  • Report:  #476271

Complaint Review: Red Square Direct - Internet

Reported By:
- Worthing, Other,

Red Square Direct
www.redsquaredirect.com Internet, U.S.A.
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I was drawn into applying for a job with Red Squre Direct, after reading the advert of 'Trainee Marketing Management oppertunities'. Sounded very appealing to me after having just compleated my degree in Bussiness administration.

I got the train to portslade, this was were they were based at the time, and walked up to the 'offices'.....Based on what looked like some industrail estate in a shabby looking office, i was assured that this was temporary accomodation for them, seems like they have just moved to even shabbier accomoadation based on some of the comments.

I had my interview with the 'Director' to which he asked me a few basic questions, highlighted all the positive aspects to working there etc. It was when i started asking questions that they became a bit unsure of how best to respond to them. They quickly and briefly went though how the business worked in regards to how you earn the moeny, all seemed quite appealing, The guy proceeded with asking me ' would 64,000 per year be an alright amount to earn for me?'.

I arrived at the offices the next day just before 9:00am and was introduced to a guy who i was told i would be 'shadowing' all day. I went into a small office where he asked me a few quick fire questions about a form i had filled in that day. Then said to me ' i hope your wearing comfy shoes, have money and brought lunch with you' To which I thought yes to all the above and boy was i glad!

We proceeded to walk out of the offices and out of the grounds and back towards the station, I asked where were were going and the guys tole me that we were going to Poole in Dorset......................From Portslade.................... As you can imagen i was quite supprised at this, having had not advance warning of this. He then said 'i hope you dont have anything else planned for today'.

The train journey was about 4 hours there and 4 hours back!

During our time in Poole we went to different businesses in a shopping centre selling the make-up goods to the staff that work in the shops! Which i am sure is illegal as you need a license to do so. Also the guy who i was 'shadowing' was trying his hardest to look just like a regular shopper when the security were around, he told me that they had been thrown out of places before for trying to sell stuff (Sounds great huh).

We were probably only there for about 4 hours before the shops started closing etc, then we made our way back to the offices.

On the way back i was asking this guy lots of questions like 'what percentage do you earn of what you sell', 'what are the hours', 'what was the salary'.....to which he said to me 'what would be the basic amount of money you would have to earn to have an incentive to sell goods???' In my head i was calculating all my outgoings etc that would have to be covered each month. I obviously took too long and so he responded ' Nothing, you would not have a basic salary, otherwise where is the insentive to sell goods'................Hmmm.

I also asked how they decide where to 'market' their promotional products ' he told me that 'we just blindly put out finger on the map and see where it lands, that is where we go' Sounds like very rubbish market research to me!

When we got back to the offices it was gone 7:00pm and i was shattered but there was still one more stage!!! I was supprised to see people still at the offices at 7:00pm.

The guy i had been shadowing went to speak to the person who had initially interviewed me and then i was summoned to the office. Apparently i was giving a raving review about my performance on this trip...........I didnt do ANYTHING!!! i didnt do any selling, I was not introduced to anyone, i litrally just followed this guy round ALL day! Following this raving review i was given, i was offered a job. I had told them previously that i would have to give four weeks notice to my current job, i had been there for nearly 8 years so felt i owed them that, to which he asked me if there would be any way i could leave before that! The cheek of it!

I didnt get home until nearly 9:00 that evening and emailed them straight away to decline the offer. I never heard from them ever again!



United Kingdom

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