  • Report:  #356968

Complaint Review: Sirena Moving - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Moscow, Kansas,

Sirena Moving
22235 N. 29th Ave Phoenix, 85027 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My name is Jeff and I would like to cover a series of events that have recently occurred during our family move from Duncan, OK to Satanta, Ks.

Prior to my move I had requested several quotes from various moving companys and decided to go with Trans National Van lines I had spoken to Jackie several times over the phone covering everything from dates to inventory and other special requests I had which I will get into later. I had also explained to Jackie that we had a lot of stuff that needed to be packed and she thought that they would in turn send extra people to help. Not knowing until a week before my move that Trans National had passed my move off to Sirena Moving out of Phoenix, Arizona. This was a terrible mistake on my part not realizing that Trans National was my so called moving coordinator.

On Thursday July 3rd a lady named Maya from Sirena Moving contacted me and asked if the dates were still good for me I told her I thought everything should be just fine, she then told me she would contact me Monday the 7th to set up a time. I did not hear from any one until Wednesday July 9th after I called Jackie and told her what was going on. She had me talk to her supervisor named Kevin and he assured me they would be in contact.

Around 6:00 pm Maya contacted me and told me the trucks left Missouri and would arrive in the AM of the 10th. At 4:15 pm the truck arrived at my residence in Duncan, OK. Now keep in mind that I am off work with no pay for this entire duration.

We introduced ourselves to the movers (2 Men) and they started the job after about an hour of work I had asked the movers if they had brought crating materiel for my plasma television, bird mounts and bobcat mount. They had no idea what I was talking about. I will jump into the contract pricing agreement here.

I was quoted $3400.00 for packing of goods, crating and prep for my special items, and for some reason preparation for my son's go cart and our riding lawnmower (I guess it is for the size of the items) now what is funny is that they crated nothing and did not haul my go cart or mower to Kansas it was transported by my father prior to them arriving. But you know Maya still charged me for this because she stated it was in the contract even though the service was not provided. Do all businesses run this way or is it just the moving business?

I used North American 6 months prior to move to Duncan and I have to tell you they were wonderful so my standards were set by them. The service they provided our family was what I was looking for this time also. After about 3 hours of packing my wife explained to me that they were just putting items in boxes and not wrapping them up, so we stopped the operation and asked them to start wrapping items better but come to find out they only brought 2 rolls of wrapping material.

Once again we stopped the packing and asked them to do a better job the movers said don't worry you are insured. This set us off we told them to open some specific boxes back up and we found porcelain objects just set on top of other items the mover then stated I did not do this, who did this? Come to find out it was his partner.

At this point we made them open up all the boxes they had packed and some of the things we found were disgusting. Some examples of this are crystal put in small boxes without being wrapped then put into a big box, my wife's turtle collection (glass, crystal, porcelain, wood all put into a big box with no wrapping. We also found that they had used our bath towels to wrap up some of the items. Now this might be something I would do if I was moving myself but for a moving company to use the customers bath towels because they ran out of wrapping paper within 2 hours is absurd.

After finding all these 45 boxes either poorly packed or not packed at all we told them it was going to be re done. I took one of the employees to Wal-Mart where he purchased more packing materiel which did not last long he tried to pay me for gas and I would not accept his money I told him I just wanted to do this right, at this point he agreed.

My wife, daughter and I went through all of the boxes and repacked them while they taped and loaded, hmm I thought I hired this done, but we did it anyway we then proceeded to pack the 2 bathrooms, master bedroom, kitchen, my sons bedroom, living room and barn. This did not leave much for them to pack. I also packed over half of the picture boxes myself and showed them how to make a picture box since they ran out of them also. I learned this from North American. They had packed my 47 plasma TV that night also.

We told them around 12:30 we needed to stop for the evening since we had children that needed to sleep this did not sit well with them but if they would have been there when they were suppose to and packed the boxes correctly the first time we would have been further along. They slept in their trucks in my front yard which was fine with us.

The following morning my wife and I were talking and we were very displeased with the service we were getting around 10:00 AM they got around. The first thing my wife asked them was if they had wrapped up the plasma TV. The employee stated yes she asked him to unpack it and show her and guess what, it was put in a picture box with absolutely no wrapping or blanket.

That was the straw that broke the camels back we decided then we wanted all of our goods unloaded and we would find another company to move us unfortunately I could not get in contact with Jackie. They called Maya and she told my wife we owed them $4000.00 dollars for what they had already done and she went ballistic. She was under the impression that her employees had shown up early yesterday morning and would have been done if it wasn't for unpacking I told her they did not arrive until 4:15 pm (good communication). They locked there van with what we had already loaded and was going to leave and use our items for collateral.

I got on the phone and talked to Maya she told me that we were being charged for packing, unpacking and repacking the night before. I told her if it was done right the first time there would not have been any unpacking. After a very long and unfortunately nasty conversation she said she would call her employees and have them do it correctly (yea right).

So once again we got started now through out this whole deal we had several people (5 to be exact stop by several times and each time they saw us packing and them smoking) these people will be used if needed for further action.

As the day went on we once again ran out of packing material so I told the driver I would go to Wal-Mart and pick some up so they could continue to load the barn, he gave me $27.00 and told me to get 6 rolls of paper and 2 bundles of white sheets. Now he had bought this stuff the night before so I thought he knew how much it would be. The white paper alone was $12.00 per bundle so I spent my money to purchase these items which was $46.00 dollars. I gave him the receipt like a dummy and told him to take it off my final bill (That was a mistake). Low and behold the barn was just as I left it.

We finally finished around midnight and the employees had told me they were going to get a motel in Duncan for the night and leave in the morning, I told them that sounded great I let him use my Kansas map and showed him where he needed to go (Which I did not get back), I also told him to call me when he arrived in town and I would lead him to our house since it was in the country.

Here it is Saturday the 12th and we are headed to Kansas, we left around 7:00 am to make sure we were there and ready when they arrived. It was not until 8:00 pm when Maya called and asked if it would be OK to unload in the morning lets see I guess there is another day wasted. I was not happy but I agreed that would be fine (what can I do). I also asked her what my bill was going to be it was originally bid out at $7600.00 with that $3400.00 packing crating etc, etc included. She explained we were 4000 lbs over which I expected so since we did not receive the other services and packed most of the house ourselves I thought it would wash. I had asked Jackie prior to the move how much per pound was the over charge and she told me .19 cents. No big deal a little less than $800.00. Mia told me that it should be pretty close to what was quoted and once again I told her we did not receive all the services and to keep that in mind.

Finally on Sunday July 13th Maya calls with our final payment $8382.00 WHAT? Yea that is correct and we had already paid $1500.00 up front to secure the move. I was livid and blew a gasket. She told me that we were charged .35 cents a pound for over weight, still charged the $3400.00 for the special crating and prepping (since it was in the contract) and charged for packing and unpacking and repacking 45 boxes that were not right the first time. I told her I was not paying that amount for something we did the majority of. The driver later that day told me we did not have to do it and I guess we didn't but if we wanted our stuff there in one piece we had no choice.

I got so tired of hearing the insurance statement our stuff is antique, Family air looms from many generations, and sentimental items that have no price tag on them. After talking to some people (which will be revealed if this is not taken care of) I was instructed to pay the money and get our stuff. Who knows if we would ever see it again and we had nothing they had everything.

I called Maya back and told her to get me my stuff I would pay she so generously dropped it down to $8000.00 (Whopee) I asked her if her employees had made mention that I purchased $46.00 worth of packing material and she told me my wife told her, does anyone believe in honesty anymore? She also told me that we could receive another bill. I paid the employees and they started unloading our possessions.

I worked on my ranch while my wife directed the movers I could not come to see myself be nice to people that were taking me for every penny I had saved. As the day went on they were close to finishing up and my wife noticed that our brand new $2000.00 dollar leather couch had bee ripped. I showed the mover the problem and he had the nerve to tell me to get some leather paint and cover it up (I don't think so).

At this point we decided we might ought to start unpacking (Since Maya told both of us they had never had a claim against them and had moved movie and rock stars with much more valuable stuff than ours) We found one other item before they left a $500.00 picture frame broken so I filled out a claim on it also. My wife is still unpacking so we have no idea what else might be broke. I am trying to find the box that has my plasma TV cord in it so it can be checked out. The only thing left to unload was my gun safe so they back the truck up to my wooden deck and back right into it and it broke, he starts cussing and I just stood there. My daughter took pictures of the damage and he tried to repair it and hand me a $10.00 dollar bill and tell him it was OK. I don't think so after further review it has cracked the support beam that he hit. This will also be resolved in the near future since they took all my money I have nothing to repair it with. Good thing my wife owns a good camera. We shot a lot of film over the past 4 days.

To make a long story short I have now problem paying what I owe but I don't feel I owed what I paid. I have not seen any kind of bill on how this move is broke down and defiantly was charged for things I did not receive and weight that was suppose to be .19 cents a pound. I was quoted at $7600.00 with services that did not happen I fell this is what was owed if not less.

I would like to get this resolved without using the judicial system but I am not a person who accepts a good reaming and just sit there and take it.



Moscow, Kansas


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