  • Report:  #207231

Complaint Review: Quixtar - Other

Reported By:
- del city, Oklahoma,

quixtar.com Other, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have a philosophy (not sure if I spelled that right, so forgive if I miss spell anything)in my life. Every part of my life is clear and transparent. If you ask me a question, you are going to get a direct honest answer. I am not this way out of spite or hatefullness, I am this way because I believe you should always tell the truth. One doesn't have to be bruital when telling the truth either, just have tact and be kind.

Especially the buisness aspect of my life. I believe in total honesty. And today I had an encounter with a Quixtar rep. I learned that not everyone, even though they present themselves to be a Christian which I whole heartly am, has that same philosophy.

A dear family member of mine called me and asked me if I wanted to be apart of an 'opprotunity,'about a buiness she and her husband were starting. Immediately, having been ripped off by Primerica, I smelled a scam coming. Almost any one that uses the term, 'opprotunity,'has something up their sleve.

I asked her about her company and she put her 'mentor,' on the phone. He asked if he could just have 15 minutes of my time and he would explain to me what they do. I told him I would do some research about his company and then I would contact him if I were interested. He asked me that when I do some research, that I use a reliable source such as IBO, or the Better Buisness Bureau. I said I would and I did. Being that I am an honest person, I did go to the Better Buisness Bureau and here of coarse! Even on the BBB site, they had complaints filed about them and as one can see, they are all over this one too!

But, I did however set up a meeting because I was concerned about my cousin being sucked in. I was hopeing to bring some light to the issue so she could see what she was getting into.

So, I met with him and my cousin. He asked if we were ready to start. I said yes and that I have some questions to ask him afterwords. He told me that this meeting was not about question and answers. He said this was about presenting the company and seeing if I was interested. Offended that he would be so rude, I did let him continue on his little quest.

He gave me his sales pitch and that did not explain what the company was about. He asked me if I was interested and I said I that I was interested in how people made money. What did he do to earn this money and who really makes all this money? Of coarse he said it would take way to long to explain to me and that we needed to set a meeting with his mentor to explain it to me.

I pressed for an explination and he became irratible, as did I since I waisted 15 minutes of my life and gas to hear him rattle on about the name of the company but not what they did!

And it is beyond me why I would need another meeting with someone else to figure out what they do? If I go and apply for Wal-Mart, then it only takes one interview to figure out where I will be and what I will be doing for my money.

This guy was so bugus and I was on to him and he figured it out, then totally shut me down. He didn't answer any of my questions and was offensive to me when he figured out I wasn't an easy customer to sell this company to. (By the way, why was he trying to recruit me into this company rather than try and get me to buy products or what ever the heck he sells? I guess he makes more money roping saps into this trap.)

The research I did on this company as well as having a face to face meeting with him just shows me that they are frauds! I am grateful that I found this website before I took any action. Because, I have been a sap before roped in by Primerica with their 'Christian business', and I won't be roped again.

Beware of those who use words like, 'opprotunity,' and that they want to 'meet with you,' before they tell you what it's all about.


del city, Oklahoma

1 Updates & Rebuttals


When you point your finger to blame others for your misfortune, see where the rest of the fingers are pointing.

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, February 11, 2008

I was a former voting member DD who saw some of the great things about the Amway/Quixtar business. We eventually dropped out of the busines not because of the Company, but because distributors above were not business savvy, or the ones below were writing bad cheques to us. The plan has been modified to solve the issue of NSF cheques, so that is not as big an issue as before. After I left the business, I came to the conclusion that the best part of the business is people, and the worst part is people. I also came to the conclusion that the business is TOO GOOD for the average person. Anyone who can make it in the Amway business is or becomes a very quality individual. You cannot make it other way. You cannot cheat people out of thousands of $$$ like other business "opportunities" sometimes do, you cannot coerce people into spending money, you can only try to get them to see a very simple plan, and they will decide if they are capable of making something out of it. The Company is AAA, financially solid, and never argues about returning your money, for ANY reason, even if it has been 6 months since the purchase. Try to find another company that reputable. Hell, Wal-Mart gives you UP TO 30 days, depending on the product, and if it hasnt been opened. I personally believe all the nay-sayers will find problems with most things in their life, and usually have limited business knowledge and/or a poor attitude. Walk into any business with a poor attitude and see how long you are around. Amway is really about... DISCOVERING YOURSELF! Most discover they arent prepared to do the groundwork necessary for success, some discover hidden talents they never knew about, and go on to become successful in the business. Quit bitching about the Company, they dont want and dont need negative people. They do want those with an open mind, who are prepared to commit a little money and a lot of time to create a life for themselves that no one else can provide with so little an investment. For those folks that genuinely like people, who can be patient with others while being impatient with themselves, and who have dreams but do not have a vehicle to obtain those dreams...GO FOR IT. One thing you will discover is: Those who "know" the most about it, have never been distributors, or quit early. Dont listen to those people! Also remember, a distributor (individual) is NOT an employee of the Company. They act and say things independent of the Company. If you hang out with people who are not upfront and honest, maybe it says something about yourself. Find new people to hang out with.

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