  • Report:  #346485

Complaint Review: Shawn Noonan - Youth Juice - Skinees - Sleepees - Our World Network - Vancouver British Columbia

Reported By:
- Newport Beach, California,

Shawn Noonan - Youth Juice - Skinees - Sleepees - Our World Network
1095 West Pender Vancouver, V6E 2M6 British Columbia, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

SPECIAL UPDATE: September 10 2012: Youth Juice remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Youth Juice is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Youth Juice has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Ripoff Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, Youth Juice has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Youth Juice remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected]
Ripoffreport Report Image

Ripoff Report REVIEW:

Editor's UPDATE: Positive Rating and Recognition has been given to Youth Juice for its Commitment to Excellence in customer service and product quality.

Ripoff Report's review of Youth Juice, Our World Network, and Shawn Noonan uncovers an ongoing commitment to total customer satisfaction. This means that customers can expect the company will always work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any complaints or concerns regarding its products or business opportunity. Our World Network, Inc., the Youth Juice Company, listens carefully to customer concerns and sees them as an opportunity to improve and become more efficient as a company in the products they offer.

One top executive of the company stated to Rip-off Report, that Youth Juice was developed in an effort to provide real functional health value to our customers and also to provide a business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. Our goal is to improve the financial and physical well being of millions of people around the world.

Rip-off Report has confirmed that Our World Network, Inc. takes quality control very seriously. Youth Juice is produced following stringent GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and has improved its customers service response, including 24/7 online support that strives to respond within 48 hours. Rip-off Report was pleased to learn that the company's past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to total commitment towards client satisfaction.

Our World Network, Inc. recognizes that complaints posted on Rip-off Report (true or not) are issues that need to be addressed and if handled correctly can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Rip-off Report's Investigation, Our World Network, Inc. has streamlined their approach to problem resolution.

In summary, after our investigation, which included the one complaint that was originally filed with us, we found 100% total customer satisfaction with Youth Juice and Our World Network, Inc.'s service and care for the customer. We then had further discussions with Our World Network, Inc. senior management and Rip-off Report is convinced that the company has been and will be committed to quality delivery of Youth Juice. We conclude that this a company that can be trusted.

Read about Youth Juice.. see their websites and the products they have to offer.. .

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.



Shawn Noonan - youth Juice - skinees - sleepees - our World Network ripoff youth juice latest in a line of shabby nutrition by this company Vancouver British Columbia

Before I begin I believe a little history about Our World Network is order. First The Company is owned by Bob Edwards, remember this guy? He's the one who ripped off people in the United States to the tune of 33 million with his Fund America Inc. Yes, that's right the same company that was shut down through a cease-and-desist order by the Florida Attorney General's Office and Florida Banking & Finance Department on July 21,1990.

The State of Florida deemed Fund America Inc. an illegal pyramid scam.

So Mr. Edwards flees to Canada and opens Our World Network an improved pyramid scam because this one is able to hide behind the nearly transparent veil of network marketing luring people with the promise of quick wealth by selling shabby nutritional products. In fact, the company's first product was named Skinnies. Despite the catchy name it wasn't Health in a bottle as company flunkies like Shawn Noonan (US Vice President of Sales at Our World Network) would like you to believe. The truth is the product simply doesn't live up to its claims of weight loss at nearly $100.00 per bottle. Having failed with Skinnees OWN releases Sleepees which was remarkably effective and its little wonder why. The Health Canada (Canada's version of our FDA) found the sleep aid spiked with a prescription sleep medication called estazolam. OWN stated it was accidently added to the formula. Right, I'm sure adding illegal medication to nutritional products happens all the time Canada. Health Canada's press release follows below:

February 23, 2007 OTTAWA - Health Canada (Canada's version of our FDA) is advising consumers not to use a product called Sleepees, because it was found to contain an undeclared drug estazolam, which can be habit-forming when used for as little as a few months. Consumers who may still have this product in their homes are advised to consult with a health care professional before they stop taking the capsules, because of the risk of withdrawal symptoms.

Not surprising the highly respected Dr. Meg Jordan quickly released the following press release as not to tarnish her good reputation. As upper level sales people such as Shawn Noonan boasted of her endorsement in order to sell the tainted and dangerous the product.

Feb. 27, 2007 This Press Advisory is issued in response to the proliferation of websites and companies promoting a relationship between Dr. Meg Jordan, PhD, RN, a holistic health expert, and Our World Network (OWN), a network marketing company, selling Sleepees(TM) and Skinnees(TM)and Youth Juice(TM) dietary supplement products. - Dr. Meg Jordan has no formal relationship with Our World Network (OWN). - Dr. Meg Jordan does not endorse any OWN products. - Dr. Meg Jordan has not given permission for the use of her name, likeness, biography, image, audio/video recording or other graphic representation for the endorsement, sale or promotion of OWN products, company or network.

Last but not least is the latest addition to the shining OWN product line is Youth Juice. This represents OWN's desperate attempt to gain a foothold in the juice craze dominated by products such as MonaVie, and Xango. Based on this companies previous and consistent policy of misrepresentation it would be advisable for any honest person to steer clear of this overly hyped, overly priced product line.

My personal knowledge of Own comes from friends and family (considered your first line of unsuspecting victims) who were ripped off by Shawn Noonan. Mr. Noonan, who speaks at lunch meetings, encourages all to sign up and to bring in their friends and family to hear about a business opportunity, and become Independent Business Owners (IBOs). Noonan is a veteran of multiple level rip-off schemes, having done this many times in the past, and since this program is based on a pyramid structure benefits from stealing from people who are sincere in trying to augment their income. (Remember since he was one of the first in the USA he is at the top of the pyramid.) Well at least your family might be inclined to continue talking to you after they too lose money to these crooks. Although your friends will be less inclined to speak with you ever again. Every person I know who has bought into this pyramid has regretted it without question! But if you're willing to compromise your personal integrity, mislead trusting people close to you, and place both their health and finances in jeopardy then I'm sure Shawn Noonan will be pleased to sign you up.

Matt j Newport Beach, California

3 Updates & Rebuttals

M Betcher

Legitimacy of Our World Network

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 05, 2008

This is in response to a rebuttal made above and I quote, "Beware approximately 90% of the people who sign up never make even their original investment back."

I can assure you that I am a responsible professional and a very discerning person as I work in the media and it's my job to be so. I can also assure you that I did my due diligence on this company before my husband and I got involved. What I can tell you is this, Youth Juice is a product that is not only backed by science, but backed by the thousands who have seen amazing health benefits from taking Youth Juice. I've seen first hand with amazing improvements to my skin and allergies, as well as my son's asthma.

Product aside, what I can also tell you it that my husband and I have been actively introducing people to this amazing product for just a little over a month and we have, by far, earned more than what it cost us to get involved with the company. The statement that 90% of people who sign up never make their original investment back is not only unsubstantiated, but just untrue. If you want to look at percentages...look at the fact that 80% of people who sign up to take the product, stay on the product, whether they stay active in the business or not.

This product speaks for itself and there is no better time than now for this product to be on the market. A time when the economic downturn is causing insane amounts of stress, why wouldn't it be in our best interests to invest in our health as well as in a company that can mean being independently wealthy in your own business rather than waiting for the ax to drop in your present company or corporation? Think about it...creating opportunity through health and wellness, what's more important than that?

I encourage you to look further than a few disparaging remarks about this company. Look deeper into the fact that Our World Network has revolutionized network marketing and has put together a fool-proof way of getting a great product to people who need it and making money while doing it.


British Columbia,
Youth Juice and Our World Network, the untold story.

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

We believe the public wishes to see as accurate as possible information provided on this site. So as an independent industry consultant I have extensively researched this article and am now providing the following realistic clarifications.

Mr. Edwards never ripped off' anyone. The facts are that the state of Florida did attack Fundamerica as a pyramid scheme, but, subsequently dropped all charges; and despite a lengthy court battle, only ever actually charged the company a modest fine for not having a local business license. They also said the company had to wait a year before doing business again in Florida.

However, being a service, and representing fortune 100 companies, Fundamerica temporarily lost many of its providers. It took Mr. Edwards over twelve months to put the business back together but he was determined to vindicate the company, its hundreds of employees and tens of thousands of distributors, and himself.

Mr. Edwards spent over thirty million dollars rebuilding Fundamerica in California, where Fundamerica began. Cleared for operation again, they entered new markets like Illinois and New York proving unequivocally that nothing had been wrong with the original Fundamerica. Mr. Edwards also than made sure that all bonuses (that had been frozen when the interference in Florida occurred) were paid to the distributors a year later! It amounted to over four million dollars. This had never been done before by any network company.

As for fleeing to Canada, Mr. Edwards stayed in California for the next four years rebuilding Fundamerica with modest success. He then encouraged existing distributors to join a new company that he also owned and operated for five years. Sales in that company grew to over one hundred million dollars per annum and it was subsequently sold.

As far as Our World Network goes, this appears to be a company that anyone interested in direct sales would want to seriously consider. The weight loss product Skinnees continues to be highly effective and very popular. One of their other products, Sleepees, was subject to a voluntary recall when Our World Network was duped by an unscrupulous Chinese medical doctor. The all natural sleep aid was tainted with a prescription drug, despite taking all the normal precautions. Many other companies were similarly misled and hurt by the same unprincipled doctor and other large reputable companies have also suffered from tainted China sourced products recently. You may recall news articles detailing everything from toothpaste to fish, pet food to toys, even something as seemingly simple as milk (melamine) seems to be in danger of being contaminated.

When Our World Network learned of Sleepees being tainted they began a voluntary recall, they also informed health Canada of this unfortunate situation and went on to offer all it's distributors and customers a full refund or exchange for untainted Sleepees.

As for Dr. Meg Jordan; she was in fact a paid consultant for Our World Network, but had, at the time of the Sleepees challenge, already left to pursue her passion as a professor at a well regarded California university. Our World Network and she are still on friendly terms.

With regards to YouthJuice; this functional food was originally the lead product for Our World Network, and was in the research and development phase long before the introduction of Skinnees and Sleepees. It was also in the Planning stages long before many of the so-called health drinks' now available to consumers came into being.

After more than three years of research and millions of dollars, YouthJuice was launched as the most potent health drink ever brought to market. My research shows that this is one of the few drinks that can make a significant difference to the health of the consumer. Anecdotal evidence is overwhelming, but in the cynical world of direct sales more proof should be required and YouthJuice has it - a 27 page independent science study conducted by a government body and reviewable by the general public online.

As for the comments regarding Mr. Shawn Noonan, he is a current member with Our World Network and the company reports no issues from existing or past members with regards to this member.

In today's world of high stress, poor eating habits and severe financial challenges, my research proved that, contrary to Johnson's allegations you should instead take a hard, open-minded look at Our World Network, both as a consumer of its drink and its opportunity!

Matt johnson

Newport Beach,
Youth Juice Cafe

#4Author of original report

Tue, July 08, 2008

Well as stated in the last report titled Shawn Noonan - youth Juice - Skinnees - Sleepees - our World Network rip-off youth juice latest in a line of shabby nutrition by this company Vancouver British Columbia, Mr. Shawn Noonan is at it again trying to recruit unsuspecting people to sell Youth Juice. About the only people who will fall for this obvious pyramid scam are those hit hard by the recent downturn in the economy. Its too bad every time the country is in economic difficulty these get rich pyramid schemes pop up to take advantage of the very people who cant afford to lose their hard earned money. In an investigative article published in Playboy magazine recently the author states you dont sign up to sell Youth Juice, Mona vie, Xango based on sound evaluation of the actual business potential. No people sign up based on the emotional pull of slick group presentations promising the get rich mentality. This is a purely emotional response. The new marketing ploy is to exploit the internet with networking sites and blogs such as Youth Juice Caf or YJ Cafe. Beware approximately 90% of the people who sign up never make even their original investment back. Dont be a victim of this scam.

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