  • Report:  #287335

Complaint Review: Robert Fazio - Goldline - Santa Monica California

Reported By:
- oakland pk, Florida,

Robert Fazio - Goldline
100 Wilshire Blvd Santa Monica, 90401 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

SPECIAL UPDATE October 4 2012: Goldline International remains committed to 100% customer satisfaction and has drastically improved their business processes over the years to better serve their customers. Goldline International is truly dedicated to making sure ALL customers are happy with their coverage. Goldline International continues to show customer service is of the utmost importance and they currently have no complaints!

To date, Goldline International has addressed and resolved all reported complaints, which have always been resolved to the complete satisfaction of their customers. Goldline International proves to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program, as a Verified Safe Business. Over time and since becoming a member, Goldline International has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. Rip-off Report has confirmed that Goldline International is no fraud, is not a scam and is of the highest integrity. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Goldline International remains committed to customer satisfaction and gets our top Verified Safe endorsement.
Ripoffreport Report Image

Ripoff Report REVIEW:

Editors UPDATE: Positive Rating and Recognition has been given to Goldline International for its Commitment to Excellence in customer service.

Rip-off Reports investigation of Goldline International uncovers an ongoing commitment to client satisfaction. This means clients can expect that Goldline will always work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to complaints or concerns. Goldline listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn and become more efficient as a company in the products it offers.

One top Goldline executive stated to Rip-off Report that Goldlines clients are a precious resource and it is committed to responding to any client concerns. Another company executive confirmed to Rip-off Report that Goldline strives to provide exemplary customer service to its clients.

Some of the other things Rip Off Report learned in the course of its investigation: Goldlines business began in 1960 when it offered precious metals and storage services to clients seeking to acquire gold and silver as part of a diversified portfolio. The company has grown to more than 250 employees and handles over 50,000 individual client transactions each year. Goldline believes it exemplifies best practices for the industry.

Rip-off Report has confirmed that Goldline takes client concerns very seriously. Goldline has a dedicated team of customer service professionals to assist with any issues that may develop. Rip-off Report was pleased to learn that Goldlines approach to business is focused on its pledge to client satisfaction.

Goldline International recognizes that complaints posted on Rip-off Report (true or not) are issues that need to be addressed and if handled correctly can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Rip-off Reports Investigation Goldline continues its commitment to positive client experience.

In summary, after our investigation, which included discussions with Goldlines executives, Rip-off Report is convinced that Goldline International has been and is committed to providing precious metals and rare coins to satisfied clients.

Read more about Goldline Internationals Commitment to Excellence and Total Consumer Satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.


===================== Robert Fazio - Goldline did not make me whole Santa Monica California

I had my wife read the Lisa Weedman GOLDLINE proposal since I have AMD and I am sight impaired and 74 yrs old. She cried saying that USA has only swindlers to save a salesman's commission by misrepresenting and recommending in an effort to diversify the 20 gold Swiss franc. She is Russian born 21 yrs younger than I am. She asked me if I got the 10% stated on the webpage which said something approximately like ask the account executive (Clinton Ross) for a 10% discount for first time buyers which I did and Clinton Ross said yes so I asked her to check the BUY STATEMENT and no 10% discount appears.

This means that in the purchase of 20 gold Swiss francs the Webpage policy statement for a 10% discount for first time buyers was not followed,

The level of incompetence to favor GOLDLINE by Clinton Ross rises to the level of malfeasance, misfeasance and/or nonfeasance.

I was offered a 10% discount by the new account executive if I bought more Swiss gold francs and by Lisa Weedman quickly as the first offer when she first called to settle my complaint to (((Redacted))). She was not offering anything I didn't really merit on first purchase. It also seems that the 10% discount is available to anyone at anytime except for me as a first time buyer.

I told Lisa Weedman to make me whole on the matter - the original platinum purchase should satisfy my wife and me. But now with Robert Fazio and the uncovered nature of felony and malfeasance there has emerged a new phase and the stakes have grown higher.

When I sold the Platinum I called and the account executive Kosinski, said that he was busy but he would call me in about an hour No maybe 15 to 30 minutes I waited 3 hours then I called. He answered and gave a nervous laugh when he realized it was I. Later the woman Ms Enriquez corrected a mathematical error in GOLDLINE's favor and she said, The total should be 500 dollars more.

The level of ineptness and lack of basic skills by the account executives is awesome.

Facts not in dispute TIMELINE

1) This was my first purchase and I saw GOLDLINE on Internet and called and was assigned Clinton Ross account executive. 2) My intention was to buy $70,000 of Platinum eagles and the money was wired to GOLDLINE. Negotiations began 10 May 2006. 3) Clinton Ross put high pressure commission salesman to sell me unwanted and inferior product for investment to diversify the 20 gold swiss francs with as it turned out later many lies 4)I bought after 15 ,minute harangue both Platinum eagles and gold swiss francs 5) 10% first time policy statement on Web requested by me but not given by GOLDLINE 6) Email and phone calls telling Clinton Ross one day later 11 May 2006 I was dissatisfied with the 20 gold swiss franc since it was an unknown factor and I couldn't determine its value online. He said I should find a 10 yr old computer whiz 7) I told Clinton Ross in Email and phone the next day12 May 2006 I wanted a refund as per webpage. He ignored all communication. 8) Policy statement on Web of GOLDLINE for refund no questions asked ignored 9) No statements by Clinton Ross or by high pressure diversify commission salesman nor JC LEE put forward by GOLDLINE 10) Timely letter of 12 May 2006 by me by Post sent to Joe Battaglia asking for refund of gold franc money and change of account executive copy 11) Of the two demands in the Joe Battaglia May 12th letter only a quick change in May of account executive from Clinton Ross to JC Lee implemented with JC Lee also touting with lies the gold Swiss franc although it was losing money while ignoring platinum which had increased in value. 12) Gold increases in value from my original purchase $692 to $744 and then to $833 November 2007 but Swiss Gold Francs lose 10,000 dollars when I ask to sell 13) Quick response by Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE November 2007 when inquiry to ANA at (((Redacted)))by me about the meaning of numismatic 14) Timely letter of 12 May 2006 by me two days after purchase by Post sent to Joe Battaglia asking for refund of gold franc money and change of account executive copy furnished by me to Lisa Weedman 15) Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE states she searched but could not find Letter of 12 May 2006 by Post to Joe Battaglia nor May 2006 Emails to Clinton Ross 16) No reasonable offer by Lisa Weedman to make me whole offered 17) Criticism by Lisa Weedman as GOLDLINE being trashed when complaint posted to (((Rdacted))) Ongoing developments NOVEMBER 16, 2007: Robert Fazio of GOLDLINE has taken charge of my case and the matter has proceeded to ((((Redacted))) MEDIATION conducted by ANA Member Services CONTACT PERSON Susan McMillan I have been in communication and sent variations of this letter and other letters about this matter to: 2 Florida Senators Mel Martinez and Bill Nelson My Florida congressman Ron Klein Attorney General Florida Attorney General California FTC SEC FBI Sixty Minutes Many fraud Attorneys others

If the ambush of a first time buyer was not planned GOLDLINE showed poor investment insights - every broker has a basic, core obligation to make investment recommendations that are right for their clients. To intentionally provide advice that conflicts with a client's needs, wants or goals, may be a manifestation of investment fraud.

GOLDLINE failed to provide the facts in a timely manner. A 15 minute unwanted and unsolicited harangue to diversify over the phone is not acceptable.

GOLDLINE is also charged with providing ALL of the important and necessary information to a client about a particular investment decision. This was not done. Neglecting to include data, no matter how insignificant, taints the business relationship between broker and client, and leaves the consumer at a disadvantage. Federal and state laws are very clear in this area, asserting that a broker must be forthcoming with the truth. Promising on the Internet a 10% discount for first time buyers and not intentionally following through constitutes an Internet online felony according to the SEC at [email protected].

Robert Fazio phoned on about 5pm 21-Nov-07and said he would give a refund and I gave him my Scottrade wire instructions. He said he was losing 8,000 dollars. Wow I thought, I would have gotten an 8000 dollar hosing if I didn't speak up.

My wife got home about 11pm and asked was the amount of the refund discussed,. and I replied no. She said, Well we must remember that a refund is value for value received and we gave GOLDLINE strong 2006 dollars and we are now in a weak dollar situation. Luckily we know exactly how much our dollar was worth and that is 27 platinum eagles or its equivalent in today's dollars.


27 platinum eagles 1 oz shipped free of charge to my home.

There is a differential in the amount paid for Gold Swiss Francs $34,877 - $34,369 = $508

ALL STORAGE FEES BE RETURNED.. $235.26 x 3 - $705.78 +$508= a total of $1,213.78 transferred to Scottrade account

I'd hate to find out what the FTC or SEC who levy fat fines would do if they caught GOLDLINE fudging and taking advantage of a client again.

Robert Fazio and I put it on tape agreeing quickly after about 10 minutes to accept a restitution as a refund said. "And I will need to notify ALL the agencies notified in complaint." She said We must set it to paper. This is too complicated for tape and too many agencies are involved. Imagine sending tapes to each agency.

In any case all agencies will be contacted by me and advised AFTER being made whole by GOLDLINE.

Mt. Fazio did not agree with my definition of Refund So the matter is still open.

John Oakland pk, Florida

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

22 Updates & Rebuttals


Santa Monica City Attorney Alleges Goldline Fraud But What About the Better Business Bureau?

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 07, 2011

American consumers have always looked to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for advice on where to spend our money. We rely on the quality of BBB information, assuming it is focused on customer satisfaction and can be trusted for impartiality. However, reports are now being made that in fact, the BBB is not working for the public, but instead sells high rankings and removes customers complaints from its website for those businesses willing to pay a premium.

Recent investigation of North American precious metals dealer Goldline International has resulted in allegations by the Santa Monica City Attorney of unfair business practices despite assurance via an A rating from the BBB that the companys dealings were sound. Goldline customers thought their choice for purchasing gold and silver bullion, coins, and investments was a solid one, not realizing that the company had more than 100 complaints filed. The BBB, too late, downgraded Goldline to its lowest F status, but only as a result of the legal concerns.

Accused criminal activity by Goldline includes bait and switch schemes, elder abuse, conspiracy, false advertising, and grand theft by false pretense. Goldline is alleged to have offered gold and silver bullion, then convinced customers to purchase rare coins instead, charging unreasonably high commissions sometimes in excess of 2000%. With an industry standard of approximately 15% commissions, Goldlines are clearly excessive.

However, until the Santa Monica City Attorneys public condemnation of Goldlines practices, the BBB rated it an A, and ignored the results of all standard analysis. This may be, as reported by some investigators, a result of the BBBs practice of accepting compensation in exchange for improved rankings and deletion of complaints.

The issue is not limited to Goldlines rating, as shown by the BBB data for other precious metals dealers in Southern California:

Goldline International, Inc. F*  Rating 73 Complaints

Monex Deposit Company A+  Rating 69 Complaints

Capital Gold Group, Inc.  A-  Rating 14 Complaints

Lear Capital Inc   A+  Rating  55 Complaints

Merit Financial Services A+  Rating  47 Complaints

*Change from A after Santa Monica City Attorney complaint filed.

Clearly, many companies are enjoying A+ status, despite numerous customer issues. Executives of Goldline listed in the Santa Monica City Attorneys filing include the following: former CEO Mark Albarian, current CEO Scott Carter, Robert Fazio, Luis Beeli, Charles Boratgis and Stephanie Howard. Notably absent are the BBB executives who facilitated the fraud by giving customers biased information. Until the BBB stops selling its rankings to any business with money to spend, the 80 year old pay to play practice will continue to mislead American consumers. The public must demand that these BBB officials be held accountable alongside Goldline:

Stephen A. Cox (aka Steve Cox) - President/CEO

Beverly Baskin - Senior VP

Genie Barton - Vice President and Director, Online Behavioral Advertising Program

Rodney L. Davis - Senior VP Enterprise Programs

Joseph E. Dillon - VP and CFO

Victoria Doran - VP Brand & Digital Media

Chris Garver - Senior VP, Chief Information Officer

Frances Henderson - National Director, Privacy Initiatives

Susan Kearney - Senior VP & Chief Marketing Officer

Wayne J. Keeley - VP & Director, CARU

Elaine Kolish - VP & Director Children's Food & Bev

Andrea C. Levine - Senior VP, NAD

Brenda Linnington - Director, BBB Military Line

Peter Marimello - VP, Electronic Retail Self Regulation Program

C. Lee Peeler - EVP & President NARC

Steven Salter - VP, Standards & Services

Anaise Schroeder - VP Human Resources

H. Art Taylor - President & CEO, BBB WGA

Mary Lou Watkins - Senior VP, Chief of Staff

Bennett Weiner - VP, CBBB & COO, BBB WGA

Richard Woods - VP, General Counsel

Vincent L. Gottuso President, Southland BBB Office

Mary Lou Diaz - Director of Consumer Services, Southland BBB Office

Mr. Tom Bartholomy - President/CEO

Ms. Janet J. Robb - President

Ms. Jan Quintrall - President

Mr. Matthew Fehling - President

Mr. Edward J. Johnson, III - President and CEO

BBB leaders cannot be allowed to profit on the backs of the working class. Prevent further fraud by taking these steps to add your voice to the issue:

Get in touch with the BBB: Send your complaint to The Council of Better Business Bureau, 4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22203-1838 - Phone:   703-276-0100 - Fax: 703-525-8277

Contact your state Attorney General: Use the information listed on your state governments website, or use your internet search engine to locate your nearest office. Tell them that deceptive and unfair trade practices by the Better Business Bureau must not be tolerated.

Write to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Use the convenient online contact form at https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/ to share your concerns.

In todays tough economy, we cannot afford to have our trust violated by greedy businesses. Protect yourself and all consumers by taking action to put the Better Business Bureau out of business.


oakland pk,
GOLDLINE scam with flier of 20 gold Swiss franc

#3Author of original report

Wed, May 07, 2008

20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier critique The 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier talks of high profits yet: 1) The 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier never mentions any historical instance of any profit and indeed later on mentions that there was HISTORICALLY a time when the 20 gold Swiss franc approached and exceeded the spot price of gold, it was melted down, obviously but never mentioned, to remove the negative factor of NUMISMATIC and was struck into gold eagles which have positive and investment positive factors since ithey are government CERTIFIED usually selling $20 dollars ABOVE the spot price of gold making the 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier a liar and the 20 gold Swiss franc a historically BAD INVESTMENT. The American eagle and other certified coins has never been melted down for its gold. 2) The 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier refers to the spot price of gold and the 20 gold Swiss franc as the same when it is not. The 20 gold Swiss franc is NUMISMATIC and doesnt appear EVER in PUBLISHED print as having value commensurate with the spot price of gold and even a smaller connection with any GOVERNMENT CERTIFIED coin such as the American gold or platinum eagles whose values are published daily. The value of the 20 gold Swiss franc is never published. 3) The 20 gold Swiss franc flier MENTIONS more gold for the money yet my purchase yielded 2/5 less gold for the money. I received 33 0z of gold in the 20 gold Swiss franc versus 55 oz of gold had I diversified with the American gold eagle. My purchase originally was for 27 1 oz platinum eagles which would be the only action by GOLDLINE to make me whole. 4) The 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier uses the words bullion and the 20 gold Swiss franc as valued the same but in reality they are not. Bullion and government certified coins hold much more value therefore all other precious metal dealers I have gone to recently have offered government certified coins for investment not the collectors NUMISMATIC variety 20 gold Swiss franc. 5) The 20 gold Swiss franc sold by GOLDLINE is a scam developed systemically by all GOLDLINE upper management to defraud clients especially the first time buyer by following up the 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier with a high pressure commission salesmen who further distorts and lies about the investment value of the 20 gold Swiss franc. Contrary to the GOLDLINE flier there is no shortage nor has there ever been a shortage of the 20 gold Swiss franc. In fact it appears it has always been numismatic and a glut in the marketplace forever a poor investment.


oakland pk,
GOLDLINE 20 gold swiss franc flier scam critique

#4Author of original report

Thu, May 01, 2008

http://home.mindspring.com/~henryq/new%20info%20consent%20order_files/image004.gif 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier critique The 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier talks of high profits yet: 1) The 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier never mentions any historical instance of any profit and indeed later on mentions that there was a time when the 20 gold Swiss franc approached and exceeded the spot price of gold, it was melted down obviously but never mentioned to remove the negative factor of NUMISMATIC and was struck into gold eagles which have a positive and investment positive factors since it is government CERTIFIED usually selling $20 dollars ABOVE the spot price of gold making the 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier a liar and the 20 gold Swiss franc a historically BAD INVESTMENT. The American eagle and other certified coins has never been melted down for its gold. 2) The 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier refers to the spot price of gold and the 20 gold Swiss franc as the same when it is not. The 20 gold Swiss franc is NUMISMATIC and doesnt appear in print as having value commensurate with the spot price of gold and even a smaller connection with any GOVERNMENT CERTIFIED coin such as the American gold or platinum eagles whose values are published daily. The value of the 20 gold Swiss franc is never published. 3) The 20 gold Swiss franc flier MENTIONS more gold for the money yet my purchase yielded 2/5 less gold for the money. I received 33 0z of gold in the 20 gold Swiss franc versus 55 oz of gold had I diversified with the American gold eagle. My purchase originally was for 27 1 oz platinum eagles which would be the only action by GOLDLINE to make me whole. 4) The 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier uses the words bullion and the 20 gold Swiss franc as valued the same but in reality they are not. Bullion and government certified coins hold much more value therefore all other precious metal dealers I have gone to recently have offered government certified coins for investment not the collectors NUMISMATIC variety 20 gold Swiss franc. 5) The 20 gold Swiss franc sold by GOLDLINE is a scam develop[ed systemically by all upper management to defraud clients especially the first time buyer by following up the 20 gold Swiss franc GOLDLINE flier with a high pressure commission salesmen who further distorts and lies about the investment value of the 20 gold Swiss franc.


oakland pk,
BBB of no help in cases of obvious fraud

#5Author of original report

Thu, February 28, 2008

http://home.mindspring.com/~henryq/20%20gold%20franc.GIF Note in the link above where among all the GOLDLINE lies it says "you get more gold for your money" in bold type. This is a flagrant lie along with the other statments by GOLDLINE. In fact you get LESS gold with the purchase of the 20 gold swiss franc. TThis information was never revealed to me ever by moutth or in the flier in the above link. In early October 2007. I called GOLDLINE to sell the 20 gold swiss franc as the spot price of gold had risen over $40. I was assigned Dave Wilshon since JC Lee was not employed at GOLDLINE anymore. I gave him my Acct # 80-577759 Trade ref: 43-10098 statement date and trade date 5/10/06 Gold numismatic gold 20 swiss franc 174 units 200.50 Paid total $34,887 Dave Wilshon said it was worth $25. 344 if I elected to sell. I was shocked. I asked him why had it lost so much money? He said that one thing was because of the 30% selling fee. I said I wasnt informed previously of the 30% selling fee. I told Dave Wilshon that I had asked Clinton Ross about the 10% discount and that he said he would comply. Dave Wilshon said I should have gotten a 10% discount on purchase but didnt and that if I bought more gold Swiss francs from him he would implement the 10% discount. I said no. Important comment Purchase price $34,887 less 10% is $3,488 in other words $3,488 was embezzled from me on purchase since it is stated on GOLDLINEs webpage that a 10% discount was in order for first time buyers. This is grand larceny a felony and in addition an Internet crime using the Internet webpage as a come-on. I asked Mr Wilshon what was the weight of the 20 gold Swiss franc purchase? He said 32.48 oz. Important comment 32.48 oz x $692 spot price of gold at the time of purchase is $22.,476.16 in other words I was given over $12,000 less in gold than if I would have bought bullion. I was never informed of this. The fraud perpetrated by a cadre of people at GOLDLINE to ambush, cheat and thoroughly fleece a first time buyer was well thought out and the omitted information I delineate above and in the 8 pages of complaint and postings to ripoff was crucial and intentional. My intention was to buy 54 1 oz platinum eagles and have them delivered home but the double talk and coercion by GOLDLINE to deceive at the time of purchase was intense and debilitating especially for a first time buyer and exactly half was hi-jacked. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BBB ACTIONS Consumer's Rebuttal - Posted 02/13/2008 All Lisa Weedman says when she unterprets my brother's position is a lie. My brother spoke to another person a male attorney.REVISED:re: ftc 1487571 Lisa Weedmans spin on second and third hand information is scary. She mentions my brother without ever talking to him.For instance my brother the lawyer spoke to me then I wrote it in ripoff then Lisa Weedman read it in ripoff then she writes it as a spin in BBB therefore its third hand unreliable information And My brother the Lawyer spoke to the GOLDLINE Lawyer who spoke to Lisa Weedman who wrote it in BBB therefore its second hand information and a spin from what really happened.Lisa Weedman strays from my many accusations. Company's Final Response Company's Final Response - Posted 02/21/2008 Goldline's initial response accurately sets forth the facts surrounding this matter. As noted in our initial response, despite Goldline's extensive efforts and accommodations, it could not resolve the matter with Mr. Quirindongo.


oakland pk,
Fraudulent GOLDLINE 20 gold swiss franc advertisement

#6Author of original report

Thu, February 14, 2008

Today I received a GOLDLINE 20 gold franc advertisement from a ripoff viewer (attachment on request since not compatible with ripoff blog) COPIES SENT TO LABBB, FTC, ANA Conspicuously missing is that if you buy at the GOLDLINE inflated price: 1.) You will lose 50% of your investment the first day. 2.) When you go to sell you will pay a 30$ selling fee. 3.) Although a 10% discount is stated you will not receive the discount 4.) Today Feb 14 2007 gold spot price has risen over $300 recently but the 20 gold franc is still losing money while the gold eagle has risen thousands of dollars depending on the investment. 5.) The GOLDLINE advertisement is clearly a case of flagrant CRIMINAL fraud by GOLDLINE by omitting very important negative facts well known to GOLDLINE..


oakland pk,
BETTER BUSINESS BUREA sends perfunctary response to FRAUD

#7Author of original report

Thu, February 14, 2008

Your complaint has generated activity that needs your attention. Please click on the link below to get details about this activity and information as to how to respond, if a response is needed. If clicking on the link dow not work, please copy the entire link text (not just the underlined part) and paste it into your browser's window. http://www.labbb.org/BBBWeb/DV.aspx?BBBDOC=4cQgy9/aDMk= Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau. Please do not reply to this email, since this is an unmonitored, automatic system. Goldline International, Inc. The Water Garden, 1601 Cloverfield Blvd. 100 South Tower Santa Monica, CA 90404 Contact: Lisa Weedman Phone: (800) 827-4653 John Quirindongo 3000 NE 16th Avenue #310D Oakland Pk, FL 33334 (954) 564-6624 [email protected] Below is the companys response to your complaint. What a company does to resolve complaints is part of the information we report to the public on individual companies. To be certain that our report on this company is accurate, we need your confirmation that this complaint has been settled. Would you take a minute to tell us about your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the response? The red text indicates the complaints current processing status and will allow you to enter your response in the text box. If we do not hear from you within the next seven days, we will assume you have accepted the companys offer or explanation and are satisfied with it. However, please feel free to contact us again if the company has made an offer to settle your complaint and fails to perform accordingly. Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau. Complaint Complaint Classification: Selling Practices Complaint Description - Posted 1/25/2008 Used fraud to sell me inferior product and also omit a mandated discount published on their webpage Complaint Summary used fraud to sell me inferior product and also omit a mandated discount published on their webpage Resolution Sought give me: original purchase 27 platinum eagles 1 oz shipped free of charge to my homeALL STORAGE FEES BE RETURNED.$235.26 x 3 (6 mo. payments)= $705.78 +$508 differential from original fraud payment $1,213.78 total Additional Information Date Problem First Occurred: 10/5/2006 Product or Service: Precious metal investment Model Name or Number: Date Purchased: 10/5/2006 Order Number: Amount Paid: $40000.00 Company's Response Company's Initial Response - Posted 02/08/2008 Company states by email Goldline has been assisting collectors and investors with their precious metals and rare coin acquisitions for nearly 50 years. In that time, we have worked with thousands of satisfied clients who consistently choose Goldline to be their precious metals company. On rare occasion, there is a customer who is prepared to misrepresent facts to seek a financial advantage. John Quirindongo appears to be such an individual. The complaint description and desired settlement sent to the BBB lacks any type of factual documentation to support Mr. Quirindongos complaint. Nor does he tell the BBB that Goldline resolved his complaint by canceling his order and fully returning his purchase price. However, Mr. Quirindongo reneged on the agreement in an effort to gain a financial advantage. Below is an accurate summary of the details of Mr. Quirondongos complaint and Goldlines response. Mr. Quirindongo purchased platinum and gold coins from Goldline after first contacting us in May 2006. Over the next 18 months, Mr. Quirindongo received storage statements for his gold and platinum coins which he paid without objection. At no time during this period did Mr. Quirindongo ever suggest that he was dissatisfied with or actually cancelled his purchase of gold coins during the refund period that Goldline provides to all of its first time customers. Mr. Quirindongo sold his platinum coins for a profit. When he found that his gold coins had not similarly appreciated, he suddenly claimed that he never wanted the gold coins and that he cancelled his order via email nearly two years earlier. From: john quirindongo [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 3:03 PM To: rfazio Subject: refund US Bank, 721 Locust Street, St. Louis, MO 63101 ABA: 081000210 Scottrade Account number: [redacted] Scottrade's Complete Mailing Address:P.O. Box 31759 St. Louis, MO 63131-0759 Further Credit to: {Your Scottrade Account Number and Account Title} My name should appear with account # [redacted] john quirindongo [email protected] EarthLink Revolves Around You. Mr. Quirindongo then wrote Goldline a few hours later to insist the refund include his storage fees for the gold coins From: john quirindongo [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 5:17 PM To: rfazio Subject: refund postscript I want to remind you that a "refund" should include the "storage fees" otherwise it is not complete. john quirindongo [email protected] EarthLink Revolves Around You. After Mr. Quirindongo received his refund (including storage fees), he went back on his word and attempted to extort platinum coins (which would have provided Mr. Quirindongo with a profit beyond what he already made) from Goldline with the threat of posting on a website as leverage (which he posted soon after receiving the money) In one of a series of emails that followed, Mr. Quirindongo wrote: From: john quirindongo [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 5:01 AM To: rfazio Subject: FW: lawyer oh yes send me the amount of the wire you sent me and I will deduct the "storage fees" and "differential" and wire you the rest on Monday which will leave only the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles the subject of negotiations for the "refund" and the favorable "ripoff.org posting" john quirindongo [email protected] EarthLink Revolves Around You. In another email, he wrote: I will give favorable posting on RIPOFF.ORG (I'll even let you write the favorable posting - I'll copy and paste) Mr. Quirindongo later sought the advice of his brother, a lawyer, who apparently cautioned Mr. Quirindongo against his questionable conduct: ________________________________________ From: john quirindongo [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 4:08 PM To: rfazio Subject: refund Yesterday I called my brother who is a lawyer with his son listed under Frank and Michael Quintana in NYC with an office in Court St. Bklyn and explained the situation. He told me to deny the wire transfer the exact amount would be returned and then negotiate. He said I was premature in posting to rip-off although I had a good grievance I should t threaten or go to gov't agencies but do so only if the negotiation turns sour. I will put off posting to rip-off until we negotiate in writing. You should receive wire transfer Wednesday john quirindongo [email protected] EarthLink Revolves Around You. Goldline ultimately received a return of the refund that Mr. Quirindongo initially demanded (the refund which would have placed Mr. Quirindongo in the same position had he actually cancelled his original order). However, rather than attempting to resolve the matter as his brother suggested, Mr. Quirindongo chose instead to amend his ripoffreport While Goldline is committed to exemplary client relations, it cannot condone or participate in this type of behavior. As such, we have ceased communication with consumer.


oakland pk,
another victim of GOLDLINE swindle and the 20 gold Swiss franc

#8Author of original report

Wed, January 30, 2008

Hi, I found your complaint on Rip Off Report.com. I was wondering if you are pursuing a class action lawsuit. My fiancee and I have also been swindled by Goldline International last September. We have lost approximately $10,000 due to our purchase of Swiss Francs. Please let me know your status of your case and if you are planning to pursue a class action lawsuit. Thanks, -- Kyoung


oakland pk,
Better Business Bureau notified of GOLDLINE fraud

#9Author of original report

Mon, January 28, 2008

I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau Thank you for filing your complaint. As you requested, below is a copy of your complaint. Within the next business day, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the complaint. That acknowledgment will also give you information on how you can track the status of your complaint through our website. Complainant Information Mr. john -------- Complaint Text http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/287/ripoff0287335.htm Resolution Sought: give me: original purchase 27 platinum eagles 1 oz shipped free of charge to my home ALL STORAGE FEES BE RETURNED. $235.26 x 3 (6 mo. payments)= $705.78 +$508 differential from original fraud payment $1,213.78 total Date Problem Started: 10/05/2006 Date of Transaction: 10/05/2006 Amount in Dispute: $40000.00 Invoice Number: Complaint Type: Selling Practices Product or Service: precious metal investment If you have any questions regarding your complaint, please contact the Complaint Dept. at (909) 825-7280 or email [email protected]. Thank you, Complaint Dept. BBB of the Southland, Inc. BBB of the Southland (Colton, CA) 315 N. La Cadena Colton, CA 92324-2927 Phone: (909)825-7280 Fax: (909)825-6246 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.labbb.org This is to let you know that we have sent your complaint to the company for a response, which is the first step in our complaint resolution procedure. We will notify you of the company's response as soon as we receive it, but please allow at least 14 days to hear from us. In the meantime, if the company should contact you directly, please let us know. Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau.


oakland pk,
hi-jacking by GOLDLINE uncovered

#10Author of original report

Wed, January 23, 2008

In early October 2006. I called GOLDLINE to sell the 20 gold swiss franc as the spot price of gold had risen over $40. I was assigned Dave Wilshon since JC Lee was not employed at GOLDLINE anymore. I gave him my Acct # 80-577759 Trade ref: 43-10098 statement date and trade date 5/10/06 Gold numismatic gold 20 swiss franc 174 units 200.50 Paid total $34,887 Dave Wilshon said it was worth $25. 344 if I elected to sell. I was shocked. I asked him why had it lost so much money? He said that one thing was because of the 30% selling fee. I said I wasnt informed previously of the 30% selling fee. I told Dave Wilshon that I had asked Clinton Ross about the 10% discount and that he said he would comply. Dave Wilshon said I should have gotten a 10% discount on purchase but didnt and that if I bought more gold Swiss francs from him he would implement the 10% discount. I said no. Important comment Purchase price $34,887 less 10% is $3,488 in other words $3,488 was embezzled from me on purchase since it is stated on GOLDLINEs webpage that a 10% discount was in order for first time buyers. This is grand larceny a felony and in addition an Internet crime using the Internet webpage as a come-on. I asked Mr Wilshon what was the weight of the 20 gold Swiss franc purchase? He said 32.48 oz. Important comment 32.48 oz x $692 spot price of gold at the time of purchase is $22.,476.16 in other words I was given over $12,000 less in gold than if I would have bought bullion. I was never informed of this. The fraud perpetrated by a cadre of people at GOLDLINE to ambush, cheat and thoroughly fleece a first time buyer was well thought out and the omitted information I delineate above and in the 8 pages of complaint and postings to ripoff was crucial and intentional. My intention was to buy 54 1 oz platinum eagles and have them delivered home but the double talk and coercion by GOLDLINE to deceive at the time of purchase was intense and debilitating especially for a first time buyer and exactly half was hi-jacked


oakland pk,
Legitimate purchase of bullion versus GOLDLINE fraudulent substitution of the 20 swiss gold franc

#11Author of original report

Wed, January 16, 2008

Legitimate purchase of bullion versus GOLDLINE fraudulent substitution of the 20 swiss gold franc William Youngerman http://www.goldcoinsdealer.com/ said on the Steve Kane Show http://www.stevekaneshow.com/ that he makes 10% when he sells gold or platinum bullion and 10% when he sells gold or platinum bullion. Therefore depending on the value and strength and weakness of the dollar which is a client profit or loss William Youngerman makes 20% on all sales. The fraud of GOLDLINE exists because although they are a knowledgeable company in the value of gold they recommended vigorously diverting my purchase of platinum bullion to 20 gold franc coins which makes for GOLDLINE 50% when selling and 30% when selling the 20 gold franc coin. Therefore depending on the value and strength and weakness of the dollar which is a client profit or loss GOLDLINE makes 80% on all sales. THIS INFORMATION WAS KEPT FROM ME BY GOLDLINE AND I WAS MADE AWARE NOW BY MY OWN INVESTIGATION At this point in time AFTER MUCH MEDIATION the best offer to make me whole by GOLDLINE is 25 platinum bullion,- 2 coin less than the original purchase agreed on in 10 May 2006 GOLDLINE wants to not only profit by the present day weakness of the dollar but profit also by shortchanging me by 2 platinum bullion coins.


oakland pk,

#12Author of original report

Wed, January 09, 2008

ANSWER TO GOLDLINE REBUTTAL Lisa Weedman doesnt mention the letter of May 18 2006 to Mr. Battaglia which I furnished her early in negotiation in Oct 2007. See my first posting. . Note date at bottom under signature level showing 18 May 2006. Purchase was made 10 May 2006. EXHIBIT #1 LETTER Joe Battaglia Goldline 100 Wilshire Boulevard Third Floor Santa Monica, CA 90401 Ref: Acct # -------- Trade ref: ----- statement date and trade date 5/10/06 Gold numismatic gold 20 Swiss franc124 units 200.50 unit price total $34,887 Platinum eagle 1 oz 27 1,272.00 34,369 Acct exec Clinton Ross Dear Mr. Battaglia, I would like a different Account Executive as Mr. Clinton Ross in not responsive especially to Email. I requested 54 platinum eagles but he put another salesman on the telephone selling Gold numismatic gold 20 Swiss francs. Unfortunately I agreed. Within the timeframe for first time buyers posted on your webpage I notified Clinton Ross my account executive by Email and by telephone about changing to the original order but he did not and does not respond. I want my original order of 54 Platinum eagles. I still havent got a clue as to my positions in event of sale. The Gold numismatic gold 20 Swiss franc value is not posted anywhere nor conveniently acquired online and is not what I want. john ------------ ft lauderdale fl 18 May 2006 from webpage REFUND POLICY: For your protection and convenience, Goldline provides all first time clients the right to a refund on their first transaction, without any reason whatsoever. This right is limited to seven (7) calendar days from the date on which the transaction is confirmed, BOTTOM OF EXHIBIT #1 LETTER Response to rebuttal 1.) Lisa Weedman doesnt furnish statements from Clinton Ross from whom I originally ordered the 54 platinum 1 oz eagles on 10 May 2006 2.) Lisa Weedman doesnt furnish statements and name of the GOLDLINE commission salesman who harangued me on 10 May 2006 a la telemarketing to buy 20 gold Swiss francs. 3.) Lisa Weedman doesnt furnish statements from JC Lee who replaced Clinton Ross in May 2006 in response to my letter above. 4.) Lisa Weedman ends with "we have ceased communication with Mr. Q-----." neglecting to say that was the case AFTER my letter of 18 May 2006 to Joe Battaglia above and only the Email to ANA opened first communication phone call within two hours with Lisa Weedman quickly offering a 10% discount a yr and cancellation of storage fees in early Oct 2007 5.) When I say the 20 gold Swiss franc was a coin I had never heard of before, did I lie? No! When I say the 20 gold Swiss franc lost 50% as a matter of course information KNOWN BEFOREHAND by GOLDLINE which was kept from me the first day did I lie? No! And after gold went up over $40 from $692 to $733 and to $833 and it lost $10,000. did I lie? No! When I say there was 30% selling fee information, which was at, first kept from me did I lie? No! When I said a GOLDL;INE commission salesman ambushed me to buy worthless for investment 20 gold Swiss francs for a novice investor like me, with so much information which was kept from me did I lie? No! No! No! on every single issue but this and all the other issues I mention here and in previous phone calls and postings to ripoff. These postings issues are not addressed by GOLDLINE in rebuttal because of their guilt. 6.) And when I said at first I required in my proposal 27 platinum 1 oz eagles not only in letter to Joe Battaglia 18 May 2006 above but again Oct 2007 to Lisa Weedman initially with her by phone after commiserating with my wife and posted here early in Oct 2007 before the 2nd posting, did I lie? No! Early in Oct 2007 I spoke about important things like the present weak dollar, did I lie? No! And why arent these and other issues I have posted previously not responded to? This is because I am truthful. GOLDLINEs not truthful and guilty of felony fraud, a grand larceny felony in this case and their accusations about me are indeed weak in rebuttal and the lies, spin and obfuscations are bereft of legal logic because GOLDLINE has at every level consistently with complicity has shown felony fraud. Robert Fazio was confused rereading my proposal which was aired in Email to GOLDLINE several times previously and posted previously on ripoff. Robert Fazio handled clumsily the mediation negotiation with intentions again to defraud. But in the end and most of all in the final analysis they can only reveal an abominable behavior because all I have said here and on ripoff is true. 7.) I remember F Lee Bailey in chains going to jail because he didnt want to make his client whole by keeping the profits of investments of an escrow account. as legal fees which included stocks and gold. GOLDLINE is using similar flawed logic that wont stand up in Court. In the case of GOLDLINE it is more egregious more illegal involving more people and systemic by its very nature set up to affect many victims while in the case of F Lee Bailey it was a one-time legal blunder. Florida Disbars F. Lee Bailey Over Stock Funds 1994 DuBoc case from wikipedia In 1994, while the O.J. Simpson case was being tried, Bailey and Robert Shapiro represented Claude DuBoc, an accused marijuana dealer. In a plea bargain agreement with the U.S. Attorney, DuBoc agreed to turn over his assets to the U.S. Government. His assets included a large block of stock in BioChem, worth approximately $6 million at the time of the plea deal. When the government sought to collect the stock, it had increased in value to $20 million. Bailey claimed he was entitled to the appreciation in payment of his legal fees and refused to turn over the stock to the government. In 2000, he was sent to prison for contempt. After forty-four days at the Federal Prison in Tallahassee, Bailey agreed to relinquish his claim to the stock and he was freed. -------------- I gave strong dollars and GOLDLINE who defrauded me insists almost similar to F Lee Bailey on giving me weak dollars in a camouflaged and disguised illegal effort with a false assertion to make me whole with 25 platinum 1 oz eagles instead of 27 platinum 1 oz eagles GOLDLINE wont address this most important legal point. F .Lee Bailey and GOLDLINE both have unfortunately fallen into a trap of greed and false legal logic that is not equitable nor in the clients best interest and furthermore legally wrong. GOLDLINE is always one day late and a dollar short Its as though I had bought something with American greenbacks in the Civil War and an attempt is to make me whole was with Confederate money or if I bought a car and it was delivered without a motor and radio and only the radio was restored. GOLDLINE has shown many times over fraud at its very core and instead of making me whole correctly and equitably they prefer to play the fraud card. GOLDLINE insists on lumbering onward as F Lee Bailey ever onward towards litigation. 8.) At one point when the $34,000 plus was in my possession and its cited by Lisa Weedmans REBUTTAL, I Emailed send me the amount of the wire you sent me and I will deduct the 'storage fees' and 'differential' and wire you the rest on Monday which will leave only the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles the subject of negotiations for the 'refund' and the favorable 'ripoffreport.org posting but Robert Fazio did not respond and had a lawyer threaten me on the phone to accept the money in full and I decided to send the full amount back. I now see it was not a good faith mediation but a TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT situation but who knows what to do when theirs dead silence from the mediator Robert Fazio and sudden threats from his lawyer. And anyway I want a mediation that is legal and makes me whole not like GOLDLINE mediations that are half baked not finished and just illegally hanging there, unvarnished uninspired producing a REBUTTAL that is so poorly thought out that it couldnt pass legal muster in any Court or government mediation. 9.) Lisa Weedman cites my brother in my Email I shouldnt t threaten or go to Govt agencies but do so only if the negotiation turns sour. Well it did turn sour many times over. 10.) Lisa Weedman cites me in the same Email with me speaking I will put off posting to rip-off until we negotiate in writing well all the proposal writing was on my part and we never got to mediation writing on GOLDLINEs part since the cold GOLDLINE silent treatment is now again in effect for the third time the silent treatment is GOLDLINEs best defense and they can not win on the merits of their argument. Their inane rhetoric and hunger to illegally keep profits of precious metals because of the weak dollar keeps them from making a credible proposal. OUTRIGHT LIES BY GOLDLINE IN REBUTTAL EXHIBIT #2 Platinum eagle 1 oz 27 1,272.00 34,369 Storage fees (3) 352 Bank interest (1 yr ) 1,750 Total expense 35,461 Total sold 34,886 Total lost 375 BOTTOM OF EXHIBIT #2 Lisa Weedman avers mistakenly THAT I MADE A PROFIT but doesnt furnish the trade statement showing the 1 oz platinum eagles. I sold it at $34,886 (see above exhibit #2) so I must believe its a lie or a faux pas because thats not what the documentation and analysis (see above exhibit #2) says. The truth is I lost a small amount of money $375 without complaining due to THREE STORAGE FEES and lost bank interest (see above) which Lisa Weedman does not factor in. The documentation bears me out. In any case mentioning other trades that were legitimate is a grasping at straws technique that has no bearing on the 20 gold Franc fiasco at all Strangely enough I spoke to Lisa Weedman about the same matter over the phone. She said, "I see you made a profit on the platinum" I said "Not if you consider the three storage fees and the lost bank interest." So either she doesnt remember the conversation which makes her a mental midget or she deliberate lied to give a positive GOLDLINE face or spin indirectly on this obvious many faceted and combined group participated planned 20 gold Swiss franc con game a) Lisa Weedman doesnt furnish statements that there was no one from GOLDLINE in mediation contact with me AFTER I sent back the $34,000 plus because GOLDLINE was prematurely incommunicado and ceased to mediate with me. This silence is consistent and the ignoring the client tactic was pulled on me four times 1) After I asked Clinton Ross for refund AND RESTORING MY ORIGINAL 1 OZ PLATINUM order 11 May 2006 2) After I sent the Joe Battaglia letter 18 May 2006 Letter furnished above and only ANA was able to able start communication for mediation to begin with initially evasive Lisa Weedman. 3) After I sent the 34,000 plus back in early Dec 2007 4) And now in the REBUTTAL the only difference here is that now it is stated for all the world to see . b) Lisa Weedman doesnt tackle the present weak dollar matter, which makes the refund less in value. I mention this many times on ripoff. This is GOLDLINE spinning by omission. She says After Mr. Q------- received his refund (including storage fees), he went back on his word and attempted to extort platinum coins (which would have provided Mr. Q------ with a profit beyond what he already made) from Goldline with the threat of posting on this website as leverage (which he posted soon after receiving the money).Not only is this a run on sentence but also it is run on illogical logic. The weak dollar is never mentioned and the timeline is also wrong and deliberately misleading (to develop a lie) since she omits that I commiserated with my wife and communicated to Lisa Weedman in early Oct 2007 (see 2nd posting) that we wanted 27 1 oz platinum coins. Lisa Weedman said at that time that she would take our proposal to her boss on a Tuesday since her boss was off Monday. I asked Mr. Battaglia? She said No but did not furnish the name. I assume now it was Mt Fazio and his tactic strategy was to send me $34,000 plus and I would take it. The profit Lisa Weedman mentions is elusive and vague (another lie) because there was no profit mostly because of the weak dollar. I still am empty handed because I wont accept the weak dollar sum of $34,000 plus at first or the 25 platinum 1 oz eagles offer relayed covertly to my brother when the original order was 27 platinum 1 oz eagles in May 2006 and again consistently in Oct 2007 and now. Ask Clinton Ross. Im sure he wont lie but a statement by him one way or the other is not forthcoming. And what about the mysterious commission salesman who was paid by GOLDLINE who is conspicuously missing in the GOLDLINE rebuttal? c) Lisa Weedman in the rebuttal never considers or mentions my consistent proposal that includes a small monitory figure which was the reason for my Scottrade account # but instead GOLDLINE gives a silent treatment on 3 occasions and shows disdain for a clients proposal position. d) Lisa Weedman uses the word extort without realizing extortion is usually done quietly in secret not on the internet for the world to see and especially with me willing and actively and aggressively seeking as documented in ripoff to go to government agencies in search for being made whole using the ripoff documentation. e) Lisa Weedman mentions that I paid the storage fees as though I committed a crime doing so but she doesnt realize that a case can also be made if I didnt pay them. I am from NYC and going to Court or taking any legal action and not paying rent is frowned on by the Judge and can endanger a legal action. f) Lisa Weedman mentions the threat of posting on this website Well I always send copies of what I will post first to ANA and GOLDLINE with the posting date (from 3 to 5 day) when I will post if no communication is forthcoming. I always give ample time for an answer by GOLDLINE before posting. In one case after I spoke to my brother and returning $34,000 plus to GOLDLINE I waited 2 weeks AFTER sending a copy to ANA and GOLDLINE. Most of the time no communication has been forthcoming so I post. The spin by GOLDLINE is amazing. The complaint has reached a loggerhead over 2 platinum 1 oz eagles which we both agree is most important to prove to ourselves who is right, nothing more, just ego g) The GOLDLINE rebuttal in the final analysis is weak and proves the central point of my legal argument mainly that the product vigorously and illegally recommended by GOLDLINE the 20 gold Swiss franc was totally wrong for an investment for me and lost money from the first day in large amounts predictable by the precious metal cognoscenti such as GOLDLINE any honest precious metals storefront added by the fact that a legitimate 10% discount was not given as stated on the webpage and the 1oz platinum eagle and gold bullion sold by weight for investment in general which was the original investment I ordered had risen in value because of the weak dollar and was profitable. This action by GOLDLINE was unconscionable abhorrent and illegal and not only a prima facie case of felony fraud perpetrated by people in the employment of GOLDLINE but also if pursued to a legal decision in Court a reason for an additional big fine or something more drastic. I agree with the storefront precious metal dealer near my home that an over supply of the 20 gold Swiss franc led GOLDLINE to use a telemarketing type commission salesman to ambush a novice first time buyer, me. This criminal arrangement was in place for anyone foolish enough to try to make a legitimate purchase at GOLDLINE. The rebuttal only confirms everything I was saying all along. GOLDLINE never considers my consistent proposal offers to make whole. In my original 18 May 2006 letter (see above) Within the timeframe for first time buyers posted on your webpage I notified Clinton Ross my account executive by Email and by telephone about changing to the original order but he did not and never responded to I want my original order of 54 Platinum eagles. (See above letter) In my first proposal to Lisa Weedman in first speaking with her Oct 2007 by phone, I commiserated with my wife and communicated to Lisa Weedman in early Oct 2007 (see 2nd posting) that we wanted 27 1 oz platinum coins because of the weak dollar and the original purchase. Lisa Weedman said at that time that she would take our proposal to her boss on a Tuesday since her boss was off Monday. I asked Mr. Battaglia? She said No but as I remember it did not furnish the name. I assume now it was Mr. Fazio and he knew all along as early as early October that I wanted the original order of 27 1 oz platinum eagles but Mr. Fazio although he knew the original purchase and original proposal preferred to play covert games as though making me whole is a bargaining, haggling and trying to cheat me situation and not a seeking equity and restoring a fair value situation. An attempt at a MEDIATION of sorts was made by GOLDLINE with my brother an unusual situation since he was NOT brought forth by me to negotiate nor was he well versed in the matter. I told him to stay away from negotiating and that I would not take the 25 platinum 1 oz eagles offer made to him by GOLDLINE. Was it a take it or leave it, offer? I dont know but it seems so now with the broken down GOLDLINE negotiating attitude as I air all truthfully on ripoff while they spin, omit and lie to preserve their bottom line but all the while as we can see on the GOLDLINE rebuttal taking a HOLIER THAN THOU demeanor making me the client the villain and twice the victim taking my Emails out of context. For instance of course if GOLDLINE gave me what I wanted the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles (see 2nd posting) I would give them a favorable posting and I would copy and paste if it met with my approval. I see nothing wrong with that because if we had agreed mutually the rebuttal section of ripoff would not be suitable nor appropriate but Lisa Weedman spins it as sinister. What kind of predatory people are they when GOLDLINE at every level has no sympathy or empathy for the client? GOLDLINEs attitude is that the client should ever be exploited unfairly. Their arrogance and egotism is amazing. I am an old man almost blind who refuses to turn over for GOLDLINE. Why dont they make me whole and restore my original order of 27 platinum 1 oz eagles? ADDENDA Mr. Q--------, I have received your request to inquire to the FTC about your claim. Please find and complete the attached privacy release form and fax it back to my attention at (954) 522-4965. I look forward to working with you. Jennifer Johnson District Aide Congressman Ron Klein, District 22 800 E. Broward Blvd. Suite #300 (954) 522-4579 I received a phone call on Friday January 4, 2008 from Vincent Law of the FTC at 202 326 2988 and he said he was in the process of developing a CLASS ACTION SUIT against GOLDLINE Santa Monica CA. using my comprehensive complaint as the catalyst together with the combined super database of Federal, State and local agencies in a widespread litigation effort. This is as I understand the most severe action he can enact under his purview. He asked me for my complaint updates as they build up I sent him the answer to REBUTTAL above which I will post on Wednesday to ripoff. He asked if I had notified any more government agencies and I told him. He gave me the impression he will contact them to tell them of the class action suit and also to make a coordinated strategy taskforce. Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). Fraud crime is a tremendous violation of personal integrity and sense of trust. Financial crime victims suffer many of the same devastating effects as victims of violent crime. Because these psychological "wounds" are not perceived in the same way as wounds to the body, the effects on financial crime victims are often, and very inappropriately, minimized. Very often, people affected by fraud are victimized again by well-meaning individuals since the emotional response is often misunderstood by law enforcement, criminal justice professionals, victim service providers, and the community at large. All states receive federal funds from OVC to help support local victim assistance programs. There may be resources in your immediate area that offer services to victims of financial crime. Information on assistance in your local area can be located on OVC's Web site at the following address: ovc.gov/help/links.htm Another source of help is your local victim/witness assistance program. You may contact the National Center for Victims of Crime at 800/FYI-CALL or the National Organization for Victim Assistance at 800/TRY-NOVA for a referral in your area. Many victims of crime file a civil suit against their offender or a third party to try to recover financial losses resulting from a crime. This is different from a criminal case that the state prosecutes to determine guilt. Further information can be obtained by contacting the National Crime Victim Bar Association on the Internet at: http://www.victimbar.org You may also wish to review the OVC-sponsored brochure, "Information for Victims and Witnesses Who Report Fraud Crimes", located at: ovc.gov/publications/infores/fraud/brochur.htm Let us suggest some additional resources that you may find helpful: Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (703) 276-0100 bbb.org National Fraud Information Center (800) 876-7060 fraud.org National Organization for Victim Assistance (800) TRY-NOVA try-nova.org National Center for Victims of Crime (800) FYI-CALL ncvc.org We hope this information has been helpful to you. If you have any additional questions, please contact the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, OVC's Information Clearinghouse, at 1-800-851-3420. *************************************** Disclaimer: The enclosed response may include referrals to non-Federal Government resources. The resources, and the information contained therein, are only as reliable and complete as their originating source. Responsibility for the quality/accuracy of the information rests with the original source.


oakland pk,
JOE BATTAGLIA ROBERT FAZIO GOLDLINE The case of planned systemic fraud.

#13Author of original report

Sat, December 29, 2007

JOE BATTAGLIA ROBERT FAZIO GOLDLINE The case of planned systemic fraud. I went to a precious metals storefront near my home and said I was looking for coins as investment and mentioned the 20 gold Swiss francs. They said, Its not for you! Its for collectors. I said I knew someone who bought 20 gold Swiss francs recommended enthusiastically and strongly by a big company. They said it was a scam because sometimes-big companies get overloaded with certain numismatic coins and instead of offering a reduced price like we do they perpetrate a scam. Furthermore we know our local collectors and limit our supply. Big companies cannot foretell an oversupply and sometimes try to lure unsuspecting unsure customers into unfortunate losing investments. Its a crime. I was according to the precious metals storefront recommendation better off with the 1 oz gold eagle. I believe the storefront told the truth because they dealt with neighbors and returnees in person but GOLDLINE felt that the webpage, distance and telemarketing directed to specific first time buyers would be profitable and that the illegality would be overlooked by the novice buyer who ostensibly had no one and/or nowhere to complain to. GOLDLINE employs a tacit and implied strategy using aggressive telemarketing omission of important information to encourage and deceive its faraway clients for an immediate decision based on faulty information. It seems clear now that GOLDLINE had in place a plan within its infrastructure for bilking first time buyers of spot price bullion by recommending and illegally and vigorously substituting the oversupply of lesser value numismatic 20 gold Swiss francs with a high price with high pressure commission salesman and ignoring refund as stated on webpage. For instance I told and Emailed Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE a day later similar to the links below on this page on 11/May/06 that I wanted a refund and that I saw the 20 gold Swiss francs on EBay for $145 and the GOLDLINE webpage price I paid was $200.50. I even Emailed him twice the page links on EBay. Clinton Ross said they were different coins. When I went to sell the 20 gold Swiss Franc AFTER a rise of gold of over $41, I was told unbelievably by GOLDLINE account executive that it sold for the same original $145 on EBay and that I was down $10,000. Today December 26, 2007 I made a search on EBay...The 20 gold Swiss Franc could be had today between $147.05 and $154.69 Today December 26, 2007 GOLDLINE sells the 20 gold Swiss Franc at $259.95 to $289.95 goldlinecoins.stores.yahoo The management from top to bottom using a high-pressure commission salesman over the phone promoted this course of action as a first step fraud strategy. I say this because interlocking cooperation with multiple levels of management is needed leading to the top Robert Fazio and Joe Battaglia to enable the fraud. If GOLDLINE were honest and had seen possible fraud they would have acted to eliminate it not to encourage it as they undoubtedly did when they paid the outside the loop unsought and uninvited by the client but inserted unceremoniously by GOLDLINE telephone commission salesman. 1.) After the purchase of first time buyer was made and the money wired to GOLDLINE an uninvited high-pressure commission salesman would take over in an effort to advise and recommend to commit fraud with omissions of information about the worthless for investment purposes 20 gold Swiss francs. 2.) Omission of important fact: a.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client the total weight of the 20 gold Swiss franc which was much less than the bullion although the price was the same b.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client there was a selling fee of 30% which did not apply to bullion. c.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client that the value holdings if investing in 20 gold Swiss francs would be decreased in worth by 50% immediately upon purchase. 3.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they all would tell the client that he could evade paying income taxes when selling the 20 gold Swiss franc. 4.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they all would tell and recommend to the client that storing was the THING TO DO in an effort to MAKE IT EASY TO SELL. 5.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they would talk of the 20 gold Swiss franc as though it were a bullion spot price investment as it was spot price tracked on their webpage. 6.) GOLDLINE was complicit showing planning in that they would make it impossible to find the true value of 20 gold Swiss francs without consulting the account executive. 7.) GOLDLINE was complicit showing planning in that they would not post on webpage the daily value of the gold Swiss franc as it did with the spot price of bullion. 8.) GOLDLINE didnt give 10% discount for 20 gold Swiss franc purchase to me as a first time buyer as promised on their webpage. The GOLDLINE best offer for mediation and REFUND was 25 platinum eagles 1 oz but I require my original purchase of 27 platinum eagles 1 oz. which was ambushed AFTER my purchase of the 27 platinum eagles 1 oz. This is believably a REFUND which would make me whole. GOLDLINE first seemed at first to ignore my proposal and now seems to regard it to be excessive. GOLDLINEs reasoning is unclear and directed to not for what is right but to a knee jerk reaction to preserve the BOTTOM LINE regardless of who they hurt money wise. GOLDLINE ignores the time spent by ANA and lawyers as well as top brass who are well served to devote their time on business not complaints where there is a disagreement of 2 platinum 1 oz eagles. My reasoning is specific, truthful and a search for what is right in spite of all the GOLDLINE illegality. I make this complaint in an effort to make me whole supported with documents, reasoning and an appeal to what is legal. And that is why I refunded the wire transfer of $34,000 plus quickly with no trauma. 27 platinum 1oz eagles was the original order and needs to be reimplemented to make me whole.


oakland pk,
JOE BATTAGLIA ROBERT FAZIO GOLDLINE The case of planned systemic fraud.

#14Author of original report

Sat, December 29, 2007

JOE BATTAGLIA ROBERT FAZIO GOLDLINE The case of planned systemic fraud. I went to a precious metals storefront near my home and said I was looking for coins as investment and mentioned the 20 gold Swiss francs. They said, Its not for you! Its for collectors. I said I knew someone who bought 20 gold Swiss francs recommended enthusiastically and strongly by a big company. They said it was a scam because sometimes-big companies get overloaded with certain numismatic coins and instead of offering a reduced price like we do they perpetrate a scam. Furthermore we know our local collectors and limit our supply. Big companies cannot foretell an oversupply and sometimes try to lure unsuspecting unsure customers into unfortunate losing investments. Its a crime. I was according to the precious metals storefront recommendation better off with the 1 oz gold eagle. I believe the storefront told the truth because they dealt with neighbors and returnees in person but GOLDLINE felt that the webpage, distance and telemarketing directed to specific first time buyers would be profitable and that the illegality would be overlooked by the novice buyer who ostensibly had no one and/or nowhere to complain to. GOLDLINE employs a tacit and implied strategy using aggressive telemarketing omission of important information to encourage and deceive its faraway clients for an immediate decision based on faulty information. It seems clear now that GOLDLINE had in place a plan within its infrastructure for bilking first time buyers of spot price bullion by recommending and illegally and vigorously substituting the oversupply of lesser value numismatic 20 gold Swiss francs with a high price with high pressure commission salesman and ignoring refund as stated on webpage. For instance I told and Emailed Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE a day later similar to the links below on this page on 11/May/06 that I wanted a refund and that I saw the 20 gold Swiss francs on EBay for $145 and the GOLDLINE webpage price I paid was $200.50. I even Emailed him twice the page links on EBay. Clinton Ross said they were different coins. When I went to sell the 20 gold Swiss Franc AFTER a rise of gold of over $41, I was told unbelievably by GOLDLINE account executive that it sold for the same original $145 on EBay and that I was down $10,000. Today December 26, 2007 I made a search on EBay...The 20 gold Swiss Franc could be had today between $147.05 and $154.69 Today December 26, 2007 GOLDLINE sells the 20 gold Swiss Franc at $259.95 to $289.95 goldlinecoins.stores.yahoo The management from top to bottom using a high-pressure commission salesman over the phone promoted this course of action as a first step fraud strategy. I say this because interlocking cooperation with multiple levels of management is needed leading to the top Robert Fazio and Joe Battaglia to enable the fraud. If GOLDLINE were honest and had seen possible fraud they would have acted to eliminate it not to encourage it as they undoubtedly did when they paid the outside the loop unsought and uninvited by the client but inserted unceremoniously by GOLDLINE telephone commission salesman. 1.) After the purchase of first time buyer was made and the money wired to GOLDLINE an uninvited high-pressure commission salesman would take over in an effort to advise and recommend to commit fraud with omissions of information about the worthless for investment purposes 20 gold Swiss francs. 2.) Omission of important fact: a.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client the total weight of the 20 gold Swiss franc which was much less than the bullion although the price was the same b.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client there was a selling fee of 30% which did not apply to bullion. c.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client that the value holdings if investing in 20 gold Swiss francs would be decreased in worth by 50% immediately upon purchase. 3.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they all would tell the client that he could evade paying income taxes when selling the 20 gold Swiss franc. 4.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they all would tell and recommend to the client that storing was the THING TO DO in an effort to MAKE IT EASY TO SELL. 5.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they would talk of the 20 gold Swiss franc as though it were a bullion spot price investment as it was spot price tracked on their webpage. 6.) GOLDLINE was complicit showing planning in that they would make it impossible to find the true value of 20 gold Swiss francs without consulting the account executive. 7.) GOLDLINE was complicit showing planning in that they would not post on webpage the daily value of the gold Swiss franc as it did with the spot price of bullion. 8.) GOLDLINE didnt give 10% discount for 20 gold Swiss franc purchase to me as a first time buyer as promised on their webpage. The GOLDLINE best offer for mediation and REFUND was 25 platinum eagles 1 oz but I require my original purchase of 27 platinum eagles 1 oz. which was ambushed AFTER my purchase of the 27 platinum eagles 1 oz. This is believably a REFUND which would make me whole. GOLDLINE first seemed at first to ignore my proposal and now seems to regard it to be excessive. GOLDLINEs reasoning is unclear and directed to not for what is right but to a knee jerk reaction to preserve the BOTTOM LINE regardless of who they hurt money wise. GOLDLINE ignores the time spent by ANA and lawyers as well as top brass who are well served to devote their time on business not complaints where there is a disagreement of 2 platinum 1 oz eagles. My reasoning is specific, truthful and a search for what is right in spite of all the GOLDLINE illegality. I make this complaint in an effort to make me whole supported with documents, reasoning and an appeal to what is legal. And that is why I refunded the wire transfer of $34,000 plus quickly with no trauma. 27 platinum 1oz eagles was the original order and needs to be reimplemented to make me whole.


oakland pk,
JOE BATTAGLIA ROBERT FAZIO GOLDLINE The case of planned systemic fraud.

#15Author of original report

Sat, December 29, 2007

JOE BATTAGLIA ROBERT FAZIO GOLDLINE The case of planned systemic fraud. I went to a precious metals storefront near my home and said I was looking for coins as investment and mentioned the 20 gold Swiss francs. They said, Its not for you! Its for collectors. I said I knew someone who bought 20 gold Swiss francs recommended enthusiastically and strongly by a big company. They said it was a scam because sometimes-big companies get overloaded with certain numismatic coins and instead of offering a reduced price like we do they perpetrate a scam. Furthermore we know our local collectors and limit our supply. Big companies cannot foretell an oversupply and sometimes try to lure unsuspecting unsure customers into unfortunate losing investments. Its a crime. I was according to the precious metals storefront recommendation better off with the 1 oz gold eagle. I believe the storefront told the truth because they dealt with neighbors and returnees in person but GOLDLINE felt that the webpage, distance and telemarketing directed to specific first time buyers would be profitable and that the illegality would be overlooked by the novice buyer who ostensibly had no one and/or nowhere to complain to. GOLDLINE employs a tacit and implied strategy using aggressive telemarketing omission of important information to encourage and deceive its faraway clients for an immediate decision based on faulty information. It seems clear now that GOLDLINE had in place a plan within its infrastructure for bilking first time buyers of spot price bullion by recommending and illegally and vigorously substituting the oversupply of lesser value numismatic 20 gold Swiss francs with a high price with high pressure commission salesman and ignoring refund as stated on webpage. For instance I told and Emailed Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE a day later similar to the links below on this page on 11/May/06 that I wanted a refund and that I saw the 20 gold Swiss francs on EBay for $145 and the GOLDLINE webpage price I paid was $200.50. I even Emailed him twice the page links on EBay. Clinton Ross said they were different coins. When I went to sell the 20 gold Swiss Franc AFTER a rise of gold of over $41, I was told unbelievably by GOLDLINE account executive that it sold for the same original $145 on EBay and that I was down $10,000. Today December 26, 2007 I made a search on EBay...The 20 gold Swiss Franc could be had today between $147.05 and $154.69 Today December 26, 2007 GOLDLINE sells the 20 gold Swiss Franc at $259.95 to $289.95 goldlinecoins.stores.yahoo The management from top to bottom using a high-pressure commission salesman over the phone promoted this course of action as a first step fraud strategy. I say this because interlocking cooperation with multiple levels of management is needed leading to the top Robert Fazio and Joe Battaglia to enable the fraud. If GOLDLINE were honest and had seen possible fraud they would have acted to eliminate it not to encourage it as they undoubtedly did when they paid the outside the loop unsought and uninvited by the client but inserted unceremoniously by GOLDLINE telephone commission salesman. 1.) After the purchase of first time buyer was made and the money wired to GOLDLINE an uninvited high-pressure commission salesman would take over in an effort to advise and recommend to commit fraud with omissions of information about the worthless for investment purposes 20 gold Swiss francs. 2.) Omission of important fact: a.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client the total weight of the 20 gold Swiss franc which was much less than the bullion although the price was the same b.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client there was a selling fee of 30% which did not apply to bullion. c.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client that the value holdings if investing in 20 gold Swiss francs would be decreased in worth by 50% immediately upon purchase. 3.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they all would tell the client that he could evade paying income taxes when selling the 20 gold Swiss franc. 4.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they all would tell and recommend to the client that storing was the THING TO DO in an effort to MAKE IT EASY TO SELL. 5.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they would talk of the 20 gold Swiss franc as though it were a bullion spot price investment as it was spot price tracked on their webpage. 6.) GOLDLINE was complicit showing planning in that they would make it impossible to find the true value of 20 gold Swiss francs without consulting the account executive. 7.) GOLDLINE was complicit showing planning in that they would not post on webpage the daily value of the gold Swiss franc as it did with the spot price of bullion. 8.) GOLDLINE didnt give 10% discount for 20 gold Swiss franc purchase to me as a first time buyer as promised on their webpage. The GOLDLINE best offer for mediation and REFUND was 25 platinum eagles 1 oz but I require my original purchase of 27 platinum eagles 1 oz. which was ambushed AFTER my purchase of the 27 platinum eagles 1 oz. This is believably a REFUND which would make me whole. GOLDLINE first seemed at first to ignore my proposal and now seems to regard it to be excessive. GOLDLINEs reasoning is unclear and directed to not for what is right but to a knee jerk reaction to preserve the BOTTOM LINE regardless of who they hurt money wise. GOLDLINE ignores the time spent by ANA and lawyers as well as top brass who are well served to devote their time on business not complaints where there is a disagreement of 2 platinum 1 oz eagles. My reasoning is specific, truthful and a search for what is right in spite of all the GOLDLINE illegality. I make this complaint in an effort to make me whole supported with documents, reasoning and an appeal to what is legal. And that is why I refunded the wire transfer of $34,000 plus quickly with no trauma. 27 platinum 1oz eagles was the original order and needs to be reimplemented to make me whole.


oakland pk,
JOE BATTAGLIA ROBERT FAZIO GOLDLINE The case of planned systemic fraud.

#16Author of original report

Sat, December 29, 2007

JOE BATTAGLIA ROBERT FAZIO GOLDLINE The case of planned systemic fraud. I went to a precious metals storefront near my home and said I was looking for coins as investment and mentioned the 20 gold Swiss francs. They said, Its not for you! Its for collectors. I said I knew someone who bought 20 gold Swiss francs recommended enthusiastically and strongly by a big company. They said it was a scam because sometimes-big companies get overloaded with certain numismatic coins and instead of offering a reduced price like we do they perpetrate a scam. Furthermore we know our local collectors and limit our supply. Big companies cannot foretell an oversupply and sometimes try to lure unsuspecting unsure customers into unfortunate losing investments. Its a crime. I was according to the precious metals storefront recommendation better off with the 1 oz gold eagle. I believe the storefront told the truth because they dealt with neighbors and returnees in person but GOLDLINE felt that the webpage, distance and telemarketing directed to specific first time buyers would be profitable and that the illegality would be overlooked by the novice buyer who ostensibly had no one and/or nowhere to complain to. GOLDLINE employs a tacit and implied strategy using aggressive telemarketing omission of important information to encourage and deceive its faraway clients for an immediate decision based on faulty information. It seems clear now that GOLDLINE had in place a plan within its infrastructure for bilking first time buyers of spot price bullion by recommending and illegally and vigorously substituting the oversupply of lesser value numismatic 20 gold Swiss francs with a high price with high pressure commission salesman and ignoring refund as stated on webpage. For instance I told and Emailed Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE a day later similar to the links below on this page on 11/May/06 that I wanted a refund and that I saw the 20 gold Swiss francs on EBay for $145 and the GOLDLINE webpage price I paid was $200.50. I even Emailed him twice the page links on EBay. Clinton Ross said they were different coins. When I went to sell the 20 gold Swiss Franc AFTER a rise of gold of over $41, I was told unbelievably by GOLDLINE account executive that it sold for the same original $145 on EBay and that I was down $10,000. Today December 26, 2007 I made a search on EBay...The 20 gold Swiss Franc could be had today between $147.05 and $154.69 Today December 26, 2007 GOLDLINE sells the 20 gold Swiss Franc at $259.95 to $289.95 goldlinecoins.stores.yahoo The management from top to bottom using a high-pressure commission salesman over the phone promoted this course of action as a first step fraud strategy. I say this because interlocking cooperation with multiple levels of management is needed leading to the top Robert Fazio and Joe Battaglia to enable the fraud. If GOLDLINE were honest and had seen possible fraud they would have acted to eliminate it not to encourage it as they undoubtedly did when they paid the outside the loop unsought and uninvited by the client but inserted unceremoniously by GOLDLINE telephone commission salesman. 1.) After the purchase of first time buyer was made and the money wired to GOLDLINE an uninvited high-pressure commission salesman would take over in an effort to advise and recommend to commit fraud with omissions of information about the worthless for investment purposes 20 gold Swiss francs. 2.) Omission of important fact: a.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client the total weight of the 20 gold Swiss franc which was much less than the bullion although the price was the same b.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client there was a selling fee of 30% which did not apply to bullion. c.) All employee management were complicit and would omit telling the client that the value holdings if investing in 20 gold Swiss francs would be decreased in worth by 50% immediately upon purchase. 3.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they all would tell the client that he could evade paying income taxes when selling the 20 gold Swiss franc. 4.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they all would tell and recommend to the client that storing was the THING TO DO in an effort to MAKE IT EASY TO SELL. 5.) All employee management were complicit showing planning in that they would talk of the 20 gold Swiss franc as though it were a bullion spot price investment as it was spot price tracked on their webpage. 6.) GOLDLINE was complicit showing planning in that they would make it impossible to find the true value of 20 gold Swiss francs without consulting the account executive. 7.) GOLDLINE was complicit showing planning in that they would not post on webpage the daily value of the gold Swiss franc as it did with the spot price of bullion. 8.) GOLDLINE didnt give 10% discount for 20 gold Swiss franc purchase to me as a first time buyer as promised on their webpage. The GOLDLINE best offer for mediation and REFUND was 25 platinum eagles 1 oz but I require my original purchase of 27 platinum eagles 1 oz. which was ambushed AFTER my purchase of the 27 platinum eagles 1 oz. This is believably a REFUND which would make me whole. GOLDLINE first seemed at first to ignore my proposal and now seems to regard it to be excessive. GOLDLINEs reasoning is unclear and directed to not for what is right but to a knee jerk reaction to preserve the BOTTOM LINE regardless of who they hurt money wise. GOLDLINE ignores the time spent by ANA and lawyers as well as top brass who are well served to devote their time on business not complaints where there is a disagreement of 2 platinum 1 oz eagles. My reasoning is specific, truthful and a search for what is right in spite of all the GOLDLINE illegality. I make this complaint in an effort to make me whole supported with documents, reasoning and an appeal to what is legal. And that is why I refunded the wire transfer of $34,000 plus quickly with no trauma. 27 platinum 1oz eagles was the original order and needs to be reimplemented to make me whole.

Lisa W.

Santa Monica,
Company Rebuttal

#17UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 29, 2007

Goldline has been assisting collectors and investors with their precious metals and rare coin acquisitions for nearly 50 years. In that time, we have worked with thousands of satisfied clients who consistently choose Goldline to be their precious metals company. On rare occasion, there is a customer who is prepared to misrepresent facts to seek a financial advantage. John Quirindongo, who recently posted to this site, appears to be such an individual. Mr. Quirindongo purchased platinum and gold coins from Goldline after first contacting us in May 2006. Over the next 18 months, Mr. Quirindongo received storage statements for his gold and platinum coins which he paid without objection. At no time during this period did Mr. Quirindongo ever suggest that he was dissatisfied with or actually cancelled his purchase of gold coins during the refund period that Goldline provides to all of its first time customers. Mr. Quirindongo sold his platinum coins for a profit. When he found that his gold coins had not similarly appreciated, he suddenly claimed that he never wanted the gold coins and that he cancelled his order via email nearly two years earlier. Goldline conducted an extensive search of its records but could not locate any such email. Accordingly, Goldline asked Mr. Quirindongo to produce a copy of the email. He could not. Goldline also asked Mr. Quirindongo why he continued to pay storage for the gold coins even though he allegedly believed that he had cancelled the order. Mr. Quirindongo had no explanation. Despite Mr. Quirindongo's failure to provide any evidence that he had cancelled his purchase of the gold coins, Goldline agreed to cancel this transaction and refund Mr. Quirindongo's purchase price for good client relations. Goldline confirmed Mr. Quirindongo's agreement during a tape-recorded confirmation (and later in writing) with Mr. Quirindongo. Mr. Quirindongo followed this conversation with an immediate email providing his wiring instructions for the refund: From: john quirindongo [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 3:03 PM To: rfazio Subject: refund US Bank, 721 Locust Street, St. Louis, MO 63101 ABA: 081000210 Scottrade Account number: [redacted] Scottrade's Complete Mailing Address:P.O. Box 31759 St. Louis, MO 63131-0759 Further Credit to: {Your Scottrade Account Number and Account Title} My name should appear with account # [redacted] john quirindongo [email protected] EarthLink Revolves Around You. Mr. Quirindongo then wrote Goldline a few hours later to insist the refund include his storage fees for the gold coins. From: john quirindongo [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 5:17 PM To: rfazio Subject: refund postscript I want to remind you that a "refund" should include the "storage fees" otherwise it is not complete. john quirindongo [email protected] EarthLink Revolves Around You. After Mr. Quirindongo received his refund (including storage fees), he went back on his word and attempted to extort platinum coins (which would have provided Mr. Quirindongo with a profit beyond what he already made) from Goldline with the threat of posting on this website as leverage (which he posted soon after receiving the money). In one of a series of emails that followed, Mr. Quirindongo wrote: From: john quirindongo [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 5:01 AM To: rfazio Subject: FW: lawyer oh yes send me the amount of the wire you sent me and I will deduct the "storage fees" and "differential" and wire you the rest on Monday which will leave only the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles the subject of negotiations for the "refund" and the favorable "ripoffreport.org posting" . john quirindongo [email protected] EarthLink Revolves Around You. In another email, he wrote: I will give favorable posting on RIPOFF.ORG (I'll even let you write the favorable posting - I'll copy and paste) Mr. Quirindongo later sought the advice of his brother, a lawyer, who apparently cautioned Mr. Quirindongo against his questionable conduct: ________________________________________ From: john quirindongo [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 4:08 PM To: rfazio Subject: refund Yesterday I called my brother who is a lawyer with his son listed under Frank and Michael Quintana in NYC with an office in Court St. Bklyn and explained the situation. He told me to deny the wire transfer the exact amount would be returned and then negotiate. He said I was premature in posting to rip-off although I had a good grievance I shouldn t threaten or go to gov t agencies but do so only if the negotiation turns sour. I will put off posting to rip-off until we negotiate in writing. You should receive wire transfer Wednesday john quirindongo [email protected] EarthLink Revolves Around You. Goldline ultimately received a return of the refund that Mr. Quirindongo initially demanded (the refund which would have placed Mr. Quirindongo in the same position had he actually cancelled his original order). However, rather than attempting to resolve the matter as his brother suggested, Mr. Quirindongo chose instead to amend his ripoffreport. While Goldline is committed to exemplary client relations, it cannot condone or participate in this type of behavior. As such, we have ceased communication with Mr. Quirindongo.


oakland pk,
Still not made whole by GOLDLINE

#18Author of original report

Mon, December 24, 2007

Monday Dec 17th I received a pseudo trade statement dated Dec 11th from Lisa Weedman for 20 gold Swiss francs and I wondered why it was sent. Then I thought, This must be a confirmation of the returned wire transfer But why was it done this way distorting what actually happened. The purchase price is under a cloud and I didnt make a trade at this time as stated. Then I thought, Aha, GOLDLINE wants me to be liable for a soon to be billed storage fee. This is the GOLDLINE way again consistently and perennially to cheat me for monitory gain. GOLDLINE strikes again. Since there is controversy over the 20 gold franc purchase the $34,000 plus should have been put in an interest bearing escrow account until the final mediation and/or judgment is made. Dec. 19th my brother, Frank the lawyer called me and said that the GOLDLINE lawyer called and offered 25 in lieu of 27 1 oz platinum eagles I said No GOLDLINE hedges and fudges, ignores and deceives, uses every improper and illegal behavior forever to cheat and obfuscate for monitory gain. Its disgusting! I originally went to GOLDLINE as an innocent first time buyer for a specific number of 1 oz platinum eagles and I wont take less. If I had gone to BLANCHARD I would have had the original purchase of 54 platinum eagles with no unnecessary and illegal trauma. And if GOLDLINE implements my proposal which makes allowances for the weak dollar at present I will be receiving what I would have received by BLANCHARD nothing more. Ever since I saw and responded to GOLDLINE's webpage I have had nothing but grief. GOLDLINE and the 20 gold Swiss francs have been the bane of my existence. My original order was for 54 1 oz platinum eagles and I only received 27. Now at this late date and after much ethical and legal misbehavior by GOLDLINE they do not give me the other 27. After all I had paid for the 27 1 oz platinum eagles before the fraudently change to 20 Swiss gold francs. GOLDLINE now at this late date offers 25. GOLDLINE expects to be rewarded for their unethical illegal disreputable and dishonorable behavior by giving me less than the original order. Ignoring the clients desires and needs seems to be GOLDLINEs policy and best defense. CLIENT NOT MADE WHOLE Since the mediation with my brother was for 25 not 27 platinum 1 oz eagles it seems strange and unwise that the mediation would fail for 2 platinum 1 oz eagles. GOLDLINE in essence will take a chance together with large added legal fees with the FTC and other federal and local agencies who would certainly leave a public written legal record make investigations of past behavior as they said in State and local areas including the running blog on ripoff and for certain can take more drastic action than ANA including fines. I have a solid case substantiated with documents and logged in ripoff as it developed for the world to see. This whole matter means more to me a lowly humble and less than rich retired senior citizen client with limited resources who at a late stage of life wants to make a statement as a last legacy before he dies and is more determined than ever to take this to a conclusion for fair treatment no matter where it leads showing the tactics of a profit by any means policy of GOLDLINE a rich company. In NYC where I am from the injured party (in this case me) is treated much better. There is a wholehearted effort to make him whole. And also a little something for the trouble. GOLDLINE on the other hand makes all very difficult and makes proposals just a little short of making the injured party whole. Why? I dont know. This is penny-wise and pound foolish tactic And time consuming and not cost effective since the lawyers and the vice presidents time is too valuable and could be better used elsewhere. This problem of getting my desired original purchase is not of my making. I wont budge. Also I want any future proposal by GOLDLINE in Email FAX or FedEx by Lisa Weedman and not in lawyer phone calls to my brother who is not involved. The telephone threats to me by GOLDLINE have made me too nervous. Only Lisa Weedman has a calm professional telephone manner. My perennial proposal I am the complainant, the grievant and the injured party but GOLDLINE takes the cavalier inconsiderate and arrogant attitude that they can dictate and disregard the fundamental reasoning of good faith bona fide genuine mediation and make me just slightly less of being whole. After all I had paid for the 27 1 oz platinum eagles before the fraudently change to 20 Swiss gold francs SUMMARY OF MY PROPOSED REFUND (given unchanged verbally and in Email a multitude of times starting at first with Lisa Weedman in the very first attempt at mediation in early October) 27 platinum eagles 1 oz shipped free of charge to my home to make up for weak present day dollars below wire transferred to my account According to original receipt there is a differential in the amount paid for 20 Gold Swiss Francs $34,877 - $34,369 = $508 ALL STORAGE FEES BE RETURNED. $235.26 x 3 (6 mo. payments) $705.78 +$508 $1,213.78 total wire transferred to my Scottrade account # US Bank, -------------- # ABA: -------- # Scottrade Account number: ---------- john dob ---- ss# ---- 4TH POSTING


oakland pk,

#19Author of original report

Fri, December 14, 2007

I received a call by Robert Fazio but I was on Email with the SEC (I type with one finger) and told him to call later and hung up. He later Emailed me John, After you hung up on me, I reread your email but remain confused about what you asking. Pursuant to our agreement, which I confirmed with your consent on a taped recorded line and in writing, Goldline has refunded your purchase price and storage fees for the Swiss 20 Franc gold coins. Those funds were wired to your account yesterday at no cost to you. Also we refunded your storage fees. If you believe that something else was required as part of our agreement, youll need to specify what that is. If you are now trying to rescind our agreement, you need to immediately return Goldmines money. Sincerely, Robert J. Fazio Senior Vice President I am surprised he is confused since he lives in a world that the dollar and precious metals fluctuate and is well aware the dollar at 2006 was so much more valuable than the 2007 present dollar. To make me whole He has not made a good faith effort to reach an agreement. He needs refund the same value. I reiterate from previous Email and posted letter to ripoff.org. We must remember that a refund is value for value received and we gave GOLDLINE strong 2006 dollars and we are now in a weak dollar situation. Luckily we know exactly how much our (2006) dollar was worth and that is 27 platinum 1 oz eagles or its equivalent in todays dollars. Lisa Weedman sent me a FedEx letter when making her first proposal last month so we know that the GOLDLINE management has in place a legal and acceptable method to make refunds or settlements. I mentioned to her at that very early part of negotiations about my desire for 27 platinum 1 oz eagles but she said that she had to talk to her boss about that. It was a fruitless effort. We can only speculate why Robert Fazio took the unorthodox and vague way of interpreting the settlement or refund unilaterally and dictatorially I suspect he tried to cheat me. Robert Fazio then compounds the illegal behavior by having a lawyer phone and intimidate me to accept his solitary unilateral refund or settlement decision. Robert Fazio should have turned it over to Lisa Weedman to follow accepted procedures in writing. Everyone has cheated me as a first time buyer so far in GOLDLINE including now Robert Fazio with devalued dollars and his ignoring my repeated proposal. What seem to be the criminal felony tactic embodiments of GOLDLINE.are: 1) Clinton Ross ignored request on May 10th day 2006 of purchase for 10-% first time discount permitted by policy statements on the Internet Webpage a felony for monitory gain. 2) A commission salesman recommended enthusiastically unasked for overpriced numismatic 20- gold Swiss fraudently with lies and omission of vital information for investment a felony for monitory gain. 3) Clinton Ross ignored legitimate requests for refund on May 11th by Email on day later and letter mailed to Joe Battaglia May18th 8 days later for refund as a first time buyer permitted by GOLDLINE policy statements on the Internet Webpage refund no questions asked a felony for monitory gain. 4) Robert Fazio ignored the clients recent Nov 2007 proposal for settlement or refund a felony for monitory gain. 5) Robert Fazio tried to refund in devalued dollars contrary to clients proposal a felony for monitory gain. 6) Robert Fazio had a lawyer intimidate me the client over the phone compounding a felony for monitory gain. This is as though I went to the supermarket to buy T-bone steak and was given a smelly inedible fish and when I return the fish they still wont give me the T-bone steak which I had paid for. I still dont know on December 4, 2007 when writing this segment the amount wire transferred other than the Scottrade operator said 34,000 plus since Robert Fazio has not advised me of the amount as well as the amount he refers to as storage fees The reluctance of Robert Fazio to tell me how much he wired me is mystifying. And I need to exchange Emails with the new proposition and renegotiate a mutually satisfying agreement. So far I see only the client be damned satisfaction NOT guaranteed and CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY GOLDLINE documented 1) 10% discount requested but not given by Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE Can not be denied too much documentation 2) Terrible advice given by commission salesman of GOLDLINE about 20 gold franc which lost half its value immediately and I calculate that Gold would have to go to $1.400 for me to be even Can not be denied too much documentation 3) Letter by me to Joe Battaglia and Emails to Clinton Ross not found by Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE but letter to Joe Battaglia furnished by me. I believe but cannot prove that the many Emails of May 11th and May 18th to Clinton Ross and the snail mail to Joe Battaglia of May18th were destroyed by GOLDLINE 4) When I try to define refund in Email the same day as the phone agreement Robert Fazio makes a quick wire transfer the next day ignoring my Email to ostensibly use telephone agreement using his sole interpretation of refund Robert Fazio as is seen above never addresses my terms of conciliation even today 11-Dec-07. He sends the wrong amount of funds for instance 34,000 plus was sent and commingled with my SCOTTRADE account but amount not verified and approved by me and where Robert Fazio later said in Email he had returned the storage fees he only returned one of three 6 month fees I paid over a time of a yr and a half. If he had agreed and commiserated with me and come to a legal understanding with me about the amount to send me it would be even according to his interpretation of refund be over $35,000. This shows an error because of Robert Fazios haste to deceive and covert action. Can not be denied too much documentation I intend ultimately to see a lawyer to seek damages for unorthodox criminal behavior to me and perhaps seek the viability of a class action suit to find out how many others were criminally tricked by a telephone agreement by omitted 10% discounts and the selling fraudently of unwanted 20 gold francs by GOLDLINE. I received a call from a NOTRE DAME lawyer recently and he threatened to enforce a taped refund statement taken by Robert Fazio. I told him that a refund is a generic word, which Robert Fazio it now seems to him meant all in cash his sole credence in spite of the fact he is in the coin business. It seems Robert Fazio is a G.W.Bush my way or the highway autocratic person. I Emailed Robert Fazio in a timely manner six hours later the same day with my proposal to accept coins but he ignored my proposal (He still ignores my proposal to this very day although I have reiterated I will accept only coins time and time again.) I made the same proposal previously to Lisa Weedman. Robert Fazio says, Youll need to specify(see above top) ignoring all I specify since the beginning when a yr and a half ago I ordered platinum 1 oz eagles. The lawyer then said he would take me to Court since I signed an acceptance of cash as refund. I said I didnt remember this since it never happened and that a notarized statement only is acceptable in Court. He was very forceful and my heart was pounding. The lawyer said What if we send the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles and you keep the 34,000 plus? I said that would not happen because then I would be stealing and I dont want to spend time (the little I have left) in jail. The felony and misbehavior is all done by GOLDLINE not me. The lawyer asked me what I would do next. I said I am waiting until Wednesday (now delayed by me to Friday December 14 a week and 2 days later) then post to ripoff.org. When the phone call was over my heart was pounding fast and hard. I tried to drink water but my hands were shaking. When my wife arrived from work 11pm I was still disembobulated. A lesser man would have had a stroke. After the money was returned no offer by the lawyer or GOLDLINE was put forward. I must believe that the lawyer was not looking to mediate in good faith but rather to intimidate me. For these terrible illegal felonious behaviors at every level from the top Robert Fazio to the bottom Clinton Ross and every level in between by GOLDLINE I now will perhaps renegotiate and ask for double or 54 not 27 platinum 1 oz eagles. Should we go to Court I will ask for double 108 not 54 platinum 1 oz eagles. I have pointed out felonious behavior by GOLDLINE with documentation corroborated in ripoff.org as it was uncovered and evolved and only seek fair and equitable recompense. I also will make links between my genealogy DNA webpage which gets average 250 visitors and 350 hits a day and Quirindongo ripoff I further state that the agreement over the phone is flawed unspecific illegal and cancelled herewith since the whole matter was not delineated properly and exact amounts of money discussed and a clear understanding was not arrived about the word refund or settlement and most important of all was not in writing Dec 3- I called my brother who is a REAL ESTATE Lawyer with his son listed under Frank and Michael Quintana in NYC with an office in 179 Court St. Bklyn 718 797 1003 and explained the situation. He told me to deny the wire transfer the exact amount would be returned and then negotiate. He said I was perhaps premature in posting to rip-off although I had a good grievance I shouldnt threaten or go to Govt Agencies but do so only if and when the negotiation turns sour but as he sees it it will go to a Federal Judge mediation by the appropriate agency. He further stated to me that since the 20 gold Swiss franc had a hidden 30% plus selling proviso which was kept from me that the wisest thing for an investor to do is buy mining stocks or street tracks since there are no seemingly phony storage fees Their value goes up with the value of precious metals and selling it is only an infinitesimal $7 no matter the amount invested and that the cost of selling coins goes up with the amount sold in all cases reaching into the many thousands of dollars and is close to being usury. He was and still is surprised that GOLDLINE used these clearly illegal tactics. Robert Fazio should have received the denied wire transfer Wednesday Dec 5 but no confirmation has been made by Robert Fazio yet who is now confused and conspicuous by his silence. He is silent and has not filed rebuttals at ripoff.org because he has no answers for my valid questions and for my compelling unanswered proposal. The amount in question that was made deliberately vague by Robert Fazio is 34,993 dollars I later found out and I believe Robert Fazios reluctance to give me the exact amount information of the denied wire transfer is consistent with the vague generic refund and settlement he is trying to enforce and he is ashamed of the small amount he refunded while I am specific and give reasons how I arrived at the final fair reimbursement without mention of recompense at first for GOLDLINE criminal unethical behavior Not only has Robert Fazio so far not confirmed he received the return of the wire transfer as of 11-Dec-07 of 34, 993 dollars but he never comments on my assertion of the seemingly bogus nature of the storage fees for instance why are 1 oz platinum eagles in my case stored? I was against it all along since I was eager to receive the coins.. I had never seen and srill have not seen in hand the platinum 1 oz eagle but I was told and nagged into storing them by JC Lee and Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE saying it makes it easy to sell. I was always believing that the 1 oz platinum eagle was easy to sell and can be sold anywhere at any time. Robert Fazio Senior vice president of GOLDLINE lied to me when he said he will lose 8,000 dollars if he gives me the refund cited in my second posting to ripoff.org. He never considers the matter in my case in the initial illegally advised 34,000 plus dollars purchase of 20 gold franc coins What I wasnt told was that I stood to unknowingly lose 15,000 dollars if I were to sell the same day and even a yr and a half later when gold went up $41 from 692 dollars to 733 dollars I was still down 10,000 dollars. Why did Robert Fazio make this self-serving statement? There is a permeating uniform Client be damned attitude by GOLDLINE management up and down the line. Robert Fazio probably makes a million a yr salary and GOLDLINE may make billions but all GOLDLINE employees remain forever dishonestly and unlawfully avaricious. BLANCHARD of New Orleans the largest gold bullion seller and dealer I have learned recently does NOT store nor has affiliate company store bullion. I also note that I was billed 3 times for storage fees by GOLDLINE which I paid promptly. Robert Fazio in his denied wire transfer to me only returned one six month storage fees. (See aboveEmail from Tolbert Fazio) The GOLDLINE account executives always said another outside company is involved whose name never appears as the storage company on any -storage fee documentation. This unnamed company may not exist or may not perform the storage cited. The storage fee may be a high price fraudulent rationale for a simple and not costly paperwork procedures. Unique collector coins may have a reason to be stored but bullion seems impractical to store when they are identical and easily converted to cash anywhere and furthermore GOLDLINE may have a huge supply of precious metals as part of doing business stored on hand. This anomaly and faulty logic for such a small quantity of coins that I bought apparently put forth by GOLDLINE forcefully may hide over priced paper work bogus procedures. It may be a hype peddled by GOLDLINE vigorously to profit for not needed deceitful pseudo work to novice investors and should be investigated for FRAUD. 20 Swiss gold franc and 1oz Platinum eagle saga 1) May 2006 - I decide to buy $70,000 1 oz platinum eagles 2) May 2006 - I see GOLDLINE Webpage and contact GOLDLINE 3) May 2006 - I ask Clinton Ross How many 1 oz platinum eagles can I get for $70,000 He answers 54 4) May 9 - I send wire transfer for $70,000 a. May 10 - Clinton Ross calls and puts on a commission salesman for 20 gold Swiss francs. After harangue I buy b. May 11 - I send many Emails to Clinton Ross telling him I was dissatisfied and seek refundas per pokucy statement on the Internet Refund request ignored. c. May 18 I send snail mail letter to Joe Battaglia asking for refund in the matter of the Swiss gold franc and a change of account executive d. May JC Lee account executive is assigned to me. e. June JC Lee vigorously tells me over and over again after I ask her to send me the coins that They are easier to sell if stored for a fee f. She unashamedly promoted the 20 gold Swiss franc for investment which had lost more than $20,000 at that point in time g. Nov 2007 I try to sell gold Swiss francs and am told I was down $10,000 mainly for the selling fee of 30% although the gold spot price had risen $42 h. In Email I asked ANA the meaning of numismatic and why was the fee so large i. Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE about an hr later and offers me 10% discount should I sell j. After commiserating with my wife I tell Lisa Weedman I want 27 1 oz platinum eagles, which were my original purchase that was derailed. k. Lisa Weedman sends me FedEx proposal, which I reject. l. Nov 11 I post problem to ripoff for 1st time m. ANA agrees to mediate n. Robert Fazio put on my case o. Robert Fazio offers refund and we agree on phone p. I send my proposal for refund the same day by Email q. Nov 28 Wrong amount of money $34,993 instead of $1,213,78 as per my proposal wire transferred to my account r. Nov 28 - I post 2nd time to ripoff s. Dec Lawyer intimidates me by phone trying for me to accept Robert Fazio devalued dollar offer with only one storage fees t. Wire transfer denied by me and money $34,993 returned to GOLDLINE u. Dec 14 - I post 3rd time to ripoff The American Numismatic Association ANA offered to mediate but I feel that they may be prejudiced in favor of one of their members Robert Fazio and I am not sure of the ability for them to make me whole and their ability to impose wide ranging penalties. I prefer a non-partisan Federal Judge who knows the Federal Law. I will wait until Friday December 14 and then post to RIPOFF.ORG with a copy and formal complaint to the U.S.ATTORNEY GENERAL and if I am not made whole will go see a lawyer not only about punitive damages for felonious behavior cited above against me but mental suffering, depression and a never before affliction - the onset of an asthmatic condition. Success! Complaint Accepted. Thank you for your input. FTC 12487571 First Name: john Last Name: quirindongo Age Range: 70 - 79 Street Address: 3000 ne 16 ave #310d City: oakland pk State or Province: Florida Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 33334 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Home Phone: (954)564 6624 Subject of Your Complaint: Investment Name of Company You Are Complaining About: GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL Street Address: 100 wilshire blvd City: santa monica State or Province: California Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 90401 Company Web Site: http://goldlinestorage.com/contact-us.html Company E-Mail Address: [email protected] Phone Number: (800)827 8653Ext. How Did the Company Initially Contact You?: Internet Web Site How Much Did the Company Ask You to Pay?: 70,000 How Much Did You Actually Pay the Company?: 70,000 How Did You Pay the Company?: Wire Transfer Did You File a Dispute with the Credit Bureau?: N First Name Clinton Last Name: Ross Date Company Contacted You: 05/06/2006 (MM/DD/YYYY) Explain Your Problem: (Please limit your complaint to 2000 characters.): http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/284/ripoff0284175.htm Dear Investor, Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We entered the information you provided into our shared law enforcement database. We share this database with Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies. Attached is your electronic response, which includes your reference number. Any enclosures can be found at www.ftc.gov under Consumer Protection and Consumer Information section Information from consumers like you helps Federal, State and Local authorities investigate possible illegal practices and enforce our laws. Someone from the Federal Trade Commission or another law enforcement agency may contact you if they need additional information to help them in an investigation. Please visit the FTC's web page, www.ftc.gov, to get free information to help you avoid costly consumer problems. ////////////////////// Dear Investor The Office for Victims of Crime's Resource Center, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), has received your request and it is currently being processed. You should receive a response from a Specialist within one working day, depending on the complexity of your request. Sincerely, National Criminal Justice Reference Service P.O. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849-6000


oakland pk,

#20Author of original report

Fri, December 14, 2007

I received a call by Robert Fazio but I was on Email with the SEC (I type with one finger) and told him to call later and hung up. He later Emailed me John, After you hung up on me, I reread your email but remain confused about what you asking. Pursuant to our agreement, which I confirmed with your consent on a taped recorded line and in writing, Goldline has refunded your purchase price and storage fees for the Swiss 20 Franc gold coins. Those funds were wired to your account yesterday at no cost to you. Also we refunded your storage fees. If you believe that something else was required as part of our agreement, youll need to specify what that is. If you are now trying to rescind our agreement, you need to immediately return Goldmines money. Sincerely, Robert J. Fazio Senior Vice President I am surprised he is confused since he lives in a world that the dollar and precious metals fluctuate and is well aware the dollar at 2006 was so much more valuable than the 2007 present dollar. To make me whole He has not made a good faith effort to reach an agreement. He needs refund the same value. I reiterate from previous Email and posted letter to ripoff.org. We must remember that a refund is value for value received and we gave GOLDLINE strong 2006 dollars and we are now in a weak dollar situation. Luckily we know exactly how much our (2006) dollar was worth and that is 27 platinum 1 oz eagles or its equivalent in todays dollars. Lisa Weedman sent me a FedEx letter when making her first proposal last month so we know that the GOLDLINE management has in place a legal and acceptable method to make refunds or settlements. I mentioned to her at that very early part of negotiations about my desire for 27 platinum 1 oz eagles but she said that she had to talk to her boss about that. It was a fruitless effort. We can only speculate why Robert Fazio took the unorthodox and vague way of interpreting the settlement or refund unilaterally and dictatorially I suspect he tried to cheat me. Robert Fazio then compounds the illegal behavior by having a lawyer phone and intimidate me to accept his solitary unilateral refund or settlement decision. Robert Fazio should have turned it over to Lisa Weedman to follow accepted procedures in writing. Everyone has cheated me as a first time buyer so far in GOLDLINE including now Robert Fazio with devalued dollars and his ignoring my repeated proposal. What seem to be the criminal felony tactic embodiments of GOLDLINE.are: 1) Clinton Ross ignored request on May 10th day 2006 of purchase for 10-% first time discount permitted by policy statements on the Internet Webpage a felony for monitory gain. 2) A commission salesman recommended enthusiastically unasked for overpriced numismatic 20- gold Swiss fraudently with lies and omission of vital information for investment a felony for monitory gain. 3) Clinton Ross ignored legitimate requests for refund on May 11th by Email on day later and letter mailed to Joe Battaglia May18th 8 days later for refund as a first time buyer permitted by GOLDLINE policy statements on the Internet Webpage refund no questions asked a felony for monitory gain. 4) Robert Fazio ignored the clients recent Nov 2007 proposal for settlement or refund a felony for monitory gain. 5) Robert Fazio tried to refund in devalued dollars contrary to clients proposal a felony for monitory gain. 6) Robert Fazio had a lawyer intimidate me the client over the phone compounding a felony for monitory gain. This is as though I went to the supermarket to buy T-bone steak and was given a smelly inedible fish and when I return the fish they still wont give me the T-bone steak which I had paid for. I still dont know on December 4, 2007 when writing this segment the amount wire transferred other than the Scottrade operator said 34,000 plus since Robert Fazio has not advised me of the amount as well as the amount he refers to as storage fees The reluctance of Robert Fazio to tell me how much he wired me is mystifying. And I need to exchange Emails with the new proposition and renegotiate a mutually satisfying agreement. So far I see only the client be damned satisfaction NOT guaranteed and CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY GOLDLINE documented 1) 10% discount requested but not given by Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE Can not be denied too much documentation 2) Terrible advice given by commission salesman of GOLDLINE about 20 gold franc which lost half its value immediately and I calculate that Gold would have to go to $1.400 for me to be even Can not be denied too much documentation 3) Letter by me to Joe Battaglia and Emails to Clinton Ross not found by Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE but letter to Joe Battaglia furnished by me. I believe but cannot prove that the many Emails of May 11th and May 18th to Clinton Ross and the snail mail to Joe Battaglia of May18th were destroyed by GOLDLINE 4) When I try to define refund in Email the same day as the phone agreement Robert Fazio makes a quick wire transfer the next day ignoring my Email to ostensibly use telephone agreement using his sole interpretation of refund Robert Fazio as is seen above never addresses my terms of conciliation even today 11-Dec-07. He sends the wrong amount of funds for instance 34,000 plus was sent and commingled with my SCOTTRADE account but amount not verified and approved by me and where Robert Fazio later said in Email he had returned the storage fees he only returned one of three 6 month fees I paid over a time of a yr and a half. If he had agreed and commiserated with me and come to a legal understanding with me about the amount to send me it would be even according to his interpretation of refund be over $35,000. This shows an error because of Robert Fazios haste to deceive and covert action. Can not be denied too much documentation I intend ultimately to see a lawyer to seek damages for unorthodox criminal behavior to me and perhaps seek the viability of a class action suit to find out how many others were criminally tricked by a telephone agreement by omitted 10% discounts and the selling fraudently of unwanted 20 gold francs by GOLDLINE. I received a call from a NOTRE DAME lawyer recently and he threatened to enforce a taped refund statement taken by Robert Fazio. I told him that a refund is a generic word, which Robert Fazio it now seems to him meant all in cash his sole credence in spite of the fact he is in the coin business. It seems Robert Fazio is a G.W.Bush my way or the highway autocratic person. I Emailed Robert Fazio in a timely manner six hours later the same day with my proposal to accept coins but he ignored my proposal (He still ignores my proposal to this very day although I have reiterated I will accept only coins time and time again.) I made the same proposal previously to Lisa Weedman. Robert Fazio says, Youll need to specify(see above top) ignoring all I specify since the beginning when a yr and a half ago I ordered platinum 1 oz eagles. The lawyer then said he would take me to Court since I signed an acceptance of cash as refund. I said I didnt remember this since it never happened and that a notarized statement only is acceptable in Court. He was very forceful and my heart was pounding. The lawyer said What if we send the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles and you keep the 34,000 plus? I said that would not happen because then I would be stealing and I dont want to spend time (the little I have left) in jail. The felony and misbehavior is all done by GOLDLINE not me. The lawyer asked me what I would do next. I said I am waiting until Wednesday (now delayed by me to Friday December 14 a week and 2 days later) then post to ripoff.org. When the phone call was over my heart was pounding fast and hard. I tried to drink water but my hands were shaking. When my wife arrived from work 11pm I was still disembobulated. A lesser man would have had a stroke. After the money was returned no offer by the lawyer or GOLDLINE was put forward. I must believe that the lawyer was not looking to mediate in good faith but rather to intimidate me. For these terrible illegal felonious behaviors at every level from the top Robert Fazio to the bottom Clinton Ross and every level in between by GOLDLINE I now will perhaps renegotiate and ask for double or 54 not 27 platinum 1 oz eagles. Should we go to Court I will ask for double 108 not 54 platinum 1 oz eagles. I have pointed out felonious behavior by GOLDLINE with documentation corroborated in ripoff.org as it was uncovered and evolved and only seek fair and equitable recompense. I also will make links between my genealogy DNA webpage which gets average 250 visitors and 350 hits a day and Quirindongo ripoff I further state that the agreement over the phone is flawed unspecific illegal and cancelled herewith since the whole matter was not delineated properly and exact amounts of money discussed and a clear understanding was not arrived about the word refund or settlement and most important of all was not in writing Dec 3- I called my brother who is a REAL ESTATE Lawyer with his son listed under Frank and Michael Quintana in NYC with an office in 179 Court St. Bklyn 718 797 1003 and explained the situation. He told me to deny the wire transfer the exact amount would be returned and then negotiate. He said I was perhaps premature in posting to rip-off although I had a good grievance I shouldnt threaten or go to Govt Agencies but do so only if and when the negotiation turns sour but as he sees it it will go to a Federal Judge mediation by the appropriate agency. He further stated to me that since the 20 gold Swiss franc had a hidden 30% plus selling proviso which was kept from me that the wisest thing for an investor to do is buy mining stocks or street tracks since there are no seemingly phony storage fees Their value goes up with the value of precious metals and selling it is only an infinitesimal $7 no matter the amount invested and that the cost of selling coins goes up with the amount sold in all cases reaching into the many thousands of dollars and is close to being usury. He was and still is surprised that GOLDLINE used these clearly illegal tactics. Robert Fazio should have received the denied wire transfer Wednesday Dec 5 but no confirmation has been made by Robert Fazio yet who is now confused and conspicuous by his silence. He is silent and has not filed rebuttals at ripoff.org because he has no answers for my valid questions and for my compelling unanswered proposal. The amount in question that was made deliberately vague by Robert Fazio is 34,993 dollars I later found out and I believe Robert Fazios reluctance to give me the exact amount information of the denied wire transfer is consistent with the vague generic refund and settlement he is trying to enforce and he is ashamed of the small amount he refunded while I am specific and give reasons how I arrived at the final fair reimbursement without mention of recompense at first for GOLDLINE criminal unethical behavior Not only has Robert Fazio so far not confirmed he received the return of the wire transfer as of 11-Dec-07 of 34, 993 dollars but he never comments on my assertion of the seemingly bogus nature of the storage fees for instance why are 1 oz platinum eagles in my case stored? I was against it all along since I was eager to receive the coins.. I had never seen and srill have not seen in hand the platinum 1 oz eagle but I was told and nagged into storing them by JC Lee and Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE saying it makes it easy to sell. I was always believing that the 1 oz platinum eagle was easy to sell and can be sold anywhere at any time. Robert Fazio Senior vice president of GOLDLINE lied to me when he said he will lose 8,000 dollars if he gives me the refund cited in my second posting to ripoff.org. He never considers the matter in my case in the initial illegally advised 34,000 plus dollars purchase of 20 gold franc coins What I wasnt told was that I stood to unknowingly lose 15,000 dollars if I were to sell the same day and even a yr and a half later when gold went up $41 from 692 dollars to 733 dollars I was still down 10,000 dollars. Why did Robert Fazio make this self-serving statement? There is a permeating uniform Client be damned attitude by GOLDLINE management up and down the line. Robert Fazio probably makes a million a yr salary and GOLDLINE may make billions but all GOLDLINE employees remain forever dishonestly and unlawfully avaricious. BLANCHARD of New Orleans the largest gold bullion seller and dealer I have learned recently does NOT store nor has affiliate company store bullion. I also note that I was billed 3 times for storage fees by GOLDLINE which I paid promptly. Robert Fazio in his denied wire transfer to me only returned one six month storage fees. (See aboveEmail from Tolbert Fazio) The GOLDLINE account executives always said another outside company is involved whose name never appears as the storage company on any -storage fee documentation. This unnamed company may not exist or may not perform the storage cited. The storage fee may be a high price fraudulent rationale for a simple and not costly paperwork procedures. Unique collector coins may have a reason to be stored but bullion seems impractical to store when they are identical and easily converted to cash anywhere and furthermore GOLDLINE may have a huge supply of precious metals as part of doing business stored on hand. This anomaly and faulty logic for such a small quantity of coins that I bought apparently put forth by GOLDLINE forcefully may hide over priced paper work bogus procedures. It may be a hype peddled by GOLDLINE vigorously to profit for not needed deceitful pseudo work to novice investors and should be investigated for FRAUD. 20 Swiss gold franc and 1oz Platinum eagle saga 1) May 2006 - I decide to buy $70,000 1 oz platinum eagles 2) May 2006 - I see GOLDLINE Webpage and contact GOLDLINE 3) May 2006 - I ask Clinton Ross How many 1 oz platinum eagles can I get for $70,000 He answers 54 4) May 9 - I send wire transfer for $70,000 a. May 10 - Clinton Ross calls and puts on a commission salesman for 20 gold Swiss francs. After harangue I buy b. May 11 - I send many Emails to Clinton Ross telling him I was dissatisfied and seek refundas per pokucy statement on the Internet Refund request ignored. c. May 18 I send snail mail letter to Joe Battaglia asking for refund in the matter of the Swiss gold franc and a change of account executive d. May JC Lee account executive is assigned to me. e. June JC Lee vigorously tells me over and over again after I ask her to send me the coins that They are easier to sell if stored for a fee f. She unashamedly promoted the 20 gold Swiss franc for investment which had lost more than $20,000 at that point in time g. Nov 2007 I try to sell gold Swiss francs and am told I was down $10,000 mainly for the selling fee of 30% although the gold spot price had risen $42 h. In Email I asked ANA the meaning of numismatic and why was the fee so large i. Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE about an hr later and offers me 10% discount should I sell j. After commiserating with my wife I tell Lisa Weedman I want 27 1 oz platinum eagles, which were my original purchase that was derailed. k. Lisa Weedman sends me FedEx proposal, which I reject. l. Nov 11 I post problem to ripoff for 1st time m. ANA agrees to mediate n. Robert Fazio put on my case o. Robert Fazio offers refund and we agree on phone p. I send my proposal for refund the same day by Email q. Nov 28 Wrong amount of money $34,993 instead of $1,213,78 as per my proposal wire transferred to my account r. Nov 28 - I post 2nd time to ripoff s. Dec Lawyer intimidates me by phone trying for me to accept Robert Fazio devalued dollar offer with only one storage fees t. Wire transfer denied by me and money $34,993 returned to GOLDLINE u. Dec 14 - I post 3rd time to ripoff The American Numismatic Association ANA offered to mediate but I feel that they may be prejudiced in favor of one of their members Robert Fazio and I am not sure of the ability for them to make me whole and their ability to impose wide ranging penalties. I prefer a non-partisan Federal Judge who knows the Federal Law. I will wait until Friday December 14 and then post to RIPOFF.ORG with a copy and formal complaint to the U.S.ATTORNEY GENERAL and if I am not made whole will go see a lawyer not only about punitive damages for felonious behavior cited above against me but mental suffering, depression and a never before affliction - the onset of an asthmatic condition. Success! Complaint Accepted. Thank you for your input. FTC 12487571 First Name: john Last Name: quirindongo Age Range: 70 - 79 Street Address: 3000 ne 16 ave #310d City: oakland pk State or Province: Florida Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 33334 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Home Phone: (954)564 6624 Subject of Your Complaint: Investment Name of Company You Are Complaining About: GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL Street Address: 100 wilshire blvd City: santa monica State or Province: California Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 90401 Company Web Site: http://goldlinestorage.com/contact-us.html Company E-Mail Address: [email protected] Phone Number: (800)827 8653Ext. How Did the Company Initially Contact You?: Internet Web Site How Much Did the Company Ask You to Pay?: 70,000 How Much Did You Actually Pay the Company?: 70,000 How Did You Pay the Company?: Wire Transfer Did You File a Dispute with the Credit Bureau?: N First Name Clinton Last Name: Ross Date Company Contacted You: 05/06/2006 (MM/DD/YYYY) Explain Your Problem: (Please limit your complaint to 2000 characters.): http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/284/ripoff0284175.htm Dear Investor, Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We entered the information you provided into our shared law enforcement database. We share this database with Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies. Attached is your electronic response, which includes your reference number. Any enclosures can be found at www.ftc.gov under Consumer Protection and Consumer Information section Information from consumers like you helps Federal, State and Local authorities investigate possible illegal practices and enforce our laws. Someone from the Federal Trade Commission or another law enforcement agency may contact you if they need additional information to help them in an investigation. Please visit the FTC's web page, www.ftc.gov, to get free information to help you avoid costly consumer problems. ////////////////////// Dear Investor The Office for Victims of Crime's Resource Center, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), has received your request and it is currently being processed. You should receive a response from a Specialist within one working day, depending on the complexity of your request. Sincerely, National Criminal Justice Reference Service P.O. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849-6000


oakland pk,

#21Author of original report

Fri, December 14, 2007

I received a call by Robert Fazio but I was on Email with the SEC (I type with one finger) and told him to call later and hung up. He later Emailed me John, After you hung up on me, I reread your email but remain confused about what you asking. Pursuant to our agreement, which I confirmed with your consent on a taped recorded line and in writing, Goldline has refunded your purchase price and storage fees for the Swiss 20 Franc gold coins. Those funds were wired to your account yesterday at no cost to you. Also we refunded your storage fees. If you believe that something else was required as part of our agreement, youll need to specify what that is. If you are now trying to rescind our agreement, you need to immediately return Goldmines money. Sincerely, Robert J. Fazio Senior Vice President I am surprised he is confused since he lives in a world that the dollar and precious metals fluctuate and is well aware the dollar at 2006 was so much more valuable than the 2007 present dollar. To make me whole He has not made a good faith effort to reach an agreement. He needs refund the same value. I reiterate from previous Email and posted letter to ripoff.org. We must remember that a refund is value for value received and we gave GOLDLINE strong 2006 dollars and we are now in a weak dollar situation. Luckily we know exactly how much our (2006) dollar was worth and that is 27 platinum 1 oz eagles or its equivalent in todays dollars. Lisa Weedman sent me a FedEx letter when making her first proposal last month so we know that the GOLDLINE management has in place a legal and acceptable method to make refunds or settlements. I mentioned to her at that very early part of negotiations about my desire for 27 platinum 1 oz eagles but she said that she had to talk to her boss about that. It was a fruitless effort. We can only speculate why Robert Fazio took the unorthodox and vague way of interpreting the settlement or refund unilaterally and dictatorially I suspect he tried to cheat me. Robert Fazio then compounds the illegal behavior by having a lawyer phone and intimidate me to accept his solitary unilateral refund or settlement decision. Robert Fazio should have turned it over to Lisa Weedman to follow accepted procedures in writing. Everyone has cheated me as a first time buyer so far in GOLDLINE including now Robert Fazio with devalued dollars and his ignoring my repeated proposal. What seem to be the criminal felony tactic embodiments of GOLDLINE.are: 1) Clinton Ross ignored request on May 10th day 2006 of purchase for 10-% first time discount permitted by policy statements on the Internet Webpage a felony for monitory gain. 2) A commission salesman recommended enthusiastically unasked for overpriced numismatic 20- gold Swiss fraudently with lies and omission of vital information for investment a felony for monitory gain. 3) Clinton Ross ignored legitimate requests for refund on May 11th by Email on day later and letter mailed to Joe Battaglia May18th 8 days later for refund as a first time buyer permitted by GOLDLINE policy statements on the Internet Webpage refund no questions asked a felony for monitory gain. 4) Robert Fazio ignored the clients recent Nov 2007 proposal for settlement or refund a felony for monitory gain. 5) Robert Fazio tried to refund in devalued dollars contrary to clients proposal a felony for monitory gain. 6) Robert Fazio had a lawyer intimidate me the client over the phone compounding a felony for monitory gain. This is as though I went to the supermarket to buy T-bone steak and was given a smelly inedible fish and when I return the fish they still wont give me the T-bone steak which I had paid for. I still dont know on December 4, 2007 when writing this segment the amount wire transferred other than the Scottrade operator said 34,000 plus since Robert Fazio has not advised me of the amount as well as the amount he refers to as storage fees The reluctance of Robert Fazio to tell me how much he wired me is mystifying. And I need to exchange Emails with the new proposition and renegotiate a mutually satisfying agreement. So far I see only the client be damned satisfaction NOT guaranteed and CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY GOLDLINE documented 1) 10% discount requested but not given by Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE Can not be denied too much documentation 2) Terrible advice given by commission salesman of GOLDLINE about 20 gold franc which lost half its value immediately and I calculate that Gold would have to go to $1.400 for me to be even Can not be denied too much documentation 3) Letter by me to Joe Battaglia and Emails to Clinton Ross not found by Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE but letter to Joe Battaglia furnished by me. I believe but cannot prove that the many Emails of May 11th and May 18th to Clinton Ross and the snail mail to Joe Battaglia of May18th were destroyed by GOLDLINE 4) When I try to define refund in Email the same day as the phone agreement Robert Fazio makes a quick wire transfer the next day ignoring my Email to ostensibly use telephone agreement using his sole interpretation of refund Robert Fazio as is seen above never addresses my terms of conciliation even today 11-Dec-07. He sends the wrong amount of funds for instance 34,000 plus was sent and commingled with my SCOTTRADE account but amount not verified and approved by me and where Robert Fazio later said in Email he had returned the storage fees he only returned one of three 6 month fees I paid over a time of a yr and a half. If he had agreed and commiserated with me and come to a legal understanding with me about the amount to send me it would be even according to his interpretation of refund be over $35,000. This shows an error because of Robert Fazios haste to deceive and covert action. Can not be denied too much documentation I intend ultimately to see a lawyer to seek damages for unorthodox criminal behavior to me and perhaps seek the viability of a class action suit to find out how many others were criminally tricked by a telephone agreement by omitted 10% discounts and the selling fraudently of unwanted 20 gold francs by GOLDLINE. I received a call from a NOTRE DAME lawyer recently and he threatened to enforce a taped refund statement taken by Robert Fazio. I told him that a refund is a generic word, which Robert Fazio it now seems to him meant all in cash his sole credence in spite of the fact he is in the coin business. It seems Robert Fazio is a G.W.Bush my way or the highway autocratic person. I Emailed Robert Fazio in a timely manner six hours later the same day with my proposal to accept coins but he ignored my proposal (He still ignores my proposal to this very day although I have reiterated I will accept only coins time and time again.) I made the same proposal previously to Lisa Weedman. Robert Fazio says, Youll need to specify(see above top) ignoring all I specify since the beginning when a yr and a half ago I ordered platinum 1 oz eagles. The lawyer then said he would take me to Court since I signed an acceptance of cash as refund. I said I didnt remember this since it never happened and that a notarized statement only is acceptable in Court. He was very forceful and my heart was pounding. The lawyer said What if we send the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles and you keep the 34,000 plus? I said that would not happen because then I would be stealing and I dont want to spend time (the little I have left) in jail. The felony and misbehavior is all done by GOLDLINE not me. The lawyer asked me what I would do next. I said I am waiting until Wednesday (now delayed by me to Friday December 14 a week and 2 days later) then post to ripoff.org. When the phone call was over my heart was pounding fast and hard. I tried to drink water but my hands were shaking. When my wife arrived from work 11pm I was still disembobulated. A lesser man would have had a stroke. After the money was returned no offer by the lawyer or GOLDLINE was put forward. I must believe that the lawyer was not looking to mediate in good faith but rather to intimidate me. For these terrible illegal felonious behaviors at every level from the top Robert Fazio to the bottom Clinton Ross and every level in between by GOLDLINE I now will perhaps renegotiate and ask for double or 54 not 27 platinum 1 oz eagles. Should we go to Court I will ask for double 108 not 54 platinum 1 oz eagles. I have pointed out felonious behavior by GOLDLINE with documentation corroborated in ripoff.org as it was uncovered and evolved and only seek fair and equitable recompense. I also will make links between my genealogy DNA webpage which gets average 250 visitors and 350 hits a day and Quirindongo ripoff I further state that the agreement over the phone is flawed unspecific illegal and cancelled herewith since the whole matter was not delineated properly and exact amounts of money discussed and a clear understanding was not arrived about the word refund or settlement and most important of all was not in writing Dec 3- I called my brother who is a REAL ESTATE Lawyer with his son listed under Frank and Michael Quintana in NYC with an office in 179 Court St. Bklyn 718 797 1003 and explained the situation. He told me to deny the wire transfer the exact amount would be returned and then negotiate. He said I was perhaps premature in posting to rip-off although I had a good grievance I shouldnt threaten or go to Govt Agencies but do so only if and when the negotiation turns sour but as he sees it it will go to a Federal Judge mediation by the appropriate agency. He further stated to me that since the 20 gold Swiss franc had a hidden 30% plus selling proviso which was kept from me that the wisest thing for an investor to do is buy mining stocks or street tracks since there are no seemingly phony storage fees Their value goes up with the value of precious metals and selling it is only an infinitesimal $7 no matter the amount invested and that the cost of selling coins goes up with the amount sold in all cases reaching into the many thousands of dollars and is close to being usury. He was and still is surprised that GOLDLINE used these clearly illegal tactics. Robert Fazio should have received the denied wire transfer Wednesday Dec 5 but no confirmation has been made by Robert Fazio yet who is now confused and conspicuous by his silence. He is silent and has not filed rebuttals at ripoff.org because he has no answers for my valid questions and for my compelling unanswered proposal. The amount in question that was made deliberately vague by Robert Fazio is 34,993 dollars I later found out and I believe Robert Fazios reluctance to give me the exact amount information of the denied wire transfer is consistent with the vague generic refund and settlement he is trying to enforce and he is ashamed of the small amount he refunded while I am specific and give reasons how I arrived at the final fair reimbursement without mention of recompense at first for GOLDLINE criminal unethical behavior Not only has Robert Fazio so far not confirmed he received the return of the wire transfer as of 11-Dec-07 of 34, 993 dollars but he never comments on my assertion of the seemingly bogus nature of the storage fees for instance why are 1 oz platinum eagles in my case stored? I was against it all along since I was eager to receive the coins.. I had never seen and srill have not seen in hand the platinum 1 oz eagle but I was told and nagged into storing them by JC Lee and Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE saying it makes it easy to sell. I was always believing that the 1 oz platinum eagle was easy to sell and can be sold anywhere at any time. Robert Fazio Senior vice president of GOLDLINE lied to me when he said he will lose 8,000 dollars if he gives me the refund cited in my second posting to ripoff.org. He never considers the matter in my case in the initial illegally advised 34,000 plus dollars purchase of 20 gold franc coins What I wasnt told was that I stood to unknowingly lose 15,000 dollars if I were to sell the same day and even a yr and a half later when gold went up $41 from 692 dollars to 733 dollars I was still down 10,000 dollars. Why did Robert Fazio make this self-serving statement? There is a permeating uniform Client be damned attitude by GOLDLINE management up and down the line. Robert Fazio probably makes a million a yr salary and GOLDLINE may make billions but all GOLDLINE employees remain forever dishonestly and unlawfully avaricious. BLANCHARD of New Orleans the largest gold bullion seller and dealer I have learned recently does NOT store nor has affiliate company store bullion. I also note that I was billed 3 times for storage fees by GOLDLINE which I paid promptly. Robert Fazio in his denied wire transfer to me only returned one six month storage fees. (See aboveEmail from Tolbert Fazio) The GOLDLINE account executives always said another outside company is involved whose name never appears as the storage company on any -storage fee documentation. This unnamed company may not exist or may not perform the storage cited. The storage fee may be a high price fraudulent rationale for a simple and not costly paperwork procedures. Unique collector coins may have a reason to be stored but bullion seems impractical to store when they are identical and easily converted to cash anywhere and furthermore GOLDLINE may have a huge supply of precious metals as part of doing business stored on hand. This anomaly and faulty logic for such a small quantity of coins that I bought apparently put forth by GOLDLINE forcefully may hide over priced paper work bogus procedures. It may be a hype peddled by GOLDLINE vigorously to profit for not needed deceitful pseudo work to novice investors and should be investigated for FRAUD. 20 Swiss gold franc and 1oz Platinum eagle saga 1) May 2006 - I decide to buy $70,000 1 oz platinum eagles 2) May 2006 - I see GOLDLINE Webpage and contact GOLDLINE 3) May 2006 - I ask Clinton Ross How many 1 oz platinum eagles can I get for $70,000 He answers 54 4) May 9 - I send wire transfer for $70,000 a. May 10 - Clinton Ross calls and puts on a commission salesman for 20 gold Swiss francs. After harangue I buy b. May 11 - I send many Emails to Clinton Ross telling him I was dissatisfied and seek refundas per pokucy statement on the Internet Refund request ignored. c. May 18 I send snail mail letter to Joe Battaglia asking for refund in the matter of the Swiss gold franc and a change of account executive d. May JC Lee account executive is assigned to me. e. June JC Lee vigorously tells me over and over again after I ask her to send me the coins that They are easier to sell if stored for a fee f. She unashamedly promoted the 20 gold Swiss franc for investment which had lost more than $20,000 at that point in time g. Nov 2007 I try to sell gold Swiss francs and am told I was down $10,000 mainly for the selling fee of 30% although the gold spot price had risen $42 h. In Email I asked ANA the meaning of numismatic and why was the fee so large i. Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE about an hr later and offers me 10% discount should I sell j. After commiserating with my wife I tell Lisa Weedman I want 27 1 oz platinum eagles, which were my original purchase that was derailed. k. Lisa Weedman sends me FedEx proposal, which I reject. l. Nov 11 I post problem to ripoff for 1st time m. ANA agrees to mediate n. Robert Fazio put on my case o. Robert Fazio offers refund and we agree on phone p. I send my proposal for refund the same day by Email q. Nov 28 Wrong amount of money $34,993 instead of $1,213,78 as per my proposal wire transferred to my account r. Nov 28 - I post 2nd time to ripoff s. Dec Lawyer intimidates me by phone trying for me to accept Robert Fazio devalued dollar offer with only one storage fees t. Wire transfer denied by me and money $34,993 returned to GOLDLINE u. Dec 14 - I post 3rd time to ripoff The American Numismatic Association ANA offered to mediate but I feel that they may be prejudiced in favor of one of their members Robert Fazio and I am not sure of the ability for them to make me whole and their ability to impose wide ranging penalties. I prefer a non-partisan Federal Judge who knows the Federal Law. I will wait until Friday December 14 and then post to RIPOFF.ORG with a copy and formal complaint to the U.S.ATTORNEY GENERAL and if I am not made whole will go see a lawyer not only about punitive damages for felonious behavior cited above against me but mental suffering, depression and a never before affliction - the onset of an asthmatic condition. Success! Complaint Accepted. Thank you for your input. FTC 12487571 First Name: john Last Name: quirindongo Age Range: 70 - 79 Street Address: 3000 ne 16 ave #310d City: oakland pk State or Province: Florida Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 33334 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Home Phone: (954)564 6624 Subject of Your Complaint: Investment Name of Company You Are Complaining About: GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL Street Address: 100 wilshire blvd City: santa monica State or Province: California Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 90401 Company Web Site: http://goldlinestorage.com/contact-us.html Company E-Mail Address: [email protected] Phone Number: (800)827 8653Ext. How Did the Company Initially Contact You?: Internet Web Site How Much Did the Company Ask You to Pay?: 70,000 How Much Did You Actually Pay the Company?: 70,000 How Did You Pay the Company?: Wire Transfer Did You File a Dispute with the Credit Bureau?: N First Name Clinton Last Name: Ross Date Company Contacted You: 05/06/2006 (MM/DD/YYYY) Explain Your Problem: (Please limit your complaint to 2000 characters.): http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/284/ripoff0284175.htm Dear Investor, Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We entered the information you provided into our shared law enforcement database. We share this database with Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies. Attached is your electronic response, which includes your reference number. Any enclosures can be found at www.ftc.gov under Consumer Protection and Consumer Information section Information from consumers like you helps Federal, State and Local authorities investigate possible illegal practices and enforce our laws. Someone from the Federal Trade Commission or another law enforcement agency may contact you if they need additional information to help them in an investigation. Please visit the FTC's web page, www.ftc.gov, to get free information to help you avoid costly consumer problems. ////////////////////// Dear Investor The Office for Victims of Crime's Resource Center, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), has received your request and it is currently being processed. You should receive a response from a Specialist within one working day, depending on the complexity of your request. Sincerely, National Criminal Justice Reference Service P.O. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849-6000


oakland pk,

#22Author of original report

Fri, December 14, 2007

I received a call by Robert Fazio but I was on Email with the SEC (I type with one finger) and told him to call later and hung up. He later Emailed me John, After you hung up on me, I reread your email but remain confused about what you asking. Pursuant to our agreement, which I confirmed with your consent on a taped recorded line and in writing, Goldline has refunded your purchase price and storage fees for the Swiss 20 Franc gold coins. Those funds were wired to your account yesterday at no cost to you. Also we refunded your storage fees. If you believe that something else was required as part of our agreement, youll need to specify what that is. If you are now trying to rescind our agreement, you need to immediately return Goldmines money. Sincerely, Robert J. Fazio Senior Vice President I am surprised he is confused since he lives in a world that the dollar and precious metals fluctuate and is well aware the dollar at 2006 was so much more valuable than the 2007 present dollar. To make me whole He has not made a good faith effort to reach an agreement. He needs refund the same value. I reiterate from previous Email and posted letter to ripoff.org. We must remember that a refund is value for value received and we gave GOLDLINE strong 2006 dollars and we are now in a weak dollar situation. Luckily we know exactly how much our (2006) dollar was worth and that is 27 platinum 1 oz eagles or its equivalent in todays dollars. Lisa Weedman sent me a FedEx letter when making her first proposal last month so we know that the GOLDLINE management has in place a legal and acceptable method to make refunds or settlements. I mentioned to her at that very early part of negotiations about my desire for 27 platinum 1 oz eagles but she said that she had to talk to her boss about that. It was a fruitless effort. We can only speculate why Robert Fazio took the unorthodox and vague way of interpreting the settlement or refund unilaterally and dictatorially I suspect he tried to cheat me. Robert Fazio then compounds the illegal behavior by having a lawyer phone and intimidate me to accept his solitary unilateral refund or settlement decision. Robert Fazio should have turned it over to Lisa Weedman to follow accepted procedures in writing. Everyone has cheated me as a first time buyer so far in GOLDLINE including now Robert Fazio with devalued dollars and his ignoring my repeated proposal. What seem to be the criminal felony tactic embodiments of GOLDLINE.are: 1) Clinton Ross ignored request on May 10th day 2006 of purchase for 10-% first time discount permitted by policy statements on the Internet Webpage a felony for monitory gain. 2) A commission salesman recommended enthusiastically unasked for overpriced numismatic 20- gold Swiss fraudently with lies and omission of vital information for investment a felony for monitory gain. 3) Clinton Ross ignored legitimate requests for refund on May 11th by Email on day later and letter mailed to Joe Battaglia May18th 8 days later for refund as a first time buyer permitted by GOLDLINE policy statements on the Internet Webpage refund no questions asked a felony for monitory gain. 4) Robert Fazio ignored the clients recent Nov 2007 proposal for settlement or refund a felony for monitory gain. 5) Robert Fazio tried to refund in devalued dollars contrary to clients proposal a felony for monitory gain. 6) Robert Fazio had a lawyer intimidate me the client over the phone compounding a felony for monitory gain. This is as though I went to the supermarket to buy T-bone steak and was given a smelly inedible fish and when I return the fish they still wont give me the T-bone steak which I had paid for. I still dont know on December 4, 2007 when writing this segment the amount wire transferred other than the Scottrade operator said 34,000 plus since Robert Fazio has not advised me of the amount as well as the amount he refers to as storage fees The reluctance of Robert Fazio to tell me how much he wired me is mystifying. And I need to exchange Emails with the new proposition and renegotiate a mutually satisfying agreement. So far I see only the client be damned satisfaction NOT guaranteed and CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY GOLDLINE documented 1) 10% discount requested but not given by Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE Can not be denied too much documentation 2) Terrible advice given by commission salesman of GOLDLINE about 20 gold franc which lost half its value immediately and I calculate that Gold would have to go to $1.400 for me to be even Can not be denied too much documentation 3) Letter by me to Joe Battaglia and Emails to Clinton Ross not found by Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE but letter to Joe Battaglia furnished by me. I believe but cannot prove that the many Emails of May 11th and May 18th to Clinton Ross and the snail mail to Joe Battaglia of May18th were destroyed by GOLDLINE 4) When I try to define refund in Email the same day as the phone agreement Robert Fazio makes a quick wire transfer the next day ignoring my Email to ostensibly use telephone agreement using his sole interpretation of refund Robert Fazio as is seen above never addresses my terms of conciliation even today 11-Dec-07. He sends the wrong amount of funds for instance 34,000 plus was sent and commingled with my SCOTTRADE account but amount not verified and approved by me and where Robert Fazio later said in Email he had returned the storage fees he only returned one of three 6 month fees I paid over a time of a yr and a half. If he had agreed and commiserated with me and come to a legal understanding with me about the amount to send me it would be even according to his interpretation of refund be over $35,000. This shows an error because of Robert Fazios haste to deceive and covert action. Can not be denied too much documentation I intend ultimately to see a lawyer to seek damages for unorthodox criminal behavior to me and perhaps seek the viability of a class action suit to find out how many others were criminally tricked by a telephone agreement by omitted 10% discounts and the selling fraudently of unwanted 20 gold francs by GOLDLINE. I received a call from a NOTRE DAME lawyer recently and he threatened to enforce a taped refund statement taken by Robert Fazio. I told him that a refund is a generic word, which Robert Fazio it now seems to him meant all in cash his sole credence in spite of the fact he is in the coin business. It seems Robert Fazio is a G.W.Bush my way or the highway autocratic person. I Emailed Robert Fazio in a timely manner six hours later the same day with my proposal to accept coins but he ignored my proposal (He still ignores my proposal to this very day although I have reiterated I will accept only coins time and time again.) I made the same proposal previously to Lisa Weedman. Robert Fazio says, Youll need to specify(see above top) ignoring all I specify since the beginning when a yr and a half ago I ordered platinum 1 oz eagles. The lawyer then said he would take me to Court since I signed an acceptance of cash as refund. I said I didnt remember this since it never happened and that a notarized statement only is acceptable in Court. He was very forceful and my heart was pounding. The lawyer said What if we send the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles and you keep the 34,000 plus? I said that would not happen because then I would be stealing and I dont want to spend time (the little I have left) in jail. The felony and misbehavior is all done by GOLDLINE not me. The lawyer asked me what I would do next. I said I am waiting until Wednesday (now delayed by me to Friday December 14 a week and 2 days later) then post to ripoff.org. When the phone call was over my heart was pounding fast and hard. I tried to drink water but my hands were shaking. When my wife arrived from work 11pm I was still disembobulated. A lesser man would have had a stroke. After the money was returned no offer by the lawyer or GOLDLINE was put forward. I must believe that the lawyer was not looking to mediate in good faith but rather to intimidate me. For these terrible illegal felonious behaviors at every level from the top Robert Fazio to the bottom Clinton Ross and every level in between by GOLDLINE I now will perhaps renegotiate and ask for double or 54 not 27 platinum 1 oz eagles. Should we go to Court I will ask for double 108 not 54 platinum 1 oz eagles. I have pointed out felonious behavior by GOLDLINE with documentation corroborated in ripoff.org as it was uncovered and evolved and only seek fair and equitable recompense. I also will make links between my genealogy DNA webpage which gets average 250 visitors and 350 hits a day and Quirindongo ripoff I further state that the agreement over the phone is flawed unspecific illegal and cancelled herewith since the whole matter was not delineated properly and exact amounts of money discussed and a clear understanding was not arrived about the word refund or settlement and most important of all was not in writing Dec 3- I called my brother who is a REAL ESTATE Lawyer with his son listed under Frank and Michael Quintana in NYC with an office in 179 Court St. Bklyn 718 797 1003 and explained the situation. He told me to deny the wire transfer the exact amount would be returned and then negotiate. He said I was perhaps premature in posting to rip-off although I had a good grievance I shouldnt threaten or go to Govt Agencies but do so only if and when the negotiation turns sour but as he sees it it will go to a Federal Judge mediation by the appropriate agency. He further stated to me that since the 20 gold Swiss franc had a hidden 30% plus selling proviso which was kept from me that the wisest thing for an investor to do is buy mining stocks or street tracks since there are no seemingly phony storage fees Their value goes up with the value of precious metals and selling it is only an infinitesimal $7 no matter the amount invested and that the cost of selling coins goes up with the amount sold in all cases reaching into the many thousands of dollars and is close to being usury. He was and still is surprised that GOLDLINE used these clearly illegal tactics. Robert Fazio should have received the denied wire transfer Wednesday Dec 5 but no confirmation has been made by Robert Fazio yet who is now confused and conspicuous by his silence. He is silent and has not filed rebuttals at ripoff.org because he has no answers for my valid questions and for my compelling unanswered proposal. The amount in question that was made deliberately vague by Robert Fazio is 34,993 dollars I later found out and I believe Robert Fazios reluctance to give me the exact amount information of the denied wire transfer is consistent with the vague generic refund and settlement he is trying to enforce and he is ashamed of the small amount he refunded while I am specific and give reasons how I arrived at the final fair reimbursement without mention of recompense at first for GOLDLINE criminal unethical behavior Not only has Robert Fazio so far not confirmed he received the return of the wire transfer as of 11-Dec-07 of 34, 993 dollars but he never comments on my assertion of the seemingly bogus nature of the storage fees for instance why are 1 oz platinum eagles in my case stored? I was against it all along since I was eager to receive the coins.. I had never seen and srill have not seen in hand the platinum 1 oz eagle but I was told and nagged into storing them by JC Lee and Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE saying it makes it easy to sell. I was always believing that the 1 oz platinum eagle was easy to sell and can be sold anywhere at any time. Robert Fazio Senior vice president of GOLDLINE lied to me when he said he will lose 8,000 dollars if he gives me the refund cited in my second posting to ripoff.org. He never considers the matter in my case in the initial illegally advised 34,000 plus dollars purchase of 20 gold franc coins What I wasnt told was that I stood to unknowingly lose 15,000 dollars if I were to sell the same day and even a yr and a half later when gold went up $41 from 692 dollars to 733 dollars I was still down 10,000 dollars. Why did Robert Fazio make this self-serving statement? There is a permeating uniform Client be damned attitude by GOLDLINE management up and down the line. Robert Fazio probably makes a million a yr salary and GOLDLINE may make billions but all GOLDLINE employees remain forever dishonestly and unlawfully avaricious. BLANCHARD of New Orleans the largest gold bullion seller and dealer I have learned recently does NOT store nor has affiliate company store bullion. I also note that I was billed 3 times for storage fees by GOLDLINE which I paid promptly. Robert Fazio in his denied wire transfer to me only returned one six month storage fees. (See aboveEmail from Tolbert Fazio) The GOLDLINE account executives always said another outside company is involved whose name never appears as the storage company on any -storage fee documentation. This unnamed company may not exist or may not perform the storage cited. The storage fee may be a high price fraudulent rationale for a simple and not costly paperwork procedures. Unique collector coins may have a reason to be stored but bullion seems impractical to store when they are identical and easily converted to cash anywhere and furthermore GOLDLINE may have a huge supply of precious metals as part of doing business stored on hand. This anomaly and faulty logic for such a small quantity of coins that I bought apparently put forth by GOLDLINE forcefully may hide over priced paper work bogus procedures. It may be a hype peddled by GOLDLINE vigorously to profit for not needed deceitful pseudo work to novice investors and should be investigated for FRAUD. 20 Swiss gold franc and 1oz Platinum eagle saga 1) May 2006 - I decide to buy $70,000 1 oz platinum eagles 2) May 2006 - I see GOLDLINE Webpage and contact GOLDLINE 3) May 2006 - I ask Clinton Ross How many 1 oz platinum eagles can I get for $70,000 He answers 54 4) May 9 - I send wire transfer for $70,000 a. May 10 - Clinton Ross calls and puts on a commission salesman for 20 gold Swiss francs. After harangue I buy b. May 11 - I send many Emails to Clinton Ross telling him I was dissatisfied and seek refundas per pokucy statement on the Internet Refund request ignored. c. May 18 I send snail mail letter to Joe Battaglia asking for refund in the matter of the Swiss gold franc and a change of account executive d. May JC Lee account executive is assigned to me. e. June JC Lee vigorously tells me over and over again after I ask her to send me the coins that They are easier to sell if stored for a fee f. She unashamedly promoted the 20 gold Swiss franc for investment which had lost more than $20,000 at that point in time g. Nov 2007 I try to sell gold Swiss francs and am told I was down $10,000 mainly for the selling fee of 30% although the gold spot price had risen $42 h. In Email I asked ANA the meaning of numismatic and why was the fee so large i. Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE about an hr later and offers me 10% discount should I sell j. After commiserating with my wife I tell Lisa Weedman I want 27 1 oz platinum eagles, which were my original purchase that was derailed. k. Lisa Weedman sends me FedEx proposal, which I reject. l. Nov 11 I post problem to ripoff for 1st time m. ANA agrees to mediate n. Robert Fazio put on my case o. Robert Fazio offers refund and we agree on phone p. I send my proposal for refund the same day by Email q. Nov 28 Wrong amount of money $34,993 instead of $1,213,78 as per my proposal wire transferred to my account r. Nov 28 - I post 2nd time to ripoff s. Dec Lawyer intimidates me by phone trying for me to accept Robert Fazio devalued dollar offer with only one storage fees t. Wire transfer denied by me and money $34,993 returned to GOLDLINE u. Dec 14 - I post 3rd time to ripoff The American Numismatic Association ANA offered to mediate but I feel that they may be prejudiced in favor of one of their members Robert Fazio and I am not sure of the ability for them to make me whole and their ability to impose wide ranging penalties. I prefer a non-partisan Federal Judge who knows the Federal Law. I will wait until Friday December 14 and then post to RIPOFF.ORG with a copy and formal complaint to the U.S.ATTORNEY GENERAL and if I am not made whole will go see a lawyer not only about punitive damages for felonious behavior cited above against me but mental suffering, depression and a never before affliction - the onset of an asthmatic condition. Success! Complaint Accepted. Thank you for your input. FTC 12487571 First Name: john Last Name: quirindongo Age Range: 70 - 79 Street Address: 3000 ne 16 ave #310d City: oakland pk State or Province: Florida Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 33334 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Home Phone: (954)564 6624 Subject of Your Complaint: Investment Name of Company You Are Complaining About: GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL Street Address: 100 wilshire blvd City: santa monica State or Province: California Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 90401 Company Web Site: http://goldlinestorage.com/contact-us.html Company E-Mail Address: [email protected] Phone Number: (800)827 8653Ext. How Did the Company Initially Contact You?: Internet Web Site How Much Did the Company Ask You to Pay?: 70,000 How Much Did You Actually Pay the Company?: 70,000 How Did You Pay the Company?: Wire Transfer Did You File a Dispute with the Credit Bureau?: N First Name Clinton Last Name: Ross Date Company Contacted You: 05/06/2006 (MM/DD/YYYY) Explain Your Problem: (Please limit your complaint to 2000 characters.): http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/284/ripoff0284175.htm Dear Investor, Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We entered the information you provided into our shared law enforcement database. We share this database with Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies. Attached is your electronic response, which includes your reference number. Any enclosures can be found at www.ftc.gov under Consumer Protection and Consumer Information section Information from consumers like you helps Federal, State and Local authorities investigate possible illegal practices and enforce our laws. Someone from the Federal Trade Commission or another law enforcement agency may contact you if they need additional information to help them in an investigation. Please visit the FTC's web page, www.ftc.gov, to get free information to help you avoid costly consumer problems. ////////////////////// Dear Investor The Office for Victims of Crime's Resource Center, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), has received your request and it is currently being processed. You should receive a response from a Specialist within one working day, depending on the complexity of your request. Sincerely, National Criminal Justice Reference Service P.O. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849-6000


oakland pk,
received a call by Robert Fazio

#23Author of original report

Fri, December 14, 2007

I received a call by Robert Fazio but I was on Email with the SEC (I type with one finger) and told him to call later and hung up. He later Emailed me John, After you hung up on me, I reread your email but remain confused about what you asking. Pursuant to our agreement, which I confirmed with your consent on a taped recorded line and in writing, Goldline has refunded your purchase price and storage fees for the Swiss 20 Franc gold coins. Those funds were wired to your account yesterday at no cost to you. Also we refunded your storage fees. If you believe that something else was required as part of our agreement, youll need to specify what that is. If you are now trying to rescind our agreement, you need to immediately return Goldmines money. Sincerely, Robert J. Fazio Senior Vice President I am surprised he is confused since he lives in a world that the dollar and precious metals fluctuate and is well aware the dollar at 2006 was so much more valuable than the 2007 present dollar. To make me whole He has not made a good faith effort to reach an agreement. He needs refund the same value. I reiterate from previous Email and posted letter to ripoff.org. We must remember that a refund is value for value received and we gave GOLDLINE strong 2006 dollars and we are now in a weak dollar situation. Luckily we know exactly how much our (2006) dollar was worth and that is 27 platinum 1 oz eagles or its equivalent in todays dollars. Lisa Weedman sent me a FedEx letter when making her first proposal last month so we know that the GOLDLINE management has in place a legal and acceptable method to make refunds or settlements. I mentioned to her at that very early part of negotiations about my desire for 27 platinum 1 oz eagles but she said that she had to talk to her boss about that. It was a fruitless effort. We can only speculate why Robert Fazio took the unorthodox and vague way of interpreting the settlement or refund unilaterally and dictatorially I suspect he tried to cheat me. Robert Fazio then compounds the illegal behavior by having a lawyer phone and intimidate me to accept his solitary unilateral refund or settlement decision. Robert Fazio should have turned it over to Lisa Weedman to follow accepted procedures in writing. Everyone has cheated me as a first time buyer so far in GOLDLINE including now Robert Fazio with devalued dollars and his ignoring my repeated proposal. What seem to be the criminal felony tactic embodiments of GOLDLINE.are: 1) Clinton Ross ignored request on May 10th day 2006 of purchase for 10-% first time discount permitted by policy statements on the Internet Webpage a felony for monitory gain. 2) A commission salesman recommended enthusiastically unasked for overpriced numismatic 20- gold Swiss fraudently with lies and omission of vital information for investment a felony for monitory gain. 3) Clinton Ross ignored legitimate requests for refund on May 11th by Email on day later and letter mailed to Joe Battaglia May18th 8 days later for refund as a first time buyer permitted by GOLDLINE policy statements on the Internet Webpage refund no questions asked a felony for monitory gain. 4) Robert Fazio ignored the clients recent Nov 2007 proposal for settlement or refund a felony for monitory gain. 5) Robert Fazio tried to refund in devalued dollars contrary to clients proposal a felony for monitory gain. 6) Robert Fazio had a lawyer intimidate me the client over the phone compounding a felony for monitory gain. This is as though I went to the supermarket to buy T-bone steak and was given a smelly inedible fish and when I return the fish they still wont give me the T-bone steak which I had paid for. I still dont know on December 4, 2007 when writing this segment the amount wire transferred other than the Scottrade operator said 34,000 plus since Robert Fazio has not advised me of the amount as well as the amount he refers to as storage fees The reluctance of Robert Fazio to tell me how much he wired me is mystifying. And I need to exchange Emails with the new proposition and renegotiate a mutually satisfying agreement. So far I see only the client be damned satisfaction NOT guaranteed and CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY GOLDLINE documented 1) 10% discount requested but not given by Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE Can not be denied too much documentation 2) Terrible advice given by commission salesman of GOLDLINE about 20 gold franc which lost half its value immediately and I calculate that Gold would have to go to $1.400 for me to be even Can not be denied too much documentation 3) Letter by me to Joe Battaglia and Emails to Clinton Ross not found by Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE but letter to Joe Battaglia furnished by me. I believe but cannot prove that the many Emails of May 11th and May 18th to Clinton Ross and the snail mail to Joe Battaglia of May18th were destroyed by GOLDLINE 4) When I try to define refund in Email the same day as the phone agreement Robert Fazio makes a quick wire transfer the next day ignoring my Email to ostensibly use telephone agreement using his sole interpretation of refund Robert Fazio as is seen above never addresses my terms of conciliation even today 11-Dec-07. He sends the wrong amount of funds for instance 34,000 plus was sent and commingled with my SCOTTRADE account but amount not verified and approved by me and where Robert Fazio later said in Email he had returned the storage fees he only returned one of three 6 month fees I paid over a time of a yr and a half. If he had agreed and commiserated with me and come to a legal understanding with me about the amount to send me it would be even according to his interpretation of refund be over $35,000. This shows an error because of Robert Fazios haste to deceive and covert action. Can not be denied too much documentation I intend ultimately to see a lawyer to seek damages for unorthodox criminal behavior to me and perhaps seek the viability of a class action suit to find out how many others were criminally tricked by a telephone agreement by omitted 10% discounts and the selling fraudently of unwanted 20 gold francs by GOLDLINE. I received a call from a NOTRE DAME lawyer recently and he threatened to enforce a taped refund statement taken by Robert Fazio. I told him that a refund is a generic word, which Robert Fazio it now seems to him meant all in cash his sole credence in spite of the fact he is in the coin business. It seems Robert Fazio is a G.W.Bush my way or the highway autocratic person. I Emailed Robert Fazio in a timely manner six hours later the same day with my proposal to accept coins but he ignored my proposal (He still ignores my proposal to this very day although I have reiterated I will accept only coins time and time again.) I made the same proposal previously to Lisa Weedman. Robert Fazio says, Youll need to specify(see above top) ignoring all I specify since the beginning when a yr and a half ago I ordered platinum 1 oz eagles. The lawyer then said he would take me to Court since I signed an acceptance of cash as refund. I said I didnt remember this since it never happened and that a notarized statement only is acceptable in Court. He was very forceful and my heart was pounding. The lawyer said What if we send the 27 platinum 1 oz eagles and you keep the 34,000 plus? I said that would not happen because then I would be stealing and I dont want to spend time (the little I have left) in jail. The felony and misbehavior is all done by GOLDLINE not me. The lawyer asked me what I would do next. I said I am waiting until Wednesday (now delayed by me to Friday December 14 a week and 2 days later) then post to ripoff.org. When the phone call was over my heart was pounding fast and hard. I tried to drink water but my hands were shaking. When my wife arrived from work 11pm I was still disembobulated. A lesser man would have had a stroke. After the money was returned no offer by the lawyer or GOLDLINE was put forward. I must believe that the lawyer was not looking to mediate in good faith but rather to intimidate me. For these terrible illegal felonious behaviors at every level from the top Robert Fazio to the bottom Clinton Ross and every level in between by GOLDLINE I now will perhaps renegotiate and ask for double or 54 not 27 platinum 1 oz eagles. Should we go to Court I will ask for double 108 not 54 platinum 1 oz eagles. I have pointed out felonious behavior by GOLDLINE with documentation corroborated in ripoff.org as it was uncovered and evolved and only seek fair and equitable recompense. I also will make links between my genealogy DNA webpage which gets average 250 visitors and 350 hits a day and Quirindongo ripoff I further state that the agreement over the phone is flawed unspecific illegal and cancelled herewith since the whole matter was not delineated properly and exact amounts of money discussed and a clear understanding was not arrived about the word refund or settlement and most important of all was not in writing Dec 3- I called my brother who is a REAL ESTATE Lawyer with his son listed under Frank and Michael Quintana in NYC with an office in 179 Court St. Bklyn 718 797 1003 and explained the situation. He told me to deny the wire transfer the exact amount would be returned and then negotiate. He said I was perhaps premature in posting to rip-off although I had a good grievance I shouldnt threaten or go to Govt Agencies but do so only if and when the negotiation turns sour but as he sees it it will go to a Federal Judge mediation by the appropriate agency. He further stated to me that since the 20 gold Swiss franc had a hidden 30% plus selling proviso which was kept from me that the wisest thing for an investor to do is buy mining stocks or street tracks since there are no seemingly phony storage fees Their value goes up with the value of precious metals and selling it is only an infinitesimal $7 no matter the amount invested and that the cost of selling coins goes up with the amount sold in all cases reaching into the many thousands of dollars and is close to being usury. He was and still is surprised that GOLDLINE used these clearly illegal tactics. Robert Fazio should have received the denied wire transfer Wednesday Dec 5 but no confirmation has been made by Robert Fazio yet who is now confused and conspicuous by his silence. He is silent and has not filed rebuttals at ripoff.org because he has no answers for my valid questions and for my compelling unanswered proposal. The amount in question that was made deliberately vague by Robert Fazio is 34,993 dollars I later found out and I believe Robert Fazios reluctance to give me the exact amount information of the denied wire transfer is consistent with the vague generic refund and settlement he is trying to enforce and he is ashamed of the small amount he refunded while I am specific and give reasons how I arrived at the final fair reimbursement without mention of recompense at first for GOLDLINE criminal unethical behavior Not only has Robert Fazio so far not confirmed he received the return of the wire transfer as of 11-Dec-07 of 34, 993 dollars but he never comments on my assertion of the seemingly bogus nature of the storage fees for instance why are 1 oz platinum eagles in my case stored? I was against it all along since I was eager to receive the coins.. I had never seen and srill have not seen in hand the platinum 1 oz eagle but I was told and nagged into storing them by JC Lee and Clinton Ross of GOLDLINE saying it makes it easy to sell. I was always believing that the 1 oz platinum eagle was easy to sell and can be sold anywhere at any time. Robert Fazio Senior vice president of GOLDLINE lied to me when he said he will lose 8,000 dollars if he gives me the refund cited in my second posting to ripoff.org. He never considers the matter in my case in the initial illegally advised 34,000 plus dollars purchase of 20 gold franc coins What I wasnt told was that I stood to unknowingly lose 15,000 dollars if I were to sell the same day and even a yr and a half later when gold went up $41 from 692 dollars to 733 dollars I was still down 10,000 dollars. Why did Robert Fazio make this self-serving statement? There is a permeating uniform Client be damned attitude by GOLDLINE management up and down the line. Robert Fazio probably makes a million a yr salary and GOLDLINE may make billions but all GOLDLINE employees remain forever dishonestly and unlawfully avaricious. BLANCHARD of New Orleans the largest gold bullion seller and dealer I have learned recently does NOT store nor has affiliate company store bullion. I also note that I was billed 3 times for storage fees by GOLDLINE which I paid promptly. Robert Fazio in his denied wire transfer to me only returned one six month storage fees. (See aboveEmail from Tolbert Fazio) The GOLDLINE account executives always said another outside company is involved whose name never appears as the storage company on any -storage fee documentation. This unnamed company may not exist or may not perform the storage cited. The storage fee may be a high price fraudulent rationale for a simple and not costly paperwork procedures. Unique collector coins may have a reason to be stored but bullion seems impractical to store when they are identical and easily converted to cash anywhere and furthermore GOLDLINE may have a huge supply of precious metals as part of doing business stored on hand. This anomaly and faulty logic for such a small quantity of coins that I bought apparently put forth by GOLDLINE forcefully may hide over priced paper work bogus procedures. It may be a hype peddled by GOLDLINE vigorously to profit for not needed deceitful pseudo work to novice investors and should be investigated for FRAUD. 20 Swiss gold franc and 1oz Platinum eagle saga 1) May 2006 - I decide to buy $70,000 1 oz platinum eagles 2) May 2006 - I see GOLDLINE Webpage and contact GOLDLINE 3) May 2006 - I ask Clinton Ross How many 1 oz platinum eagles can I get for $70,000 He answers 54 4) May 9 - I send wire transfer for $70,000 a. May 10 - Clinton Ross calls and puts on a commission salesman for 20 gold Swiss francs. After harangue I buy b. May 11 - I send many Emails to Clinton Ross telling him I was dissatisfied and seek refundas per pokucy statement on the Internet Refund request ignored. c. May 18 I send snail mail letter to Joe Battaglia asking for refund in the matter of the Swiss gold franc and a change of account executive d. May JC Lee account executive is assigned to me. e. June JC Lee vigorously tells me over and over again after I ask her to send me the coins that They are easier to sell if stored for a fee f. She unashamedly promoted the 20 gold Swiss franc for investment which had lost more than $20,000 at that point in time g. Nov 2007 I try to sell gold Swiss francs and am told I was down $10,000 mainly for the selling fee of 30% although the gold spot price had risen $42 h. In Email I asked ANA the meaning of numismatic and why was the fee so large i. Lisa Weedman of GOLDLINE about an hr later and offers me 10% discount should I sell j. After commiserating with my wife I tell Lisa Weedman I want 27 1 oz platinum eagles, which were my original purchase that was derailed. k. Lisa Weedman sends me FedEx proposal, which I reject. l. Nov 11 I post problem to ripoff for 1st time m. ANA agrees to mediate n. Robert Fazio put on my case o. Robert Fazio offers refund and we agree on phone p. I send my proposal for refund the same day by Email q. Nov 28 Wrong amount of money $34,993 instead of $1,213,78 as per my proposal wire transferred to my account r. Nov 28 - I post 2nd time to ripoff s. Dec Lawyer intimidates me by phone trying for me to accept Robert Fazio devalued dollar offer with only one storage fees t. Wire transfer denied by me and money $34,993 returned to GOLDLINE u. Dec 14 - I post 3rd time to ripoff The American Numismatic Association ANA offered to mediate but I feel that they may be prejudiced in favor of one of their members Robert Fazio and I am not sure of the ability for them to make me whole and their ability to impose wide ranging penalties. I prefer a non-partisan Federal Judge who knows the Federal Law. I will wait until Friday December 14 and then post to RIPOFF.ORG with a copy and formal complaint to the U.S.ATTORNEY GENERAL and if I am not made whole will go see a lawyer not only about punitive damages for felonious behavior cited above against me but mental suffering, depression and a never before affliction - the onset of an asthmatic condition. Success! Complaint Accepted. Thank you for your input. FTC 12487571 First Name: john Last Name: quirindongo Age Range: 70 - 79 Street Address: 3000 ne 16 ave #310d City: oakland pk State or Province: Florida Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 33334 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Home Phone: (954)564 6624 Subject of Your Complaint: Investment Name of Company You Are Complaining About: GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL Street Address: 100 wilshire blvd City: santa monica State or Province: California Country: UNITED STATES Zip Code or Postal Code: 90401 Company Web Site: http://goldlinestorage.com/contact-us.html Company E-Mail Address: [email protected] Phone Number: (800)827 8653Ext. How Did the Company Initially Contact You?: Internet Web Site How Much Did the Company Ask You to Pay?: 70,000 How Much Did You Actually Pay the Company?: 70,000 How Did You Pay the Company?: Wire Transfer Did You File a Dispute with the Credit Bureau?: N First Name Clinton Last Name: Ross Date Company Contacted You: 05/06/2006 (MM/DD/YYYY) Explain Your Problem: (Please limit your complaint to 2000 characters.): http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/284/ripoff0284175.htm Dear Investor, Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We entered the information you provided into our shared law enforcement database. We share this database with Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies. Attached is your electronic response, which includes your reference number. Any enclosures can be found at www.ftc.gov under Consumer Protection and Consumer Information section Information from consumers like you helps Federal, State and Local authorities investigate possible illegal practices and enforce our laws. Someone from the Federal Trade Commission or another law enforcement agency may contact you if they need additional information to help them in an investigation. Please visit the FTC's web page, www.ftc.gov, to get free information to help you avoid costly consumer problems. ////////////////////////// Dear Investor The Office for Victims of Crime's Resource Center, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), has received your request and it is currently being processed. You should receive a response from a Specialist within one working day, depending on the complexity of your request. Sincerely, National Criminal Justice Reference Service P.O. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849-6000

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