  • Report:  #942321

Complaint Review: RielloSupport USA - Valdosta Georgia

Reported By:
Heidi - International Falls, Minnesota, United States of America

RielloSupport USA
4940 DW Wright Road Valdosta, 31605 Georgia, United States of America
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I purchased a brand new Riello Technoware, Box Office Express DVD Kiosk, Model TW-750 from ReilloSupport USA, factory authorized Riello support office in the United States, located at 4240 D.W. Wright Road, Valdosta, GA 31605, Phone: (413)768-7179, on April 23, 2012, for the purchase price of $6,800 which also included on-site installation, 700 DVD cases, 700 barcode tags, and membership cards (see attached contract). The kiosk was manufactured by Reillo Technoware in Italy.  I made the initial down payment of $5,100 on 4/23/12 with the remaining down payment of $1,389 on 5/15/12 following installation. Both payments were made by wire transfer to the RielloSupport USA business owner, Glen Sibley, to his account at Bank of America, Valdosta, GA, bank routing #XX XXXXXX, Account # XXXXXXXXXXXX. $311 was deducted from the final payment of $1,700 as I paid for installation supplies (replacement power supply and hard drive in kiosk as these items were not functioning when the kiosk was installed) and also for a hotel room for two nights for Glen Sibley who came to install the kiosk expenses:  Hotel: $257.08, Supplies: $53.42. I would presume that a brand new factory installed machine should function properly without daily maintenance and tech support, however I was sold a defective machine that has barely functioned since the day it was installed. An additional tech support package was available for $480 annually which included 1 hour of phone and/or internet support monthly which I originally intended to buy, but I told Mr. Sibley I wouldnt purchase this additional support until the machine was initially up and running properly. This has never been the case so I did not purchase the additional support.

The DVD kiosk was installed at Super One in International Falls, MN, by Glen Sibley, owner of RielloSupport USA on May  11-12, 2012. Toward the end of the on-site installation process Mr. Sibley realized there was an issue with the credit card software that couldnt be resolved until Monday, May 14th as the IC Verify and Leaders Merchant Services offices were closed for the weekend. Mr. Sibley said he could take care of this issue remotely from home. Once that issue was resolved there were hardware issues preventing the credit card reader from working. The machine could not function or rent DVDs until these issues were resolved. The credit card issues were not resolved until mid June and the machine was not functional at all during this time and therefore not making any income.

Once the initial credit card processing issues were resolved, I loaded the machine with DVDs and put it into use.  Since this time the machine has jammed non-stop during customer use and also when attempting to load new movies on a weekly basis. When the machine jams I have to physically unjam it and until then its not functional. I sometimes receive 2 3 phone calls a day to unjam the machine and have to go to unjam it each time I receive a call. I have unloaded the entire machine and reloaded it twice per Mr. Sibleys direction and it has also been run through several alignment tests which havent solved anything. Due to excessive downtime, this machine has not been able to produce the funds needed to support itself and the few customers that  have been able to use it are now so disgusted with its reliability that I have lost most of their business. Also, when DVDs jam I cant reload them until Mr. Sibley realigns the slot they are in. I currently have 20 30 DVDs I cant reload in the machine as Mr. Sibley has not responded to any of my jamming issue requests since June.

Also, each time a realignment test is done by Mr. Sibley, the date in the computer that runs the kiosk reverts to 2005. Mr. Sibley has neglected to revert the machine back to 2012 since the last realignment in June and when the machine is in 2005 mode the credit card batches wont release for processing automatically. Mr. Sibley has not fixed this issue in spite of multiple requests. He said until it was fixed he could go in and release the batches manually every other day, but the last time he released a batch was July 5th. Being there is such a delay with the credit card transactions being released, when they are finally released manually by RielloSupport USA, I have customers calling me asking why they are being charged for a movie now that they rented a month or more ago and they are not happy about this! All credit card transactions since July 5th are literally stuck in the kiosk and I have no way to access these funds as they cant be deposited in my bank account until the batches are released so the small amount of income the machine is producing is not even accessible to me.

I have contacted RielloSupport USA several times weekly regarding these issues with little to no follow up or assistance received.  As this machine is not functional the way it is. I have made multiple requests to return the DVD kiosk for a refund via text messages and emails beginning in June with no response. The first email request was made on 7/8/12 and the second request was made on 7/23/12 (see attached emails). I was sold a defective product from RielloSupport USA and would like to return the DVD kiosk and all included materials for a refund and would like the seller to pay for return shipping. Mr. Sibley himself has told me many times that he has never had this many issues with any of the kiosks he has sold or services and doesnt know why this one has so many problems (see email from 6/6/12).  I have been told that Mr. Sibley works out of the country for government jobs quite frequently and that is why is often not available. Erica Sibley, ReilloSupport USA Office Manager and Glen Sibleys wife sometimes responds to my emails while he is gone, but usually cant help me. They also have a technician, Jerry Martine, who has attempted to provide assistance a couple of times but has never been able to effectively solve the issues I have had with credit card processing or jamming/realignment correction. I go days and weeks and sometimes never get responses from RielloSupport USA in regard to the daily issues this machine has. Also, when I do get support, Mr. Sibley has at many times been very inconsiderate, putting me on hold for up to 30 minutes and then telling me he had to run to the store or drink coffee while I sit in front of the kiosk waiting for him to return so he can talk me through servicing it. He has also fallen asleep on me half way through a remote service call. All assistance and communication is through emails and text messages. RielloSupport USA never answers their phone. I have also requested they send a technician to physically evaluate and service the machine and was told there would be a charge for this including travel expenses. I should not have to pay to have a brand new machine serviced so it will work. It should have worked from the time I bought it. In addition to the attached emails, I have hundreds of text messages back and forth between myself and Mr. Sibley regarding all of these same issues. I can try to get access to all of them if you feel it would be beneficial in your investigation into this matter. I was sold a defective product which was also a closeout model so there are no new replacements available for an exchange. Also, with the lack of tech support I would not be satisfied with an exchange at this point. I would just like to return the DVD kiosk and all included materials for a full refund. I want no further association with this company following resolution to this situation.

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