  • Report:  #457040

Complaint Review: Schneider National Carriers - Green Bay Wisconsin

Reported By:
- Seville, Ohio,

Schneider National Carriers
3101 Packerland Dr, Green Bay, 54313 Wisconsin, U.S.A.
800-558 7010
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Half my paycheck goes to cover the deductions and deductibles for the crap Walmart type benefits package Schneider "provides". It is absolutely ridiculous what it is costing me for this crap benefits package. I am looking for a new job to get away from these theiving bastards who seem to come up with new ripoffs monthly to scam the drivers with.

The most recent scams is Schneider now refusing to honor their 401 obligations, instead theiving Schneider is now refusing to match 401k deposits and this is in conjunction with their being no pension plan! If you want to be homeless when your elderly eating dog sh*t cause you can't afford to feed yourself you'll love working for ripoff Schneider!

Also the f*king bastards eliminated vacation pay. This is after i worked a year and was just getting ready to take my vacation, these scumbag theives announced that since other scumbag companies weren't paying vacation pay they wouldn't pay either, after all if you see someone acting like a turd you might as well copy them, right? I plan to file a complaint with the State Dept of Labor over this theivery of my earned vacation pay. Schneider might as well just steal my pay when they stole my vacation pay.

Once a theif company always a theif company, avoid employment with scumbag Schneider at all cost unless you like getting ripped off!

The evil dwarf

Seville, Ohio


22 Updates & Rebuttals


Phenix city,
United States
It was the police abusing their power for why we weren't treated fairly at the cvs situation when it was matthew and christine who started it by telling us to leave and we did nothing wrong

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 11, 2021

We never had a fair outcome with the police in phenix city. The police abused their power and sided with the people who were attacking and harassing us. I knew we weren't going to receive a fair outcome at cvs here in phenix city. Because of how corrupt they are. It was Matthew who started it then he whined to Christine. With her thinking, she had more authority to tell us to leave.

It was Christine who told the police she didn't want my mother back in the store. Christine wasn't fair & wouldn't listen to my mom's side of the story. She was set up by Derreck & Matthew the two pharmacists. Derreck was rude and unprofessional at times during the 13 years my mother was getting her medicine filled.

But he had straightened up his attitude. Until I filed a complaint with the board of pharmacy but it was due to this one rude tech because she had heard some lies about me and my mother. She thought she was going to be rude and harassing to us as well because she knew. Well, it pushed me over the line with her cocky & hawtie attitude that she was getting away with something. She really PO me off! She thought she got one over on us. She was also very discriminatory.


United states,
This Is the type of drivers schneider hires rude arrogant because they are the same way so they hire jerk drivers just look at their unprofessional comments and insults

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, February 24, 2011

This Is the type of drivers schneider hires rude arrogant a*holes.   Because they are the same way so they hire jerk drivers just look at their unprofessional comments and insults.  It seems'  they don't like former drivers' saying anything agaisnt schneider.

Look at all the smartmouth comments' their drivers' leave.

Irish hammer

titties on a bull

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 18, 2011

you must be a worthless, lazy driver.  move to Canada so you can suck the teet of their taxpayers!

this is an awesome company to work for, you just need to do your part!  its a team, and from your sniveling you are not a team player, more like titties on a bull!


United States of America
1/2 paycheck goes to Walmart benefits pkg.

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 16, 2009

I drove for Schneider National for 5 years. They taught me at the Dallas academy. Originally drove for Schneider Specialized as a glass hauler, but I couldn't cut it, and switched divisions. I made a good wage even in my first year. $40,000.00. Highest yearly pay was $51,000.00. In my fourth year of driving, New Year's Day 2006, I had a heart attack after completing a run from Tulsa Okla., to the Walmart DC in North Platte, Nebraska.

I was taken by ambulance to the hospital in North Platte. They took one look at my insurance card, and said Mister, you have GOOD insurance, and we're putting you on a helicopter to Lincoln immediately. The flight to Lincoln alone was $15,000.00. Then received a coronary stent and a 5 day hospital stay. Can you just imagine what the final bill was? My total out-of-pocket cost was only $400.00. And my premiums were no where near 1/2 of my paycheck....

Throughout this entire process Schneider National was very good to me. Even paid me limited disability benefits, albeit not much, but it was something. And they didn't have to. After the three month mandatory leave of absence, I was welcomed back with open arms.

As for the 401 matching, most companies haven't matched contributions in many years. They simply cannot afford to. And they are not required to by law. Schneider held out as long as they could, and most of their employees are grateful for that. They always paid me fairly for my vacation time. And let me take my truck home in the process.

Your complaint might have more credibility if you learn how to spell, form complete sentences and paragraphs, and not type expletives. I can do it, and I am a high school drop-out. My advice to new drivers exploring a position with this company is to write everything down that they tell you, and review it carefully. Make sure you are well-informed, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Knowledge is Power. I was treated very well by Schneider.

The best thing i ever did!!!!

st clair shores,
We got vacation pay


Fri, August 28, 2009

 The total of our vacation pay,husband & wife team $6,300.00 a 3 week paid vacation.We at Schneider do not need a person with your poor attitude working with us. The 401 k match is not happening this year because Schneider does not want to layoff any drivers(they never have in over 70 years of business).We will miss the match but we have a job and we enjoy a six figure income.

 Working hard is a part of life,get used to it!!!! Why do you expect to be handed goodies without hard work? You only worked for one year for Schneider. The tone of your post leades me to believe you were not a very plesant person to work with.


Phenix City,
Don't listen to the loser schneider employees

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, July 28, 2009

Don't listen to the loser schneider employees, they are just making themselves look bad the way they respond on this website. Who needs to work for them. They think they are so much better that they can talk to people like that, well not so. Sooner or later schneider will reap what they sow, for how they treat & talk to people. They will not be around forever no company lives forever. If they treat people like that. Schneider Is like all other trucking companies, I don't know why they have themselves on a pedestal thinking nothing bad will ever happen to them.


Green Bay,

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 22, 2009

As I hope Evil Dwarf has figured out by now, and as I assume just about everyone else knows, Schneider only eliminated their "Holiday Pay" which was a lie to start with, as driver's got a lousy $40 on 7 holidays, whether they worked or not. Evil Dwarf needs to take a deep breath, calm down, get some facts before he spouts off. The 401(k) match IS gone for this year... Evil Dwarf is sorta' right about one thing: Schneider is no longer a great, or possibly even a good company to work for. I spent 7 years there, and, until Don Schneider became irrelevant due to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, it was a company that did most things well. and openly admitted and tried to correct the bad things. That has changed, and today's Schneider is a typical American corporation, focusing on short-term profit, poorly-thought-through "cost savings," and management fully recognizes that constantly screwing about 10,000 company drivers out of a little bit here, and a little bit more there, can lead to some big "savings." Good way to eventually bury a company... As for Dwarf's lousy miles, I can't claim to know any facts about his case. But, as a seasonal safety instructor, and part-time driver counselor, I found that over 90% of drivers who complained similarly were usually extremely poor time managers, poor communicators, had short tempers, "told" their managers "no way were they ever gonna' leave the house with even one minute less than the 'normal' time-at-home for their account, tended to deliver late, etc.


Green Bay,

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 22, 2009

As I hope Evil Dwarf has figured out by now, and as I assume just about everyone else knows, Schneider only eliminated their "Holiday Pay" which was a lie to start with, as driver's got a lousy $40 on 7 holidays, whether they worked or not. Evil Dwarf needs to take a deep breath, calm down, get some facts before he spouts off. The 401(k) match IS gone for this year... Evil Dwarf is sorta' right about one thing: Schneider is no longer a great, or possibly even a good company to work for. I spent 7 years there, and, until Don Schneider became irrelevant due to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, it was a company that did most things well. and openly admitted and tried to correct the bad things. That has changed, and today's Schneider is a typical American corporation, focusing on short-term profit, poorly-thought-through "cost savings," and management fully recognizes that constantly screwing about 10,000 company drivers out of a little bit here, and a little bit more there, can lead to some big "savings." Good way to eventually bury a company... As for Dwarf's lousy miles, I can't claim to know any facts about his case. But, as a seasonal safety instructor, and part-time driver counselor, I found that over 90% of drivers who complained similarly were usually extremely poor time managers, poor communicators, had short tempers, "told" their managers "no way were they ever gonna' leave the house with even one minute less than the 'normal' time-at-home for their account, tended to deliver late, etc.


Green Bay,

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 22, 2009

As I hope Evil Dwarf has figured out by now, and as I assume just about everyone else knows, Schneider only eliminated their "Holiday Pay" which was a lie to start with, as driver's got a lousy $40 on 7 holidays, whether they worked or not. Evil Dwarf needs to take a deep breath, calm down, get some facts before he spouts off. The 401(k) match IS gone for this year... Evil Dwarf is sorta' right about one thing: Schneider is no longer a great, or possibly even a good company to work for. I spent 7 years there, and, until Don Schneider became irrelevant due to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, it was a company that did most things well. and openly admitted and tried to correct the bad things. That has changed, and today's Schneider is a typical American corporation, focusing on short-term profit, poorly-thought-through "cost savings," and management fully recognizes that constantly screwing about 10,000 company drivers out of a little bit here, and a little bit more there, can lead to some big "savings." Good way to eventually bury a company... As for Dwarf's lousy miles, I can't claim to know any facts about his case. But, as a seasonal safety instructor, and part-time driver counselor, I found that over 90% of drivers who complained similarly were usually extremely poor time managers, poor communicators, had short tempers, "told" their managers "no way were they ever gonna' leave the house with even one minute less than the 'normal' time-at-home for their account, tended to deliver late, etc.


Green Bay,

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 22, 2009

As I hope Evil Dwarf has figured out by now, and as I assume just about everyone else knows, Schneider only eliminated their "Holiday Pay" which was a lie to start with, as driver's got a lousy $40 on 7 holidays, whether they worked or not. Evil Dwarf needs to take a deep breath, calm down, get some facts before he spouts off. The 401(k) match IS gone for this year... Evil Dwarf is sorta' right about one thing: Schneider is no longer a great, or possibly even a good company to work for. I spent 7 years there, and, until Don Schneider became irrelevant due to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, it was a company that did most things well. and openly admitted and tried to correct the bad things. That has changed, and today's Schneider is a typical American corporation, focusing on short-term profit, poorly-thought-through "cost savings," and management fully recognizes that constantly screwing about 10,000 company drivers out of a little bit here, and a little bit more there, can lead to some big "savings." Good way to eventually bury a company... As for Dwarf's lousy miles, I can't claim to know any facts about his case. But, as a seasonal safety instructor, and part-time driver counselor, I found that over 90% of drivers who complained similarly were usually extremely poor time managers, poor communicators, had short tempers, "told" their managers "no way were they ever gonna' leave the house with even one minute less than the 'normal' time-at-home for their account, tended to deliver late, etc.


Green Bay,
Schneider Doesn't Need You

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, July 20, 2009

Every working American has been affected by this economy. Man up and stop your crying, girly. Schneider owes you NOTHING and hopefully no one else will hire a whining little brat as yourself. Your attitude is why you are not getting miles. Think about that.

The Evil Dwarf

Ken is a liar and a ass-kissing company fool

#13Author of original report

Fri, July 03, 2009

Ken runs from post to post feeling it's his job to lie on behalf of SNI. His claims that SNI is paying vacation pay is a total crock, just like his assertions that just cause he's a complete dumbass who don't want any type of retirement shows he's a frigging retard. Call Schneider National at 800-558-7010, hit the 1 key then the 8 key then hit the benefits key, they'll openly tell you that Schneider is a theif company that stole their employees vacation pay. This company is a real piece of sh*t, avoid working for it unless you want to get ripped off and look forward to a retirement where you can't support yourself cause SNI pays very, very little and you can't save money here cause your not making any. I have been getting numerous $100 and $200 paychecks from this rip off company that uses the mileage pay plan to avoid paying the minimum wage, and as soon as i can i am dumping this loser company at my earliest opportunity.


South Carolina,
Mr. ED

#14UPDATE Employee

Thu, June 04, 2009

First off, I never said a pension "isn't worth having". I just feel it is not the company's responsibility to provide. It is the individual's responsibility to choose the retirement plan that is best suited for him or her. If that's a pension, so be it. I'm perfectly fine with that. But there are no guarantees in life, and you (like so many others) seem to want it all from the cradle to the grave without any personal risk. That's simply baloney. I, for one, do not want someone else responsible for my needs the rest of my life. Therefore, I choose to do it for myself. Secondly, I just got off the phone with the benefits department. Holiday pay has been discontinued for the moment, but VACATION PAY IS STILL OFFERED. Now, I could get into the immature name-calling as you did in your last post, but I won't. Your attitude stands on its own. Be unhappy...be miserable...that is your choice. Insist the world owes you something...fine. But at least get your facts straight. Now, go and be well.

The Evil Dwarf

Their is no vacation pay that's straight from Wayne Lubner

#15Author of original report

Thu, June 04, 2009

ken your either a republican moron out do the evil deeds of schneider by lieing on their behalf or your a halfwit a*s munching loser who likes getting shat upon by Schneider being as your too stupid know that a pension is worth having, but you'll like eating dog crap and living in a card board box when your elderly with nothing. I for one am getting out of this sh*t job being as it's no better then working at a burger flipping job what with the low pay, long hours and sh*t benefits package. And call up Schneider at 800-558-7010 and ask for the benefits dept and they'll prove to you that you don't have a clue what your talking about concerning Schnitter stripping away the vacation pay.

The Evil Dwarf

Their is no vacation pay that's straight from Wayne Lubner

#16Author of original report

Thu, June 04, 2009

ken your either a republican moron out do the evil deeds of schneider by lieing on their behalf or your a halfwit a*s munching loser who likes getting shat upon by Schneider being as your too stupid know that a pension is worth having, but you'll like eating dog crap and living in a card board box when your elderly with nothing. I for one am getting out of this sh*t job being as it's no better then working at a burger flipping job what with the low pay, long hours and sh*t benefits package. And call up Schneider at 800-558-7010 and ask for the benefits dept and they'll prove to you that you don't have a clue what your talking about concerning Schnitter stripping away the vacation pay.

The Evil Dwarf

Their is no vacation pay that's straight from Wayne Lubner

#17Author of original report

Thu, June 04, 2009

ken your either a republican moron out do the evil deeds of schneider by lieing on their behalf or your a halfwit a*s munching loser who likes getting shat upon by Schneider being as your too stupid know that a pension is worth having, but you'll like eating dog crap and living in a card board box when your elderly with nothing. I for one am getting out of this sh*t job being as it's no better then working at a burger flipping job what with the low pay, long hours and sh*t benefits package. And call up Schneider at 800-558-7010 and ask for the benefits dept and they'll prove to you that you don't have a clue what your talking about concerning Schnitter stripping away the vacation pay.


South Carolina,
Hey ED

#18UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 02, 2009

I challenge you to provide proof that SNI is not paying vacation pay for the remainder of the year. You are simply wrong. True, they are not matching 401k this year. Many companies, trucking and otherwise, are not due to economic circumstances. But vacation pay is still there, and I know, as I am taking mine in August and verified the pay issue with my DBL. ED, you are simply a childish, churlish (look it up) little dweeb of a person....one of those looking for someone else to do for you what you should be doing for yourself.

The Evil Dwarf

The benefits package at SNI is pure garbage!

#19Author of original report

Tue, June 02, 2009

Schneider is not paying vacation pay the rest of this year. Obviously your either lieing management scumbags or you don't work for Schneider and don't have a clue what your talking about. The Walmart type benefits provided by Schneider are pure crap, and when i am on vacation i plan to look for a new job as this one isn't fit for anyone with half a brain. And pure crap companies don't provide for their employees retirement. I might as well be working for McDonalds with this garbage benefits package those evil joos in Green Bay are "providing". Those moron Cheese Heads in Green Bay are destroying SNI and i plan to get off the Titanic that is SNI.


South Carolina,

#20UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 01, 2009

Actually, the 401k will NOT be matched this year. That part is accurate. But the vacation pay is still on.



#21UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 01, 2009

Sorry to inform you, i just took a vacation and got paid for it. if they did take away vacation pay so what, least i got a job when alot of people lost thier jobs. be a man and grow up. company is going to match your 401 at the end of the year.


South Carolina,
Oh, and I forgot....you're wrong!

#22UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 31, 2009

They still pay vacation pay, as of this date. Get your facts straight if you're going to berate a company.


South Carolina,
Since when...

#23UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 31, 2009

...did it become any company's responsibility to provide for your retirement? There are plenty of good plans available privately...why not look into some of them? Quite frankly, you sound like an immature, spoiled brat with no business sense and very little experience in the real world. Take some responsibility for your own actions....in other words, grow the H up!

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