  • Report:  #578739

Complaint Review: Rubin & Rothman LLC - Islandia New York

Reported By:
Unbreakable - New York, New York, United States of America

Rubin & Rothman LLC
1787 Veterans Highway, Ste. 32 Islandia, 11749 New York, United States of America
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Michelle Parker of Rubin & Rothman, LLC, the most arrogant, condesending, self-righteous, undeserving "woman" to ever walk this planet, has obtained an court judgment against me for me not being able to keep up with a financial agreement I signed with her firm due to my loss of employment.  I personally informed her of the fact that I became unemployed and that I would have to postpone my payments until I got myself back on track financially.  I was even willing to work out some sort of continuance with her, while I was collecting unemployment.  She flat out refused and proceeded to reprimand me as if I was her own degenerate off-spring, telling me that it was not her problem and that I better pay up or else.....

I was not surprised to find that she subsequently took further legal action against me.  However, she never formally informed me of the impending judgment, which by law she is required to do.  I did not receive any "registered mail" notice or anything else for that matter.  She cleared out my bank account of money I received from a friend as a loan, so I could rent a place to live, leaving me homeless for the past week.

To add insult to injury, she had the marshal's office send me a notice of garnishment for the amount of money she already collected from my bank account, with an additional $700+ fee I now owe the marshal for sending out that collection notice.  As per the marshal's notice, she is also charging me daily interest for the whole amount that includes all the money she already collected by judgment not too long ago.  It seems that she is now out to "show me what she can do."

This all will happen over my dead body.  I will fight for my rights, if it kills me.  This self-serving, unprofessional "woman", Michelle Parker and her so-called law firm of Rubin & Rothman, LLC will not get away with these indiscretions and unnecessary hardships that they put on those who are already down, just because they want to be vindictive to get their point across.  I will have my day in court.  I know my rights.  It is not that I am not willing to pay my debt after all; on the contrary.  It is just her rude disposition and her lack of proper, formal and respectful communication that I have an issue with; particularly when I have always made a valiant attempt to approach her respectfully and to stay calm at all times.  I pitty this "woman's" loved ones, for having to put up with such arrogant, disrespectful behavior.

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