  • Report:  #501851

Complaint Review: Ray Blanchard PhD - Internet North Carolina

Reported By:
John the Baptist - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Ray Blanchard PhD
www.rayblanchard.com Internet, 27560 North Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

A few years ago, I was pressured into attending The Legacy Center in Morrisville, North Carolina. Their first course was called the Basic and our trainer was named Ray Blanchard who happened to have a PhD.

This place was supposed to be some type of educational center that helps people overcome their past and achieve their dreams. It was only later that I found out that it was a money grubbing cult espousing worthless and scary new age philosophies.

Ray Blanchard was charmining and extremely well dressed. Something seemed odd about his teachings at the time but I couldn't put my finger on it until later.

There was the usual mind control and sleep deprivation as well as dancing and new age music. However, I'm going to focus on only two things that seemed very strange.

First, Dr Blanchard related a story about a man in New York City whose job was that of a professional street beggar who made over $100,000 per year. He asked us what we thought of this from a moral point of view. Many of us thought that this was wrong because this man was deceitful as well as a liar and a thief.

Ray told us that we were wrong and that it was just fine for this man to do this and that morality depended on the situation and the person's point of view. What I realized later is that DR Blanchard was preaching SITUATIONAL MORALITY. This is a New Age Secularist philosophy that is in total opposition to the Bible and the Ten Commandments!

Have you ever heard of "Thou shalt not lie" and "Thou shalt not steal"? His teachings are in direct opposition to Christianity. And total BULLS**T.

Later in the trainings were were directed to play something called "The Red Black Game". I'm not going to bore you with details so here is a very short summary.  We were divided into two seperate teams in two seperate rooms and told that our goal was to get the most points.

The final result was a score something like -6 to -16 or something like that. Little did we know there would be hell to pay.

By this time it was after 1 AM and we were told to file back into the main auditorium in silence. The trainer had a look that would kill. When we got to our seats we were ordered to close our eyes and the trainer screamed at us for over 30 minutes straight. We were told that what we did in the game amounted to war and the way we played that game was the way we lived our lives. That screaming lecture accused us of just about every negative behavior imaginable. We were told that crime in the streets, racism, and other personal and social problems were because of people like us. You would have thought we were the leaders of Russia and America who just fired off an all-out nuclear exchange at each other and were now being called to account for it in hell. Those of us who knew how the game was supposed to be played and voted black were especially berated because we didn't "take a stand" for the win-win situation.

After a night of sleep deprivation and now another late night plus all the psychological opening exercises, this screaming lecture over a PA system sends thunderbolts through your consciousness. I felt like with every sentence that a powerful jolt of electricity was sent through my nervous system.

I found out later that this was all bullshit and more about controlling us than anything else. Outside of our view and hearing, Ray Blanchard and Rob Katz were laughing their a**es off! Many people freaked out and were extreamly upset, to say the least.

These trainings and Dr Blanchard resulting in me having a major psychiatric meltdown. These people only care about picking your pocket and taking your hard earned money. They run a very dangerous cult and have no psychiatric training. Hundreds of people have been seriously damaged as a result. Additionally, their teachings are ANTI CHRISTIAN as well as either extremely damaging or worthless (if you are lucky).

Those teachings are SECULAR and NEW AGE. This place is a cult designed to steal your money.

Dr Ray Blanchard is a con artist and a dangerous fraud as well as a liar and a cheat!


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Half half

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 25, 2015

 I was in spectrum life design with ray Blanchard and it does have a cult vibe because they don't let you question anything and it is implied that you should blindly take everything to heart. The course was 50/50. Because it had a lot of mixed signals in it. They claim to have the tools and the experience to completely help you move on with your life, but that's a lie, they don't completely know what they are doing. They probably have good intentions, but they have only a vague notion of what is right. Ray was a hypocrite on some things, and was exemplinary on others. To be specific; there were two kinds of exercises: emotional activities, and a lecture of the ways you limit yourself by caring how others think. Now Ray, when he was doing the emotional activities, was 100% spot on, he turns down the lights and a song comes up, and either you face your fears, or connect with other people, while he is stirring up your feelings by saying EXACTLY what your experiences were. That was very very very well done, he didn't make any mistakes. On one of the emotional activities, you look at the person in front of you, while ray says that "it was all okay, and you did the best you could," and "every person deserves love and isn't perfect and they've made mistakes too." And I broke down crying when he said that. The emotional excersizes work. Now what doesn't work are all the ideas you are supposed to understand, I don't think ray understands them that well either. He does a poor job of trying to explain as he just talks at us and doesn't let you ask questions to understand the concepts. No he just has a list of ideas that they all have thought of before many years before. He just rehearses them without any input from any of the people listening to see if we understood or not. The ideas also were not only unexplained, but also they were contradictory and vague, he had this very cult like vibe to all the concepts as you have to memorize their "seminar" language that is completely absurd. They call bad habits, "rackets" and continually say everything is for a reason. They probably have good intentions, but they are trying to say that every problem has a root, and that your actions stem from a deep seeded reason, but they are using a phrase with a double meaning. They don't clarify exactly what we are doing wrong and they hide behind catchphrases when questioned, and fall back on deflecting the question and projecting it back to you, expecting you to not think for yourself, but repeat the catchphrases back to them, like some parrot. Most likely they do this because they are just ignorant and don't answer the questions directly in simple language, because they probably don't understand themselves. The black/white game is a joke. Not all of it, but half of it, again, they only know half of what they are doing. When they stated that the objective of the game was to win, I saw the only way you could win and I went for it. The purpose of the game is arbitrary, and the meaning of the game is open to interpretation. After we played the game, ray yelled at us for ~20 minutes on how we played the game like savages, and that we chose the wrong way to play it. That part was complete bull, he assumed that everyone should of bet on black instead of red, and he put his own subjective morality into the relativeness of the game, which was based on nothing. Half of that game meant something in that, the people that did not take charge and worked with the group do the same thing in their own lives, and that's why they are living unfufilled lives, that part is right. But Ray is giving way too many mixed signals that it's hard to know what he is playing at. And he bullies you into feeling guilty over something completely not your fault and something completely meaningless and petty. He tells you to stand up for yourself, but punishes you when you do, it's hypocracy! In the end, the seminar is half good if you don't listen to the brainwashing ideas which they expect you to believe, which are very shady. They don't match up with each other and are only hinted at, it's not fair to the people who are listening to him talk. Some of the ideas are pure cultist ideology, even though it is with good intentions, they are still a very cult like group with no room for questioning and understanding. It is very fishy this seminar, they say it's about you and not about the money, then talk about "deals" and "savings." They give too many mixed messages which leaves you confused about their intentions. They push dogmatic cultist catchphrases on you with no reason or meaning behind them. I wouldn't go there again, it does help, but I say there is more harm than good. Only go if you don't internalize anything they are saying except in their emotional activities.


Delray Beach,
United States of America
My own experience with Dr. Ray Blanchard

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, January 17, 2013

I have taken the training with Dr. Ray Blanchard as well.  Seeing as the original report claimed that this goes against Christianity, I'd like to say that I am a Christian woman and the trainings with Dr. Ray Blanchard have actually deepened my faith in Jesus Christ.  I know this to be true (because we discussed it) of some other Christians who have taken the training.  This truly is not some scary cult.  My own family has been very impressed by the positive changes they have witnessed in me.  Basically, I now live my life in a much more effective manner while practicing the principles of love of myself and my neighbor (a Christ teaching), forgiveness (a Christ teaching), faith in God (Christ), Gratitude (Christ) and Generosity (also Christ).  There were one or two people in the course I took who expressed great anger at Dr. Blanchard and expressed similar sentiments to the ones in this report.  I believe there always will be.  Never did anyone say they experienced psychiatric meltdown.  My experience though (based on conversations with people in the course) were that they left there feeling as I did.  Personally, I do not see how letting go of limiting beliefs and painful baggage, replacing it with joy and the most central components of Christ's teachings (without needing to mention religion) is a rip off or has somehow turned me into a member of a scary cult.  I can assure you that this is neither a rip off nor a cult.  Quite simply, change and openness to fresh perspectives are frightening to some people.  Dr. Blanchard's course simply opens up your awareness to new possibilities.  


United States of America
Ray Blanchard teaches perspective

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2011

I also took a basic training with Dr. Ray Blanchard 23 years ago and am re-taking one now. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken training's led by Dr. Ray Blanchard and most of them have used the teachings to create positive results in their lives. I make this generalized statement only because this was the only complaint I saw and Dr. Blanchard has been teaching for 35 years. I can say that personally I used his teachings to get out of an abusive marriage and bring my children safely to the place of my dreams. My kids thank me regularly for taking on my life and making the changes I could to improve the situation drastically for us all. I am a Christian as well. My father is a preacher with one of the largest congregations in the country. I encourage people to check out the training I am taking now that he leads that is offered through Spectrum Life Design. I think you can google that and find it.

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