  • Report:  #65100

Complaint Review: Scrap In A Snap - Lehi Utah

Reported By:
- Fort Worth, Texas,

Scrap In A Snap
98 North 1200 East Lehi, 84043 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well, there sure is a lot of talk all over the place about this company. This randy guy seems like a real tool - someone said he's the president? no wonder why all this talk is going around. You'd think they'd have someone a little more polished doing the talking. I don't have any idea about all this tax stuff but I did find their tax ID# on the web.

Tax ID# - 87-0648789

On the web it says their name is Scrap In A Snap Enterprises, LLC

So, if someone knows something (seems like a lot of people do) - simply do the american thing and contact the IRS - all the info is below. They seem really defensive - when I was a little girl in Sunday School I remember people talking about how you can almost tell when someone has something to hide. When this company is this defensive, it makes you wonder...

Where Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?


Where Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?

If you suspect or know of an individual or company that is not complying with the tax laws, report this activity. Reports of suspected tax fraud can be made by phone, mail or your local IRS walk-in office.

By mail:

Written correspondence can be mailed. Addresses can be found here, Where to File Addresses For Use During 2003 Calendar Year - http://www.irs.gov/file/article/0,,id=103550,00.html

Walk-in Offices:

IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers locations can be found here,

Contact My Local Office. - http://www.irs.gov/localcontacts/index.html

Kristin A

Fort Worth, Texas

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Interesting you slam a consumer advocate when the president and SIAS "officials" are doing the same thing

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, August 14, 2003

I'm not involved in SIAS, but I am involved in the scrapbooking industry and have followed SIAS and its problems and succesess from the beginning. At first I was a supporter of them, but found their treatment of the very people they so adamantly claimed to be wanting to 'help' appalling. That is another story though... What I found very interesting is that you are slamming Kent for stating the facts and using direct quotes from Ms. Meyer who is the "director" in charge of termination (? Not sure of her exact title) yet in doing so are commending the exact same type of treatment that SIAS corporate has done. I knew about the Leaving Prints issue and Ms. Henry's trend in blaming 'certain individuals' (I'm sure consultants all knew who she meant) as convenient scapegoats for problems they had last year. Now that consultants are finding out about illegal activities she is blaming other consultants (I read the post she wrote pointing fingers at a disgruntled consultant) and Randy even claimed to have "proof" via an IP address which all too ironically the editor of ripoffreport.com proved he was lying about. I don't condone the naming of indivduals like Kent has done, but he is an advocate trying to protect consutlants from being scammed and cheated. I would expect more professionalism from SIAS Corporate (Tamme, Debbi, Randy, Rob etc..) than to exhibit a similair reaction and point fingers and place blame on ex-consultants just because they happen to be the most convenient person. Point the finger at yourself, SIAS and realize that an ex consultant (or consultants) did NOT cause your problems- you did. Step up to the plate and accept responsibility. Show the handful of consultants you have left and the new ones coming on board that you can be people of charachter. You are not doing a good job of it right now.


SIAS Consultants are not allowed to complain when there not able to deliver products they have already accepted payment on. Or voice an opinion!

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, August 14, 2003

Of Course you are Right, I am a trouble maker I will make trouble for any company who lies cheats or scams people to make a dollar and there are a lot of companies who wish I would crawl under a rock and disappear however most of them would have to move over to make room if I did. As far as dragging carol Meyers name threw the mud I only stated the poster was most likely her or one of her flunkies. If you are insinuating that My accusations of Internet spying is Libel (not Slander that's spoken) The following is the proof of my statement to Internet Spying Posted by Carol Myer to all SIAS Consultants. First & Last Paragraph ! (I left out the part of people who complain are just looking for someone else to blame there actions on) As most of you know, I was recently appointed Director Of Public Relations. Part of my job entails "taking care of" negative posts about SIAS online ... both SIAS sanctioned and unsanctioned lists. Negative posts ... in my definition ... include company bashing; inflammatory posts about Tamme, h*o, other consultants; whining and complaining about SIAS rules, products, backorders, lack of catalogs, Memories By The Month; etc. This behavior is no longer being tolerated by Scrap In A Snap. My request is that if you find any of these negative posts (as I've defined above) written by SIAS consultants online in any of your lists (SIAS or otherwise), please forward them to me so that I can have a conversation with the author. Likewise, if you see other SIAS negativity/bashing online in any of your lists ... even written by non-SIAS people, please forward these to me, too or just post them below.. So basically SIAS Consultants are not allowed to complain when there not able to deliver products they have already accepted payment on. Or voice an opinion! Some hard core facts! JUDGMENTS AND LIENS STATE OF UTAH UTAH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT DEBTOR: SCRAP IN A SNAP ENTERPRISES LL (dba) ADDRESS: 949 SARATOGA DR SARATOGA SPRINGS, UT 84043 CREDITOR: STATE OF UTAH AMOUNT: $ 2,235 NUMBER: 036403087 TYPE: STATE TAX LIEN ENTERED: 07/07/2003 JUDGMENTS AND LIENS STATE OF UTAH UTAH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT DEBTOR: SCRAP IN A SNAP ENTERPRISES LL (dba) ADDRESS: 949 SARATOGA DR SARATOGA SPRINGS, UT 84043 CREDITOR: STATE OF UTAH AMOUNT: $ 421 NUMBER: 036403077 TYPE: STATE TAX LIEN ENTERED: 07/07/2003 JUDGMENTS AND LIENS STATE OF UTAH UTAH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT DEBTOR: SCRAP IN A SNAP ENTERPRISES LL (dba) ADDRESS: 949 SARATOGA DR SARATOGA SPRINGS, UT 84043 CREDITOR: STATE OF UTAH AMOUNT: $ 407 NUMBER: 036403076 TYPE: STATE TAX LIEN ENTERED: 07/07/2003 JUDGMENTS AND LIENS STATE OF UTAH UTAH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT DEBTOR: SCRAP IN A SNAP ENTERPRISES LL (dba) ADDRESS: 949 SARATOGA DR SARATOGA SPRINGS, UT 84043 CREDITOR: STATE OF UTAH AMOUNT: $ 376 NUMBER: 036403075 TYPE: STATE TAX LIEN ENTERED: 07/07/2003 You get the point now call the California department of revenue and check for yourself (800) 822-6268 are they listed? As to the promise you wanted from me the tax issue, it is true. so now you promise me to join with other consultants and put pressure on the Sias Home Office to stop this censorship of its people I will not attack you personally you have the right to Freedom of speech under the first amendment and the right to your own opinions both of which or being suppressed by SIAS. As far as acting like adults and adults working out the issues take a look at the post that got me involved http://www.ripoffreport.com/report63815.htm its full of Character assassination, name calling, threats and flat out lies by no other than Randy Snow Of Head office. And don't worry my business is consumer advocacy after watching one friend after another get burned by one Internet scam or another I did The ADULT thing and got involved! And I assure you I am never bored there are by far to many interesting characters on the Internet to let that happen. PS I am very curious as to why out of all of the allegations made against scrap in snap on this Site & others the only response given are about spelling errors and other minute issues but never any of the acuall allegations?

S. A.

Kent, illegal or not there is no need to drag individuals through the mud! Grow up!

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, August 13, 2003

Kent, regardless if your facts are correct or not(and since you mentioned you weren't a member or SIAS or the scrapbooking industry I seriously doubt you have hard-core facts to back up your statement)I think they name calling and dragging Carol Myers name through the mud is pretty immature. I just hope people see you for who you are - a trouble maker! If the tax issue with SIAS is true it will come out in the open soon. If it's not promise me you will go back under your rock. But your name calling and slander towards individuals (not the owner of the company) has nothing to do with the issues SIAS may or MAY NOT be going through at the moment. Maybe you should go back to doing your own business (whatever it may be) and let this issue be worked out between the adults. IF you have nothing to do with SIAS or the scrapbooking industry are you that bored that you have to stir up problems. I think there are enough people who are actually involved or being affect here that can do it for you.


I agree to a point....

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2003

I agree to a point with what Tina has said. However, the difference between spreading rumors and being malicious in this situation is that the tax issue is illegal and consultants potentially involved need to know upfront what htey can do to protect themselves. If its calling their state to verify, digging up old invoices to show they have paid $ to SIAS for their taxes or just having a heads up. I agree with you, Tina- the MBTM issues, mismanagement and mistreatment probably don't need to be hashed up as much as they have been as it does stir trouble, but where I disagree is where legalities come into play. When it crosses from a question of just spreading rumors and protecting yourself and your money from fraud and liability/legalities, I think consumers have a right to know. Just my two cents... I hope those innocent people involved are okay in the end....


no conscience or heart doing wrong!

#6Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 12, 2003

doing wrong would be standing by and allowing Scap in a snap to continue to cheat the moms and sisters & Single moms you speak of. better for them to know now what they are up against, then to have the Department of revenue knocking on there door telling them they owe unpaid sales tax for the last 8 years and now there here to foreclose on there homes and confiscate there things while throwing them out in the street, how would the single mom feel then glad that everyone had a heart and a conscience ! for some one who doesn't work for Sias you demonstrate some inside knowledge that is not known to the general public, the LP & Scrap in a snap issue is not common knowledge to the general public, only those inside the scrapbook industry are aware of this, also how do you know the consultants are independent and if they are independent they should receive there commissions for life they shouldn't role up! As far as the tax rumors they are not rumors they are true call your own state of Texas here is there toll free number 1-800-252-5555 ! Further more I know scrap in a snap has only been in business for 5 years not 8 that was an example and I defiantly do not work for scrap in snap or anything remotely connected with the scrap book industry! I defiantly feel sorry for the people who will be caught up in this and do not wish to cause them any harm, I have been contacted by many of them on my own Utah scam board, all asking to not be identified due to the retaliatory actions of scrap in snap but more important is to stop others from getting caught up in this mess also if you know of a crime and do nothing you are just as guilty that's not a thought that's the law! Not paying taxes is a crime federal if it includes crossing state lines! Your post reads like so many others I've seen from SIAS Home office and knowing that SIAS Promotes people to Director if they will monitor the Internet for negative posts under false names and location I would believe you are in fact carol Myers or one of her flunkies! If not then you need to do some soul searching on morality telling people to sit back and do nothing while the management of SIAS gets fat of the labors of others!


SIAS and the tax issue

#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 11, 2003

I would have to say, I feel sorry for the people that are spreading the tax issue around and telling others to report them. As I don't work for this company or any other, it seems if you're trying to start trouble, it will also roll around to the former consultants. Not only the company gets hurt, you are hurting many many many who are trying to run their business. They don't work for SIAS, they work for themselves. If it is found that all the tax rumors are not true or exagerated, you are also hurting yourselves. I find this very sad that many stoop to such levels to hurt anyone. If they are doing wrong, they will have to answer for it. Now that you are also doing wrong, 2 wrongs don't make a right, you too will have to answer for your wrong doings. Myself, if it were me, I'd rather be the one NOT doing the hurting. Many know the LP - SIAS issue, it doesn't make either company look better then the other in trying to stir trouble. I have found that the more I see the rumors posted and find that it is LP people that it turns me off from dealing with them. So in turn, you are also hurting your own company. I can't see why former consultants would wish ill will on a company. If you are mature and professional, the idea thing is to walk away from it without trying to do it harm. No good comes from harming others. Remember, you are not harming the company alone, you are harming all of those that are working a business, these are moms, sisters, single moms that are working an at home business to be able to stay at home with their family. Please think of the damage you are causing many people, can you honestly live with that? You can if you don't have a concious or a heart. Don't tell me...well they are....It's you that have to answer for you only, you should be doing the right thing.

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