  • Report:  #958547

Complaint Review: Serve pre-paid American Express card - Internet

Reported By:
Kim G - Greensboro, North Carolina, United States of America

Serve pre-paid American Express card
Internet, United States of America
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Do not waste your time with Serve. For the past two weeks we have nothing but trouble with gaining access to our money. Starting on October 4th, we decided to transfer money from my husband's savings account to my pre-paid Serve card. My computer froze up during the process, and when I went to go refresh it, it created second transaction that I did not want to go through. Immediately, the very next morning I contacted Serve to try to void the second transaction. They said that they would cancel the second transaction. While patiently waiting the 3-5 business days that it would take for my money to be received, I noticed the second transaction, still pending. So I call back the customer service department, and receive a totally different response. This time they tell me that the duplicate transaction cannot be taken off and that I would have to make sure that I had the money for the second transaction (which I clearly did not have). So during the entire week ending October16th I had been to my husbands bank twice to have 10 insufficient funds reversed. Now how hard is this, the first time I went to the bank, they clearly noticed something was wrong with the duplicate transaction constantly trying to come through. Why couldn't Serve notice this same thing, especially since I called them and told them about it? Probably because none of them actually know how to use the brains that God gave them, nonetheless common sense.
Finally, we receive a notice that our funds are finally being released to Serve on October 16th. Hopeful, we think, that since the transaction originated on the 4th, our money would be there on Monday. Man, were we wrong!!! It took until later on that week for s to find out that we would finally get to our money on the 22nd. Today when we checked on the website the money was there. Just to be safe we called the 800 number to verify this miracle, and it said that we hada balance of $0. WTF???!!!! So we were back on the phone with customer service, once again. For once, we reached someone that had a brain. Not only did this person get our money released to us in a timely manner, but also called us back to let us know that it had been done correctly.
Desperately needing this money to get regular household essentials we went out with our card. First stop was the gas station, paid at the pump, just enough to get to and from where we had to go, and for work tomorrow. As we were checking out at our second store, we swiped our card (which should have had more than $60 left on it), only part of the $8 of the $15 total was paid. WTF again!!!! The cashier tried to run the card again, thinking there might have been an error om her part. There wasn't. Now we are sitting there back on the phone with Serve customer service, and their brilliant staff (insert sarcasm here). The apologized for any inconvenience with their card, and then notified us that they put a hold of $75 for any gas purchases at the pump, and that it may take up to 48 hours for the money to be released or taken of hold. So after all the disappointment for two weeks waiting for our money, now we are left in this store not only embarassed, but outraged and angry with the hassle and headache in dealing with this company.
For anyone that may read this who has not already received one of these cards or is thinking about getting one of these cards, do not do it, it is not worth it. They will leave you feeling stupid and broke, while they sit there, and laugh about their calls while they sit in their cubicles. May they all get a paper cut or trip over their phone cords or something.

No longer a Serve customer

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