  • Report:  #1007001

Complaint Review: Red Skelton website - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
Jackie B - , Nevada, United States of America

Red Skelton website
1350 E. Flamingo rd. ste. 773 Las Vegas, 89119 Nevada, United States of America
www.artcorporationofamerica.com, www.redskelton.com
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have to say that I have read the several "reports" on Art Corporation of America and Dr. Mett in awe.

To me it seems that they are mainly written by frustrated people, of which the majority never did business with them even.

I find that unfair judgement, and so have decided to report about my experiences.

The reports are mainly based on events that occured 20-25 years ago, and are to this day, very questionable.

Questionable because a lot of evidence was not allowed, questionable because they were in my own humble opinion, more about personal grudge and destroying a business then anything else.

But, that happened, is gone, over and done with, finito as we say.

From my personal point of view, I only have good to say about Dr. Mett.
I have bought several pieces of art through him: Anthony Quinn, Tony Curtis, and a few others, and,
also sold a few pieces through him.
The experience was very pleasant, very professional, to the point, and promptly, as it should be done.

Since when is it a crime to have a mailing address seperate from ones physical home or business address ?

Thousands of businesses do so, what is the problem ?

What is wrong with having your business/gallery connected to your home?

Loads of peopple do that to save costs, especially the ones that are young and start a new business, and also the ones that may be had bad luck and need to rebuild their business.

I do not see anything bad there, I am truly sorry.  One should only know how many succesful businesses started out of a garage for example.

Phones not answered or Lothian Skelton not around? That may very well be a point: Lothian lives in California and not Las Vegas, so I would not assume she has a "9 to 5" obligation to be in Las Vegas.

Dr. Mett travels around the world just about 10 months of the year, so yes, it could happen that phones are not being answered right away.

I am sure thought, that if you leave a message, you will get a call back. I know that I always have.

I think that as clear thinking, objective and unprejudiced people, we will ALL come to the conclusion that the entire economy sucks (or people would probably not even want to sell their art work). And it sucks badly.

It has been completely and utterly flat on it's back for years now, and is only now starting to very, very slowly get on it's feet.

As that same clear thinking, objective and unprejudiced person, you will also agree with me, that the first things people STOP buying when in financial turmoil, are luxury items: antiques, art, boats, horses, sportscars and so on.

These are also the first items people will try to sell when in financial turmoil.

With that being said, I would not expect any big, fancy, expensive art sales any time soon, which any professional business person knows, and will tell you.  Any business person that has any sort of business....they may word it differently "it is a buyers market", but it boils down to "your item will be hard to sell" .

AS somebody once told me: I do not see people buying a hundred thousand dollar piece of fine art to put on the wall of the homeless shelter.....because they can not even afford to keep their home.

I think that THAT pretty much says it all.

But, you all probably already knew that, just expected a miracle from somebody.

People do not want to hear that their item temporarily went down in value, they only want to hear it got more expensive...well, though luck to you all, because it happens.

We are all big boys and girls, and we know that this can happen in the big bad world.

Thus not very many people are looking for art, and if they do, they think of artitsts such as Renoir, Rembrandt, and Van Gogh FIRST at this time....then after THAT they will may be think about artists such as Red Skelton and Tony Curtis....as they are simply not considered one of the great masters. May be in a hundred years, but not now, so it is simply not selling for big money now, and won't for a while.

People need to understand that there is a substantial difference in VALUE of art and MARKET VALUE of art.

You may have valuable art, that is simply difficult to market at a certain period of time.

Like with horses, or antiques, or expensive cars that suddenly turn into an unpopular brand.

I'll bet you anything that many people do not even know who Red Skelton is, or who Tony Curtis is anymore....

To put some people's mind at ease: I actually HAVE personally spoken to Lothian Skelton, and she IS in fact the person that oversees everything concerning Red Skelton, even the website.

Dr. Mett is a family friend of the Skeltons for over 40 years, and has represented him for the same amount of time, now if anyone knows of anyone with the same trackrecord considering Red Skelton, I am dying to get to know him.

and yes, Tony Curtis, Red Skelton, and Anthony Quinn were all named in the courtcase 25 years ago....but ladies, you forget to read the second half of the paper there, where it says that ALL of them declared in front of the judge that they were ALL perfectly happy with Dr. Mett, and all considered him a close friend and all have continued working with Dr. Mett until they died.

Just to set the record straight.

Reason that some art on Ebay is so cheap, is that it is fake !!!!!

That is what it is, and after representing someone for over 400 years, and being their personal friend, it just may be that Dr. Mett actually can recognize his art from a picture.

If he can't, I am sure nobody else can.

By the way, have you all tried to find out what an appraisal costs with other galleries or people ???

I did: at least twice as much.

I find it rather cowardly to write nonsense reports about someone and keep pinpointing occurances from 25 years ago, while never having met the man, spoken to him, or done business with him.

And then do it anonymous, if you have the heart to write, to be bitching, then have the heart to put your own name on it, and not a cheap juice brand name !

4 Updates & Rebuttals


People believe what they want to believe...

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 05, 2013

Jackie, what you neglect to realize is that I am on your side. But where you and I differ is that I don't give a sh* what mett is doing, so I don't care about writing you to hear what you have to say. I'm sad what you got out of this conversation is a "name". Who cares? You don't know who I am anyway. Don't you have any self respect as a woman than to let this man lie to you, use you, and make an a*s of you to his friends, employees, and everyone else he encounters? how do you think i know so much? If you don't believe what I say, thats fine. But it's not like you can't track his emails origin or track where his phone is calling from if you think I'm lying. Although Kerry is a little more blunt, lol, she speaks the truth. Apparently her and I have the same info, which is kinda funny. Just think twice before vouching for this guy who treats you like this. You think he gives a sh* about you? Prove it (to yourself). Write down everything this man has done for you in the past 7 years, other than drain your bank account, avoid you, and give you a headache. All I can say Jackie is I wish you the best, truly.


United States of America
True Story

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 04, 2013

Unfortunately for everyone reading this report, it too is a lie.  And the poor woman that DarlingDarcy refers to is just another misguided lost woman.  The good "Doctor" is not and has not been in any hospital in Alaska, but right here in Las Vegas.  From what my friend who used to work they says, they talk everyday on the cell phone but he masks his voice and always sounds pathetic and sick.  This poor lady Jackie has been following him around like a poor little lost puppy for years and years and is so stupid that she believes one day he is going to come back... too bad he's already here HAHA She is so obsessed with him that she emails him a hundred times a day and she might be lucky to get a two or three sentence reply back LOL he has just found someone else to lie, steal and cheat from.

Jackie B

United States of America
Really ??

#4Author of original report

Mon, February 04, 2013

Well........good afternoon whom ever you are.......

I am NOBODIES tape recorder, keep that in mind.

I merely wrote down my experiences, and, you are right, I do not know where

he really is.

I at least had the nerve to put my name on it, you appearantly did not.

If you do have the nerve: I would LOVE to contact you. my email is

[email protected].

You may be very surprised what I have to tell you.


Sad truth

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 04, 2013

So I am looking up art corporation's address and google it, and come across these rip off reports. almost everything said in all these reports are absolutely true. i cant speak for what happened when they were convicted of fraud, i wasnt there. But they were only released in 2005, right? I can speak for what i witnessed in their recent years. You know that saying, "once a ?, is always a ?". I would say that statement holds true here. now this particular thread is extremely sad to me....I feel terribly sorry for a certain Jackie vdb. Where does Mr. Mett travel to for 10 months of the year? Alaska? Where is he? In a hospital where they take away his computer and phones? Although, this might be believable to a woman who hasn't seen him 6-7 years, it's not to the rest of the world. I can guarantee you he is here in Las Vegas 12 months of the year, maybe he'll take a 1 day trip every 6 months. Sadly, there is a woman named jackie that is his ultimate scam. You should download some recent technology...trace emails...track IP address, all his emails are coming from Vegas...not alaska. Download a GPS tracker to track where he is calling from. It's silly to wire this man money or believ he is in Alaska.

As far as Lothian, I can say don't believe the hype. Does she own the website, yes. Mett is the one that comes up with some random numbers for these certificates though. I don't know about the rest of the world, but market value is a pretty d**n important aspect of determining the value of art work. Not some random number it might be worth in 100 years. Excuses is all I hear from you. You sound like a tape recorder of Mett. It's easy to say eBay is selling all fraudulent art, but that's bullshit. Take those exact pictures, email it to him and ask him if those are real...then buy the eBay one when he says it is! It's that easy. I am truly sad for you Jackie. Bc you have always stood behind him and what has he done for you?

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