  • Report:  #109062

Complaint Review: Sexsearch - Stallion - FSC Limited - Kingston 10 Nationwide

Reported By:
- Hagerstown, Maryland,

Sexsearch - Stallion - FSC Limited
12 Kingston Ave. Kingston 10,WI N/A Jamaica Kingston 10, Nationwide, Europe
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have a friend who tried this service which appears to be an online dating service. The fee was $49 for a three month trial. If you read the fine print though they have unbelievable restrictions on use. They also have various membership levels form Basic to Silver to Gold.

Basic membership is free however this service functions on email contact between members, basic memebers cannot send emails thus this level is useless. You can them upgrade to Silver which is $49 for a three month trial. If you read the fine print though Silver members are restricted to 25 emails per month thats sent and received combined.

You have no way of knowing if the member you are mailing has already reached their quota for the month and if so you may have very well wasted one torward your mail maximum. They do though have the Gold level which will cost you a bit more change per month but at this level they allow you 100 mails per month.

I noticed that everywhere you go on this site and no matter what menus you select they will always place you on a page which prompts you to go Gold after which you can then make your way to the section you wanted to begin with. The odd thing is they also tout the fact that Gold Memebers have faster emails. This is odd that a mail system would deliver faster for one level over another. It is even odder that as a test I had two other members send replies to my friends silver member level mailbox. This has been almost two weeks ago and those mails have yet to show up.

My guess is the entire site is a money scam. I sent their customer service three emails over the past week and have had no contact nor reply from them. It does of course say though that Gold Members also get faster customer service, imagine that.

Basically I believe this site is a front for a non existent service. They simply collect money and that's as far as it goes. All emails between members and to the site administrators most likely fall into nowhere land and are never seen again.

As a final test I have set up an account and have now requested cancellation of that account. I will wait to see of they comply with this request of if I end up having to block their charges through my card issuer. Take this advice as I have already given my friend. If you're on a sexsearch stick with chatrooms in your local region their free.


Hagerstown, Maryland

10 Updates & Rebuttals

Pissed Off

seconding the claim that sexsearch.com is mostly a fraud

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, July 14, 2009

I would like to add my support to the vilification of sexsearch.com. Here is what my profile currently reads (or will read if they accept the content--which they might not): Headline: No longer a member--DO NOT EMAIL ME "About me": I am no longer a paying member of this site because I've found out it's a fraud. According to THE FINE PRINT in the Terms and Conditions, there are "members" on this site called Online Emissaries--which is no more than a euphemism for FAKE PROFILES once you decipher the clever legalese. These "Emissaries" will email you, appearing interested, but then never reply again. To those of you who have written me and are actually REAL PEOPLE, I apologize, but there's really nothing I can do. I've heard this site is about 90% male and 10% female, so those of you ladies who are real...have a blast. I just can't stay here, as I refuse to beg knowing that I've been cheated. If you are an administrator or work for this site, my words for you are no more and no less than: F--K.YOU. You should be ASHAMED of yourself, working for a site that preys on mens' inherent addictive potential and deceives them by promising more than you statistically deliver. "My ideal match": Since I am no longer a paying member, obviously I cannot read emails. So IF YOU DO SEND ME A MESSAGE I WILL ASSUME YOU ARE A FAKE "EMISSARY" AND HAVE NOT READ MY PROFILE. -------------------------------------------- Here are a few of the email messages I've received from what I'm guessing are fake Emissaries. Screennames withheld for obvious reasons: subj: "Sexy" "I've decided to throw caution to the winds. I'm in need and can't seem to figure out how to get that need satisfied elsewhere so here I am. Interested" Subj: "Sex" "YOUR PLEASURE IS MY SATISFACTION...SO c*m LET ME BE SATISFIED" subj: "Sexy" "Softness, tenderness and passion awaits if you answer this email" subj: Hello "What are you waiting for?? A written invite? Okay here is one....chat with me" subj: hi "Never know, unless you tryHello, I guess if you made it this far you like what you saw. This is new for me, as it must be for you. Don't really know what to expect." There were many more that were borderline, but I'll leave you with this sample. There is a very, very special circle of Hell reserved for the people that work for this site, where they will get raped with hot irons for all of Eternity. As for me...I've decided to give up orgasms for at least a month. This change won't necessarily be permanent--but it will allow me to reclaim my will and my life. (For more information, check out the fascinating new book "Cupid's Poisoned Arrow" by Marnia Robinson.)


Just read the fine print! They TELL you it's fake.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 22, 2009

This is a scam, just like the 100s (maybe 1000s) of other similar, almost-completely-fake sex/date sites out there. If you're wondering if those responses you're getting are fake, yep, they sure are. And they even TELL YOU THAT IN THE CONTRACT. This is from the terms and conditions on the site: 14.1 An Online Emissary may be a real person, such as another Sexsearch Member, a digital actor, an avatar or a synthespian (e.g. a computer generated person or character'). Online Emissaries may be employed by Sexsearch or a third party to enhance Your online experience. For example, an Online Emissary may provide an electronic introduction to new or existing Sexsearch features or functionality. 14.2 Online Emissaries may also provide to You, or enable You to receive, digital introductions to all Members. Online Emissaries may also be employed to enhance online relationships, encourage active participation in Sexsearch or discourage inappropriate behavior Let me repeat that. "Online Emissaries" (e.g. FAKE PROFILES) may be employed to "encourage active participation in Sexsearch". They are telling you that we are going to send you fake emails, from fake profiles to get you to spend more money. NEVER join one of these, unless you're happy spending hundreds of dollars to MAYBE meet one or two real people out of a thousand fake profiles.


Stay away

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 04, 2008

I had a basic membership and like the others, I recieved emails from "members" telling me that they liked my profile and to send them a reply. When I would reply there would be no respose. Of course many of them told me to use their yahoo/hotmail/etc email address. So I bit, I used my own junk free yahoo address to email them and the respose was "click here to see my pics! etc. etc." Of couse you have to join what ever site they linked in order to see the pics. After I paid for a gold membership, I continued to recieve the canned emails from "members" that never referred to me personally or to anything specific in my profile. - Hi Sexy, I saw your profile and I just had to write you... Lets set something up okay Hun! - or some variation of that. I would submit the "fake profile report to customer service when I got these emails. Sometimes I would even notice that the profile of the person that sent my the email would change to "profile under review". I started emailing as many profiles as I could with the email simply stating that I was not attepting to "connect" but mearly trying to see of there were actual human members on this site. I would actually get resposes, the same canned emails that they send to you to get you to pay for a membership. Another thimg that I tried, when I was a member you could change your gender in your profile. Women could send unlimited emails for free. So I changed my profile to female. I would not only send emails to the female "members", but I would send emails to the actual members (men) warning them and telling them what I have expirienced. I even sent along the contact info from the whois data for the domain. My assesment of this scam is this: 1. it is a front to get paying members to browse "profiles". 2. It is a traffic generator for the other affiliated domains. 3. It may actualy have real female members that are there to meet people, but that ratio of real to fake is got to be in the realm of 1:1000 of more. 4. even the "come check out my website" members probably aren't real people either. The affiliate found some nameless 18 year old runaway, cleaned her up and threw some makup on her, posted her pics on the website, then they create a profile on sexsearch and send canned emails to a captive audience of duped sexsearch mebers and lure them into going to the affiliate site. When you think about it, if you are in the business of scamming, it's a pretty clever racket. You get a membership fee from each horny sucker. (lets face it guys, we are looking to get laid) They have a system of throwing you a bone every so often (albeit not very convincing) to keep your hopes up of actually meeting someone. Then out of frustration/wishful thinking you go to see the "member's" website to the tune of $39.95. If the owner of sexsearch is also owner of the affiliates, he wins twice. For the amount of money you're out here, you can get a reasonable night out at the local bar and actualy meet real people.



#5Consumer Comment

Thu, October 21, 2004

Hello again Rob , Like yourself this to will be my last post on the Sexsearch company . I am the original author of this post and did so to simply help other people. I did want to reply to your last post though as you mentioned the fact that sexsearch directs you to other sites .You also question why they would do this. Here is why : Sexsearch is owned by Stallion LLC.My guess is Stallion is also either full or part owner of the other XXX sites that you are directed to .Even if they were not yet I bet they are,they would still be collecing banner commissions from those other sites. As for the banners percentages ,they can be very lurative ,I know simply because I collect them in the betting/wagering world on the net. Save your money Rob because if these people can give you at least 1 to 2 scale 10 lays per week their not doing their job.Their is a site called voodoo ? something or another .Im told it is on the level. Check it out .Take Care Randy


New York,
OK, This Is It

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, October 20, 2004

I intend to make this the last time I post on the subject. I'm not sitting here to cheerlead for Sex Search. I just made a reply to the initial post because I have no problems with the site. Grant it I get emails from people that are not real but they mostly lead me to other websites. Why would Sex Search send emails to me promoting other websites? What benefit would it be to them? I don't know but it makes no sense to me. As for the service, I have had replies to emails I have sent and have actually met a couple from New Jersey (I won't say where other then Bergen County out of respect of their privacy). I didn't sign up for the website expecting to find a new woman or couple every day let alone every week. That would be unrealistic. This is not the first personals site I have signed up for and it won't be the last. But I can say I have been getting what I expected. As for the sending of emails, if I were you I would read over the terms more closely to understand them better. The limits are not what you put down. And if all of my emails don't get delivered I will never know. Then again I don't know if all of the emails I send from my yahoo account and hotmail account get delivered either. And if they do who knows if they even end up in the In Box or the junk folder. Such is life...


New Jersey,
to rob from new york.. unfortunately, sexsearch is nothing but a scam.

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, October 12, 2004

plain and simple. here is something you should answer if this sexsearch of yours works so well. when i was able to get into my mailbox, how is it that when these women wrote to me, they all said the same thing? and that thing was, was that they liked my profile and decided to write me. that's really nice that they liked my profile, and that they decided to write me. it really is. but how is it that they could like my profile and write to me when i never wrote a profile to begin with?? hmmm....i guess i stumped you on that one huh? i guess that my profile was written with klingon ink and that only certain people could see it? ya know, this works along the same lines as when you blow that whistle and only the dogs can hear it. this reminds me of a girl i know, who goes to the florist shop twice a month, buys herself some flowers, puts i love you on the card with a guy's name on it, has the flowers sent to her house, and then when she gets them, she acts surprised like if the guy actually likes her and sent the flowers. its a sad world, it really is. and another thing is, i like how you get all these letters from the female employees of sexsearch. and yes, they are the female employees. how i can tell is, i have 10 letters in my mailbox( from the female employees), and they all say the exact same thing. which is " hiya sweetie, i really liked your profile. so i decided to write to you. write back to me. maybe we can set something up". if that isn't a computer generated response, then i don't know what is. but hey..i just came up with an idea. since you like to pretend that sexsearch works, maybe i should set you up with that girl that i mentioned above. this way both of you could pretend together.


Ripoff, easy there ,perhaps it was his friend

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2004

Rob in New York ,easy there ,perhaps it was his friend .Should it not be either way it is the credibility of sexsearch that is on the line not his. You say you have sent out well in excess of the email limits I made reference to . If so even given this you cannot honestly say every email you sent was answered we would know better than that. So as for the unanswered mails do you suppose they were in fact delivered. If you say yes ,how would you know this to be fact .How would you know that the site administrators are not utilizing a file 13 for emails over the limit. As for the limitations I mention if you don't believe they exist you need look no further than the guidelines on the Sexsearch website. You will find it there in black and white. Once you have read and comprehend this to be fact you may then wish to contact the site and ask where your emails have been going. Good luck though on contacting and I wish you even better luck on getting an acceptable reply. On a brighter closing note to this though I will say Rob your city is a wonderful on indeed.Much of my business is is done via friends in Queens ,Brooklyn and much so in Manhattan. As for the other Rob in this post topic ,many thanks for the backup ,New Jersey to is great ,I frequent Sewell on business as well as other areas .Oh and Rob from NY ,notice I did a friend of mine signed up but then I said I also opened and account .I did so after her but then we both hit a brick wall so I searched her for a little sex until we find a better site. Take Care All,


New York,
Works For Me

#9Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 11, 2004

If it didn't work for your "friend" then I guess it didn't work. I am not going to sit here and defend the site because no, I do not work for it. I was just commenting how I have and still do use the site. I am a paying member and have not had any problem that was not addressed. I do admit when I joined I had an access problem but that was corrected because of my browser setting. Try the site for yourself and stop saying it is a friend. That loses all credibility on your part. Makes you sound like you are just bitter over something. Why doesn't your "friend" make a post?


New Jersey,
hey rob from new york..................

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, October 07, 2004

do you happen to work for sexsearch? cause i have a friend who posted here (see the other sexsearch post), and you can check his story. i know for a fact that you do not, get anywhere on sexsearch after you pay. because once my buddy paid for the gold membership, he could no longer access the site. everytime he tried it was a constant runaround. he logged on and it took him to the page where they wanted him to pay( after he already paid of course), and when he went to the top of the page, he clicked on mailbox and what happened??? right he had to log in again. and everytime he did this it took him to the page where he had to pay. no matter what he did, whether it was click on the home tab, or gold membership tab, or mailbox, or even account status, it always took him back to the page where he had to log on, and then it was right back to the page where they wanted him to pay. so..all sexsearch is, is a ripoff and a runaround. you get to check your mail when you join for free, but after you pay, you get to do nothing but go in circles..


New York,

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

I have to disagree with this persons complaint. I am a paying member of the site and am having no problems. The fact that he is saying there are 25 or 100 mails a month is false. I know I have sent more then that in a month. It might mean per day but I am not sure. I am actually satisfied with the site. I have a 3 month membership and have been happy with the interaction with other members.

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