase the spell after he gave me the info he was looking for he told me he no longer does international orders...

Anyway suffice to say i did not purchase his spell... Its possible he MAY be legit still as he does face to face readings/casts but its ALSO highly likely that its just a show... But we'll never know.

Take care of yourself and i wish you all the best with your ex/new bf/future



San Francisco,
NinjaBoy Your Response Makes No Sense


Mon, September 14, 2009

Your response about having a positive attitude has nothing to do with this issue, and if you really READ why I decided NOT to use his services, you would understand and not respond the way you did. It had nothing to do with my attitude as I, like you, had thought he was legitimate having taken the time to research people, but I decided NOT to use them because unlike what his website claims, HIS attitude to me seemed negative to ME.

I didn't appreciate his very short and generic/impersonal reply when I had taken the time to really express my situation and my needs, and I get this very generic reply and request for money. His offer was a bit much to me, especially when he hadn't even taken the time to really answer any questions I'd asked about his services and a more tailored response to my situation to show he was listening and took my situation seriously.

He further showed his negativity and true colors by sending me a rather nasty and threatening email after writing this report. I find that kind of behavior from a supposedly "good," "kind," and "compassionate" person to be suspect and hypocritical.

So, if you and others wish to believe that this person is legitimate and you wish to waste your money or money is no object to you where it doesn't matter the quality of service you get, go right on ahead. I'm worth a lot more than that, and I obviously am a very positive person and believe in and love myself enough to be discriminating in who I give my hard earned dollars to. 

Furthemore, I ultimately believe that love comes without the use of such things and to those who are open to receiving and giving it. 

I have plenty of love around me and have my relationship, as well as love from friends and family.

Take care. 


only money huh?

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, July 13, 2009

If he was ONLY interested in money he would not have cancelled my payment of the original price and told me about a special price he has atm... Yes it is the same price as the one you have posted, yes it does sound suss that THAT particular special is ongoing even tho he said it ends after dd-mm BUT!... 1. You cant put a price on love... especially true love and 2. I believe that this guy is ACTUALLY legit unlike the majority of the other casters... To the person who made thi thread... Did you read ANY of his posts on his sites? It clearly says you need to have a positive frame of mind to manifest properly and theres alot more things on manifestation and the like. If anyone else is considering this caster i suggest you make sure you read his posts and understand that you and your actions ALSO play a HUGE part in the end result


Pinellas Park,
Are You Kidding Me?

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, February 02, 2009

Wow; he reduced his price for an item that was all ready on sale and you're still not happy? Says more about you than it does about him.


United Kingdom
Alicia the Parrot

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 31, 2009

We got the message the first time. Phelan is correct, you are a timewaster, and then you run to ROR and post the same message three times - twice here and once on a separate report, you are bitter and twisted and taking your mood out on Phelan, which is unfair. I've not used Phelan's services, but he's been on the internet for years and doesn't have any complaints, only yours - that speaks for itself. You say Phelan is only interested in money, incorrect, you are, you are angry because you cannot afford his reasonable fees. Phelan saw through you, as they say "the truth hurts", so you ran here and screamed your head off and stamped your feet in revenge. Well it hasn't worked, as far as I can see Phelan is running a business with reasonably priced items for sale, he doesn't have time to waste, he must get 100s of timewasters and has therefore sorted out a way of elimatinating them so that his time can be best spent helping those who have purchased from him. It makes perfect sense to me.


San Francisco,
Phelan Malewitch.com - Was Only Interested In Money; Decided Not To Use His Services

#12Author of original report

Thu, January 29, 2009

After researching and looking at various sites for spellcasting services, as well as information on what to look for in terms of these scams, I came across Phelan's site. I had previously written to a few other spellcasters, but like Phelan, I had gotten generic, impersonal responses and immediate requests for money with no consultation or response to questions asked. Originally, I had become interested in Phelan's services because he not only provides information on what to look for as far as scams are concerned on his site, he also only dealt in white magic, he also makes no guarantees or promises as to the results of his spells, but he seemed to offer reasonable expectations and information, he provides contact information and an actual physical address, and most importantly on his site, he clearly states that you will be treated with RESPECT, KINDNESS, and COMPASSION. Well, so much for any of those things. I took the time to send a very detailed email to this person, and I did not receive either RESPECT, KINDNESS, nor COMPASSION or any personal show of interest to my situation and very generic, impersonal response, which not to mention took almost FOUR days for him to respond to to begin with, and he has the nerve to ask me for $224 for a spell! (a special he called it, which was due to expire the next day). He also then has the nerve to insult me and tell me that I was only interested in free information, which I clearly wasn't if I had taken the time to research and write to this person. I've copied and pasted the actual exchange between myself (my actual name withheld for privacy purposes) and this Phelan person for people to see for themselves. I will never do business with this person as he clearly only has time to receive money. Date Replied On: Thursday, Jan/29/2009 1:11 PM Time Elapsed Until Reply: 1 hour, 11 minutes and 59 seconds. From: Phelan Subject: RE: RE: RE: Thank You For Your Response/Interested In Working With You Reply to this Message My time is money, and this is how I weed out those who just want free information, as is this case. Good luck and the paypal request will be cancelled. Phelan Alicia B wrote: Thank you for the offer and lowering your price. I would be willing to purchase this item at the offered price, however so far, your responses tend to be very generic and impersonal and more about money. Thanks again. You can cancel the offer. Date Replied On: Thursday, Jan/29/2009 11:54 AM Time Elapsed Until Reply: From: Malewitch.com Subject: From: Malewitch.com-Paypal request Reply to this Message I am on the way out of the office, I have sent you a paypal request for the lesser amount and it will say Atlanta Botanica. If you decide not to proceed I will cancel the request this afternoon upon my return. Phelan Date Replied On: Thursday, Jan/29/2009 11:51 AM Time Elapsed Until Reply: 3 minutes and 11 seconds. From: Phelan Subject: RE: Thank You For Your Response/Interested In Working With You Reply to this Message If you are paying through paypal I will reduce the cost to $174.95. If so I can send you a paypal request. Phelan Alicia B wrote: Hello Phelan, Thank you for your response to my message and for your suggestion. I would be interested in working with you and in the Kundalini binding spell, however at this time, I'm unable to spend $224.00 at this time, especially since I was only notified a day ago and you say your offer expires today. I'm wondering if you may have anything that's comparable and less expensive or if you'd willing to negotiate a slightly price. Also, because this person is married as I mentioned before, does this or any other spell cover this area and will it help them mutually divorce? Date Replied On: Wednesday, Jan/28/2009 4:25 PM Time Elapsed Until Reply: 3 days, 17 hours, 1 minute and 37 seconds. From: Subject: Kundalini Binding Reply to this Message Greetings Alicia! I have had great success in assisting my clients with uniting or reuniting with their mates, as long as you are coming from a place of love and its not about control or manipulation it will work for you. I use a combination of a Love spell (A binding of the emotional and mental energies) and the Kundalini binding (A binding of the sexual and spiritual energies). The combination of these two spells work great together to overcome adversity and to reunite lovers or to bring them closer. I use both of your names and dates of birth to do the work and as part of the process, I perform a thorough uncrossing and cleansing to remove the negativity that is keeping you apart or that is preventing you from having the relationship that you deserve. I have a special running for the package of $224.95, this special will end at midnight on January the 29th, I normally charge $650.00. I look forward in assisting you in resolving the conflicts and overcoming the obstacles that's keeping you from having your hearts desire! The following items are included and will be shipped to you upon the completion of your work. Love Spell = Amulet Kundalini Binding = Root Bag Aura Cleansing And Uncrossing = Bath Salts Blessed Be, Phelan Alicia wrote: Hello Phelan, I discovered your site doing a search online for love spells, and I'm very new to spells and use of magic. I'm concerned with any potential karmic repercussions or negative responses and consequences occuring should it be used. I would like your advice and consultation before considering doing any type of magic. I also would like to thank you in advance for taking time to consider and read over my situation as this email is a little involved and lengthy. My situation is that I'm very much inlove with and have been reunited with a friend/playmate from childhood. We've been seeing each other for a few months now and have been intimate with one another. He's expressed romantic feelings and love for me, however he's also married without children. Because of this, we've agreed up to no longer see each other or be intimate with one another, but to keep our connection limited to the phone or texting and email, etc. Therefore, I'm looking for a spell that will help in the way of motivating and encouraging both he and his wife to want to mutually and amicably divorce from one another in as expedient a manner as possible with little interference/obstacles preventing that. I do not wish any ill-will/harm towards her or anything evil as we do not know each other, and that's not in my spirit. I would like any feelings of lingering obligation, romantic/sexual feelings, perhaps other than simple friendship, removed between the two of them. I would like a love spell that not only promotes a lasting, prosperous, romantic and loving/affectionate, committed/faithful relationship, but also leads to a lasting and wonderful marriage with the possibility of children, deeper friendship and spending more quality time with one another, a deeper intuition and fundamental understanding of one another, wisdom and maturity, mutual respect, trust, honesty and open and healthy communication, compassion/forgiveness, spiritual growth and connectedness, and lasting physical/sexual attraction and desire. I realize I may be hoping/asking for a lot, however I wanted to be as specific as I could and give as much detail as I could with regard to what I want from this situation and with this person. I look forward to your email and I thank you once again for your time and consideration with regard to this matter. Please also let me know what the cost of such a spell would be and any other information you may need in order to cast it. Sincerely, Alicia

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