  • Report:  #77992

Complaint Review: Primerica - Southfield Nationwide

Reported By:
- Chesterfield, Michigan,

Michigan Southfield, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
what a ripoff. they call from a cell phone and make a pitch about an employment opportunity. this is a pyramid scam. you have to pay fees for "training" and attend countless evening pep rallys and never get paid. do not get involved with these assholes. you will never get paid and they will start bugging your family and friends if you give them any names or numbers.


Chesterfield, Michigan

17 Updates & Rebuttals


Response to Joel ..statements are practically identical to the propaganda arguments used in Primerica business meetings aka pep rallies

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 16, 2005

In all fairness, it is not reasonable to accept the validity of your statements regarding Primemerica. I actually believe that you have had past experience with them, but your statements are practically identical to the propaganda arguments used in Primerica business meetings (aka "pep rallies"). For example, you mentioned McDonald's and compared Primerica with this restaurant chain. Well, if a person has ever been part of Primerica and attended at least one business meeting, then that same person would know that this comparison is used frequently during EVERY business meeting. You also made a statement that rings alarms in my head: you stated that your failure was ALL your fault, and that it had NOTHING to do with the Primerica. You are basically repeating a mantra used at every business meeting: "WE FAIL, NOT THE COMPANY, NOT IT'S STRUCTURE, NOT IT'S METHODS. WE AND WE ALONE ARE TO BLAME FOR OUR FAILURE". No, you've never be asked to chant this statement at a meeting, but it is weaved into every presentation at every business meeting repeatedly. The end result is that Primerica will inevitably secure several soon to be ex-employees/contractors as testimonies to the perfection of the Primerica organisation and it's sanctioned methods of doing business. In other words, they are using you as a propaganda tool for the uninformed. People will read the comments of disgruntled former employees or the opinions of those who were recruited but chose not to join, and will note that these responses tend to be unrefined. Then they will see a response from a person such as yourself, and will note that it is structured and much more persuasive than the statements of the others. This tends to create the impression that you are telling the truth, that you are speaking from the heart, and that you KNOW the truth about the entire matter, whereas the others are merely angry because they were unable to succeed or unable to perceive the error of there ways. The reality is that the insurance industry is not easy to succeed in. One must BUILD their business from the ground up. One must initially work extremely long hours and make large sacrifices to establish this new business. MOST people are genuinely incapable of doing this. It is not because they don't work hard enough, don't try hard enough, or are not smart enough. No, it is simply that they don't possess the skills to accomplish this without support. Where Primerica fails is at this level: the level of support. With adequate support, most people COULD do fairly well as insurance agents/producers if they are willing to do what is required to succeed. With companies such as Farmer's Insurance or Allstate, you have adequate support. They require you to pay to get into their business, and the dollar amount is generally around $1,000. Primerica asked you only to pay about $200, and this is used for you classes and is refunded after you pass your state licensing exam. In some cases, they may only refund part of this amount. In my case, they refunded the full amount that I paid them. This amount is VERY low as an entry fee to become a respresentative of an insurance company, but this fact does not make Primerica the better deal. If I had the money to purchase a McDonald's franchise, I would do it ASAP. Why? Because they provide you with ALL of the details you need to effectively run your franchise. The tell you how to market, how to hire employees, how to manage your inventory...they cover EVERYTHING, and they require you to adhere to these details in order to continue to market their products. Primerica is also restrictive in terms of how an agent is allowed to represent the company, but it is NOT nearly as well-structured and packaged as is McDonald's. In reality, Primerica is not at all similar to McDonald's in any significant way. You do not purchase your way into Primerica. That is, you are not allowed to literally purchase an established office. A McDonald's franchise can be bought and sold. You can build your own McDonald's, or you can purchase one which is already in existence. With Primerica, you must start at the bottom and (hopefully) work your way up. ANYONE who has ever been to a Primerica business meeting knows this. Our regional manager emphatically made this point at every meeting. He constantly stated that he receives offers to purchase his "franchise" from outside investors, but that he must turn down all such offers because Primerica does not sell it's offices/networks. Honestly, with all things considered, it is not reasonable to compare McDonald's to Primerica. Primerica is a lead generating instument in the hands of Citigroup. I have no doubt in my mind that other bank groups will soon duplicate the Primerica structure. Why? Because it is a VERY effective means to generate leads at a low cost to the company. YOU pay to become part of Primerica, then YOU provide leads to your recruiter BEFORE you have even become licensed to sell insurance. Remember, you cannot earn a commision on any sales generated from the leads which you supplied until you are officially licensed. Here is a major difference between Primerica and other insurance companies. Whereas Farmer's does not ask you for ANY leads when you meet with them (and probably will only encourage you to work your warm market to build your personal client base), Primerica asks you for leads before you are even enrolled for your classes. I perceived this immediately while at my first meeting with them, so I told them that I didn't have any names at the moment but could provide them later. I didn't provide ANY leads until I had become licensed. Then, I worked out a verbal arrangement with my recruiter to split the commission off of any sales generated from my leads (Primerica did have limitations on what I could earn from a sale, but I bargained with my recruiter under the table since he was in dire need of leads and business). IF I had given them leads right away, they would CERTAINLY have called these people ASAP and someone above me would have ultimately made the sale (if any). Obviously, it was in my own best interest to guard my leads, and I did so. Unless you are above the person who makes the sale, even if you provided the lead, you are NOT entitled to any compensation from the company. That is their policy. Succeeding at Farmer's insurance would have taken alot of effort, but the prospects with them are practically guaranteed to be superior than are those at Primerica. I looked into Farmer's after I became convinced that I would not be able to maintain enough leads with Primerica. Since Farmer's is a well-known company, they are MUCH easier to market. Plus, they have a infrastructure which supplies more effective tools and resources for securing and closing leads. For instance, they work with you at every level and stage in building your business. Primerica essentially drops you into the mix and moves on to fresh prospects. It is never uncertain that you are just a number with them. You aren't chosen because of your merits, but because you are willing to be chosen. Farmer's will interview you one-on-one, and they will FULLY disclose the nature of their business and the details of what you will need to do. I was told very directly that it would NOT be wise for me to attempt to become an agent unless I had enough income or savings to support myself for several months. In other words, they didn't dare to suggest that I was likely to be making a good income within a short time after getting started. They advised me NOT to join until I was able to follow through. Primerica, on the other hand, presents an idealistic perspective of their business which does not remotely resemble the reality of their business or accurately represent the value or performance of the products which they sell. In fact, whereas Farmer's gives a general overview of the actual products which you would be selling as an agent/producer, Primerica only alludes to their products. Even at business meetings, they tell nothing significant about their actual products. They tell you practically nothing about the performance of their mutual funds, or what criteria they use to approve/disapprove applications. Primerica NEVER spends any substantial amount of time discussing the products which you will sell, and that is because it is better for them to keep you focused on getting leads. THIS FACT ALONE ILLUMINATES THE TRUE PURPOSE OF PRIMERICA, which is to generate leads at a very low cost. Primerica is a marketing tool used to generate leads at a VERY low cost. In fact, with the exception of legal fees and such, Citibank is able to glean hundreds of thousands of warm market leads at no cost to the company. Remember, Primerica pays its own way. Agents pay to rent office space out of pocket. They don't use funds from Citibank. Primerica is not advertised. Smith Barney is advertised, Traveler's is advertised, Citi cards are advertised, but Primerica is not. Why? Because they have no need to advertise. YOU are their walking billboard. You get the leads more less directly, and if you do advertise, it is paid for by someone at the office, not by Citigroup. Farmer's has corporate offices which handle marketing and advertising. When you advertise, you are only advertising your personal business, not the company. Primerica is geared primarily to make you into an efficient lead generator, and secondly a successful agent. All that is needed for Primerica to succeed are leads and enough star agents to follow up on all of them. A legitimate insurance company (or any kind of brokerage) will have more leads than it has agents to prospect those leads. Primerica has too many agents and too few leads. The leads will only benefit those who are towards the high end of the chain. The rest of the agents have to deal with small, infrequent earnings coupled with lots of wasted time prospecting in vain. In conclusion, I assert that Primerica is poorly geared towards the success of the agent. Primerica is set up to generate leads at extremely low cost. This explains why company business meetings do not discuss the actual products which the company markets and sells. Joining any brokerage involves risk, and success requires a strong work ethic, personal sacrifice, and time, but if the support network is good, then there is a good chance that those who join will be successful. Primerica does not focus on its agents, but on generating leads. The bulk of what you are tought at the job is how to generate leads. Although it is clear that Primerica benefits from the success of its agents, the cost of training an agent is high, so if the company were to adopt a different approach, the ratio of profit to cost of operation would be dramatically reduced. Therefore, given it's role in Citigroup as cheap marketing tool, it is not beneficial for Primerica to approach its business in the same manner as Farmer's Insurance. Lastly, one cannot expect to make alot of money quickly. It could happen, but it is very unlikely, so anyone who enters this field must be prepared to do without for a while.


Great points. Unfortunately, they don't stand up to logic.

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, October 05, 2005

"I used to belong to Primerica. I didn't make much money, but that wasn't the company's fault. It was all mine." We all know that you are lying about your history with the company. Way to "impeach" yourself right out of the gate. "If you are not comfortable marketing (foremost) and selling, don't do it." First of all, you're not marketing anything. There is no "foremost" about it. Second of all, why doesn't Primerica give your advice BEFORE people waste their time and money, so that admitted non-salesmen like you can see the opportunity for what it really is? "It is freelance, Independent Contracting. That is what you are. An Independent Contractor. Not an employee. It is like joining a franchaise." You are an independent contractor only because that label is legally convenient for Primerica. If they could call you employees, and control your activities thusly, they would do so if it didn't implicate a whole host of laws that they want to avoid. Being an independent contractor and being a franchise owner are completely different concepts. The terms are pretty much contradictory. So which is it? Or do you just have zero understanding of the world of business ownership? Funny, I thought somebody who "owned their own business" would be able to tell whether they were an independent contractor or a franchise. "I think a McDonalds franchaise is a little bit more than $199" You're right on the money there. But a McDonald's franchise also carries with it the license to use a widely recognized brand name. And McDonald's franchises, unlike Primerica gigs (whatever they are), have a history of success. But, most impotantly, a McDonald's franchise is marketable. That's right, you can sell your franchise license, and probably even make a profit from it if your store is hot. I defy you to find me a public record of a Primerica operation transfer. "Almost every business is MLM" Bullsh*t. The difference is that most businesses do not place their risk-of-loss entirely (or at all) on entry level employees. Risk shifting is the technical term for why Priemrica, along with Amway and ahundred other pyramid schemes, are scams. It is also what differentiates them from other reputable businesses. "Lets Look at Real Estate Agents . . . do you think your boss hands you customers to service. Hell no!" You've never worked for a successful professional service provider, have you? "That is why people put down MLMs. Because they were too afraid to do the things required. It is Fear. And nobody wants to admitt being fearful, so they say that the company stinks or it is a scam." No, people put down MLMs because their recruiters weren't honest about what the opportunity would entail. They may fail because they are afraid to sell. But, if they are afraid to sell things, why were they given a SALES job in the first place? "The bottom line is that you need to talk to poeple (strangers) to succeed in any kind of sales positon." Sure. The difference between Primerica and other sales jobs, however, is that most other sales jobs don't require you to APPROACH strangers in socially inappropriate places. And, as for the rest of that paragraph, I'm a little confused. You start out by saying that you didn't know how to sell things, and that's why you failed, but now you seem to think that you know EXACTLY how to sell things. Why should we believe that you are genuine? And if we do, why would we take sales advice from somebody who couldn't make it in sales, even in a company that he touts as a great opportunity? Now THERE'S some Primerica logic for you. You can refer back to my first paragraph now. "Well in Primerica your upline makes no money if you make no money. Period. Where is the scam." The scam is evident in your own words, because you are not telling the truth. In the majority of cases, in fact, the person who is actually "making the sale" makes NO MONEY and the upline gets the entire commission. What the hell do you think is happening when you give that list of your friends and relatives? YOU are making the sale via your social "market." But are you getting paid for it? "I could have brought in 12 people who each brought in 12 people. That would mean that I override 144 people." Sounds great on paper, doesn't it? The problem is that you will NEVER have a direct downline of 12 people, and none of them will either. "And the bottom line is that Primerica offers good products." That's beyond debatable, and completely empty if the "good products" aren't also a "good value." "They teach people buy term and invest the difference. This is a true and real approach to financial planning." "True and real" doesn't mean that it's right for every situation. So why push it in every situation? "Most insur co. pay 50% commission for term life. Primerica starts you out much less, but if you recruit enough people and those people sell enough then you get promoted and can make up to 90%." Wow, so when somebody buys from Primerica, they are funding a 90% system that allows for 90% commissions? No wonder Primerica products are such a poor value. "I sell cars" + "I used to belong to Primerica. I didn't make much money, but that wasn't the company's fault. It was all mine" + "It is like being a Real Estate Agent or Car Salesman" = you're a liar and you can't even keep your story straight. "Go look at a New car ad. I know of one that states: 2005 Corolla - 11,888 - 27 in stock. What the ad didn't say is that their is only one Corolla for 11,888, the other 26 are at fair market value. See it is not lying there are 27 Corolla's in stock. And there is one for 11,888. Sometimes you need to read between the lines. That my friend is business marketing." No, that is deceiving people. Just because a dealership deceives people doesn't mean it's OK for Primerica to do it too, and it certainly doesn't mean that bending the truth is the only way to sell. Lots of people drink and drive, that doesn't make it acceptable. "Primerica is Sales and Marketing. Just Like Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Loan Officers, Stock Brokers, and Insurance Agents. Nothing more. It is just a little different pay plan." Pay us to work for us, and then make nothing! Great pay plan.


To Put in Perspective

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 03, 2005

VP --> Controller --> Regional Manager --> District Manager --> Store Manager --> Supervisors --> emoployees. Just remember, not every chain restaurant is managed the same. Now I would agree that there are a tremendous amount of MLM people that mislead to get recruits. Look at the Car business. Go look at a New car ad. I know of one that states: 2005 Corolla - 11,888 - 27 in stock. What the ad didn't say is that their is only one Corolla for 11,888, the other 26 are at fair market value. See it is not lying there are 27 Corolla's in stock. And there is one for 11,888. Sometimes you need to read between the lines. That my friend is business marketing. Get the people in and close them. Now if someone came in on that ad to buy a car and we sell a 16,000 Corolla for 15.500 is that a scam. No. The person needed a car and you gave them a fair price. Sorry it wasn't your pipe dream, but you still got what you wanted, right? So you need a job and want to be a manager. Primerica can offer that to you. You don't have to take the offer once you hear it, but you can if you want. Have you ever went to a job fair and the recruiter tell you the flaws of working for that company? Or does the recruiter beef it up? Think about that. Primerica is Sales and Marketing. Just Like Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Loan Officers, Stock Brokers, and Insurance Agents. Nothing more. It is just a little different pay plan.


I used to belong to Primerica. I didn't make much money, but that wasn't the company's fault. It was all mine. It actuall is a great opportunity for the right person. However, very few people will succeed in that business. It is very very hard. It is like being a Real Estate Agent or Car Salesman. You only get paid if you sell. That is what it is. If you are not comfortable marketing (foremost) and selling, don't do it. It is just like being an insurance agent, or stock broker, or real estate agent. It is freelance, Independent Contracting. That is what you are. An Independent Contractor. Not an employee. It is like joining a franchaise; however, I think a McDonalds franchaise is a little bit more than $199. It is your own business that you are getting when you join Primerica. IT IS NOT GET RICH QUICK! If anyone told you that then shame on them. Now to put into perspective. Almost every business is MLM. But before I get into that, lets Look at Real Estate Agents. How do they get started. Well, they must go through training and take an exam. They must pay for it, and only if they make money will the company reimburse, if at all (Primerica does reimburse once you sell your first product). Now, once you are licensed and ready to sell for a real estate company what do you think happens next. Do you think your boss hands you customers to service. Hell no! He coaches you, if your lucky, on how to get your own customers. It is called marketing. What Real Estate Agents get paid for is marketing and then servicing. But to pay someone to service is cheap. It only requires an employee who is told what to do and how to do it. That is what most people are accustomed to and all they now. How to be a good employee. It is the marketing that is difficult and expensive. And it is not for everyone. You need to change the way you think. If you are afraid of rejection, then it is not for you. That is why people put down MLMs. Because they were too afraid to do the things required. It is Fear. And nobody wants to admitt being fearful, so they say that the company stinks or it is a scam. The bottom line is that you need to talk to poeple (strangers) to succeed in any kind of sales positon. That will require being rejected, and most people fear that more than anything else in life. All people want to be excepted including me. Now I don't think that one should bother those not interested in what you are selling. I feel one should look for interested people and not get poeple interested. Propose and not pressure. It requires finess. Slow, gradual contacts. Build rapport first. If someone says they are not interested ask why. Try to overcome their objection. If it is something that they just will not enjoy doing then move on. Now back to the Real Estate Agent. Once a Real Estate Agent sells a house how do they get paid? Well, they get half, yes HALF the fee charged. Who gets the other half. Well quite simply the Broker who hired the Real Estate Agent. And do you think the broker needs to do anything in that sale. NOoooooo. See the broker gets paid on what you sell. Just for bringing you under his/her wing. Well in Primerica your upline makes no money if you make no money. Period. Where is the scam. I could have brought in 12 people who each brought in 12 people. That would mean that I override 144 people. I would not make a dime if none of those people sold a life insurance product or mutual fund investment or var annuity or second mortgage. And the bottom line is that Primerica offers good products. They sell various mutual funds from reputable brokers at market price. Even their life insurance is in line with market. They teach people buy term and invest the difference. This is a true and real approach to financial planning. And you don't have to recruit to make money; however, you would make more money working with a conventional insurance company if you never recruit. Most insur co. pay 50% commission for term life. Primerica starts you out much less, but if you recruit enough people and those people sell enough then you get promoted and can make up to 90%. It's just a different compensation plan than a company like Prudential. Their is nothing wrong with either one to work for, it is just a matter of what you want. Even in a JOB you probably have bosses and/or supervisors that get paid off of your performance. Or perhaps their team of employee's performance. Some places pay bonus on such and others sole income depends on it. I sell cars and my managers get a percentage of the total dealership profit. So, the more cars us salesman sell and the more profit we keep, the more money they make. And the General Sales Manager is paid also on the stores profit. The General Manager does also. Infact, almost all corporations are know as a pyramid structure getting compensated on each other performance. Pres --> VP --> Controller --> Regional Manager --> District Manager --> Store Manager --> Supervisors --> emoployees. Just remember, not every chain restaurant is managed the same. Now I would agree that there are a tremendous amount of MLM people that mislead to get recruits. Look at the Car business. Go look at a New car ad. I know of one that states: 2005 Corolla - 11,888 - 27 in stock. What the ad didn't say is that their is only one Corolla for 11,888, the other 26 are at fair market value. See it is not lying there are 27 Corolla's in stock. And there is one for 11,888. Sometimes you need to read between the lines. That my friend is business marketing. Get the people in and close them. Now if someone came in on that ad to buy a car and we sell a 16,000 Corolla for 15.500 is that a scam. No. The person needed a car and you gave them a fair price. Sorry it wasn't your pipe dream, but you still got what you wanted, right? So you need a job and want to be a manager. Primerica can offer that to you. You don't have to take the offer once you hear it, but you can if you want. Have you ever went to a job fair and the recruiter tell you the flaws of working for that company? Or does the recruiter beef it up? Think about that. Primerica is Sales and Marketing. Just Like Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Loan Officers, Stock Brokers, and Insurance Agents. Nothing more. It is just a little different pay plan.


problem with Primerica is that the financial instruments used are misleading and not used for the customer's best interest

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, July 29, 2005

Lynard, I don't think the big problem with Primerica is whether a person can make it or not. It sounds like the big problem with Primerica is that the financial instruments used are misleading and not used for the customer's best interest, but for Primerica's best interest. Explain that, please.


They only changes that primerica wants to make are transferring the money from your pocket into their bank account.

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 29, 2005

Pure and simple. The idea is to get as much as they can, for as long as they can. You can be an optimist or a pessimist if you like. But, you had better be aware of their true motives when they come calling. Otherwise, you'll be their next victim.


What other options do you have?

#7UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 28, 2005

I have been on both sides. I choose to be positive. Show me benefits of being negative and I will be negative. I choose to be an optimist. Show me that a pessimist ever fulfills his potential and I will be a pessimist. Honestly, ask yourself what other options do you have? Life A: Go to school (come out with debt), find a job (that pays you based on the position-not your potential), eventually have a family (getting in more debt, housing, credit cards, etc), work for the next 30+ years, retire, then work again (which majority of people will), then die. Life B: Invest in oneself. Ben Franklin said "deposit a coin into your mind, and your mind will deposit gold in your purse". What is wrong with developing yourself to reach your full potential? Becoming financially independent and debt-free? Being your own boss? If given the option, I believe that most of us would chose Life B. Another fact, winning isn't easy. If it was, everyone would be successful! Most of you want to believe that it is a scam, that people do not make it in Primerica. Just so that you can say, "I was right!", "They almost got me!", "It's too good to be true!". It is all in our mindset, our conditioning. Mental slavery, "A life of quiet desparation". We believe what our parents told us, what teachers taught us, what our friends said. We make it our excuse. We blame circumstance, the government, people for their discontent. "They themselves are makers of themselves" "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world, there is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you, we were all meant to shine as children do, its not just in some of us its in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Primerica has been in the business of changing peoples lives. I have seen it first hand, from the trainings that I was in, in the kitchen-table of my clients, people being promoted, people breaking personal barriers and personal growth. I have grown myself, and that is invaluable. I know that: 1. Financial education is important. 2. Debt is a huge problem for us as a nation. 3. People are not saving for their future or not saving enough. 4. Most people are not happy with where they are at in life. Take what you will.


Will You RSVP? You will work this Primerica thing for a few months, realize that you haven't made nor will you ever make any money, lose all of your friends..

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, July 26, 2005

"You are one of the ordinary people who most likely have a job working 40 hours a week until your 60 or probly 80. While Ill be working till im 30 and be retired." Reality: the first sentence is "probly" fairly accurate; the second is a different story. You will work this Primerica thing for a few months, realize that you haven't made nor will you ever make any money, lose all of your friends, stop getting invited to family functions, your self esteem will plummet, and you will drop out, only to join the "ordinary people." "Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands." So is professional gambling, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. "Ya fees are involved WHY?" Because Primerica realizes that your chances of success are infinitessimal, and they aren't willing to absorb the virtually inevitable loss. "If your going to be ignorant and continue believing that primerica is a scam than your obviously blind and dont know what your talking about" Our eyes are wide open. Are yours? If so, how did they fail to see the massive turnover, sub-minimum-wage average income, and all the other red flags? "We help people and thats our main goal." No, making money is Primerica's main goal. "Helping people" is the fall-back used to justify the wasting of your time. "Primerica saved my friends family and my family 1000 a month and is helping us get out of debt sooner" No they didn't and no they aren't. "Ya they scammed us didnt they" You'll see soon enough. I've seen dozens of you fresh shills over the years, and seen Paul's invitation extended many, many times. But I have never seen anybody take him up on it.


Will You RSVP? You will work this Primerica thing for a few months, realize that you haven't made nor will you ever make any money, lose all of your friends..

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, July 26, 2005

"You are one of the ordinary people who most likely have a job working 40 hours a week until your 60 or probly 80. While Ill be working till im 30 and be retired." Reality: the first sentence is "probly" fairly accurate; the second is a different story. You will work this Primerica thing for a few months, realize that you haven't made nor will you ever make any money, lose all of your friends, stop getting invited to family functions, your self esteem will plummet, and you will drop out, only to join the "ordinary people." "Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands." So is professional gambling, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. "Ya fees are involved WHY?" Because Primerica realizes that your chances of success are infinitessimal, and they aren't willing to absorb the virtually inevitable loss. "If your going to be ignorant and continue believing that primerica is a scam than your obviously blind and dont know what your talking about" Our eyes are wide open. Are yours? If so, how did they fail to see the massive turnover, sub-minimum-wage average income, and all the other red flags? "We help people and thats our main goal." No, making money is Primerica's main goal. "Helping people" is the fall-back used to justify the wasting of your time. "Primerica saved my friends family and my family 1000 a month and is helping us get out of debt sooner" No they didn't and no they aren't. "Ya they scammed us didnt they" You'll see soon enough. I've seen dozens of you fresh shills over the years, and seen Paul's invitation extended many, many times. But I have never seen anybody take him up on it.


Will You RSVP? You will work this Primerica thing for a few months, realize that you haven't made nor will you ever make any money, lose all of your friends..

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, July 26, 2005

"You are one of the ordinary people who most likely have a job working 40 hours a week until your 60 or probly 80. While Ill be working till im 30 and be retired." Reality: the first sentence is "probly" fairly accurate; the second is a different story. You will work this Primerica thing for a few months, realize that you haven't made nor will you ever make any money, lose all of your friends, stop getting invited to family functions, your self esteem will plummet, and you will drop out, only to join the "ordinary people." "Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands." So is professional gambling, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. "Ya fees are involved WHY?" Because Primerica realizes that your chances of success are infinitessimal, and they aren't willing to absorb the virtually inevitable loss. "If your going to be ignorant and continue believing that primerica is a scam than your obviously blind and dont know what your talking about" Our eyes are wide open. Are yours? If so, how did they fail to see the massive turnover, sub-minimum-wage average income, and all the other red flags? "We help people and thats our main goal." No, making money is Primerica's main goal. "Helping people" is the fall-back used to justify the wasting of your time. "Primerica saved my friends family and my family 1000 a month and is helping us get out of debt sooner" No they didn't and no they aren't. "Ya they scammed us didnt they" You'll see soon enough. I've seen dozens of you fresh shills over the years, and seen Paul's invitation extended many, many times. But I have never seen anybody take him up on it.


Will You RSVP? You will work this Primerica thing for a few months, realize that you haven't made nor will you ever make any money, lose all of your friends..

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, July 26, 2005

"You are one of the ordinary people who most likely have a job working 40 hours a week until your 60 or probly 80. While Ill be working till im 30 and be retired." Reality: the first sentence is "probly" fairly accurate; the second is a different story. You will work this Primerica thing for a few months, realize that you haven't made nor will you ever make any money, lose all of your friends, stop getting invited to family functions, your self esteem will plummet, and you will drop out, only to join the "ordinary people." "Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands." So is professional gambling, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. "Ya fees are involved WHY?" Because Primerica realizes that your chances of success are infinitessimal, and they aren't willing to absorb the virtually inevitable loss. "If your going to be ignorant and continue believing that primerica is a scam than your obviously blind and dont know what your talking about" Our eyes are wide open. Are yours? If so, how did they fail to see the massive turnover, sub-minimum-wage average income, and all the other red flags? "We help people and thats our main goal." No, making money is Primerica's main goal. "Helping people" is the fall-back used to justify the wasting of your time. "Primerica saved my friends family and my family 1000 a month and is helping us get out of debt sooner" No they didn't and no they aren't. "Ya they scammed us didnt they" You'll see soon enough. I've seen dozens of you fresh shills over the years, and seen Paul's invitation extended many, many times. But I have never seen anybody take him up on it.


You're new yet. That's why you don't realize you're being cheated. Perhaps, you'll never understand.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 24, 2005

I'm all happy for you and your great new business opportunity. Show us how wrong we all are. Come back in 90 or 180 days and show us just what you have made in your new business. My guess is that it will be like this: Month 1: $450 Month 2: $800 Month 3: $575 Hell, you'd be better off with a lemonade stand! Even the homeless make more than you by collecting cans and recyclables. Having a business is great. But, you need to have one that provides enough to survive. Primerica doesn't do that. Why do you think everybody leaves? Hell, if there was money to be made, I'd be the first one in line to collect it.


Paul - Anaheim has no clue. Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands.

#13UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 24, 2005

In response to the post and Paul. You are one of the ordinary people who most likely have a job working 40 hours a week until your 60 or probly 80. While Ill be working till im 30 and be retired. Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands. Ya fees are involved WHY? because you have to pay for your liscense its not going to come free. Do you get it back afterward YES. 4 days of school for a liscense thats alot of time right?? The company actually pays half of the bill for getting certified and if you pass and get a team going you get your money back. If your going to be ignorant and continue believing that primerica is a scam than your obviously blind and dont know what your talking about. We help people and thats our main goal. Primerica saved my friends family and my family 1000 a month and is helping us get out of debt sooner. Ya they scammed us didnt they. Join primerica today and stop being blind


Paul - Anaheim has no clue. Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands.

#14UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 24, 2005

In response to the post and Paul. You are one of the ordinary people who most likely have a job working 40 hours a week until your 60 or probly 80. While Ill be working till im 30 and be retired. Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands. Ya fees are involved WHY? because you have to pay for your liscense its not going to come free. Do you get it back afterward YES. 4 days of school for a liscense thats alot of time right?? The company actually pays half of the bill for getting certified and if you pass and get a team going you get your money back. If your going to be ignorant and continue believing that primerica is a scam than your obviously blind and dont know what your talking about. We help people and thats our main goal. Primerica saved my friends family and my family 1000 a month and is helping us get out of debt sooner. Ya they scammed us didnt they. Join primerica today and stop being blind


Paul - Anaheim has no clue. Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands.

#15UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 24, 2005

In response to the post and Paul. You are one of the ordinary people who most likely have a job working 40 hours a week until your 60 or probly 80. While Ill be working till im 30 and be retired. Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands. Ya fees are involved WHY? because you have to pay for your liscense its not going to come free. Do you get it back afterward YES. 4 days of school for a liscense thats alot of time right?? The company actually pays half of the bill for getting certified and if you pass and get a team going you get your money back. If your going to be ignorant and continue believing that primerica is a scam than your obviously blind and dont know what your talking about. We help people and thats our main goal. Primerica saved my friends family and my family 1000 a month and is helping us get out of debt sooner. Ya they scammed us didnt they. Join primerica today and stop being blind


Paul - Anaheim has no clue. Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands.

#16UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 24, 2005

In response to the post and Paul. You are one of the ordinary people who most likely have a job working 40 hours a week until your 60 or probly 80. While Ill be working till im 30 and be retired. Primerica isnt a job; its a job opportunity at your hands. Ya fees are involved WHY? because you have to pay for your liscense its not going to come free. Do you get it back afterward YES. 4 days of school for a liscense thats alot of time right?? The company actually pays half of the bill for getting certified and if you pass and get a team going you get your money back. If your going to be ignorant and continue believing that primerica is a scam than your obviously blind and dont know what your talking about. We help people and thats our main goal. Primerica saved my friends family and my family 1000 a month and is helping us get out of debt sooner. Ya they scammed us didnt they. Join primerica today and stop being blind


If you're so regulated, why do you still do this nonsense? Even a complete idiot should see it turns people off!

#17Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 03, 2005

It's not hard at all to understand this guy's complaint. He doesn't want to pay fees for training". He doesn't want to attend pep rallies and never get paid. And, he doesn't want you bugging his family and friends. You people are like the most hard-headed, no-clue, living-in-fantasyland, dumb f**ks on this site. One of these recruits should really take you out and knock some sense into you. Talking to you in English never seems to work! What's left? Control you with pain. Or else, lock your a*s up for being a public nuisance. He says NO, NO, NO, I don't want your stupid nonsense. No fees. No pep rallies. And, don't hassle his friends. I can imagine a loser like you out on a date with a woman. She tells you no, no, no like ten times. Ends up having to spray you with mace to get you off her. And, it's not just Eric. Do you people smarten up? Of course not. You'll turn right around and do the same d**n thing to the next person you meet. One failure right after another. That's not persistent, that's just stupid. You're not building a workforce. You're just pissing off the masses. Why do you think he came here to warn others? Other than hassling decent people, you have no future. Of course, you'll never be able to figure that out. You live in a fantasy world of your own creation.


Primerica does not recieve compensation for recruiting. That's illegal and they would be shut down if they did that.

#18UPDATE Employee

Sat, July 02, 2005

Ok first off...look up the definition of pyramid scam. Primerica does not recieve compensation for recruiting. That's illegal and they would be shut down if they did that. I can't speak for your contact. I have no idea how they handled themselves. For all I know they could have pestered you beyond decency. But what I do know is that the company itself is in better than good standing with the community. Ask your local and state business representatives. See what they think. Also you should know that the insurance field is the second most regulated and controlled industry next to nuclear waste. The comissioner of insurance in your state conducts yearly audits of the company as well as every other life insurance company. His or Her reports are available in any state library. I assure you, if this was a scam, I doubt your states government would allow them to handle people's finances. Say what you want about the recruiting methods, because those vary from person to person. And while recruiting takes you farther in this business it is possible to make a six figure income being just an agent with no team. It all depends on your work ethic. But every company recruits, in the form of job fairs and recruiting agents. So dont call us a scam just because you dont feel comfortable doing it. The money that you have to pay for training goes to a state licsencing class with an instructor as well as your books and materials....and here's a news flash IT'S REFUNDABLE!! And by the way we dont need you. Weve already had 30 years of success without you. Why should we even bother with you anymore? I'm just trying to get the facts straight in your head as well as on this website. I wish you luck in this ever failing economy. I may be a recruiter and a salesman. But i have one thing you dont....hope for a future. Agent Sincerely Division Leader Primerica Financal Services Southfield, MI

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