  • Report:  #25213

Complaint Review: Sevier County Court House-Judges - Sevierville Tennessee

Reported By:
- Sevierville, Tn,

Sevier County Court House-Judges
General Sessions Court Rm 107 E., Court House, Sevierville Tn 37862 Sevierville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
County Attorney and the County Executive both claim that no refunds on tickets. On June 20, 2001, at 10:00pm, Officer Maples of the Sevier County Sheriff had stopped me and gave me a choice of appearing for court, or to pay the fine. I plead "guilty" and paid the fine. I feel officer Maples Bdge.# 135 had sounded accusatory that night he had stopped me and gave me a ticket for running a red light.

There was no point of him sounding accusatory by claiming if there was a car in front of me or behind with kids would he have given me a reckless driving affidavit. There were no cars in front of me or behind me. Officer Maples and the Sheriffs Department in Sevierville should be trained to asses situations much better.


Sevierville, Tennessee

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Traffic tickets are policing for profit IN fake

#2General Comment

Sat, February 25, 2023

 Maybe your a goofy cop working for Ron that treats your constituents like poop. Maybe you need to read lawsuits across the country over traffic tickets. Of course no refunds can be made lol. But somebody at least bitched about the city traffic policies. Look at what other states are doing goofy Indiana dude. You get with it moron.



#3General Comment

Mon, August 28, 2017

Lodge brothers and sisters are low lifes! 


These men and women often punish people through their daily taunts and intimidations when people complain about how local government is run. (Stupid). Many hide behind church pulpits and hide in the pews. Like much of the jerk women up in northern states-these lodge sisters and brothers are in angst. Much of the deputees do smoke pot and sleep around with cartel women.


Welcome to SEVERE!

Sevier County Court House Judges, Sevierville, Tennessee, ripoff corrupt


Sat, August 03, 2002

Hey, Adolph. Yeh, you moron go ahead and tell them you want your money back, like I wanted to do!! You have less the brains then I do. Anyone on a motorcycle here in Tennessee knows your a dumass to want to ride one. The motorcycle has more of a chance to crash and the driver killed or hurt badly. But, would you want to be stopped by the Sevierville Sheriff and have them say to you Adolph "Hitler", you could have been given a "wreckless driving affidavit." The Sheriff and the police are very different groups of people. The Sheriff in Sevier County are at times nice. Don't be fooled though. I appreciate your insight thought, made me think a bit smarter, even though your out of state and know less than me about Sevierville, Tennessee. Happy Biking.


South Bend,
take your lumps like a man

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, July 24, 2002

Hey....all I can say is "take your lumps like a man". Quite a coincidence, but in 2000 I also got a ticket in Sevierville, TN. after being chased by the po-leece all over town on my motorcycle. When they finally caught (cornered) me, I was overwhelmed by their restraint of any violence; they were actually courteous.

Final result: Reckless driving=6 points=$100.00. In my area, a person can't even get by for $100. on a speeding ticket. But....6 points, OUCH! THAT hurt!

I'm still trying to figure out where the ripoff to which you allude occurred. Should I claim a "corrupt ripoff" too? Quote: "County Attorney and the County Executive both claim that no refunds on tickets."

Time for a reality check. Refund on a traffic ticket? What planet are you from?

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