  • Report:  #755412

Complaint Review: Primecast - Pompano Beach Florida

Reported By:
magicguy333 - Antioch, Tennessee, USA

3800 Park Central Blvd. N Pompano Beach, 33064 Florida, United States of America
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Wanted to share with everyone my experience with the new technician from Primecast which is now working at this complex and others.  This happened today, July 19, 2011 and it was horrible.  Again, another reason NOT to deal with Primecast and consider it very well before hand. 
This is an e-mail that I sent to Mr. Mike Pitts, Director of Operations for Primecast/Conexion Technologies.

After finding out today that there is a new technician working here at the complex where I live, VantagePointe Homes, talked to him and told him about all the problems that been having since day one. 
He offered to come by my apartment and take a look at things.
After he looked around he told me that he wanted to run a test for 24 hours in which he can monitor from his apartment; yes he now lives here at the same complex; in which he is using a program that he has in his computer and such.  On an additional note to this, it brings the subject and questionable if he is able to monitor and see what each resident here using Primecast is doing on the internet and such things in general.  Hmmm ????
In order to do this test I need it disconnect EVERYTHING that I have connected to the internet line connection.  This means the router and the Vonage for the local phone service.  This mean no home phone service or internet.
He said that after the test is ran and if it shows nothing with anything connected then that means it is what I have connected to it (the router and Vonage) is what is causing all my problems with the internet and the TV.  Told him that it will most probably will show those results to be ok and if that was the case how can I use their service without being able to connect the router and Vonage since w/out it I can't have good local phone service and also be able to share the internet computer with my second computer, connect my Blueray player with Netflix in it to stream movies, printer connected wirelessly, and also connect the DirecTV receiver to download the on demand programs.   He told me that Primecast service is not meant and won't support a share connection.  This is the first time that I heard this about a high speed internet service company.  No one this days don't use an internet connection without being connected to a router and not only share it with another computer but also connect it to a game system and play games online, download movies, etc.....
I also told him that is either no one or everyone and I said this because my neighbor upstairs has a router connected and he has no problems using the internet with his computer and also on his Playstation 3 unit where he plays games online with other people and also watches, and downloads movies.   Being the case the statement of "can't be shared" is not right.  The same way that their system is not set up to get the services from DirecTV - the On Demand download movies/programs which I have been able to get them and use that service since day 1 as that is a service that DirecTV offers and not Primecast. 
I refused for him to run this 24 hours test since this is not right and also they have done so many things and each time a technician comes here is something different and now this on top of everything.  Has gone through so much frustration with your service (technical and billing) and now this that he comes up with.
I told him that I will call you, Mike Pitts, which you are his boss and tell you about this and he told me to go ahead and that you will tell me the same thing that he told me.  He also told him that he was now the supervisor here in this area and this complex for Primecast and he was calling the shots.   If this the case and the person working here now I see many problems for many people and nothing getting solved.   He also told me to call you at the moment he was here but I didn't since did not have your phone number but only an e-mail address at the moment. 
I do not know his name because he never gave me one but I do know that he works for a company called Global Communications in which he owns and he told me he has worked for Primecast as well for 7 years.  You probably know who I am talking about for sure. 
To me this is now got worst and also to all the other residents here and such since the way he is doing things are making the customers suffer and making things worst. 
In conclusion he said that since I was refusing and such he was making a report putting such and sending it to you and everyone else that I have contacted within the company and also that because of this I won't be able to get any support/troubleshooting.
Again this is not right and fair since I shouldn't have to suffer after all that have went through with no compensation. 
I also told him that from my experience with Primecast/Connexions I will tell anyone NOT to move into any community that has Primecast for service, that they will regret it.
I also mentioned to him that our 1 year lease here is coming up next month and from all of this not sure if will be renewing or moving somewhere else.  As I have clearly said in any complaint against Primecast, there is NOTHING wrong with this apartment complex community - VantagePointe Homes - but on the other hand it is beautiful and great - but the only bad thing that it has is that they use Primecast for service and because of that they can loose a lot of current residents like myself and prospective ones.  As I told him, word of mouth can make or destroyed a business.  He told me he didn't care and he left. 
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