  • Report:  #1186294

Complaint Review: Pioneer Military Lending - Select State/Province

Reported By:
CeCe - Fort Lauderdale, Florida,

Pioneer Military Lending
Select State/Province, USA
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Military Pioneer Loans aka Pioneer Services is targeting Service Members and using a chump up breach of contract excuse to get away with it.

I took out a loan with Military Pioneer Loans while on Active Duty. I ETS'd and was unemployed for almost a year. I called and initiated the debt protection that I willingly paid for under the perceived notion that if I ETS, loose employment or medically unable to function that the loan payment would be covered. What they fail to tell you is that is not the case or at least not for me. I was on unemployment and struggling enough to provide for myself and my family so the added stress of not owing another lender was great...at least so I thought. I finally got a job, was EXCITED, did all of my paperwork and they ran my credit...I was late for almost 7 months with Pioneer Services. Luckily for me, my employer was reasonable and understood my situation and hired me anyway.

I called Pioneer Services and was dumbfounded by the response I received. The agent asked me why would they pay for me to remain on unempoyment. Can you believe it? After giving the military over 10 years and sacrificing my life for my country I have some ignorant, inconsiderate so called CSR on the phone acting as if I am some lazy bum looking for a free ride. I was totally caught off guard, I could not believe it. Needless to say, I had some choice words for her and hung up.

About a month went by and my boss asked me how things were going and if I got that "thing" taken care. I said no of course and told him I would. I called again, this time I was ready. There was no need though, I explained to the representative about leaving the military, not being able to work and my credit going down the tombs. She told me if I did an allotment, they would start reporting me current but she doubts they would let her remove the previous months of late reporting. She also explained I have a passed due balance but as long as I pay extra, it will go towards paying that off. I wasn't happy because my report was still showing those late payments and it was false advertisement to tell me debt protection covers my situation but not include that it's for a limited time only. It was better than nothing so I moved on as instructed.

I checked my report last month and low and behold Military Pioneer Loans is back at it a again and you would not believe the reporting. I am late for 4 months. WHAT???!! How did this happen? It must be a mistake. I called Pioneer Services, spoke to another of their bubbly customer service reps and she told me I was passed due. I said ma'am there is no way I am passed due when you get a deposit every two weeks. She said, well you are passed due and if that's all you called about there's nothing else I can help you with. Not wanting to lose my bearing at work, I hung up.

I called the following day, maybe that representative was having a bad day. I guess the CSR from the previous day noted my inquiry because once I verified my account the new CSR asked if I was calling about the same issue from yesterday. Yes, I was....you guys must have an error in your system. Of the course the regular customer friendly Military Pioneer Loan charm came out because she said she doesn't understand why I keep calling about the same issue when someone already gave me an answer. I said ma'am that is my right especially if I feel as if I am being railroaded. Whatever you all are doing is a deceptive practice. When I first set up this allotment I was told I would be currrent and if I keep up my payments I will have no issues. She then proceeded to tell me that I'm being reported late because I do not know how to pay my bills. That the company was in thier right and reporting contractually. I asked how long does the company take to report a debt as a charge off. I was stopping the alloment because at this point I still owed $2,000 which was going to take me 4 months to pay. I would be better off with a charge off since they have already done their part in creaming my credit.

Now, this is where the fun begins. She transfers me to collections and this lady got on the phone and just got my blood bowling. I explained the situation from start to the point I got to her and she said well you need to learn to pay your bills. Ma'am, did you hear anything I said. She said well, you are passed due because you promised to may your loan by a certain date and you did not. AAAAHHHH????.....come again. She continues to tell me how I could have found a way to pay my bill and that the company is reporting contractually and I'm in a breach of contract and if I know I can't pay my bills I should have never taken out a loan in the first place. At this point, I am still shocked. I am shocked at the disguise these people use to target servicemen and women, the blatant disrepret and the baroda of insults. Then to top it off, she tells me I could have SOLD MY A** TO PAY MY BILLS. (I swear I am not lying, if Pioneer Services records their calls as they say they do, they can check for my call on October 23, 2014 @1:15 PM)

After that, I was through. I cancelled my allotment, called, begged, besieged and made promises I am hoping to keep to get the $2000. My allotment was too late to cancel, so I cancelled it which sent the last payment of $375 and I made a card payment of $1,880. I just checked this morning and it said my loan is paid is off. Knowing Pioneer they will report me late again because it's not within the month. At this point, I do not care. This may be one of my only forums to state my disgust with this company. Who do you complain to? These customer service representatives are nothing but a reflection/representation of their leadership.

I would not recommend this company to anyone and warn all young members of the military to learn from mine and others mistakes and stay away. For anyone who wishes to explore this claim further, I would gladly show you my monthly statements with my personal information ommitted so that you may see just how bad this company really will screw you over.

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