  • Report:  #354633

Complaint Review: Pinnacle Security L.L.C. - Orem Utah

Reported By:
- Murfreesboro, Tennessee,

Pinnacle Security L.L.C.
1290 Sandhill Road Orem, 84058 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008 I, Matthew, was doing my routine yard work at home. That is when I was approached by Michael Zobeck. He stated that he was in the neighborhood looking for nice homes to use in a promotional campaign for Pinnacle Security. Normally, I just tell salespeople to move on and that were not interested. This time I decided to hear him out. After all he presented himself well by wearing khakis and a white Pinnacle Security golf shirt with the General Electric logo embroidered on the left sleeve. This would prove to be my first mistake.

During our discussion, Michael said that by placing a Pinnacle Security sign in our yard that we would receive the system, installation and activation absolutely free of charge. The only part that we would be responsible to pay for is a $46.99 monthly monitoring fee. I felt that although his lengthy pitch was a lot to take in, it sounded like a pretty good deal. My wife, Hilary Rice, and I had been talking about investing in a home security system for a couple of years now anyway. I explained to him that Hilary was at work and that I would need to make sure that she was on board with all of this. Michael replied that we could go ahead and schedule an installation time, but that we could back out later if necessary. I agreed and he set up an appointment for a technician come by at 5:00PM that afternoon. I let him know that after 5:30PM would be better in order for my wife to be at home. He said that it shouldnt be a problem.

After I cleaned myself up, I called Hilary at work to fill her in on everything. As you can guess, she was sort of blind-sided by the whole thing. She did agree to listen to the details again once she came home. Shortly after she arrived, the technician, Lou Lee, showed up. Michael Zobeck was supposed to come back to go over everything with Hilary, but he didnt make it. I simply asked Lou to run through it all with us one more time. He did and we were satisfied with the presentation. So we agreed to go ahead with the installation. While he went about his work we looked on, partially out of curiosity, but mostly to make sure that Lou did a professional job. When he was finished, he moved on to the up sell. He told us that for just a little more we could get the online fire detector. We werent prepared to spend any more than we had already agreed on, but we let ourselves get suckered into buying it. Lou stated confidently that we could post date a check for up to thirty days. He told us that he does it all the time for clients. With this reassurance, the check was made out in the amount of $99.00 and it was not to be deposited before July 25, 2008. This would prove to be our second mistake. We double checked the terms of our transaction with him. We were to receive a monthly bill for the monitoring fee of $46.99, payable by mail, phone or online. There would be no bank drafts ever. Again, he said there wouldnt be any problems.

We felt happy with our decision until a few days later when on Saturday, July 5, 2008 Michael Zobeck came back to our house. He told us that he had failed to get Hilarys signature on the contract. Thinking that this was just an oversight, she signed it. We then mentioned the conditions of the post dated check to him and he replied that Lou Lee may not have been correct in what he told us. We explained that this was our agreement and that we expected Pinnacle Security to uphold its end. Michael said that he would look into it and call us on Monday, July 7 2008.

When Monday, July 7, 2008 rolled around, we hadnt heard anything from Michael Zobeck. I decided to call him back and ask what he had found out. He didnt answer my initial call, so I called Lou Lee. Lou said that he wasnt sure what was going on, but that he would call Michael. I stressed to him once more the urgency of keeping our agreement. I told him that with times being what they are these days that having this check go through could devastate our already tight budget. He assured me that he would get right on it. As you can imagine, Hilary and I were growing increasingly nervous. She had been calling me from work for updates on the situation. Lou and Michael called me back telling me not to worry and that everything would be just fine. Hilary and I were able to feel more at ease with their further reassurance.

On the morning of Thursday, July 10, 2008 Hilary was checking our bank account status online. Thats when it finally started to soak in that we had been taken. Pinnacle Security had used the post dated check to perform an electronic transfer of the said $99.00. This resulted in several overdraft charges totaling $165.00. With the initial $99.00, we were now in the negative to the tune of $264.00. We were furious! Hilary was crying. I was ranting while still trying to keep her calm. We discussed some options and she settled down enough to go on to work. At that time, I started getting a plan of action together.

First of all, we had to borrow money from our parents to replenish our bank account. This is never an easy thing to do, as we strive to be a self reliant family. Not to mention the fact that we had gone to them earlier in a proud fashion over what we thought was a wise investment for our household. Once we had explained the sequence of events they were glad to help us out. My mother suggested a letter from our attorney. That may still be necessary. So once we had patched the damage to the account, I called Pinnacle Security.

The CSR (customer service representative) I first spoke with was Daniel Womack. I explained our situation and frustration to him. He said that he was sorry for our inconvenience and that the way that everything was mishandled was completely unprofessional. I was promised that it would be resolved. The $99.00 would be returned to our account and as soon as he received a fax from us documenting the overdraft charges that we would go from there. Well that sounded like we might be making some progress.

The fax was sent in at 12:07PM the same day and put to the attention of Daniel. I called approximately 20 minutes later to confirm that the fax was in Daniels possession. This time Jack Lucky, another CSR, answered my call. I let him know that I had been dealing with Daniel Womack and that I preferred to speak with him. Jack quickly responded by telling me that Daniel was currently assisting another customer, but that he could help me. At which time I reluctantly gave him the skinny of everything that had taken place. Jack then placed me on hold. Ten or so minutes later he returned to the phone and said that the fax had come through. He then proceeded to tell me that all that they could do was to apply the $264.00 to our Pinnacle Security account. I let him know that under no circumstances would that be acceptable. Again I requested to speak with Daniel Womack at extension #238. Jack continued to refuse my request, saying that Daniel was on another line. He quite simply rebutted, Hes on another call, what do you want me to do about it? He then asked if I wanted Daniels voice mail. I said, No. I need to have this resolved immediately, as time is of the essence. Jack Lucky then put me on hold again.

Around fifteen minutes later Jack picked up the line again. He began rambling about something concerning the accounting department. So I replied, Well then just let me talk to someone in accounting. He refused and added that customers were never allowed to be transferred to the accounting department. To which I told him that any company that held this kind power over a persons bank account should allow that person to have some say in the way that their funds are handled. He continued to thwart every attempt that I made to reconcile our predicament. At this point, I was so fed up with arguing with this fool, I demanded to speak with his manager. True to form, Jack Lucky placed me on hold.

Ten minutes later Aaron Young, the CSM (customer service manager), answered the phone. He had apparently been informed of where I stood in the whole matter. He began by apologizing. During our conversation Aaron said that he wanted to make everything right. I received two more promises from him. One, that the $99.00 would be credited back into our bank account within five business days and two, that we would get an overnight check in the amount of $165.00 as reimbursement of our NSF fees. I told him that although I felt like I was beating a dead horse, I needed to hear it again just to make sure we were both on the same page. Aaron obliged my request and I felt better once more as we closed out the nightmarish phone call.

Friday, July 11, 2008 we checked our bank account online again. Pinnacle Security has just hit us with another $46.99 electronic draft and we still havent seen dime one of our reimbursed funds. So that leaves us with a score of Pinnacle Security $310.99 and our family $0.

Then on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 a U.P.S. delivered envelope arrived from Pinnacle Security. It contained a check in the amount of $165.00. This was to cover the overdraft fees that we had incurred initially. Hilary and I were thrilled! Although the $99.00 had not been reimbursed, we thought that this $165.00 check was a sign of progress. That was very short lived though, because on Friday, July 18, 2008 our bank account was slapped with another $99.00 charge by Pinnacle Security. Now the new total amount taken from us is $244.99.

After trying my best to maintain my sanity, I had reached the end of my rope. I placed another call to Aaron Young at Pinnacle Security. I told him exactly what had happened and that I expected the problem to be fixed now. I also said, Before you start making excuses, I want you to understand that I have been as nice as I can for too long. I do not want to hear about any mishaps or mistakes. Do not use your accounting department as a crutch. I dont care if you have to go to Western Union and wire us the money. You will take care of this immediately! I then told Aaron that I expected him to call me back in a few minutes to confirm that it had been done as stated. His reply was, Okay, Ill call you right back.

A few minutes later Aaron called saying that the $99.00 could be credited to our bank account within one business day. I reminded him again that we needed our money right now, not in a day or two. He told me that this was the best he could do. I told him that, this being the case, were done doing business with Pinnacle Security. I also added that they would be contacted by our attorney to rid us of their crooked dealings.

Hilary and I closed our bank account and reported Pinnacle Securitys fraudulent charges to the bank. We then opened a new account with the money that Pinnacle Security had not yet managed to steal. These events, as well as, other accumulated records are being submitted to the Better Business Bureau.

Pinnacle Security is welcome to pick up their system if, and only if, there is an officer of the law present to attest to its condition. I refuse to dismantle everything and ship it to them directly. Hilary and I have been burned enough through this fiasco. We will not allow them the opportunity of claiming that anything has been damaged. The security system is in the same shape it was when Lou Lee installed it. Let me end this by saying that, the only thing pinnacle that we received from them was a deeper insecurity as consumers.


Murfreesboro, Tennessee


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Stop the Rip-off!

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, July 28, 2008

Report it to the Bank that they did not have authorization to get money from your account and THEN I would STOP PAYMENT on any further checks from them. If they try to collect further money from you by phone, just play phone games with them like I did OR have your phone number changed to UNPUBLISHED and UNLISTED. Then, if they send someone by your house, call the police. Don't pay these S***HEADS another dime until they honor their part of the contract.

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