  • Report:  #46331

Complaint Review: Simple Escapes - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
- Clinton, Arkansas,

Simple Escapes
www.simplescapes.com Internet, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Unlike the other reports I have read here on your site,I feel they got off lucky.I dicovered a $96 charge to my checking account via my Visa card.

I had ordered a video tape off a television show(I now find out they are calling it a infomercial)It was actually the Bull Riding from Las Vegas.The operator said they would be sending 'something extra' for me to review.I declined at the time,and thought no more of it.When my tape arrived,there was nothing else in the box.Not until my bank statement did I find that there was a $96 charge by MWI*SIMPLE ESCA.

I called to find out about it.....they wanted to go ahead and send me their "package" to review....I said NO!I wanted my money back....NOW.He tried many ways to "see if something could change my mind"....I continued saying "No,Give me my money back!"I did not sign up for this and I did not give permission to charge my account.So people beware of the "sending something extra" statement that telemarketers pitch you when ordering over the phone.


Clinton, Arkansas

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