  • Report:  #439696

Complaint Review: Sienna Pointe Vizslas - Algonquin Illinois

Reported By:
- Algonquin, Illinois,

Sienna Pointe Vizslas
1405 Surrey Lane Algonquin, 60102 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In October of 2009 we allowed Cathy Gallagher, owner of Siennapointe Vizslas to take care of our Vizsla, Rally while my Wife and I recovered from medical issues. Cathy is the original breeder of our dog. In July 2007 we paid $1300 for Rally. He became part of our family but we could not care for him because my Wife had serious medical issues and I severley laserated two of my fingers in a circular saw accident.

She had my Wife transfer her half of the AKC ownership to her because she claimed it was needed to provide medical attention for Rally in case of an emergency. I was to retain my half of the ownership. She filled out the AKC paperwork leaving the co-owner information out. I never provided my signature on the AKC paperwork as required. The AKC issued her on October 24, 2008 a new certificate showing her as the owner. THis was done in error on the AKC's part.

In October Cathy Gallagher transfered, with my consent, Rally to the care of Roy and Marty Sanford her co breeders. They live near Denver, Colorado. Roy agreed to train Rally for his Senior Hunt Test. Rally is currently a Junior Hunter. I agreed because Cathy kept Rally in a crate most of the day while she had him. Roy and Marty Sanford are retired and have a lot of property for Rally to run in.

Cathy promised me this would be temporary and I would get him back in February provided my Wife felt better. She never informed me about the AKC's error making her owner. I became suspicious around March when I was told by Cathy she did not think it was the right time to return Rally to our family despite improvements in our medical conditions.

I asked Cathy to provide me a copy of the AKC paperwork showing me as co-owner. She did not comply. I called the AKC and they informed me Cathy was full owner. When I told Cathy this she became very upset at me saying I did not trust her. Cathy was sent the AKC paperwork in October and held on to it knowing they made her owner without informing me. I found out in early March.

She sent me an e mail a few days later saying she was owner as of October 24, 2008. I filed a complaint with the AKC and they added me on the AKC paperwork to show me as co-owner. I also discovered the AKC is just a registry. It is not a legal document and cannot be used to show ownership.

My Wife and I have both recovered from our medical issues and now want our dog back as promised by Ms. Gallagher. She is refusing to give our dog back

My Wife and I have a legal contract showing us as owners. It was never altered in any way. The contract and bill of sale is what determines ownership. She refused to release Rally from the care of the Sanford's despite this. We retained an attorney to try get our dog back. Our attorney gave her 72 hours to return our dog.

She informed us through her attorney she is claiming ownership because of breach of contract. In July and August we brought our dog to a boarding facility about eight days each month on some of my trips away from home. I am a pilot and was concerned about leaving Rally at home with her medical issues. The owner of the boarding facility had a cage free boarding environment and took him home with him in the evening.

Cathy claims I breached the contract because I took Rally to the boarding facility. Nowhere on the contract does it say I cannot do this. I also informed Cathy at the time and she never was concerned about it. She is now using this to lay claim on our dog bacause she miscalculated the AKC document thinking this was a legal way of taking ownership.

I want to warn others if they are considering a Vizsla not to get one from sienna pointe vizslas. Ms. Gallagher does not honor her contracts. She was unethical in not informing me of the AKC document. She misrepresented her intentions to my Wife in asking for her signature on the document for medical purposes when the real reason was to try to take ownership away from us. She promised us our dog when our medical situation improved. She now has a personal vendetta against us because we questioned her ethically.

She informed the Sanfords not to release Rally to us even though we are his legal owners. We paid $1300 for him and want him back. My kids ask almost everyday when we will get him back. He was a very happy, well adjusted dog when he was with us. He is a part of our family. It may take thousands of dollars in attorney fees and months before we can get him back. I do not anyone thinking of doing business with her to go through what our family has gone through.


Algonquin, Illinois


29 Updates & Rebuttals

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, April 29, 2009

Just because you say something does NOT make it a fact. This would be true anyways but you have proven that you are not honest and have little to NO credibility. It was obvious enough just from your actions and statements here on ROR. Did you not think anyone would find the one on complaints dot com (I found it VERY early on, don't worry I saved it)? That story is different than the one on here. When did you injure your fingers again? In October as you imply on here or in November as you say on there? That's sure not the only difference in the statements. Oh, and who's middle name is Robin? Cause that's the name the one on complaintsboard is under. NOT honest. You also didn't bother to even correct the October 2009 part? You also seem to have some issues with reasoning skills/comprehension/interpretation. The breeder has NOT posted. There are not other's' there is only Donna'. I'm fairly certain John was pointing out that you seem to be a liar to name just a FEW of the things you apparently didn't read. You contradict yourself, are you not keeping track of what's being written under your own name? Apparently you are also a hypocrite and don't care WHO you hurt just to get your way. After your last statement it's hard to see you having any level of caring and compassion for ANY dog. BEYOND despicable and reprehensible. BEYOND cruel and heartless. Were you bragging? You had absolutely no compunction and seemed proud that you would do that to SIX dogs and the humans involved according to YOU? There aren't enough words to describe the sort of person who would do that. Those poor dogs did something to you that you would gleefully harm and/or destroy them (emotionally)? Hard to prove yourself a decent caring person after that because you COULDN'T be. I hope any breeder who might consider placing a pup with you stumbles upon these first so they can see EXACTLY what kind of person you have shown yourself to be. *just my opinions*


Sienna Pointe Vizslas have a my confidence. Read all posts (carefully) & draw your own conclusions

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, April 22, 2009

To all those considering a puppy from Sienna Pointe Vizslas, Fortunately posts to Rip Off Report are not removable. I suggest you read (carefully) through all the posts by Steve and Donna and then read through all the posts by Cathy and Larry's supporters and draw your own conclusions. To use Steve's own suggestion things are not always as they appear (also not always as presented). There are certainly 2 sides to every story. Here we have only one side of the story as Cathy and Larry of Sienna Pointe (very wisely) have chosen not to engage in this public forum. One needs to consider bias when presented with only one side of a story. Facts can be modified, omissions made and 1/2 truths told to fit one's agenda. I for one stand behind Cathy and Larry Gallagher of Sienna Pointe Vizsla's 100%. I don't like to see anyone suffer and I don't doubt for a moment that this isn't a traumatic situation (but for everyone involved, not just Steve and his family). Cathy and Larry would not keep a person's pet from them just because it suited them to do so. There would be absolutely no benefit in taking such a decision lightly- as I'm sure you are all able to gather - it involves great expense and hardhship in terms of the inevitable fallout (defamation of character, huge stress, expense of housing, feeding, vet bills etc not to mention any litigation expenses). I'll reiterate that I sincerely hope that this situation is resolved as painlessly and quickly as possible for everyone involved. Incidentally I noted on one of Steve's other posts that they have arranged to buy another vizsla from another breeder who claims that they've heard bad things about Cathy & Larry (it seems odd considering how recently Steve's family situation was not able to accommodate the one Vizsla they had for an extended period of time - but that's neither here nor there). I would like to point out that no reputable, ethical breeder would bad mouth or make negative inferences about another breeder to a potential puppy buyer. It's just one of those big "No No's" in any reputable breeding community. The breeding and showing world is a small intimate world, and everyone knows you just don't do that lest you want your own reputation/character tarnished (by your own actions). I also find it highly unlikely that any reputable ethical breeder would commit one of their puppies to a family currently in litigation over an issue involving their current dog. At least not until the situation and been resolved and certainly not without contacting the breeder of the current puppy to hear the other side of the story. Sincerely, Lisa O.

Dave In Wisconsin

Excellent Experience with Sienna Pointe

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, April 21, 2009

We are very happy owners of a Viszla (now almost 6 yrs old) from Cathy Gallagher and we have been extremely pleased from the onset of the process. Cathy worked very hard with us from the beginning to make sure that we were the right kind of people to accept her pup. There were many phone conversations, and multiple trips to meet with her, not only to meet the puppies, but to get to know them individually, so that the personalities and attributes of each dog were matched to those of the owner. There was also a written contract, which she carefully explained to us was for the protection of the dog and that she always put the dog first, for it's lifetime. She has continued to follow up with a newsletter, e-mails and other regular contact. She even came to visit us while in the area for a dog show so that our dog could play with her littermate. It has been clear to us through our entire association over these years that Cathy is very passionate about the dogs, and that has been demonstrated over and over again through her professionalism and follow through. We would recommend Cathy to any person serious about acquiring a Viszla, without reservation.


To Clarify for You

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, April 20, 2009

John, I am on my way to London but will answer your question to clarify for you as quickly as I can. My wife and I temporarily allowed Ms. Gallagher to take care of our pup (Ms. Gallagher OFFERED on a temporary basis and I accepted that offer; I also offered to PAY her, which she adamantly declined, on more than one occasion). We NEVER turned over full legal ownership at any time, nor did we "give" her our dog permanently. She offered to care for him temporarily and we accepted, with knowledge on both parts that this situation was "temporary" (few months ballpark, but absolutely no later than February), at which time Ms. Gallagher would happily relinquish our dog to us, we would take care of any payment due (which Ms. Gallagher flatly told us would be nothing anyway), and we would exhuberantly welcome him home with open arms. We spent every day until February counting down the days when we could bring our dog back home, even in the midst of medical crises. My wife was medically treated in the meantime and issues resolved, my hand had healed from the surgery, and we knew in before Feruary that it was time to bring home our dog. When we contacted Ms. Gallagher, that's when she first displayed all kinds of strange behavior that something wasn't right. She hemmed and hawed. She told us WE needed more time! When we didn't take that as a valid explanation for not returning our dog, she started grasping at straws, outright lied to us, and began looking for other excuses, accusing me of things that never even happened. It was clear something had jarred loose somewhere, and Ms. Gallagher started turning into someone we didn't even know, never giving any justification for what she was doing or saying. And that is exactly how it went. We are prepared to put our hands on the Holy Bible and swear in court EXACTLY what transpired, along with providing the original bill of sale, cancelled checks, and copy of airtight contract (which has already been looked at by two attorneys). Now, we want to get this whole thing over as quickly as possible for the well-being and welfare of our dog! We have HIS best interests at heart here. Do you honestly think that by dragging this thing out into a court case for months and months, possibly years, is going to be GOOD for our dog???? Absolutely NOT. If Ms. Gallagher had some compassion and sanity instead of a personal vendetta (that is exactly what this is now, for her, unfortunately), she would most definitely have this dog's best interests at heart and KNOW in her heart that a court case does him no good. Also, Ms. Gallagher stated to me loud and clear -- if she EVER gets our dog (which we pray to our Almighty Savior won't happen), she has told me flat-out she will not keep him but will sell him to another family!!! Now how good is THAT for our dog? To be shipped from our family to her home and then to another family instead of back to his real home? We remain terrified for his well-being. No one seems to be thinking of him in this whole thing but us, the ones who love him the most and want him home the most. Also, we have received notification that Ms. Gallagher has for years been breaking the law here in Algonquin by keeping 10 adult dogs in her home. The ordinance states no more than 4 adult dogs are allowed, breeder or not breeder. She's been approached by the local law enforcement as well as the Village. She needs to be in compliance quickly. That taken into consideration, there's no way our dog would even be allowed to be in her home. Does that make sense? We are willing to go to court, open our home for all to see the wonderful environment our dog has here, open our home for all to see the loving family that lives here. I only hope we have the opportunity to perhaps do that. We have absolutely nothing to hide. If Ms. Gallagher goes to court and tells any one of her numerous untruths, she will be perjuring herself, God help her. And for what? For a personal vendetta? What a shame. We have offered on more than one occasion to open this to a third-party neutral arbitrator to decide. Ms. Gallagher has refused every time. What is she afraid of?? I need to end here. I have to fly the plane! Just wanted to respond to your question. I'm sorry I don't have the time to read other posts. I'm only concerned that my original warning gets out there, but your question was short and succinct, so I thought I'd respect that and clarify issues for you. Thank you.


New Jersey,
So which is the lie?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, April 20, 2009

That you didn't type this or that you did?: "In October of 2009 we allowed Cathy Gallagher, owner of Siennapointe Vizslas to take care of our Vizsla, Rally while my Wife and I recovered from medical issues. Cathy is the original breeder of our dog. In July 2007 we paid $1300 for Rally. He became part of our family but we could not care for him because my Wife had serious medical issues and I severley laserated two of my fingers in a circular saw accident." These are your words from the very first paragraph of this very report. One of your statements HAS to be a lie. It can not be both. Why do you keep evading the legitimate questions asked of you by posting more nonsense instead of straight, contrite answers? Again, since you clam to have inside information, go to a newspaper and have them investigate the story. Post what paper you went to and the person you contacted so it can be researched for authenticity.



#7Author of original report

Mon, April 20, 2009

Very sadly, everyone on a forum LOVES to post and get involved in other people's serious business, without knowing 1/10th of the facts. One can only put so much out here on this forum. Again, our intent is to 1) get our puppy back (by the way, under no circumstances did we GIVE our puppy permanently to Ms. Gallagher. On the contrary, Ms. Gallagher gave us HER word (ha! like that means anything....that's why everyone has to be so careful!) that once my wife's medical condition was properly diagnosed and cared for and I was fully recovered from my surgery, our puppy would come back to us without any hitches. We agreed the date would be in Feb. or at the VERY latest, beginning of March. My wife had a health scare. So did my daughter. If one of you or your spouses or children had a serious health scare which meant trips to Mayo Clinic, hospitals, doctors around the country, would you then possibly understand our concern for our dog?? Yes, we had someone in our extended family (my wife's brother and wife and kids) who offered to take care of our pup at their house while we couldn't (unconditionally, period), but we decided to ask Ms. Gallagher, because ever since day 1, she has continually offered to take care of our pup anytime it was necessary. We didn't think we needed a signed agreement that we'd get him back again. She knew the circumstances we were in. We offered to PAY Ms. Gallagher for her services. She heartily declined each and every time. We were thinking about the well-being of our puppy when we did this. It was the hardest thing for our family to have to do. Can you imagine having to leave your pup for months at a time?? It wasn't an easy or a snap decision, but with someone's life/health on the line, we do what we have to do for the moment....and then we get back to our lives. And to answer one last question, the nice people in Colorado who are holding our puppy WANT to give him back to us. They've already told us that. The ONLY reason they won't is because Ms. Gallagher has threatened to countersue them if they EVER hand over our dog to us. We have all the necessary documents in hand -- bill of sale, a signed rock solid contract, copies of the cancelled checks showing how much we gave Ms. Gallagher for this puppy. Ms. Gallagher is being SUED by her "friends" in Colorado over this. She has used and abused that relationship as well. They want nothing more to do with Ms. Gallagher or Sienna Pointe. I hope that answers your question. Now, I'm not on here to slander or berate anyone let alone defend myself, my family, and our traumatic circumstances we've been through. This case is absolutely NOT about money. It's about getting our puppy back to the people who love him the most. All we want is for our attorney to finally get us in front of a judge so we can get our beloved dog back to his rightful home. We've been told by numerous attornies that we have an open and shut case. That's all we pray for. Everyone else can read what we FIRST posted, wanting everyone to just be VERY aware that this COULD happen to you. We never thought in a million years it would happen to us. Our "BUYER BEWARE" still holds. It was interesting to see two others on here who also had bad experiences with this company. Obviously, we're not the only ones. Maybe just the only ones who know how to get the word out! We continue to expect Ms. Gallagher to follow the contract, stop the disrespect and vengeance and off-the-wall accusations, and realize that our pup belongs to us in every way, shape, and form. Period. I've put my warning and our story out there. That's all I intend to do on this forum from here on in. Everyone else can talk amongst themselves. We prefer to concentrate on our healthy family and our dog right now.

Jovi And Lee


#8Consumer Comment

Mon, April 20, 2009

After reading all the other Vizsla owners comments it is really hard to add anything more to Cathy's caring of the Vizsla's that she has bred. She has been tremendous as far as we are concerned... We are a proud owner of Green Boy a 3+ year old Seinna Pointe Vizsla....She has answered any and all questions that we have had.. She has watched our boy on an emergency notice with no questions asked..She has always been on top of all health related issuses and always been a phone call away to support,comfort or help in any way she could. I'm sure that any one can attest that Cathy has always made it very clear that she would be part of your Vizsla life as long as you wanted her to be.....A story I have told about Cathy as I have always recommmended her to new prospective Vizsla owners is that Cathy would give her husband Larry tap water and the Vizsla's would be drinking $$$$ bottled water...Cathy has a total understanding of the Vizsla breed and knows what is best for that type of dog... You will not find a better Breeder in the nation and if I may say Cathy loves each and I mean every Vizsla that she has bred......When we brought our boy home ....our neighbor greeted us to meet him. Their comment was they could not believe all the goodies that Cathy provided us with from collars,leashes,toys,food and the best of all a hand made INFORMATION book made specifically for your dog from health information to pictures of your new addition......We would recommend Cathy to anyone as a GREAT breeder...

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, April 20, 2009

I was wondering Donna. Over what issues did these problems arise? Was it something like Steve's case in which it appears the dog was rarely with them and so not exactly stable or beneficial TO the dog? Was it something simple like you wanted a yellow collar but they thought green was better? Over what sort of issues did she 'meddle'? How would that make you suspicious? Could it have been misunderstood? Could she have been trying to impart the benefit of her experience and knowledge and it just didn't suit you? *just my opinions*


"Alleged Inside Information" Steve??? Come on, you're bordering on harassment.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 19, 2009

I'd like to ask Steve where his "inside information" came from. It seems that with more than one post on the same complaint, without responding to all of the positive feedback for Sienna Pointe, or the questions to Steve directly, that Steve's only motive in posting at all is to pass bad information on about Sienna Pointe and Cathy Gallagher because it's not going his way. I'd like to ask everyone considering a purchase from Cathy Gallagher to ask Cathy for references and call them about her professionalism and great care towards her puppies and puppy owners. I'd also recommend going to the Vizsla association and ask about her reputation as a Vizsla breeder. The answer's you will get is that she's top notch! If this same situation was presented to another breeder with high standards like Cahty, the result would be the same. Her contract states that Steve and his family agreed to "maintain a proper environment, safe and secure". I know this, because I have the same contract. Rally was definitely not in a safe and secure environment. From reports I've received, Rally's hives are cured! I believe that it has a lot to do with the fact that Rally is now in a safe and secure environment where he can relax and not live with extreme anxiety each day. My advice to Steve is to put his energy into the relationships his wife and kids and to make sure that his family is secure first. Doesn't it seem very weird that with such a huge medical issue occurring less than a year ago that he can so soon be so obsessed about this issue. His wife didn't even want the dog. What's changed her mind? Will the presence of the dog cause his wife's condition to reoccur? Steve, I hope you take some time to realize that your family needs you now and your family doesn't need a dog at this time.


New Jersey,
Alleged 'inside information'

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, April 19, 2009

Since you clam to have inside information, go to a newspaper and have them investigate the story. Post what paper you went to and the person you contacted so it can be researched for authenticity.


Member of the Sienna Pointe Family

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, April 19, 2009

We have a 4+ year old vizsla that we purchased from Cathy and Larry. We are completely thrilled with our dog. Cathy provides support to ALL of her puppy people on an ongoing basis throughout the lives of these wonderful animals. I witnessed Rally's extended stays at the Gallagher home. While I did not keep track, he was there very often - more often than any other puppy she has bred. I questioned the Gallaghers about the arrangement and suggested that Rally's family was taking advantage of their kindness. The support to Rally and his family went above and beyond what anyone could reasonably expect. But the Gallaghers continued to allow the revolving door to be available for Rally and his family. When boarded at a kennel, there is considerable cost associated with extended stays. Rally stayed with the Gallaghers whenever it suited Rally's family and without apparent regard for the schedule or desire of the Gallaghers. Of all of the vizslas placed by Sienna Pointe, it seems odd that a family that received this much support would turn on Cathy & Larry in such a public forum.


Overwhelming positive feedback from multiple customers (National & International) regarding Sienna Pointe Vizslas is well warrented.

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, April 19, 2009

Good morning, We have numerous respondents to this complaint - all providing first rate character references and reporting extremely positive experiences, accumulated over many years of dealing with Cathy and Larry at Sienna Pointe Vizslas. I might add many more years experience than the individual filing the above complaint has had with these people. It is unlikely that these breeders could gain so much support if they were truly the entirely unreasonable, unethical individuals that this complainant is attempting to portray them to be. Cathy and Larry have cared for many other client's vizslas in the past, and I'm sure the complainant isn't the first client to board their dog. Cathy and Larry haven't refused to give back other people's dogs. The tone of and repeat posting of the same complaint seems rather vindictive. Something just isn't adding up here. Just an observation. Lisa O.



#14Author of original report

Sat, April 18, 2009

I have inside information on this company and breeder.....i will say it paints not a very pretty picture.....my suggestion: just DO NOT buy from this company

Jim And Robyn

Support for Sienna Pointe Vizsla

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 18, 2009

I own two vizsla's from Sienna Pointe as a matter of fact one of them is Rally's brother. I echo all the comments that have been made by the other responders Cathy is a wonderfull caring breeder. This is not a buisiness to her it is a passion, to breed health vizsla's and be supportative the their families in any way possible she can. Cathy is not only the breeder of our two wonderful boys she has become a great friend. What she has gone through with Rally shows her commitment to healthy happy homes for all her puppies. Isn't that what we all look for in a breeder?


Cathy and Larry Gallagher are outstanding, ethical, breeders committed heart and soul to the best interest of their puppies and to the families of the

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, April 18, 2009

Having noted two additional complaints filed by the same person on regarding the same subject matter I feel that I must post my rebuttal to each complaint. I am so sorry to find this report regarding Cathy and Larry, two people who I know to be very nice and very reasonable. They are without a doubt extremely conscientious, ethical Vizsla breeders. They not only breed wonderful, sweet, happy, healthy Vizslas, they are actively and intensively involved with the breed (showing, obedience, agility, field etc), they also take the time to be available to and involved with their puppy owners throughout their canine companion's life time. My husband and I have both owned dogs previously and have known dog, cat and horse breeders. My husband is quite serious about dog training, I used to work as a veterinary technician and I used to breed and show cats many years ago. We had the good fortune to meet Cathy early in our research on vizsla's and our search for the right breeder. She knew we were just in our initial research stages but welcomed us to her home to meet her canine family and spent a good deal of time answering our many questions and letting us play with all her dogs. During the next 2 years we chatted and emailed on a regular basis and we returned to visit with Cathy, Larry and the Vizslas periodically. We were both very impressed with how evident Cathy and Larry's dedication and care for their dogs and breeding program was. The dogs were beautiful, sweet, well adjusted and lived underfoot with Cathy and Larry in their home. The house and large yard were clean as were their beautiful, healthy dogs. They also made a point of engaging all of their dogs in regular activities to keep them happy and well adjusted whether it be showing, obedience, agility, field work. It was obvious to us (having had much experience in these matters) that they were exactly the sort of breeders we wanted to deal with. Finally we were ready for a puppy! Cathy & Larry went out of their way to make sure not only that we were a good match for the vizsla breed and vice versa but also took the trouble to make sure that they made a good match between us and the puppy (I had a particular disposition I felt would work best for us and we were willing to wait for the right puppy). They were both very candid and available throughout the entire process and continue to be so to this day. Our Sienna Pointe Vizsla boy is now 2yrs old and we still communicate with Cathy on a regular basis. I am familiar with Rally from back in the early days when he was just a wee pup, and I do recall several periods of time when he was in Cathy and Larry's care. I was considering a second vizsla and I must admit I did seriously contemplate offering Rally a home if things didn't work out for Rally and your family. Please understand, at no time did Cathy or Larry say anything negative about you or your family or the reason Rally was with them so much. It was just a quiet observation I made to myself based on the amount of time he was apart from your family. We have only had the most positive of experiences with Cathy and Larry from long before our puppy arrived to the current date and we will definitely go to them for another vizsla. We have recommended them without hesitation to the many people who have complimented us on our vizsla. It's very difficult to imagine how the circumstances described in this report might have transpired given our experience with Cathy and Larry. One thing is certain, they must sincerely believe that the position they have taken is right and necessary, as I'm sure you do too. However, not knowing all the details, I'll leave it at this, life is short, look into your heart and do what's right for your family and for Rally. Keep in mind that sometimes what we want is not necessarily what's right. With sincere wishes that you are able to reconcile your differences amicably and quickly. Lisa O.

Linda F.

Sienna Pointe Vizsla & Cathy Gallagher: Excellent breeder and human being.

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, April 18, 2009

Our family purchased a Vizsla from Cathy Gallagher in 2003. From the initial phone call inquiring about Vizslas to my latest call to Cathy last month, asking advice, she has been the utmost in knowledge, caring, kindness and selflessness with her time. I would recommend Cathy Gallagher to anyone seeking a well tempered pet. She will not abandon you after the sale of one of her puppies. The well being of these pets is #1 priority for Cathy.

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, April 17, 2009

For some reason there have been additional complaints posted by the same person and having to do with the same situation. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/444/ripoff0444357.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/444/ripoff0444417.htm


Sienna Pointe Vizslas are among the finest breeders that exist.

#19UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 16, 2009

Cathy Gallagher has a love and passion for her dogs, and the Vizsla breed, that transcends the sales transaction method of purchasing a dog that Steve indicates in his post. Her love for her dogs is evidenced by the fact that she refuses to give this dog back. In fact, this story actually paints Cathy as the reputable, loving and professional breeder that she is. I would hesitate to purchase a dog from a breeder who would give a dog back to a family that clearly isn't ready for the commitment, attention and responsibility that a dog demands. I spoke to numerous breeders in my quest to learn about the Vizsla breed, and I was thoroughly impressed by Cathy's knowledge about Vizslas and the care that she took in breeding healthy, happy, and well-adjusted dogs. After learning about the breed, I made the decision to purchase a Vizsla and was thrilled to get a Sienna Pointe dog. Over the course of the last four years, Cathy has been a tremendous resource. Her relationship with all Sienna Pointe dogs and their families is life long and doesn't just end the instance you hand over a check or sign a contract. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Cathy to others who are interested in a Vizsla, and I certainly plan on getting my second Vizsla from Cathy.


The Breeder is committed to the health and well being of this dog, period.

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

I know of this dog and this breeder. I searched high and low before I found a breeder that was up to my standards- someone who's expertise in breeding dogs went beyond "just loving dogs". Cathy Gallagher IS it. She is utmost a professional breeder that has a great program, producing dogs of great temperament for family or competition homes. That being said, she is fiercely committed to the success of her dogs- wherever that may be. Though their heart was in the right place, these owners really put upon Cathy to care for their dog- which she gladly did. As the family life became more unstable, Cathy began to do her homework. And it appeared that the dog was hardly in the home-- staying with Cathy, then staying at the kennel. This lifestyle is stressful on the animal and thensome. More and more these days we rely on our animals to "fix" things, and I believe we create more stress on animals, especially if they are to act (unknowingly) as our "service" dogs- to deal with our emotional baggage and to fill some human need. Vizslas are a sensitive breed, and I believe Cathy is acting in the best interest of the dog. The emotional needs that will be burgeoned on this dog by this family may only be to the detriment of the human-animal bond.

Two Vizslas

Wisconsin Rapids,
Sienna Pointe has the dogs best interest at heart

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

We purchased our second Vizsla from Sienna Pointe Vizslas in 2006. Cathy Gallagher is top notch breeder who has the dog's best interest as her top priority. Her contract is very thorough for one reason, she wants to make sure the dog and the owner both succeed. My suggestion to the family who filed this report is to let Cathy buy the dog back and after 6 months sit down and decide if a dog really fits your families lifestyle. Children get over the loss of a pet when its a death, they will be able to handle the fact that Rally is running free in Colorado. I also have to respond to the comments on crates. We trained both our dogs that the command "kennel" is a positive event. Our dogs are in their kennels during the day when we are not home and also spend every night in their kennels. It is their safe haven, not some sort of punishment. Cathy Gallagher does not need another Vizsla. If she is trying to get this one back it is because she truly believes it will be best for the dog, and in the long run, for the family she originally sold it to.


Sienna Pointe Vizslas are the BEST

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

I would have to disagree entirely with the report by the individual claiming that Sienna Pointe Vizslas has done something wrong concerning Rally. Cathy and her husband Larry are the most caring and empathetic breeders I have ever encountered. Their love and concern for the dogs they own and the puppies they breed is undisputable. I own a Sienna Pointe Vizsla puppy and have only seen Cathy and Larry's concern and compassion for their dogs and puppies. The Gallaghers must have seen something that was blatanly wrong in the care of Rally. Puppies are not pieces of property but living breathing beings that deserve a caring home to be in and caring people to look after them. If these people were ill, then they were unable to care for Rally. The very fact that this dog had hives when he was in their care tells me that he was under GREAT stress being in that situation. It seems to me that these people filing claim against Sienna Pointe Vizslas should take a step back and think about the dog first and themselves second. The puppy deserves a chance at a good life in the comfort and security of a home that loves him and will treat him the way he should be treated!! I say these individuals are SELFISH and thinking of nothing but themselves.

Lauren Nyc

New York,
New York,
Rally's Best Interest

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

I too have purchased a Vizsla from Cathy Gallagher at Sienna Pointe, but my experience has been completely different. Cathy breeds beautiful, healthy dogs with wonderful dispositions and she cares about them as if they are children. Her utmost priority and concern when placing these dogs is their welfare - my husband and I had to complete a detailed questionnaire and interview process outlining our lifestyle, home environment, intended methods of discipline and training along with our plans for how the dog would be cared for when we were away, either at work or out of town. Cathy was very clear that she will always look out for the best interests of all Sienna Pointe dogs, throughout their lives, and is willing to take them back if things don't work out - for any reason. In my opinion, what is being lost here is the best interest of Rally. I do not know the specifics of the Bellefontaine's medical issues or the circumstances of Rally being boarded for 8 days a month (that sounds like a lot to me), but I do believe that Cathy is an honest and fair businesswoman who takes a lot of pride in her dogs and their care. Vizslas are a highly energetic breed that need a LOT of exercise - I know firsthand! - and they need an environment where this can be provided. For anyone who may be considering purchasing a puppy from Cathy, please make sure you read her contract carefully and fully understand the commitment you are making to the dog. If you do that properly, you will not have any problems but rather a wonderful life ahead with the best canine companion you can imagine. As the saying goes, in this case please don't let one bad apple spoil the whole barrel.


Sienna Pointe Vizslas is an Outstanding Company

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

To whom it may concern, I am a current owner of a Vizsla I purchased from Cathy Gallagher at Sienna Pointe Vizslas. Prior to purchasing my dog from Cathy, I researched several breeders to find one with the highest standards of care, health, and professionalism. Cathy's absolute dedication to providing new dog owners with the healthiest, happiest, and most well-adjusted puppy goes far beyond any other breeder I found. I am from California and did not hesitate to purchase a puppy from Cathy after conducting my research and talking with Cathy directly. Since purchasing my dog, Cathy has continually assisted me with education, training, and advice when needed. She is extremely professional and a person of great integrity. I have also had personal contact with Rally just after he was given back to Cathy. Rally was obviously stressed. He did not have the same care-free attitude that is known in the Vizsla breed. He was starved for attention and a stable environment so much so, that he did not even know how to behave in a group of dogs. I know this because Rally actually bit my dog due to his stress, (This attack was unprovoked). Since he has been relocated away from his previous owners, he has developed into a more confident dog and has shown great improvement. I attribute this to the expertise and patience of Cathy and the others involved in rehabilitating Rally. It is very apparent that the Bellafontaines do not value Rally's health, but only their selfish desires. I would be happy to talk to someone from your organization by phone if you need any further information. Also, for the record, prior to purchasing my dog, I did not know Cathy, but since that time, and with her tremendous care and attention to all of her puppy-owners, Cathy has become someone I trust and would not hesitate to recommend to someone looking to purchase a Vizsla puppy.


Owner of a Sienna Pointe Vizsla

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

I need to stress my concerns here, I purchased a Vizsla from Cathy that same year and know how important it is for her to be placing her "children" into the best homes possible. I researched MANY Vizsla Breeders in the Chicago area and was blown away when I found her. It has been an amazing experience working with her for almost two years now, she stays in touch and works with the owners on every question the owners may have about any issues. She is not your typical breeder, she goes WAY beyond the "here is a puppy, now give me the money and I won't see you again" typical breeders that are out there. I would like to know what the "Serious Medical Issues" were? Obviously it is not a typical surgery or such that can be resolved quickly. To anyone who is thinking of not working with Sienna Pointe Vizsla's because of this complaint, your making a HUGE mistake. She is the BEST you will find out there. Thank you, Jason Boiteau

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,
Good point but we don't know much about what is actually in the purchase contract and how many details are missing here :-)

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, April 11, 2009

Second attempt :-). I agree it rubs that they are technically considered property but that is the way it goes unfortunately. The original contract DOES matter and this situation may be an extension of the original contract. Their full contract isn't posted, but a few of their terms are. I have taken this directly from their site and I hope they don't mind So we KNOW this is in the contract. Then if you reference this;


New Hampshire,
I have to disagree

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

Sadly, you have to compare this dog to, say, a car. What you have in hand is a bill of sale and ownership contract, or title, if you will. Until another bill of sale or contract is drafted, this one is still legal tender.You can not 'break' a written contract with a verbal one. The dog is your, legally. However, given the time that has passed, why not get your $1300 back, sign the dog over and go get one that you can love and raise in entirety.


New Hampshire,
I have to disagree

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

Sadly, you have to compare this dog to, say, a car. What you have in hand is a bill of sale and ownership contract, or title, if you will. Until another bill of sale or contract is drafted, this one is still legal tender.You can not 'break' a written contract with a verbal one. The dog is your, legally. However, given the time that has passed, why not get your $1300 back, sign the dog over and go get one that you can love and raise in entirety.


New Hampshire,
I have to disagree

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

Sadly, you have to compare this dog to, say, a car. What you have in hand is a bill of sale and ownership contract, or title, if you will. Until another bill of sale or contract is drafted, this one is still legal tender.You can not 'break' a written contract with a verbal one. The dog is your, legally. However, given the time that has passed, why not get your $1300 back, sign the dog over and go get one that you can love and raise in entirety.

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,
Can you clarify please?

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

I'm sorry but your report basically reads like you gave the dog back due to the medical issues getting in the way of being able to provide care and then changed your mind later when things were better for you as it is. Wouldn't be the first time and in fact is more common than people think. Why not do what you had done previously and have the pup boarded at the other place? Why the change? Your pup has been with them for at least 6 months. Not only is general care expensive, but it sounds like additional work was done with the pup such as training towards titles and such and possibly the pup has even begun the work beyond the training towards those goals. As none of that is done for free or even cheap how much have you paid them towards this? What have you contributed in the time the pup has been in their care? What have you offered them in return? You don't mention any of that nor a contract when the dog went back in October. For some to provide expensive care daily, veterinary care, and training and potentially entry into competitions for 6 months for free does not make sense and would not be REASONABLE, would it. So, what proof do you have besides your original paperwork when you purchased the pup? Do you have a boarding contract, training contract, proof of payments made during that time and what they were for? If not you may want to consider offering an apology, nice updates to any public complaints, and offer some of that money to them that you were going to blow on a lawyer to re-purchase the dog or pay for their services however you choose to see it. I really wonder what their side is, have you notified them of this post? *just my opinions*

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