  • Report:  #640979

Complaint Review: Richard Paquette - Shirley New York

Reported By:
anonymous - Oldsmar, Florida, United States of America

Richard Paquette
29 Pinetop Drive Shirley, 11967 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
January 8, 1991 was the happiest day of my life.  I was 24 years old and had given birth to my first child, a beautiful baby girl!  I do not know of any love that exists which could be greater than my love for my children (I now have two beautiful girls) except for maybe the love GOD has for His own son, Jesus and for His love of us all.
It has been nearly 20 years since that day and the very thought of that child and the happiness she has brought into my life still brings tears of joy immediately, like when I saw her face for the very first time.

I raised her alone with no help from her father.  I worked two and more often than not three jobs to support her and give her everything she wanted and needed.  I love her so.  Mine was never any easy life even before my child was born, and I was okay with that.  She made all the pain and suffering this world has to offer worth the struggle and the hard times.  I absolutely adore her.

Over the years I would come to know "ugliness" in various forms.  I would look at my sweet child and find the strength to overcome anything that tried to interfere with our happiness.  For the most part I had been successful in this.

Prior to September 15, 2006 I thought I knew what it was like to be in Hell given my random experiences with the "ugliness" I mentioned, however it was on that Friday that I actually took my very first step into what I have come to refer to as my own personal Hell on earth.

The first demon I had the privilege to meet would be named Ruby Sheppard, a case worker from the New York State Dept. of Children and Family Services.  Upon introduction she seemed nice enough, even had me convinced that she truly cared for and was concerned for me and my family (but demons lie).

Her arrival to my home was not even too much of a surprise to me because I suspected that a phone call to CPS would be next on my beloved daughter's paternal grandmother's (aka: Carole Paquette) list of CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE activities. 

You see for 5 years prior to 9/15/2006 my child and I had been going to counseling for family problems that arose as a DIRECT result of Carole's relentless pursuit to brainwash my child and turn her against me (aka: PARENTAL ALIENATION, and yes Carole it IS a form of CHILD ABUSE, not to mention one of the most selfish, cruel and heartless acts of abuse you could impose on a child!).

As it turned out, Carole did not make that phone call to CPS.  No she was much smarter than that!  She enlisted the help of another demon that goes by the name of Heather Ann Paquette, who is Carole's daughter.  To Heather's list of accomplishments  she is a paralegal, and I was more recently told that she went back to school to become none other than a school teacher!!  GOD help us all!

Together, Carole & Heather contrived a false scenario of alleged abuse and neglect (on my part) and encouraged my child to report this false abuse to her school guidance counselor. (a letter written by my daughter to a friend of hers, which I later found in her backpack, supports my accusation)  As many of you may or may not know, a school guidance counselor is obligated BY LAW to report any and all reports of suspected abuse to DCFS.  They do not have to know if it is false or not, their obligation is simply to "report".

Not fully understanding the "whole picture" of what was happening to me at the time, I of course fully cooperated with this investigation.  I signed release forms for Ruby Sheppard to complete her investigation (counselors, doctors, school records and such).  I let her go through my cabinets and refrigerator (In addition to wrongfully being called a child abuser, I was also accused of having "no food" in my home, that accusation was squashed when Ms. Sheppard was almost attacked by some frozen meat in my freezer that almost fell out when she opened the door because it was so FULL!), she looked through my entire house searching for what I do not know. My naivete at that time was downright shameful!

Ms. Sheppard left my home and her parting words to my daughter were (and I quote), "(child's name), I am NOT removing you or your sister from this home!  You have problems here, no doubt, but there is a lot of love here, I see no evidence of abuse or neglect and I have 2 more appointments to get to today that very well could be life-threatening.  I suggest you get back into counseling with your mother and work this out!"  Then she was gone.

It is important that you know my child was 15 years old at the time, and was furious with me because I had the nerve to actually have morals,boundaries and rules in my home!! (There weren't any at Grandma & Aunt Demon's house, my daughter pretty much did whatever she wanted so it was fast becoming a very attractive place for her to want to be!). 

During the 5 years of counseling we had to switch counselor's several times due to the fact that when they did not tell my daughter what she wanted to hear she suddenly became "uncomfortable" with them, and I fell for that line of crap every time!  That is until I met John Venza (A very reputable counselor and in my opinion a SAINT!! His positive accomplishments working with teenagers are too many to list here).

Up until the time I found John Venza I really had no idea of just how manipulative a teenager could be or to what lengths they would go to get what they want.  I just saw my sweet baby (she is my oldest child so being the "mom of a teenager" thing was all new to me).

It was during our sessions with Mr. Venza that we made the most progress.  It was also during this time that we agreed to and decided (my daughter, myself and Mr. Venza) that until Carole could start respecting some of the boundaries of my family, our home, my relationship with MY child (Demon Carole in her own dementia had it in her head that SHE was my child's mother!!) and until she stopped interfering with or negatively influencing my child, that it would be best for there to be NO contact between Carole and my child. (we had tried to get Carole to cooperate with what we were trying to achieve in counseling for MONTHS prior to this decision, Carole refused)

This of course did not sit well with her.  Carole's behavior became comparable to that of a stalker and/or lunatic.  She was looking in my windows, following my daughter's school bus etc.  Because we were in counseling and I honestly wanted to work this family (and extended family) conflict out successfully, I did not file any kind of reports with the proper authorities (another huge mistake on my part).

We ended that fateful Friday by allowing my child to stay at my friend's home so as to let everyone have a "cool-off" period as you can only imagine the amount of stress and tension the entire day had created.  Over the weekend I re-read more carefully all the papers I had signed (something told me to make copies although Ms. Sheppard assured me she would "mail" me copies, she said they would be in the report that I would receive. I insisted I make my own, so as I signed each document, I made a copy and at one point she reached for one of them that I had not yet copied and tried to put it with the others. It was at that moment that I started to doubt her sincerity and/or intentions, call it instinct I do not know but I'm thankful for that doubt.

Upon re-reading what I had signed I realized two things.  First was that I had just released any and all confidential reports pertaining to me and my daughter to a TOTAL stranger!! Had I lost my mind??  The second was that I didn't have to sign them in the first place-I had rights!

Armed with this I started to make some phone calls to friends, lawyers, etc.  As a result I faxed over to Ms. Sheppard a letter informing her that I was to RESCIND consent for release of any information pertaining to my entire family on any and ALL documents she had in her possession.  I then faxed the same to every agency I had inadvertently exposed the privacy of my daughter and myself to.  I then printed out a fax report that showed that they were received.  Ms. Sheppard left my home shortly before 5 pm on a Friday so I was confident that she could not have been able to obtain such personal information from those agencies before I could stop it.

After a long weekend and a lot of thought I made my next huge mistake.  I broke down and called Carole.  I felt that the whole mess had escalated into a disaster and thought maybe I had been wrong to keep my daughter from seeing her grandmother.  Carole agreed to cooperate with us on these family issues, so I agreed to let my daughter visit with her briefly after school that Monday. Did I mention that Demons lie?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 I heard a knock at the door.  Hello process server, whatcha got there?  Oh it's a subpoena! Fan-tastic! Thank you and have yourself a nice day!  That's right people I was now holding a document in which Carole the demonic grand-monster from hell had applied for Visitation/Custody of my child!  In her application for this petition she stated "I have just recently learned that CPS was called on my granddaughter's mother" blah, blah, blah etc.  This petition for custody was signed and dated September 15, 2006.

Is anyone out there familiar with the process of filing such a petition with the Suffolk County Family Court in Riverhead?  I sure as heck am!  Point in fact, at that time (I am not aware if this has since changed) in order to file such a petition you must first go to the Probation Dept. in Riverhead (that is an approx. 20 minute drive from Carole the demon's house) between the hours of 7am and 9am.  You then must write out your request for such petition on the application they give you. Then you give it to the clerk.  The clerk then types it up, returns it to you and finally sends you to the Family Court (which is another 5-10 minute drive from the Probation dept.) where you can submit it to the judge and wait for the judge to either accept it or deny it.  Applications for petitions CANNOT be accepted nor will they be returned to you after 9am at Probation.  If you do not finish them, you are told to come back on the next business day between 7am and 9am. (That is what I was told when I filed a petition of my own)

According to my daughter's guidance counselor, he made the phone call to CPS around 9am on Friday, September 15, 2006.  Anyone out there good at math?  It has always been a theory of mine that numbers do not and cannot lie.  How is it that Carole the demon knew about that phone call ("she recently learned....") BEFORE it was ever made?  This remains a mystery to me still to this day, but then again demons lie.  Correct me if I am wrong but isn't lying to an officer of the court and making fraudulent statements on any documentation of the court considered to be PERJURY?  Someone please get back to me on that.

I haven't mentioned this yet but for my child's entire life I had sole legal & physical custody of her.  Paternity had been established (her father, Christopher Paquette, was ordered to pay $50 per month towards her support.  No it's not a typo, Fifty-Dollars per month!) He did not want visitation and he did not pay the support either.

 Years later CSEB would end up protecting his $50, not my child's needs, but that is another report that should probably be filed!  I lost too much money and time from work trying to get that support so I just gave up.  I did not see the point, I gave my daughter $40 per month just for her school lunches, what was his $50 going to do?

So now, with a fun filled adventure in Family Court to look forward to I of course stop all contact with Carole (at least from and in my home that is, my daughter was not as compliant with my wishes, she had been calling her grand-monster from school). Over the next week my daughter's behavior worsened and she threatened more calls to CPS.  Because my daughter had already lied to her guidance counselor once and I had a two year old daughter's safety to consider, I became very afraid of the possibility of what "could" go wrong in the event that she lied again. 

As a result I was forced to make a decision that would protect ALL of us until the court process started. (For personal reasons I have, and in an effort to protect my oldest daughter, I cannot disclose the information regarding that decision in this report, however I will happily and anxiously disclose it in its entirety to any resource willing to help me with this matter).

I'm going to jump ahead a bit and briefly summarize the events that came next in regard to the court process.

My daughter and I once again re-entered into counseling with yet ANOTHER demon, Janet Espinoza.  She works for DSS in Suffolk County. During one of our sessions where I was trying to bring her up to date as far as our family situation and how we came to be here with her, she made it VERY clear that she did not approve of or care for John Venza.  This should have been a red flag for me to grab my child and RUN right out of her office!

  I so wanted this whole mess to be fixed so I could go back to the days where my relationship with my child was happy and loving, not constantly arguing and crying.  We continued to see her because my child was willing to work with her (I now know why, but did not know then).  She (my child) had finally found the counselor who would tell her what she wanted to hear, and then some!

 My favorite example of one of Janet's many incompetencies would be a statement she made, in a condescending tone, "The heart wants what the heart wants, you have to respect that". This was directed to me when I argued that I did not feel it was appropriate to allow my child to KNOWINGLY be subjected to such negative influences as Carole had been demonstrating with my child, just because she was her grandmother and my daughter loved her.  I felt it was my responsibility as a mother to protect my daughter even if my child was not aware of the fact or was unwilling to believe that she needed to be protected.  Janet disagreed.  I answered her simply with "My two year old wants to play in the snow, naked-should I let her?" To this Janet had no answer, she did however reward me with a sarcastic grin.  I let you imagine what she probably wanted to say.

Among the court issues discussed in counseling was also the CPS report.  I had mentioned to Janet that it was going to be "unfounded".  Why on earth would I think it would be anything different.  I had done nothing wrong.

I explained to Janet that the whole CPS call was simply a rue for Carole to get her foot in the door at Family Court (she had no legal right to my child and no judge in the world would give any rights to her son, as he had become over the years (among other things) a poster child for why you should NEVER do heroin-enough said there if you want to know his story just ask any law enforcement agency in Suffolk County.  I feel compelled to warn you, his record is quite lengthy and it is a truly pathetic read.  He is a fine example of Carole & Richard's parenting abilities).

Janet seemed very surprised at my confidence in the report coming back as "unfounded".  When asked to cooperate with my court case Janet refused, claiming her boss simply would not allow such a thing as it was a "conflict of interest".  WTF??  Conflict of interest for who? This is where I really start to get confused because aren't we in this very room to help sort out and REPAIR our family?? I would later find out why. (she works for DSS who works with DCFS an extension of none other than? DSS! Oh what a tangled web we weave, but I'm getting ahead of myself because I don't know this yet!)

We continued with counseling and some of the court issues were discussed.  I had in an effort to resolve this conflict with Carole offered her a visitation proposal (court regulated and monitored-to keep everyone honest) that had stipulations of mandatory counseling between Carole and my daughter by a court approved counselor.  I was non-negotiable on this as all of our problems as I mentioned before stemmed from Carole's constant disparagement of me to my daughter. 

She refused it.  I offered her two more similar proposals and she refused them also (Carole had claimed she just wanted visitation at this point, that "Custody" on the petition was standard in conjunction with visitation), but Demons lie.

Shortly before Christmas I had needed an adjournment for one of the court hearings.  My attorney said it would not be a problem, they were going to adjourn it anyway because we had not reached a settlement agreement on the terms of visitation and it was Christmas.  My attorney ASSURED me that it was okay that I do not show up at court, that she would take care of it and I would not be penalized in any way.

On the morning of that court date, my attorney was rushed to the emergency room at the hospital due to an allergic reaction of some sort.  In my attorney's absence and mine, another demon, Karen Caggiano, my daughter's Law Guardian, applied for Temporary Custody of my daughter to be granted to Carole, and she got it.  I still do not know how, my attorney said she had never encountered such a thing.  I was devastated.

On a prior court date Karen also lied (perjured?) in court when she made a statement to the judge in where she claimed to have "had a chance to meet with my daughter". I asked Ms. Caggiano what color were my daughter's eyes? She could not answer. I asked her what color was her hair? Again she could not answer. At that time she had never laid eyes on the child, briefly had a phone conversation with her that lasted under five minutes,(and for all she knew she could have been talking to anyone). She did however have MANY lengthy conversations with Carole.  She was not anxious to speak with me or hear anything I had to say. 

Is it not the responsibility of a Law Guardian to represent the child, NOT the petitioner (Carole)?  It was my understanding that her role was to find out what was in the best interest of my child, not my child's grand-monster.  Had she done her job as thoroughly as she claims she would have known that Carole is not in the best interest of my child (or anyone else's for that matter, I can support this accusation as well).  It would be interesting to know if Karen Caggiano also works for DSS, it would not surprise me at all if she did.

Just one example of Carole's bad choices was that on a prior visit with my daughter, (and before John Venza) she left my daughter at the apartment of her son, Christopher Paquette, without my consent or knowledge.  Christopher's roomate, "Edgar", was a known drug dealer and would end up being a convicted murderer.  This is what Carole exposed my beloved child to, because she feels she knows better than I where my child should spend time.

So 3 days before Christmas 2006, ALL contact between my daughter and myself was ripped away from me and there wasn't a d**n thing I could do (legally) to stop it. I was told I had to wait until our next court date. There are no words known to me that could fairly even begin to described the pain that came with the news that day and has not since ceased to exist in my life EVERY single day.

I did not share Christmas with my child that year (or any year since).  I did not share her 16th birthday in January with my child that year (or any other birthdays since).  I called her at school to wish her a happy birthday and told her I loved her (all the while fearing another knock at my door, this time from the police for violating the court order which said "no contact". To my surprise and relief that knock never came!) It was a risky move on my part, but I could not let my child think or believe that I did not love her. GOD only knows what Carole was telling her.

I did however get to revel for many months to come in the nervous breakdown that started almost immediately upon hearing the words "The judge has awarded temporary custody to Carole".  How could this have happened? Why has this happened?  I did not deserve this, neither did my daughter.  What is she feeling?  Is she okay? 

It would be several weeks before we went back to court due to the holiday season.  My usual day consisted of uncontrollable sobbing all day, every day to the point that I had triple bags under my eyes and could barely even see out of them.  I had popped the blood vessels around my eyes and it looked liked someone took a red pen and speckled dots around them.

Diarrhea and vomiting became par for the course as well.  Eating became a minimal but necessary function needed to ease the pain of dry heaving and sleep was nothing more than a memory of the past, with the exception of a few stolen moments that usually followed the diarrhea and vomiting because the physical strain of that allowed me to nap here and there.  Even my naps were cut short due to the constant nightmares I endured while asleep.

When I would wake, I realized I was still in the "day-time" nightmare and the whole cycle repeated itself.  This continued for MONTHS!  I hid in my bedroom most of the time so as not to scare the crap out of my 2 year old (I looked like a monster).  Because of this her father could not go to work as I needed him home to care for our daughter.

When it was absolutely necessary for him to work I would "get ready" for hours before he was to leave.  "Getting ready" consisted of packing my face down with ice to reduce the swelling from crying. Then I would apply a bunch of face make-up to cover up the discolored blotches and broken vessels around my eyes.  I wore reading glasses as well to help diffuse what could not be covered. 

Finally I would muster up what little strength I still had left (and did not know I even possessed) and held back the urge to cry in front of my other child.  I managed to control some of the crying, but not the trips to the bathroom!  I told her mommy has a belly ache.

What do you know, I was fast becoming a liar too!  Does this make ME a demon?

After a few weeks of this I developed a high fever.  It lasted for several days.  I started to hallucinate and my youngest daughter's father said I had been talking to my deceased grandmother (she had passed away 2 weeks after I told her that I was pregnant with my first child).  He wanted to take me to the hospital and I refused.

I had already developed a phobia of leaving the house (I couldn't even go to the mailbox).  I rarely if ever even went any where near my front door. On rare occasions I did leave my home, to go to counseling with Janet.  I knew that I needed to talk to someone.  This was by myself now, my daughter was forbidden to have contact with me.  Janet encouraged me to get some anti-depressants from my doctor.  I refused this suggestion as well.

Going to Janet was like walking into the Lion's den.  Why was she so insistent on me getting that prescription?  My personal theory-to prove I was mentally unstable so she could take my other child.  Paranoid? Your d**n right I was paranoid and I had every reason in the world to justify it.  It was around that time that I began to "snap out of it". 

I could no longer afford to feel sorry for myself and my loss. I could not wait for our so called system to do the right thing (they hadn't yet).  Something in me screamed that if I was to fix this mess it would be completely up to me and me alone.  I was completely terrified.

I managed to "control" my sobbing & bathroom episodes and got on a kind of schedule for them.  I would allow myself to cry while my daughter was sleeping.  I found that if I just let it all out in scheduled sessions, the outbursts became less frequent.  This allowed me to begin to start functioning more normally.

I hit the internet and started researching everything I could find on child abuse.  I could not find a single reference to my situation.  How could that be?  How could what was being done to me and my family not be there?  Surely I am not the first only person to have experienced this.

My attorney was not much help in the "answers" department, insisting that she had never seen such a case, agreeing with me that the whole thing was just insane. Yeah, that's not going to win my case girlfriend.

As my frustration grew with no answers in sight, so did my determination to find some answers.  I continued to search.  Every day I became a little bit stronger and with that more angry at the injustice that had been served upon us.  In my heart and in my gut I knew this was just not right.

I had long since lost track of days and hours.  My mission was to get my daughter and my life back and GOD help anyway who got in my way.  My anger fueled this new found energy and determination.  I had plenty of time to research because I hardly ever slept anymore.

My eyes would burn and tear from lack of sleep, crying and constantly being in front of my computer monitor.  And then as if out of no where a friend of mine suggested I look up "Parent abuse" as opposed to "child abuse" and SHAZAAM! There it was-"Parental Alienation".  I had never even heard of it.

I researched this topic for days on end and learned that I had become (as did my daughter) a victim of this form of abuse at the hands of Carole Paquette.  We possessed almost every sign of this new found term.  Why did my attorney (who specializes in Family Court) not mention this?  Or Janet Espinoza? Or the CPS case worker?  Surely these are people who should have been able to identify this immediately based on the information they had been provided with, given the nature of their professions.

The long awaited court date finally arrived and while I was no where near being 100% yet, I did manage to demand two things from my attorney to bring into that courtroom.  I demanded the immediate return of my child to me and I demanded a Psychological evaluation of my daughter (to prove this Parental Alienation by Carole).  I did not get my daughter returned, however the judge ordered full cooperation from all respective counselors involved in our case (past and present). 

My daughter and I were to resume counseling with Janet (wasn't happy about that, but at least I would finally get to see my child again, if only for one hour a week).We were to return to court in a few more weeks with these reports.

A few days prior to our next scheduled court date, it was communicated to me by my attorney, that Carole had already requested an adjournment and that my presence was not required at the court house.  Given the events that led up to this you can only imagine how frustrated I became.

I of course demanded that my attorney fax me this statement (in case I needed it for court).  I now suspected my attorney was working for "them"!  I also thought this was just another "stall" tactic being played out by Carole to further manipulate the situation.  I was wrong about both.

It was around this time that I finally received the closed report from CPS.  Their findings? It was "founded".  I nearly collapsed.  Their reason? "Inadequate Guardianship" I believe is what they called it, and this was based on their so called fact that "Mother denied child counseling".

Are you friggin serious?  That report was opened on 9/15/2006.  CPS has an obligation to close their report within 60 days (11/15/2006).  With the exception of the 6 weeks between Christmas and the following court date I had been in counseling with my daughter, consistently every week, at one of their own offices, being counseled by none other than Janet Espinoza who works for them!  The 6 weeks of my daughters absence at counseling was COURT ORDERED!

The evening of that court date where Carole had requested an adjournment I received a phone call from my attorney.  The temporary order of custody/visitation had been vacated by the judge!  Carole was not even granted visitation.  I was overjoyed!!  "What do I do next?" I asked.  I was advised to call Carole and demand that she return my child to me immediately.

I called her cell phone, she did not answer.  I called her house phone, my daughter answered.  I spoke with my daughter briefly, then asked to speak to her grandmother.  My daughter informed that she was on vacation in Florida and that my daughter was alone. "Inadequate guardianship"? Right on!

I called my attorney back.  She then advised me that I needed to file a "Writ of habeus corpus".  What the hell is that? She explained to me exactly what I needed to say, where to go to get one and so on.

The next morning I was sitting in Probation Dept. in Riverhead filing my own petition.  This is how I came to know about their time window of 7am to 9am.  I went to court and was granted this "Writ".  I had to wait another week to actually get my child back, why I will never know.  We had another court date where Carole was to physically produce my daughter to me.

What happened next I can only give credit to GOD for.  He was surely involved in how this played out.

On the morning of my court date, I overslept.  I woke in a panic, jumped in the car and raced to the courthouse.  All the while calling my attorney's cell phone to let her know I was on my way (I had been about 30 minutes behind schedule).  I had almost reached the courthouse when my attorney called me back and told me not to come.  She told me to go home and wait for her phone call.

I was once again overwhelmed with confusion, stress beyond any reasonable form of comprehension, paranoia and now was completely pissed off at my own self.  How in the h**l could I have overslept on this of all days when I hadn't slept in months!!

When she finally called, her first question to me was "How did you know not to come?"  I thought for sure she had now lost her mind too.  As it happened, Carole had filed another petition to start this grueling process all over again and it was her intention to have me served right at the courthouse when I was to finally get my daughter back!

Evil, heartless, selfish, cruel Demon b***h from h**l is what Carole Paquette is.  She might even be Satan himself (her son Christopher was born on 9/6/66) disguised as a woman.

There was no way I was going to let that happen again.  I grabbed my younger child, told her father to pack up our house and put everything in storage and with the help of one of his friend's checked into a motel under his name.  You can't serve me if you can't find me b***h!

A few days later a friend of mine lent me his Jeep.  I went to storage and grabbed some of our things, packed the jeep, went to my daughter's school and took her out.  At this point I had sole legal custody of my child and there were no court dates or court orders preventing me from leaving.  I drove my family of four to Florida.

Due to the fact that I am still not done trying to legally fight this mess there will be an enormous amount of content left out.  I can not afford for these people to have a "heads up" so to speak on what information/evidence I do have, that I intend to use in court to prove myself and protect my family.

Once again I will stress that in the event that someone out there can and will help me, you will get a full unedited disclosure.

March 14, 2007. My youngest daughter turned 3 years old today and we've arrived in Florida. Unfortunately for my youngest she will not get the same birthday celebration as her older sister did when she turned 3, which was a catered party with about 75 guests.  We'll have a cake tomorrow for her as it is about 10pm and I've been driving for about 26 hours (stopping briefly to rest for a few hours).

We are temporarily staying with one of my family members. We have run out of money and both myself and my youngest child's father are desperately looking for work.  He's been getting little jobs here & there which barely puts food on our table.

My oldest daughter is threatening to run away.  She misses her "friends".  She is barely speaking to me at all by now and when she does it is not very nice.  At one point she even threatens to kill herself.

I don't know what to do.  This child needs help and I can't seem to find any (unless I choose to "Baker Act" her, which I am not comfortable doing).  I can only assume the past few months have finally taken it's toll on her.  I still believe with all my heart that she is a victim here and is not responsible for what she does and says, she has been brainwashed.

She tells me she hates me.  The anger in her eyes brings me to tears.  Who is this child that stands before me now?  Where is my beautiful sweet baby?  What have these people done to her?

I repeatedly assure her how much I love her and that it will get better.  She hates Florida. She does not want to hear it.  I didn't do anything to this child to warrant such hatred from her.  Can't she see she is breaking my heart?

Now more than ever I'm sure taking her as far away from that wicked demon Carole and her family was the ONLY thing to do.  I know my child, and this is not her!  I need to get her back, this time mentally.

Again I do not sleep for days on end, this time afraid my precious daughter will run.  I myself are not too familiar with our new surroundings yet.  Where would she go?  What if she took off and ended up in a not so nice part of town?  Can't sleep, need to keep her safe.  I need to help her get back to being herself.  Keep telling her how much I love her.

April 29, 2007.  I have not slept in 3 days.  My daughter is wearing me out.  Her constant negativity is draining me.  I am numb.  I am physically exhausted.  I tell my youngest child's father he needs to mind the children, I have to rest-I'm going to collapse.

I hug & kiss my children (the oldest one rejects me), I tell them I love them and I go to bed.  It is about 8pm. I fell asleep almost immediately.

I'm not sure what time it was as I was still delirious from sleep, but my oldest daughter came into my room and woke me to give me & hug and kiss.  At first I thought that I had been dreaming, what was this sudden change of heart?  I asked her "what's that for?" she replies "You forgot to say good night" I replied "No, I didn't, but that's okay"  I again tell her I love her and she says she loves me too.  She even apologizes for her recent behavior.

This of course sends me into a burst of tears (once she left the room of course).  I go back to sleep thinking that it's all going to work, we're going to be okay.  I'm happy for the first time in I don't know how long.

April 30, 2007 about 1:30 am, my youngest child's father comes into the room and asks me where is (my oldest daughter)?  She's in the other room with her sister.  "No she's not".  I bolt out of bed running, through the house asking him all kinds of questions, not even waiting for him to answer.

He was indifferent.  We had not been getting along, our relationship had already had problems and they had just been getting worse.  We were steadily growing apart.  Basically just existing, not so much arguing, just quietly existing.

"You were supposed to be watching her!" I cried out.  I left the house and started driving around (blindly).  Went to a few all night gas stations with her picture, no one had seen her.  I ended up lost and in some ghetto neighborhood.  I burst into tears.  What if SHE ended up here?

I seen a police car in a shopping center, and thought go home and call the police.

It was shortly after 2 am I believe when the Police officer arrived to take my report.  I explained the past years events and told him I suspected her grandmother could be involved.  I called her home in New York, where her husband Richard answered.

I explained she was gone and asked him if he had heard from his granddaughter, he very calmly replied "No."  I asked him to call if he heard from her, he replied "sure", then he said the oddest thing, he told me to "Have a good night" and then hung up.

If someone called me in the middle of the night and told me that my 16 year old granddaughter was missing in a new town in another state, I would be in a state of concern and panic. Have a good night?  He says he hadn't heard from her, has no idea where she could be.  Demons lie.

At this point I'm CERTAIN that Carole is here in the state of Florida.  And if I'm correct her demonic sister-in-law Teresa Paquette (aka: Creasy) is right there next to her. I beg the officer to put out an Amber alert, call the trains, buses, airports etc.  The best he can do is file a missing persons report and have a detective contact me the following day.

She's a minor!  Due to her age, and the fact that she's threatened to run away they handled it as such.  He gave me a list of "help" numbers I should call, tried awkwardly to console me and he left.

I would find out about a year later, that there was a curfew ordinance in the town I lived in that stated any minor under the age of 18 years must be home by 11pm.  I could have asked the officer to issue a warrant for her arrest based on her violation of the curfew.  Always wondered why he didn't suggest it.  I wasn't aware of that law at that time. Shame on me.

For the next 12-13 hours I basically blew up my phone calling every number on the list I was given. I registered my daughter with the national Center for Missing & Exploited children.  I also kept calling my daughter's cell phone (I had previously taken that away from her, but realized she took it out of my purse before she left).  I kept getting her voicemail.  I left countless messages on her & her grand-monster's phones.  No reply.

The Detective that was promised to me finally showed up and took a full report.  He seemed outraged for me about how this happened.  He assured me this was a clear cut case of KIDNAPPING.  According to him, in the state of Florida you are considered a minor until the age of 18 years.

The fact that an adult (who had no legal right to her) knowingly removed her from my home without my consent or permission made it "kidnapping".  While he was still talking to me about what steps we needed to take next and while also on the phone with NCforMAEC, my daughter beeped in on call waiting. 

I immediately took her call, in a mechanical voice she simply said "I'm safe" and I asked her where she was.  She was sitting in the office of her guidance counselor from New York.  I asked her how did she get there.  She said her grandmother.  It was around 1pm. Then she hung up. 

The detective finished up his report, promised to be back in a few hours.  He was going to get a warrant for Carole's arrest and I should have my daughter back shortly.  Carole's going to jail. Bonus! I was relieved.  Finally this nightmare would be over. Carole had gone too far this time.  Surely now our legal system would put a stop to this woman and her family once and for all.

I spent the next few hours making more phone calls (mostly updating the agencies I had called prior).  I also made calls to local mental health groups for when my daughter came home.  I was looking forward to beginning the long process of "repairing" my family.  A new bittersweet hope was born in me.  Soon, this will be over and we can begin a new life.

When the detective returned a few hours later he informed me that he did not get that warrant.  According to "his boss" this was not a case of "kidnapping", but one of "custodial interference".  What does this mean?  He requested my copy of my "custody order", so he could get a warrant for "violation of custodial interference".

I was informed that while it is a lesser charge, justice would be served and my daughter would be returned.  okay, so Carole might not go to jail, at this point I couldn't give a rats a*s if she went to jail or on a cruise I WANT my child!  I get the document he requested.

Upon reading it I come to find out I DO NOT have a custody order, it is in fact a copy of the "vacated" order (from Carole's temp custody" along with my "Writ of habeus corpus". Confusion at this point would be a gross understatement.

I call my attorney in New York and she explains to me that there is no custody order (only my daughter's birth certificate).  I have had my child since birth and did not need a custody order because no one (prior to 9/15/2006) had ever questioned or challenged custody.  What do I do now?

Detective tells me to get the documentation I need and he'll come back and do whatever he could to help me.  This was just wrong he said, but his hands were tied. 

I make several more phone calls over the next few days.  I called (in both Florida and New York) the Family courts, District Attorney's offices, Lawyers, Legal Aid dept., I even called the FBI.  What did I get? I was bounced back and forth like a mixed up ping pong ball.  I was shuffled to this agency and back to that.  We can't help you  this is a Florida matter.  We can't help you this is a New York matter.  Jurisdiction lies where?

Your daughter is 16 years old, we can't help you.  She is a minor, what do you mean you can't help me.  I called the 7th precinct in Suffolk County New York.  I send them to her grandmother's house to investigate Carole, Richard & Heather for "harboring a runaway minor".  No charges are filed.  Of course not! These people are not really the Paquette's, they are the Kennedy's! Silly me, why hadn't I known that?

The 7th pct. responded to me with "the best we can do is go back to the Paquette's house, arrest your daughter and hold her for two hours, you can pick her up here.  We cannot hold her for more than two hours".

I live in Florida JACKASS! Superman is the only one I know that could get there in two hours and I must have lost his phone number during the move down here!  I call the Missing children people back.  They are willing to transport my child back to Florida for me, but she must want to come voluntarily.  WTF?

Keep in mind I have NO money left, no one to borrow it from and no way to get to NY.

I call an old friend of mine and asked her if she'd be willing to pick up my child at the precinct for me and hold her at her house for me until I came up with a way to get to NY. Sure.  At this point I'm ready to friggin rollerblade up I-95 from Jacksonville to get my child!

I call the 7th precinct back only to be told "It has to be YOU that picks her up, we will not release her to anyone else".  Really? Because you just told me you could only hold her for two hours-who would be getting her if not me in two hours?

I break down and call none other than DCFS to report a kidnapping, custodial interference, Parental Alienation I don't CARE what the charge is give me back my child!  The case worker ASSURES me this IS in fact kidnapping.  So I wait.

I continue to call my child and get only her voice mail.  I leave countless messages telling her we need to talk and how much I love her.  No reply. 

I get a knock at the door.  DCFS (Florida) takes my report.  "Don't worry I have a feeling your daughter will be back very soon".  Thank you!  I wait.

I get a phone call from DCFS in NY.  I am now once again "the subject of a child abuse or maltreatment investigation" by the NY State dept of Children and Family Services!  I called you!

I do not know what lies Carole the demon told this time but I did not get my daughter back "soon". I did not get my daughter back "later".  It would be almost a year before I heard my own child's voice again.  I had no news on her for that same amount of time.  Had no idea how she was, what she was doing, NOTHING.

I called my daughter constantly. Nothing. I called the demon's home phone and was repeatedly hung up on.

I made more phone calls searching for help of any kind only to hit brick walls and dead ends.  Constantly being circled back to agencies I had called prior.  I tried to explain that I had already called there, they told me I need to call you etc.

July 2007, I have reluctantly accepted the fact that for the time being my family of four is now three.  I need to get money, we need to work.  My youngest child's father finally got a steady job.  I have started working part-time doing construction.  Not exactly my choice of employment but you do what you got to do to feed your family.  I'm underpaid, overworked and the Florida climate is kicking my a*s 9 different ways from Sunday.

One of my new neighbors gets me a part-time job doing inventory.  The hours aren't consistent but it's a nice break from roasting on a roof in the heat once in a while. I continue to do both jobs trying to get up the extra money needed to go get my child.

There is no extra money, the other one is spending his before he gets home, letting the burden of bills mainly fall in my lap or giving me just barely enough to maintain our household. Nice guy.  He suggests I "just let her go".

The weeks drag on and I can no longer stand his face.  He was supposed to be watching her.  What did he care, she's not his daughter.  Maybe he wanted her out of the way all along.  I know he didn't want the responsibility or the chaos that evolved over the past year.  If only I had stayed awake a little bit longer....

Yeah, I don't remember asking for chaos either.  I have two children a*****e, not just one. I love them both! Let her go? How about I let you go!

October 2007.  Still no hope in sight.  My family of four is now two, but there is some semblance of peace.  I should have cut him loose sooner.  There's even less money now, but there's also less overhead.  I can do this, I've done it before.

My daily tears of sorrow are now replaced with tears of frustration.  The diarrhea is at a minimum and there's hardly any vomiting.  I'm working even less now because a new problem has arose.  My little girl now suffers from "separation anxiety" and I cannot leave her to go to work.  I have to wait until she is asleep and sneak out of my cousins house to do inventory jobs that are only during the middle of the night! YAY me!

I love and miss my girl.  Will I ever hear her voice again?  Will I ever hold her again?  Why did this happen?  How could this have happened?  GOD if you're listening I'm begging you please take this pain!

November 2007. Need to find a new plan, this one is not working.  I take what little bit of money I have, pack up my daughter and go south, to a friend from New York's house.  The little one is happier here, that's a start.  I found a job almost immediately and it's 3rd shift! Thank you Jesus!!
My new beginning has started. I continue to make phone calls looking for answers or even new directions.  I get no response from my daughter.  I am completely hardened.
I've accepted that a part of me has died.  I manage to find happiness in my other child's everyday wonders.  Sometimes I allow myself to remember when the other one was that small, but not too often.

June 2009. 
Knock knock knock. Hello? It's the sheriff's department! What a surprise!  I'm being served with another subpoena! This time the DSS is sueing me for "non'child support"!  How the heck did that happen?? I wonder...

June 2009-2 days later-Knock knock knock! Hello? It's the sheriff's department again! Hello- I've already received your subpoena.  No ma'am, we're here on behalf of the Deptartment of Children's and Family Services.  Great! Let's do the tour!! Here's my kitchen, as you can see there's plenty of food...etc, etc, etc.  "Is someone out to get you ma'am?" says the sheriff.  I just smile.

"Would you like to see my daughter's room?"  "No, that will not be necessary" "No, I insist! I would not want anyone to say that you did not perform a complete investigation!"

By now I have been investigated by DCFS FIVE times! And I have not lost custody of my children, or even warranted a court hearing.  When I asked how can I file harassment charges I am told I need to have the "same individual" have called on me three consecutive times.  How can I know this when all their calls are kept anonymous???

July 2009.  I am granted a telephonic hearing for the court hearing where DSS is sueing me (because I have been laid off from my job since April and cannot afford to get to NY).  There are several adjournments due to the fact that I am trying to tell the judge MY CHILD WAS KIDNAPPED!  As it turns out, they didn't figure it out at first that it was the Grandfather who collected benefits on behalf of my child (not the father).

September 2009.  I lost this case (probably because I am NOT an attorney, could not get legal help, and was forced to defend myself).  I was once again accused of child abuse (with no proof for them to substantiate these allegations) and the court ruled in favor of DSS.  Even though I explicitly explained to them that they took the wrong person to court-you should be sueing Richard Paquette (head demon of the Paquette demon clan) for fraud!

The Support magistrate ruled against me saying that "I knew what to do as I had previously filed for a writ of habeus corpus".  No sir, I did not know, the first one was filed because my attorney told me to, I didn't even know what it was.  I was bounced back and for forth (due to jurisdiction) and made to be so confused I had no idea what to do.

Had I tried that move after DSS took me to court it would have been a mute point, my child was now 18 years old and according to Florida state law she is considered to be an adult.  There would be no "writ's or custody or anything of that nature".  The fact that she was taken from Florida, renders that move useless, but the Paquette's knew this having a paralegal in the family.

As far as I know August 2010-Riverhaed Family court transferred my case to CSEB (Islip, NY) who then referred my case to the NY State dept of Taxation and Finance (looking to garnish my unemployment check!) 

I must say though, in defense of the taxation dept. that the woman I spoke to was extremely empathetic and did put me on hold twice to confer with the legal dept. in an effort to help me (more than I can say for anyone else during this hell)  I will always be thankful for the kindness you had shown me even if it didn't give me any answers, I know you could have simply hung up on me like everyone else has in the past.

I have recently been advised to file for a "modification for child support".  Why should I file for a modification when I still have legal custody of my child? Heck there's a case with them on file where Christopher Paquette (their son) owes me money that I have never received!!

How is it that these people (Paquette's) can legally keep me tied up in the red tape they have created so I can find no justice?  I say "H**L NO!"  I REFUSE to pay child support to a kidnapper, I don't give a s**t what the courts have ruled and shame on ANYONE who expects me to!

In closing, I will say this, I did not deserve what has happened to me and my family.  Carole Paquette should be in jail for not only what she has stolen from me and my youngest child, but what she has stolen from her own granddaughter.

For many years when I no longer felt the sense of "family" with the Paquette's, I did however try to make it work because MY child loved them so. I tried with everything I knew how, to make it work.  They did not comply.

When I finally realized just how dangerous Carole was to my child, I entered into counseling and STILL kept an open mind to the suggestion that this could be repaired.

Had I known, I would have taken my child YEARS prior and left theses people for dead.  The damage that they have caused to my family is irrepairable.  No one can give me back the years that I have lost.  No one can give my daughter's the years that they have lost.

It has been over three years that I have seen my child, I recently went to NY on borrowed money due to an unexpected text message from my eldest daughter.  It simply said "I Love You"(which given the past few years was completely out of character for her).  I received it in the middle of the night and panicked.

After speaking with her and learning that she was being treated by her "medicaid physician" for depression I did not know what to do.  I encouraged her to come home, then I did not hear from her again. 

My girlfriend booked me a flight to NY and said "pay me back when you can, and if that is never, well than that's okay too".  So I went.

When I got to NY I finally got to see my beloved daughter, after three long years.  I was tear filled with emotion and her blank empty eyes broke my heart.  The fact that she had not let me into her life for three long years was heartbreaking. 

What infuriated me the most was that after the awkward reunion "politeness bullcrap" she told me her doctor had given her "Lexapro". 

She is 19 years old, had suicidal tendencies, and is being treated for depression.  Nice job DSS and DCFS.  I begged my child not to take the prescription.  I still do not know how that turned out.

I have not been allowed in my child's life for years until recently.  I cannot trust what she says as of now (I looked into her eyes and they are blank).  My heart breaks all over again not knowing and mostly not being able to help her.

I implore her to come home, or if at least not that leave where you are.  I "get" that she might not trust me (due to the brainwashing) I just want what is best for her I don't care what it takes, so long as she is safe.  These people are NOT safe for her.

Look at their own son, my daughter's father, if they did such a good job raising children why is it that he has three children he cannot be there for?  He has never paid child support and they as parents cover it up!  They have given him work (off the books) to support his heroine addiction! He is a habitual drug addict and frequent flyer in both rehab (usually to avoid jail time) and correctional facilities.

His oldest daughter's mother won a settlement for monies owed to her for child support and Carole called the woman (mind you the entire family rejected this child unfairly since birth) and begged her to drop the suit because "he doesn't have it".  He "had it" to pay for drugs and alcohol, why couldn't he "have it" to pay for his first born child?

I don't expect anyone out there to be able to "fix" the wrong that has been done to me and my family. I get that the past cannot be changed.  However, if there is anyone who could lead me in the right direction on how to legally rectify my current dilemma I'd be eternally grateful as it is hindering the quality of life I'm trying to provide for my other child, who is innocent and does not deserve this bulls**t.

If you cannot help me can you at least PREVENT another family from the horrific pain that I have endured as a result of Parental Alientation as I would not wish this on anyone, not even my worst enemy, as it is the most criminal and damaging experience I have ever known.

Thank you so much for listening-a mother who loves and aches for her child to come home, both physically and mentally.

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