  • Report:  #992992

Complaint Review: ProfitClicking.com - Internet Internet

Reported By:
A.Van Duyn - Newburgh, Indiana, United States of America

Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The following IM was generated within the last 72 hours between me and a "customer service rep" of profitclicking.com. The representative threatened me by stating he/she had obtained my physical address/IP address and stated he/she would sue me for liable if I mentioned their user name (first name). I have asked for my money more than 10 times and they have refused to give me a straight answer. They have held on to my commissions since Oct. 24, 2012. Some message boards I have read have folks with commissions dating back much more for sums in excess of 40K.

Now online: Our team is committed to providing excellent support to our members. All of our friendly Member Support Agents are currently online and excited to assist you.

Alexandra Van D

why won't you pay me?

Please wait while our agents attend to you.
There are currently 6 visitor(s) waiting to be served.

Alexandra Van D

my money has been in
cues for a long time and I am tired of it...pay me

please answer

You are currently being served by  CSR

Hello, Im a representative with Member Services. I am excited to have the opportunity to
work with you using our live chat system. How can I help you today?

Alexandra Van D


Please tell me why I can't get any money and have not been able to?

Nobody will give me a straight answer and I don't want to hear about the cues and buckets anymore...I
am in banking and know banking law in the US


I apologize that you are having trouble with the withdrawal system. Unfortunately, we do not know
specifics regarding a time when the buckets may be opened or closed. They do
open and close a few times per day. You are welcome to go to the 24/7 Welcome
Room because the moderators are good about announcing when the buckets are open
in real time. Please also be aware that the bucket system is currently in public
beta and once final testing is complete an announcement will be released.

Alexandra Van D

That is not the turth

when can I get my money please?

give me a date


I do apologize, but am unable to give a timeframe at this time. Our I.T. Team is working hard towards
having the withdrawal process work much quicker in the future. We don't want to give a timeframe and break a promise.

Alexandra Van D

give me a straight answer


I understand your frustration as I am a member as well and I am experiencing the same issues with
my account. The withdrawal process is Profit Clickings highest priority and our
I.T. Team is working around the clock towards having the withdrawal process work
much quicker in the future. We appreciate your continued support and patience.
Rest assured, Profit Clicking is going to be a more user friendly program
moving forward.

Alexandra Van D

NOT an answer.......

I want an answer


We in Live Chat are here to assist members with specific issues with their accounts. We do not mandate how the company works.

Alexandra Van D

you are being reported.....


We do apologize for any inconvenience but while we are optimizing our systems, we would like to advise
you that we are still in the Beta stages and many things may not be working
properly as they should be. This includes calculations and placements of Ad
Packs, balances and/or Daily Sales Profits and delays in withdrawals. We ask
you to please have patience. Our I.T. Department is working around the clock to
get the entire site in working order.

Alexandra Van D

you have kept my money for months

stop copying and pasting

we know the DA and have sontacted him



Again, Alexandra, we here in Live Chat are here to assist members with specific issues with their
accounts. We do not mandate how the company works.

Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Alexandra Van D

tell me WHEN I can access my money!


I do apologize, but am unable to give a timeframe at this time. Our I.T. Department is working around
the clock to get the entire site in working order, but has run into some unforeseen delays and challenges. We don't want to give a timeframe and break a promise.

Alexandra Van D

your IM is going to be forwarded as well


Are there any other questions or concerns that I can assist you with today?

Alexandra Van D

you in effect stole my money

you are losing advertsisers at high speeds

did you not get your lesson?



I do not understand your question. Will you please rephrase it?

Alexandra Van D

you are losing advertsisers...its all over the net because you are not paying people

give us our money..WE earned it and did not give you permission to use it

hows that for rephrasing?

when are you going to release ANY of my money?


Just one moment please while I get some information for you Alexandra.

Alexandra Van D


are you familiar with Ripoff.com?

all the ag's and da's in the US routinely surf the site...as well as prosecutors

I really recommend paying us please

not trying to be ajerk, but you are playing with money that isn't yours


First of all, Alexandra, I am not the owner of Profit Clicking. I provide member support
services to the best of my ability to assist members with their accounts and I
surely don't appreciate your threatening attitude. Profit Clicking is working
around the clock to bring the site out of beta.

I would like to remind you to please review the Profit Clicking Member

Specifically, Section #9

9. I affirm that any suggestions of how much can possibly be earned with PC
does not constitute a promise that any specific individual will achieve any
particular level of earnings. I understand that there are no earnings
guarantees and that any money I risk may be lost.

Alexandra Van D

this will all be copied and posted to ripoff report..........again...we want to be paid

9 Updates & Rebuttals

A.Van Duyn

Email stating they took my money

#2Author of original report

Sun, May 19, 2013

I now have 872.00 in my account that I have no access to. Before Frederick Mann stepped in and took it I had 1,620.00.

Welcome to all our new members!

That.s right, the process Frederick

has planned for the Basic System, in

order to revive it from it.s non-paying

status is already half completed!

In just another 48 hours or so, the Basic

System in Profit Clicking will be running

like new, paying all withdrawal requests

within 24-48 hours again!

Note that when Frederick is done, most

members will not have the same amount of

money available in their Basic Accounts,

but at least the money seen in your

account will be readily available to spend

or withdraw, just as to be expected - read

about the Profit Shift for more information

about what we are planning:


Also please get proficient in earning

money in the PC Panel System - that.s

where a considerable amount of your

Basic System Assets will be located

after Frederick.s plan has been


Keep in mind that before Frederick

offered to help us, the Basic System

was not paying hardly at all - a huge

disappointment for everyone.

With Frederick.s help, we.ll soon be

able to make money quickly, and

recommend Profit Clicking to others

with a good conscience again!

Here is what some people are saying:

.Do not underestimate the name and

power of Frederick Mann. Yes, he will

come to the rescue. He has the means!.

.Yep but I also remember JBP with

Frederick Mann. FM means business and

no time to waste. So let's be hopeful..

.Frederick is back! Things are looking

up people! Get ready for the next round

and things back to normal..

And now we only have a few more days

to wait for his solution!

We.re very excited also!

Thank you everyone, for your patience!

As Frederick said in his first meeting

with top executives of Profit Clicking,

.The basic compensation of Profit

Clicking is indeed indefinitely sustainable

as originally designed; however, if not

properly managed, the financial system

can get into trouble quickly, and all

deals are off..

Thank you very much, Frederick, because

we KNOW you ran your former JustBeenPaid

program very successfully - we.re looking

forward to what you can recommend for

Profit Clicking!

So here is what we.re doing next:

1) Effective immediately, all the

functionality of the so-called .Basic System.

will be blocked, allowing for extensive system

maintenance and possibly improvements to

be carried out - this includes

- buying of basic ad packages

- buying of basic panels

- buying of gift cards

- buying of accelerators

- upgrading of accounts

Everyone will still be able to use

a portion of their basic funds to

buy Premium Ad Packages, up to 20%

per purchase - the Premium System

will NOT be affected by this much

needed system maintenance.

2) In a few days, the Basic System

will be operating again, and as far

as we are told, the Basic System will

be 100% functional again, including

- withdrawals within 24-48 hours

- increased withdrawal limits

- immediate availability to funds

Simply full functionality of all previous

components of the Basic System!

In the meantime, take full advantage of

the full-operational Premium System!

Earn by buying Ad Packages

In the New Premium System, every

single day of the week you earn

30 cents on every ad packages you


Three percent (3%) daily earnings on

premium ad packages purchased for as

long as 50 days - that.s 30 cents per

day per ad package, and you are allowed

to buy up to 25,000 ad packages!

Here are some examples:

Purchase Price Earn Back

$10 $15

$100 $150

$1,000 $1,500

$10,000 $15,000

$100,000 $150,000

It.s up to you, how much you earn,

and this method of earning is

totally passive - until our new

advertising system is launched,

you don.t even have to view any

other member.s web sites, unless

you want to!

Get started today, by logging in at


Big Commissions for Promoters

Earn Up to $5,000 a Day per Referral

and up to $2,500 a Day per second level

referral, just by promoting your web

sites to others, and we teach you how

to do it!

That's without buying any ad packages!

Yes, you have to do something that you

might never have done before, by telling

other people about this business

opportunity, but it's quite easy once

you see how we teach it.


Start learning how to promote online,

today - it.s a great way to secure your

financial future!

And get ready for all the enhancements

to the user experience at Profit Clicking

- have you been watching?

Okay, we.re ready to serve you!


Very Important Information Follows

Here are the simple steps to success

in Profit Clicking:


Our unique, patented system is the reason

Profit Clicking is indefinitely



The Profit Clicking Test Drive will

benefit all Members who create their

Profit Clicking accounts for the

first time. By seeing that "$10 free

test drive" in their Profit Clicking

accounts, they can immediately buy

a Profit Clicking Ad Package and

start earning!

So please tell your prospects that if

they create their new Profit Clicking

accounts, they get "$10 of free test

drive. money to easily get started.

(Note that after 45 days, their Profit

Clicking accounts will be debited with


It's very easy to make money with

Profit Clicking:

On our Millionaires' page you can see

that our Top Promoter has earned over

$1,413,000 from the exact same compensation

plan you are looking at today, making

10% from the purchases of direct

referrals and 5% from their 2nd Level,

plus lots of money from the panel


You can also see that our top company

earner (combination of buying

advertising and selling advertising)

has earned:


All of our top 20 earners have earned

more than a million dollars each, from

the exact same compensation plan that's

available to you here in Profit Clicking



Extremely Healthy Business Growth!

You should also know that your program

continues to grow strongly, as you can

see from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit

Clicking is ranked today at an incredible

number 348 in the entire world!


Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If

you scroll down to "Country" and click

"More", you can see how we're doing in

various parts of the world.

Feel free to compare our success with

any other site you encounter!

Your suggestions are always welcome,

and some of the best features of our

system have come from our members,

so feel free to click on "Make a

Suggestion" at the bottom of the

Member Area.

Working for our wealth and success,

Your Profit Clicking Success Team

P.S. We challenge you to find any

program that's easier to make money with

than Profit Clicking.

P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to

become "the program everyone in the

know joins." If you join immediately,

you can tell your friends and contacts

about it -- before they join under

someone else.

A.Van Duyn


#3Author of original report

Wed, May 15, 2013

We have forwarded said information to an FTC attorney. This is the latest in a ridiculous saga that is PC. I lost 1K in this company.


Welcome to all our new members!

That's right, the original, so-called

"Basic System" of Profit Clicking

is in trouble, and Frederick Mann has

declared himself available to help us!

In a few days, we'll know much more,

but the one most important thing for

Profit Clicking is to have the competency

in place to run the system properly.

As Frederick said in his first meeting

with top executives of Profit Clicking,

"The basic compensation of Profit

Clicking is indeed indefinitely sustainable

as originally designed; however, if not

properly managed, the financial system

can get into trouble quickly, and all

deals are off."

Thank you very much, Frederick, because

we KNOW you ran your former JustBeenPaid

program very successfully - we're looking

forward to what you can recommend for

Profit Clicking!

So here is what we're doing next:

1) Effective immediately, all the

functionality of the so-called "Basic System"

will be blocked, allowing for extensive system

maintenance and possibly improvements to

be carried out - this includes

- buying of basic ad packages

- buying of basic panels

- buying of gift cards

- buying of accelerators

- upgrading of accounts

- withdrawing funds

Everyone will still be able to use

a portion of their basic funds to

buy Premium Ad Packages, up to 20%

per purchase - the Premium System

will NOT be affected by this much

needed system maintenance.

2) In a few days, the Basic System

will be operating again, and as far

as we are told, the Basic System will

be 100% functional again, including

- withdrawals within 24-48 hours

- increased withdrawal limits

- immediate availability to funds

Simply full functionality of all previous

components of the Basic System!

In the meantime, take full advantage of

the full-operational Premium System!

Earn by buying Ad Packages

In the New Premium System, every

single day of the week you earn

30 cents on every ad packages you


Three percent (3%) daily earnings on

premium ad packages purchased for as

long as 50 days - that's 30 cents per

day per ad package, and you are allowed

to buy up to 250,000 ad packages!

Here are some examples:

Purchase Price Earn Back

$10 $15

$100 $150

$1,000 $1,500

$10,000 $15,000

$100,000 $150,000

It's up to you, how much you earn,

and this method of earning is

totally passive - until our new

advertising system is launched,

you don't even have to view any

other member's web sites, unless

you want to!

Get started today, by logging in at


Big Commissions for Promoters

Earn Up to $5,000 a Day per Referral

and up to $2,500 a Day per second level

referral, just by promoting your web

sites to others, and we teach you how

to do it!

That's without buying any ad packages!

Yes, you have to do something that you

might never have done before, by telling

other people about this business

opportunity, but it's quite easy once

you see how we teach it.


Start learning how to promote online,

today - it's a great way to secure your

financial future!

And get ready for all the enhancements

and enhancements to the user experience

at Profit Clicking - have you been


Okay, we're ready to serve you!


Very Important Information Follows

Here are the simple steps to success

in Profit Clicking:


Our unique, patented system is the reason

Profit Clicking is indefinitely



The Profit Clicking Test Drive will

benefit all Members who create their

Profit Clicking accounts for the

first time. By seeing that "$10 free

test drive" in their Profit Clicking

accounts, they can immediately buy

a Profit Clicking Ad Package and

start earning!

So please tell your prospects that if

they create their new Profit Clicking

accounts, they get "$10 of free test

drive" money to easily get started.

(Note that after 45 days, their Profit

Clicking accounts will be debited with


It's very easy to make money with

Profit Clicking:

On our Millionaires' page you can see

that our Top Promoter has earned over

$1,380,000 from the exact same compensation

plan you are looking at today, making

10% from the purchases of direct

referrals and 5% from their 2nd Level,

plus lots of money from the panel


You can also see that our top company

earner (combination of buying

advertising and selling advertising)

has earned:


All of our top 20 earners have earned

more than a million dollars each, from

the exact same compensation plan that's

available to you here in Profit Clicking



Extremely Healthy Business Growth!

You should also know that your program

continues to grow strongly, as you can

see from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit

Clicking is ranked today at an incredible

number 305 in the entire world!


Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If

you scroll down to "Country" and click

"More", you can see how we're doing in

various parts of the world.

Feel free to compare our success with

any other site you encounter!

Your suggestions are always welcome,

and some of the best features of our

system have come from our members,

so feel free to click on "Make a

Suggestion" at the bottom of the

Member Area.

Working for our wealth and success,

Your Profit Clicking Success Team

P.S. We challenge you to find any

program that's easier to make money with

than Profit Clicking.

P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to

become "the program everyone in the

know joins." If you join immediately,

you can tell your friends and contacts

about it -- before they join under

someone else.

S Sun

Suffolk Park,
money in queue put back without permission

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2013

...this happened to me to. I was outraged, after waiting for months for my money in queue to be processed (the payement processors, by the way are not hindering these processes in any way- it is all Profit Clicking's doing). They returned the money waiting for withdrawal back to my wallet, without asking me permission first. 
-just another way they keep our money. 
...still can't believe there is no other members on here, reporting their problems- come ON, people! Where are youuuuuuu?
(thank you, author)

S Sun

Suffolk Park,
How can you possibly support these crooks, Dep Don??

#5General Comment

Thu, March 28, 2013

pasted: "This is old newsAUTHOR: Deputy Don - (United States of America)SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Everyone knows they had several IT issues that slowed them down.   I know my sister had money due but the Christmas rush backed up the entire process for hundreds of thousands they say.    I guess if a million people showed up at your local bank asking for a withdrawal immediately, that bank would probably close down and declare a bank holiday.     The last I heard things are picking up with this company.    Don't understand this posting.    "

Dep. Don, Why do you post this? Why would you want to support the company that is stealing from millions of people, by making excuses for them?? Are you one of their robots doing PR propoganda for them or something? Because it seems they have many minions working to promote, while they continue to keep our hard-earned money, all the while feeding us BS about why we can't withdraw. 
IT problems, Buckets, green lights, red lights, NEW, Premium systems, then what? 
Am I ever going to see my huge investment again? PC are so obviously crooks. They are probably making millions off of our money, while they send us BS about how great they are. makes me wanna scream!
 How can you back them up?????
This is Insanity!! This is WAR!

A.Van Duyn

United States of America
Profit Clicking Generated Fraudulent Withdrawal Notices From My Que

#6Author of original report

Fri, February 01, 2013

The following is an example of Profit Clicking posting a fraudulent withdrawal notice to my account with the date included. I DID NOT approve this transaction. They then sent me a letter that they were "pleased that I chose to reinvest in their company." Notice they are using the word "Full" as this is just one of four fraudulent withdrawals they made on my behalf back to their company. Payza refuses to help recover money already in their "que" stating that the money had never made it to them as a processor. This even though Profit Clicking forces one to sign up for one of 5 processors to attempt to be paid on the commission that are earned.

(for withdrawal request of $250 on Jan-08-2013)$250.00

A.Van Duyn

United States of America
Update on Profit Clicking: This is their response to forcing me to watch porn images to be paid

#7Author of original report

Fri, February 01, 2013

The following represents Profit Clicking's answer to my complaint that there are now pornographic images on their site. In order to earn money you must click 3 ads a day to remain compliant. The pornographic image was the 2nd in that order of the three I had to click. To this day, they are still refusing to pay me and now claim that it is the fault of one of five payment processors. Payza, Egopay, Solid Trust, Perfect Money and Liberty Reserve. They explain that you must "cancel" and reinstate your withdrawals due to "buckets" the payment processors use as a way of using your money even further. They claim that once a daily "bucket" is full, the consumer is out of luck for that 48 hour period as well. I spoke with Payza, and they claimed not to "be aware of the bucket system." The only processors I have found to answer the phone seem to be Payza and Egopay. Both inisist they have nothing to do with the "ques" involved or with the actual withdrawal of commissions from Profit Clicking's site. They rather have asked us to post a note to them in the "Resolution Center" on their site. The difference is that they allow their company name to be "used" as a point of reference and that the money is "ready to go into a bucket inside of 48 hours after it supposedly posts." 

-- do not edit --

Alexandra Van Duyn,

A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #914929 with the following response:


Hello Alexandra,

Thank you for reporting this. As diligent as our approval team is, it seems there are some sites that either slip past them, or more than likely, were edited after they were approved and that is not allowable.

If ever you see something like this again, please also use the Report button found on the pop up while viewing ads. Doing so will remove it from rotation immediately.

I will now report this and have it removed.

Thank you for being a valued member of Profit Clicking!

We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If not, please do not send another email. Instead, reply to this email or login to your account for a complete archive of all your support requests and responses.


Please help us serve you best by rating this staff response. To do so, simply click on the link above to login to your account. Once your logged in, you will be able to view this ticket online and rate staff responses to this ticket.

Thank You!
P.S. Don't forget to take full advantage of the Training Videos, which will help you understand much of the program and help you make the most money possible, and as quickly as possible! Simply log in to Profit Clicking and click on "Daily Web Conferences" and then "Special Training Outline."

A.Van Duyn

United States of America
Profit Clicking is now requiring me to view porn in order to be paid

#8Author of original report

Wed, January 30, 2013

I received the following response from Profit Clicking customer support after informing them that I possess a "hyperlink" and a "screenshot" of the pornography present on their pay per click site. They require all affiliates to click a minimum of 3 times a day in order to receive compensation. I have not received a dime of compensation since investing in the firms "ad panels" in Oct. 2012. Nobody gives a straight answer regarding withdrawals and nobody can provide a physical address or phone number for Profit Clicking (formerly "Justbeenpaid"). They simply state that because they are an internet based company they don't have to provide that information even though they boast a U.S. Patent for dba. 

The following regarded their inability to pay anyone apparently anything:

Hello Alexandra,

We are reaching out to you with a sincere apology and resolution for your experience using our withdrawal system.

The challenges youve experienced and are being used to strengthen your future. We thank you for your patience in weathering the storm and applaud your decision to continue with us. Your future is VERY bright with Profit Clicking.

Several of our top earners met with our Executive team and developed a workable solution for the current withdrawal issue. Your withdrawal requests are on their way!

To begin implementing this strategy, we reset the Withdrawal Queue, and freed up your money by returning it to your Wallet. These available funds can continue building your financial future by utilizing Ad Packs, Panels or soon to be released Gift Card. New withdrawal requests will process up to $100/ day per Payment Processor. The previously implemented Bucket System has also been modified to improve your member experience. 

With the implementation of this strategy, withdrawal requests will be processed more efficiently. The net effect is your dollars will either be working for you or be in your pocket, but they wont be sitting in a queue for an extended period of time!

Your withdrawal request of $147.20 has been returned to your Wallet.

Your Member ID: 1945428
Payment Processor: EgoPay
Invoice: 1945428-WW504245

Rest assured, we are working around the clock to make Profit Clicking a solid, long term and profitable experience for you and your family. 

The horizon looks very bright and we are thrilled with the opportunities ahead. Stay tuned into your email and the Member Updates. Your profit potential with Profit Clicking is revving up!.


Profit Clicking Executive Team

I will follow up this post with the response Profit Clicking provided me regarding the fact that they made me watch porn with a "promise" to pay for my clicking. Also, the above note "thanks" me for choosing to return my money into their system for their continued use of my funds. I never have nor ever will provide them with funding or investment following my initial experience with this firm. They never asked me for permission to use my money, they just took it. They took my commsions in doing so. 

A.Van Duyn

United States of America
Out of the blue from Profit Clicking 1/26/13

#9Author of original report

Sat, January 26, 2013

I and my colleague both received notices in an email this morning from Profit Clicking. The notices stated that our "ques" in the PC processing system had been placed "back into the company due to our decision to do so." Our money has been sitting in the same "ques" for month(s) with a promise to pay inside of 48 hours using a "bucket system" devised by PC as soon as the request was made.. Payza, Egopay, and Solid Trust are three such payment processors with a supposed agreement to allow the payments to be processed and there are two others but we don't use those. We never gave written permission or otherwise for our commissions to be used again by PC. The following is what we received:

Hello Alexandra,

We are reaching out to you with a sincere apology and resolution for your experience using our withdrawal system.

The challenges youve experienced and are being used to strengthen your future. We thank you for your patience in weathering the storm and applaud your decision to continue with us. Your future is VERY bright with Profit Clicking.

Several of our top earners met with our Executive team and developed a workable solution for the current withdrawal issue. Your withdrawal requests are on their way!

To begin implementing this strategy, we reset the Withdrawal Queue, and freed up your money by returning it to your Wallet. These available funds can continue building your financial future by utilizing Ad Packs, Panels or soon to be released Gift Card. New withdrawal requests will process up to $100/ day per Payment Processor. The previously implemented Bucket System has also been modified to improve your member experience. 

With the implementation of this strategy, withdrawal requests will be processed more efficiently. The net effect is your dollars will either be working for you or be in your pocket, but they wont be sitting in a queue for an extended period of time!

Your withdrawal request of $165.60 has been returned to your Wallet.

Your Member ID: 1945428
Payment Processor: Payza
Invoice: 1945428-WW317789

Rest assured, we are working around the clock to make Profit Clicking a solid, long term and profitable experience for you and your family. 

The horizon looks very bright and we are thrilled with the opportunities ahead. Stay tuned into your email and the Member Updates. Your profit potential with Profit Clicking is revving up!.


Profit Clicking Executive Team

Deputy Don

United States of America
This is old news

#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 08, 2013

Everyone knows they had several IT issues that slowed them down.   I know my sister had money due but the Christmas rush backed up the entire process for hundreds of thousands they say.    I guess if a million people showed up at your local bank asking for a withdrawal immediately, that bank would probably close down and declare a bank holiday.     The last I heard things are picking up with this company.    Don't understand this posting.    

Reports & Rebuttal
Respond to this report!
Also a victim?
Repair Your Reputation!