  • Report:  #771974

Complaint Review: PMR LLC - Denver Colorado

Reported By:
waiting2Bpaid - Aurora, Colorado, United States of America

1400 Glenarm St #301 Denver, 80202 Colorado, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked there as Assistant Manager for about 1 month. One of the owners felt he was wasting money on my salary. Somewhat understandable. What he found out was, without paying me salary, he had "no shot" at keeping me around to, as he put it, "just concentrate on sales". I was hired to improve the sales floor and bring in quality people. Quality people don't want to be surrounded by Felons, ex-cons, and the like, so peforming my job was made difficult. I QUIT! I was not Fired. I quit because I knew I was DOING wrong preying upon old ladies and the not so bright. I was EASILY the best sales person they had despite only being there for a short amount of time. 

The complaint is to help and serve the consumer. These guys at PMR are predators. They could care less if you EVER sell this product/service to anyone. In fact they charge between $499 down to $99 for the "business opportunity" then they are out of the equasion. They say that a Business and Marketing Consultant will help you build your business. I never saw any testomonials of anyone who had succeeded at this "business opportunity" we call random numbers from PURCHASED leads. Sometimes the leads are 4-5 years old. So if you filled out an on-line application 4-5 years ago for netflix or buy.com or a company like that you may get a call from them.

They also tell people that they will be able to do this business 30 minutes to 1 hour per week and you could still succeed. REALLY? They are careful to use words like CAN and COULD because there is NO substance to the business opportunity you are buying. Never do they mention how competitive this business is. They dont mention that merchants are constantly contacted by credit card companies. Professionals who can decipher billing statements and answer questions pertaining to PCI ( Payment Card Industry ) and compliance that is CRUCIAL to being able to earn someones business this way. And they use an AUDIO presentation LACED with subliminals to sell their product.

They sell false hope because people really believe they could do this from home in 1 or 2 hours per week. That's why this is a scam. The good news is this company is the worst company I have ever worked for. They have no chance of ever making a profit. They advertise their employment on craigslist and on fliers that they hang in the local halfway house. Yes! Convicted felons are taking credit card information from little old ladies.

The owner Joey (never knew his last name and I worked for him) Is some rock band dude. 45 years old dresses like a teenager and if he didn't dye his hair black it would be all gray (you can tell by he wrinkles on his face) Is no business person he is a wanna be rocker who's window HAS CLOSED. A silver spoon trust fund baby type. Who, upon first sight you will be able to tell that someone died for HIM to have the money to start a business with the help of Kim ( the other owner who's last name I never knew and SHE hired me). Nice company! Don't put a dime into this CRAP!

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