  • Report:  #632707

Complaint Review: Rhino Distributors - roswell Georgia

Reported By:
Palonia Palonia - atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Rhino Distributors
11285 Alpharetta highway roswell, Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This company is a complete and utter JOKE. I feel sorry for anyone who gets caught up into their brainwashing and ruthless sales tactics.

I had an interview with this company hoping that I finally found a real paying job. When I pulled up to the address from the directions that I was given, the company looked abandoned in a way. The other surrounding businesses in the business park had titles of the company name on the door, but not siute J2. The only reason I knew that there was life on the premises was because someone walked out. My boyfriend was hesistant to even drop me off, being that the company looked lifeless.

As I walked into the mediocre building, it was nothing like a company or business. The front receptionist desk was empty and there were banners hung all over the wall saying things like, "We are number one" and pictures of "people" who were suppose to be the ultimate sellers for KIRBY. I was told to go downstairs and wait to be seen. As I sat in this waiting area, which my 4 year old niece could have decorated, I see 3 others waiting to be seen, in their professional attire. In the middle of the floor was a board with the pay and benefits written on it, which said 1400 per month, which seemed unrealistic to me but hey I needed a job.

The woman\girl who interviewed me had to be around 22 or 23 years old, Meghan Webb. She told me that she had been working with Artis Webb and Rhino distributors since she was 16 and she has made sooo much money doing this. This took me by surprise being that she wasnt professionally dressed, nor did she seem to have a lucrative income whatsoever. She told me that the position I was hired for was a demonstrator, NOT A SALESPERSON. She told me that They have people who set up appointments, and my job will simply to demonstrate how particular products work. She said I do not have to sell anything to get paid, I just have to show up for work and in 2 weeks I would get a tax free check for 700 dollars. This was my first red flag, why would the check be tax free?

So based off what the job description was, I decided to take the job and she told me to come back the following day for training. When I arrived the next day, along with about 30 others, she had us watch a movie about all the products they represent. They also had us watch a video reminding us of how we were unemployed and werent getting anywhere in life because of it. She then began a demonstration of this KIRBY vacuum cleaner showing us how much dirt it picks up and seemed to be trying to sell us the job through her demonsration.

The following training day, half the trainees had not returned, which was another red flag to me. I then found out that her father was Artis Webb, the man behind the plan. This is what made me think nobody had been selling anything. I also walked upstairs one day when I was alone, only to see that all the rooms upstairs where the supposed "telemarketers" and "salespeople" and I only saw abandoned dusty rooms. They had all been working out of the same 3 offices. I found out that her mother Christine Webb was also involved. She would sit upstairs and babysit mehgans daughter, which was very unprofessional to me.

Another Red flag was that They had us sign a 1099 tax form which is not for based pay workers. That type of tax form is for those like  my mother, who owns there own business and has an accountant to help them with there finances. So I dont think they planned on paying us anything that we didnt sell or make for them. The last training day they made us dance around and eat and listen to peoples stories of how they sold these products and it was suppose to amp us up to sell to, even though in the interview she told me I didnt have to sell anything to keep my job, but I did. She also told me the company had an accountant which come to find out was Christine Webb. Do you see a pattern?

I also found out EVERYONE there was brand new. So had the building just been rented or did every other smart person quit? And why was everyone new if Mehgan had been there since she was 16? They also told us they had company vehicles, but they still made people drive there own personal vehicles, using there own gas,and set up their own appointments. Since I had been unemployed, I didnt have gas to waste driving around trying to sell a KIRBY.. NEVER SPEND MONEY OR USE YOUR OWN MONEY TO MAKE MONEY!!!! They told us to get some of our family members and friends to practice on, but while we were practicing they were trying to sell the machines to them forreal, which was a bit embarrassing.

Basically this company is a JOKE. I didnt stick around long enough to see if I would actually recieve a check or not, but im sure I wouldnt have, unless I sold a $3000 KIRBY. It was a complete waste of time and Im glad I caught it early.

Beware of internet jobs that post one position description, but once you get there its a whole nother ball game.

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