  • Report:  #2336

Complaint Review: SpeeDee Oil Change and Tune UP - Metairie Louisiana

Reported By:
- Metairie, La,

SpeeDee Oil Change and Tune UP
1714 Vetarans Boulevard Metairie, 70005 Louisiana, U.S.A.
504 831 8254
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Brought my 1982 Chevrolet Caprice to SpeeDee Oil Change on May 20 to have the air conditioning system checked so as to assure its good working condition for the summer.

The tech did a leak check on the system and found no leaks. He documented that it was 42* at the vent on a 90+ degree day. He then unauthorizedly added 1/2 lb. of freon to the system. I picked up my car and on a 10 minute test drive it was blowing only hot air.

I immediately returned to SpeeDee and the tech looked at the system and said the compressor blew. The system now needs $800 worth of work and SpeeDee assumes no responsibility to the point of hostility. My subsequent inquiries reveal that too much freon was the problem. Please advise.


Paul, Metairie, Louisiana

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