  • Report:  #66852

Complaint Review: Popular Club - Garfield New Jersey

Reported By:
- Wylie, Texas,

Popular Club
22 Lincoln Place Garfield, 07026 New Jersey, U.S.A.
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Received a Mail order Cataloge from a company called Popular Club.

They state I am PRE-APPROVED for $600. The ladies name is Amy Schilder Director of New Clubs.

However upon calling their toll free number(800-767-2582)

they state approval is based on ckecking your credit report. This is deceptive on their part because I am pre-approved for $600 Credit Line but subject to rejection by my credit report.

This is also a problem on your Credit Report due to the fact it shows up a inquiry which counts against you on your score.

So when they run a report and reject you for poor credit or whatever they don't like you are no longer pre-approved for nothing and the only thing you receive is a rejection letter.

I intend to report them and hopefully prosecute them through the Federal Trade Commission.


Wylie, Texas

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