  • Report:  #688915

Complaint Review: Royal Caribbean - Miami Florida

Reported By:
OceanGirl - Ormond Beach, Florida, United States of America

Royal Caribbean
1050 Caribbean Way Miami, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Royal Caribbean "Tightwad of the Seas"

Royal Caribbean keeps cutting back on "frills" then turns around and charges passengers extra if they want them.

I first noticed the cutbacks on my January 2009 Eastern Caribbean cruise on Independence of the Seas. It was my third cruise on Royal Caribbean, so I was still new to cruising, but on that cruise I noticed three dining room changes.

First, the Fisherman's Platter lobster tail was teeny-weeny and served split and fanned open - I guess to help the puny thing look bigger on the plate - and with shrimp. I doubt the lobster tail was large enough to have been legal to sell in the US. Oh, you could have seconds (but that sometimes gets frowns from the snoots when a woman orders).

The second thing I saw was being asked to pay extra for a cut of steak that had been offered free in main dining before. I do not eat a lot of steak, but it is one example of Royal Caribbean taking away something that had been included before then charging extra if you want it today.

The third menu change I caught was how often Indian curry entres made the menu! There were not many people from India aboard this particular cruise. But putting curry dishes on the menu had the effect of removing that meal offering from consideration for everyone at my table. That seems like a sneaky way to just reduce menu choices from five to four. To me, these were big dining room changes effecting everyone from first-time cruisers to Diamond-Plus members that added up to paying the same but getting less.

A year later I observed more cutbacks during my January 2010 Western Caribbean cruise on Voyager of the Seas. I asked and was told the "lobster tail" being served with the Fisherman's Platter was actually langostino (which sorta looks like one but is not a lobster tail). This time I knew to expect itty-bitty portion. At the time I actually thoughtlangostino was a satisfactory substitute and I really have no complaints. The Royal Caribbean tightwad squeeze on this cruise came in the form of having to purchase a beverage card in order to get tomato juice, apple juice or any fruit juice at breakfast! On my previous cruise fruit juices had been free for everyone in the Windjammer! Now passengers were expected to be satisfied with watered down orange flavored punch they serve for breakfast. How cheap can Royal Caribbean get? Keep reading.

I decided to cruise the Royal Caribbean mega-ships first because I figured it would be harder to get seasick on one. My January 2011 Southern Caribbean on Serenade of the Seas is the smallest ship I've cruised on. Even with patches and pills it was something of a gamble for me. And yes, this was the first timeI felt some ship motion. This cruise is the first time my carry-ons were closely inspected not only for "security" but also for any packed drinks. I had packed none. It was hard to miss that RCCL was confiscating not only booze, but also any sodas and bottled water they found packed. I found that I liked Serenade's ship size and smaller crowds, but I missed the many activities available on mega-ships. I guess it's unrealistic to expect both, huh? But on Serenade OTS the Royal Caribbean tightwad fist meant you had to purchase a beverage card to get ... OMG ... bottled water! If you didn't have a beverage card you could buy bottled water ... for $3 a bottle! Premium name brands cost even more. Outrageous!Thisgalls me because itadds even more fuelto back up what others meanwhen they say Royal Caribbean "nickel 'n' dimes" you at every turn.

Don't get me wrong, I have been a Royal Caribbean fan. Why else would I keep cruising with them? I have loved all the Royal Caribbean cruises I have been on up untilmy last one on Serenade OTS. Don't flame me over the sewage spill into my Deck 7 balcony stateroom. It wasn't even my toilet that broke! Malfunctions happen and I can "go with the flow". My complaint is about what Royal Caribbean did - or failed to do - afterwards. That's when I came face-to-face with the cold-hearted, uncaring business side and legal hair-splitting side of Royal Caribbean. It was like discovering the big jerk of a man you have after his romancing stops. Being a Crown & Anchor Platinum member meant nothing. And as if I didn't have to contend with enough crap, hours went by and Royal Caribbean promises from Housekeeping and Guest Services to clean and sanitize my stateroom right away became nothing but a big bucket of bovine droppings! It was after 11pm, nearing bedtime when I was told I was "temporarily" getting moved to an inside Deck 3 cabin. I was still there 4 nights later at the end of the cruise. I even asked to speak to the Hotel Director (who I met at the Crown & Anchor meeting) who never contacted me (and I never saw again except at the last show.)

I was promised a refund of the difference of the fare I had paid between my Deck 7 balcony and the inside Deck 3 cabin. OK, fair enough. But when the final bill got slipped under my door, my refund was not there. Guest Services had "no record" and only when I produced my original SeaPass Card that showed my Deck 7 stateroom number did anyone act like they believed me. Even then, I had to aggressively demand (not typical of me) before anyone got off their duffs. I was given a credit for the difference I paid between my discounted Deck 7 balcony and their inflated, full brochure price for an inside Deck 3 stateroom (only good toward a future cruise for one year). It was not a full refund/credit of the whole base fare I paid that others have told me they received when something like this happened to them. Let me tell you, Royal Caribbean was much more interested in limiting their loss than in getting my satisfaction. And to tie up legal loose ends, I had to sign their legal waiver papers or else forfeit the credit! Do I think I have been Ripped-Off? Yes, I do. Be honest, wouldn't you?

Oh, Royal Caribbean was all smiles and help so long as I represented potential profit, but when I became a source of potential compensation or monetary loss then I felt treated like their adversary. I don't know why, but I expected Royal Caribbean to give me a courtesy call or send me a letter of apology about my sewage flooded balcony stateroom on Serenade of the Seas after I returned home - or at least someone from RCCL to express, "give us a chance to make this up to you". Maybe I was under the wrong impression Royal Caribbean took more personal interest in loyal repeat customers like me. Wow, did they have me fooled! Well no more! I see now how they operate and what their true feelings are! They just take what money they can from you and run. I think good folks who readRipOff Reportsought to know there's a cold business side to Royal Caribbean and I've seen it first hand.

To those with well-meaning assurances that "something like this is a rare event and so it isn't likely to happen to me again" is like saying the same to a person who has been raped. Mechanical failures and mismanagement turned my vacation into a crappy trip in more ways than one and it is nothing mega-ship, small ship, old ship, new ship or any ship in Royal Caribbean's fleet is able to correct.

I remember a conversation I had with some other Diamond members who were telling me about their Royal Caribbean Baltic cruise because I was curious about taking one myself. Most everything I read about that cruise tempted me to book it when I had saved up the money. But then they told me that this would be their last cruise on RCCL. I was shocked to learn their reason. They said they were experiencing more and more anti-American discrimination aboard Royal Caribbean cruise ships. I couldn't understand how they came to feel like that. Then they listed too many incidents and reasons that I can't remember them all. Before they had finished, some other experienced cruisers had joined in and backed up their claims. First, they saw how Asian and Scandinavian passengers sometimes paid less for their Royal Caribbean fare than US cruisers were charged - I verified that one out myself on the internet (and so can you) but I can't decide if that's anti-American or not.

Second, they knew of times passengers (some first-time cruisers) from those countries got cabin upgrades while Americans (some Diamond members) were put on a wait list did not. What I heard them telling me was they thought that if I had been Asian or Scandinavian, Royal Caribbean would have tried to put me in an upgradedstateroom after the sewage spill instead of the "steerage-class" inside Deck 3 cabin. I want to believeRCCL didn't havean upgraded stateroomavailable, but how would I or anyone else know for sure?Then again, maybe this is bad timing and I am justexperiencing a newRoyal Caribbean policy. All I know is that there is a lot of evidence that Royal Caribbean has treated Americans fairlyunder circumstances like mine so the thought thatsomeone wasn'tgetting fair treatment on a Royal Caribbean ship becausethey areAmericancan't be justified.Third they told how often crew members in positions of responsibility (not waiters, bartenders or stewards who depend on your tips) seemed to give Asians or Scandinavians preferential and/or priority consideration over Americans unless they were willing to "grease the wheels" with bribe money. I am probably just naive and I admit to not paying attention, but I've heard payola is "how business gets done" in other parts of the world. So it's just one more thing US cruisers need to be looking out for when cruising on Royal Caribbean.

Sorry this got long. That probably means I've made spelling errors and typos that Grammar Gestapos will use to humiliate me. But I hope readers will understand how something like this can happen to them on any cruise. I sincerely hope that after such a trip spoiling crisis, Royal Caribbean will be much more responsive and compassionate to you than they were to me. But then again, being forewarned is being forearmed.

If I had a lot of Crown & Anchor points to transfer or lose, I'd consider booking a Celebrity cruise next. But now that I met the big jerk that's been a'courting me, I think it's time to dance with a new partner. Don't you agree? Right now, upscale Princess is looking pret-ty good.


11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Too Much Useless Information

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, February 04, 2011

Scorecard of Royal Caribbean International Useful Information on this page so far:


1-Main Dining menu often has Indian curry entre (no thanks, RCI)

2-Late seating might not get served lobster tail (choose early seating)

3-Buy beverage card not only for sodas but now for fruit juices and bottle water (thanks RCI skinflints)

4-When sewage backs up into your cabin RCI might be unable to do anything about it for hours, (if so, RCI has no excuse)

5-might move you to a lower grade cabin, (RCI might not have any another option)

6-and/or might attempt to reimburse a partial fare instead of full base fare credit. (RCI can afford it -worthpreventing this kind of negative publicity)

7-"On the spot" tipping aboard ship may be the best way to get what you want (comes as no surprise)

Nascar Lady

1-Between RCI, NCL and Carnival, RCI could to leading the way eliminating nonessentials. (if true, thanks again RCI skinflints)

2-If you book a cruise on board make sure your cruise booking numbers stay the same or you might lose your $200 on board credit. (It pays to keep track)


Contributed nothing useful


Contributed nothing useful


Contributed nothing useful


Contributed nothing useful


1-Oasis of the Seas is mind blowing (I agree)

So far, many "Rebuttals" on this page amount toverbal graffiti.


Summerland Key,
Deep Hole

#3General Comment

Wed, February 02, 2011

First you talk to yourself with different names, then you cut and paste your postings from other pages.

Go ahead. Keep digging that hole deeper.


Ormond Beach,
United States of America
RCCL ~ Tightwad of the Seas

#4Author of original report

Wed, February 02, 2011

RCCL ~ Tightwad of the Seas

Congratulations Michael (of Summerland Key) and William (of Sarasota),

I think you have given readers considering posting a RipOff Report unfavorable to Royal Caribbean all the proof they need to get prepared for insane rebuttals from Beavis and Butthead. I posted a RipOff Report about how poorly Royal Caribbeanrespondedto asewageflood in my stateroom on Serenade of the Seas - now I have to put up with even more crap from personal and juvenile attacks - not rebuttals - like this from you!

Readers thinking of posting a RipOff Report against Royal Caribbean be forewarned, there are adolescent (mental if not also chronological) Royal Caribbean FAN-atics cruising RipOff Reports.Check this out yourself. When you read through some other originalRoyal Caribbean RipOff complaints, you will find"Rebuttals"from Royal Caribbean FAN-aticswho try(sometimes with justification) to prove it wasthe author'sfault because (according to the back ofthe ticket) Royal Caribbean was just exercising their legal right ... even when it is obviousRoyal Caribbeanhad a moral right or options to respond differently.

You can find Royal Caribbean FAN-atic "Rebuttals" that claim thatauthors are "whining" or "smearing the company's good name". And/or the RCCL FAN-atics can become Grammar Gestapos and attempt to humiliate the author by pointing out writing errors if they were made.

And/or you will find "Rebuttals" where the RCCL FAN-atics will label an author's report a fake or a lie without any real facts - even though you can read validating reports on CruiseMate, Cruise Critic or other cruise message boards (or in at least one case, the newspaper!)

And as you can see in thispage alone, sometimes the Royal Caribbean FAN-atics try to draw attention away from the substance of a RipOff Report by leveling personal attacks against the author and/or anyone who backs it. I will take thatas some degree of admission that my complaint against Royal Caribbean is correct.

Incredibly, Michael and William are claiming all educated adults who to their untrained eyeswrite alike because they are able write a proper paragraph and post a RipOff Report unfavorable to Royal Caribbean are the same person!

By that same reasoning, because all RCCL Voyager class ships to untrained eyes look alike (Adventure of the Seas, Explorer of the Seas, Voyager of the Seas, Navigator of the Seas and Mariner of the Seas) they are the same ship!

I don't think Michael, William, and other Royal Caribbean FAN-atic have a clue how their personal attacks (not consumer comments, not Rebuttals) who have trolled this website (in Michael's case, for years) can do more harm than good to Royal Caribbean. With RCCL supporters like them, who needs enemies! I can say they are not typical of Royal Caribbean guests, but I also know I do not want to be stuck on a ship with the likes of the RCCL FAN-atics! Because of them I have more negative feelings toward Royal Caribbean now than when I first posted my RipOff Report ("Sewage of the Seas").

As Ihave written before, Royal Caribbean FAN-atic's allegations need to be supported by provable facts and not unprovable, unsupportable opinions, assumptions and speculations.

Some more characteristics of those who might have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Michael, are they seldom admit they are wrong, have difficulty apologizing, and need to have the last word in a conversation. I am used to that because my sister has NPD, so I shake the dust off my feet knowing this will be my last message. If anything I have written helps just one person, my crappy Royal Caribbean and RCCL FAN-atic experiences will have been worth it.

NowBeavis and Butthead,run along and play on the Rock Climbing Wall, Zip Line or Wave Rider. You know the Solarium is for adults.



Agree - It's Obvious

#5General Comment

Wed, February 02, 2011

I just read the OP, then thought i was reading the same thing in Nascar Lady's response. Not justthe title of the comment, but the words grammar gestapos were what really caught my eye. I was ready to call out the OP, but i see a few others already beat me to it.

I guess i just have a different mindset because when i book a vacation, i expect to get what i pay for. I don't expect to be given a bunch of freebies.These cruise lines do give freebies to repeat cruises, but the scaling down of those freebies does not constitute a rip off. A rip off is when you don't get something you paid forand agreed upon inthe cruise contract. The cruise line promised you the room you paid for, free entertainment,free food, and good service. Even transportation to planned port calls is not guaranteed.

My last Royal Caribben cruise was this past summer on Oasis of the Seas. Again, maybei just have a different mindset, buti wascompletely blown away by that cruise.I am not fortunate enough to go on dozens of cruises, but the fewi do go on are always amazing.

Maybe the people who cruise day in and day out are just getting tired of the same old thing.Maybe they should consider a different vacation.

Back to the issue with the Op. I'm not sure why you feel the need to respond to yourself using a different name, butlike someone else said, it reallydiscredits you.


It's Obvious

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, February 01, 2011

It was obvious to me that OceanGirl and NASCAR Girl are the same person, before I even read any of the other responses. It kind of gives me the creeps... what are you trying to accomplish by talking to yourself so obviously?

These RORs complaining about the loss of little frills on cruises and that trips have been "ruined" do to a minor incident or a cabin change make me SICK. How spoiled are you and how selfish and materialistic are you to be complaining about something that most people won't get the chance to do even ONCE in their lifetime? Do you realize that there are starving people in other countries that are lucky if they get to eat one small meal a day, and they are so poor that they live on trash heaps? Maybe you should do some studying on Manilla, Phillippines and that will humble you. Good grief, even someone lower-middle class in America has to save and save to even dream of going on a cruise, and you have the gall to complain about how they nickle and dime you, serve a smaller lobster than you are used to, and don't give you FREE credit and other little frills???

I have been fortunate enough to go on 3 cruises in my lifetime, only because I have a very generous and loving family who bought my tickets each time. I appreciate the big dollar amount they gave me and I would NEVER complain about a single detail!! If you have enough money to go on a cruise and enjoy the ROYALTY that comes with just the ticket price, I am sure you can afford to pay a little extra for even MORE unneccessary royalty! Pull your head out of the sand and take a look at the world. Most people are POOR and struggle to make ends meet, and you are whining because you don't get free bottled water on a CRUISE SHIP. Take a look at yourself, people. There are MUCH bigger problems in this world and your ignorance is absolutely appalling.


Ft Lauderdale,
Here we go again.

#7General Comment

Tue, February 01, 2011

Having read the reports on about 4 or 5 different pages now,I have to agree there is something fishy going on here. I also think it's a little too coincidental all these reports showed up at once and all read exactly the same despite the different screen names.I think one person is just trying to flood the internet search engines. It's not the first time we've seen this.


Summerland Key,
Still Talking to Yourself?

#8General Comment

Tue, February 01, 2011

Thank you for quoting me. I'm glad to know I have a fan.

I am at a loss for words here. Even after it's been made very, very obvious you are posting under multiple names, you still go on talking to yourself. Yes, it is psycho and yes, it is downright scary.

The posts you made under the names Ocean Girl and Nascar are so similar they almost look cut-and-pasted from each other. As do the postsfrom your other names on the other complaints.

Like I said, I do not care what you think about me or my posts. I tell it like it is and when someone feels the need to create multiple profiles, that is taking what might be a legitimate complaint and turning it in to an obsession.If you are that desperate to gain support you want to create a mirage, then perhaps the original complaint is lacking a whole lotof info.


Ormond Beach,
United States of America
RCCL ~ Tightwad of the Seas

#9Author of original report

Tue, February 01, 2011

RCCL ~ Tightwad of the Seas

To Michael of Summerland Key: I understand your role to defend Royal Caribbean's reputation. I have read your replies and you are often correct, though you sometimes seem to go out of your way to be offensive and sarcastic. I feel confident many readers will be able to determine for themselves your character from a sample of your own words taken from your Royal Caribbean rebuttals.

(10-03-08) "You sound like someone who can't be statisfied."

(04-29-09) "I'll dial 9-1-1 and dispatch a waaaaaaaaambulance for you."

(05-19-09) "This has got to be one of the dumbest complaints I have read..."

(05-19-09) "... get a grip. This complaint is stupid. ... Oh, by the way, my wife is an attorney."

(07-01-10) "...blaming everyone else for your poor planning and bad behavior, and crying flood victim does not buy you (any) credit here."

(12-22-10) "And as for the replies, second hand complaints are invalid."

(01-10-11) "Your little tirade and attempt to smear a decent program proves absolutely nothing." and "...you go spreading more nasty rumors of inaccurate information..."

(01-10-11) "perhaps a little more research on your part ... would prevent you from spewing inaccurate information."

(01-21-11) "I might have been able to engage in a debate over your interpretations, or in most cases, misinterpretations..."

Michael, as someone else tried to tell you, "there are mature and civil words to diplomatically correct the mistakes of others instead of feeding your ego by hurling insults, names and belittling others. I join with those who say your choice of words are offensive and juvenile. They certainly cast doubt on your claims to be Diamond Plus. If you are incapable of posting a helpful and constructive rebuttal then do yourself a favor and butt out."

Your "rebuttal"to me above is personal and adds nothing to the RipOff ReportI posted.Sadly, itshows to me that youmust be very frustrated to be unable to defend Royal Caribbean from recent complaints. I suppose taken together they do appear to you as a single adversary. But I am afraid your delusion is completebecause youwrite "now I am sure" to assert they are written by one person. I am making an effort to be kind to you. If your "wife is an attorney" (05-19-09) as you write, then you know you need to back your allegations with facts. My copy-catting the way I title my RCCL RipOff Reportproves only something I admit to doing on purpose. So please, let's see some facts to support your case.

Michael, I know who I am, but I am seriously concerned about you because you show a consistent pattern of behaviors that signify obsession and infatuation with yourself to the exclusion of the feelings of others (like posters on this site) and you display an egotistic and ruthless pursuit of your own gratification, superiority and dominance.I havelived with a sister with it, so I seriously and compassionately encourage you to go visit a therapist to discuss the possibility that you have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

To NASCAR Lady, Thank you for your reply and support. I regret to hear about your onboard credit RipOff. When I booked my last cruise (on Serenade) on my previous cruise (on Voyager) Royal Caribbean applied my onboard credit to my cruise booking number. I had to write my cruise booking number on my onboard credit certificate myself and mail it to Crown & Anchor. And I believe that onboard credit could only apply to that particular cruise booking number. So check to make sure the booking numbers matched. I made a photocopy of the onboard certificate as backup for proof in case I needed it.Wouldn't you think in this day of instant electronic data and record keeping that RCCL would be able to simplify this? And it makes "losing" all record of your onboard booking hard to believe. Here's an idea, check your credit card statement for when you paid Royal Caribbean your cruise deposit. That might prove you were on an RCCLcruise when you booked and show you got - or should have gotten - an onboard credit certificate. It might be too late, but it's worth a try, right?



~ These Are Fake Reports ~

#10General Comment

Tue, February 01, 2011

I gotta side with michael on this one. It is pretty darn clear you just logged in under another name and responded to yourself. The title, the grammar, the signature, and even the use of the words "grammar gestapos" was exactly the same. Not only is that unnecessary, but it's weird. Why would you do that? Sorry, but your complaints have just lost a lot of credit with me.


Summerland Key,

#11General Comment

Tue, February 01, 2011

You know, I had my doubts on the other threads, but now I am sure. I really don't care what you think about me or my posts because it is now more than obvious you are posting under multiple names and talking to yourself. That is downright psycho and you have a very serious problem.

Who are you really? Are you anemployee of another cruise line? A blind fanatic of another line with a major inferiority complex? There really isn'tany other explanation for your diatribes.

Here's a hint. Next time you change your screen name, you may want to start by titling your posts diffferently. It's almost like you want to be so transparent. Go ahead. I can't wait to see what nameyou respond under. Make it quick. The suspense is killing me.


United States of America
RCCL ~ Tightwad of the Seas

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, January 31, 2011

You sure got a way with words, OceanGirl! I been there and your telling it like it is. I cruise about twice a year but spread it around between Carnival, Norwegian and Royal Caribbean. I don't have a favorite between them because they havedifferent strong and weak spots. Of the three, Royal Caribbean seems to be leading the way taking away "frills". With Carnival you have to put up with rowdy kids and with Norwegian you have mandatory gratuity making the service hit and miss. I think maybe you can tell it more because Royal Caribbean is cutting back on the food and drink. But if your paying the same but getting less that's a "RipOff" in my book because you expect it when you book and pay for the cruise and then it's not there when you getaboard. But like they say,the "frills"ain't in writing.

I think the problem is Royal Caribbean tries hard to be a cruise line for everybody and for every budget. Someare prepared to pay extrafor the suites and premium restuarants. They hardly know what "frills"get taken away. Some spending the least they can feel the cutbacks on "frills" most and probably feel "Ripped Off" most.I'm somewhere in between and feel the "gotcha" when I dig out my SeaPass card to have to pay for something that had been free before.

I ain't ever had a sewage backup like you had on any cruise and hope I never do! You got a right to be feel Ripped Off! If Royal Caribbean treated me that way I'd feel the same way! But I alreadygot Ripped Offby Royal Caribbean because them tightwads gyped me out of my onboard credit on my last cruise. I booked that cruise onboard a previous cruiseto get a $200 onboard credit certificate. I followed the directions and sent it in on time to Crown & Anchor. But I never got my credit and nobody at RCCL or Crown & Anchor had a record of it. I don't believe them.

The only time I maybe felt any kind of anti-American feelings was on Royal Caribbean cruises in southeast Asia and another to eastern Mediterannean. Maybe it was from the passengers and not from Royal Caribbean. I know theypaid less than I did for the same cruise, we compared notes at table.All I know is there was timesI was made to feel uncomfortable because I was from the USA.

I better quit beforeI give thatGrammar Gestapomore ammunitionto humiliate me!

I been on Princess twice and Holland America twice. Both are definitely a better class of cruise line (even if they areunder the Carnival group). Enjoy your new dance partner!


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