  • Report:  #641339

Complaint Review: Stephanie panayiotou - Internet

Reported By:
DYNEX16 - mycity, California, USA

Stephanie panayiotou
666stephaniepanayiotou 90210 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Stephanie Lynn , Stephanie panayiotou , aka , HALEY HAZE ,  


(((links redacted)))

Released from the viod, I behold the perfect beauty.
Creator of all things, Sayeth Satan!
Eyes of molten souls view the building of universes. 

Meteors adore your forhead shining throught the sapphire veil of formless choas, 
hidding your naked body from view. 

The golden phallus brings forth 
eternal existing souls. 

Your are Kether the purest light of creation.
Between your silver jeweled hair appears a eight-rayed rainbow of diamond. 

From your body comes the scarlet sea. 

Your honey voice creates the constellations 
of space. 

Your mind is the eternal river of life.Guided by your hands, 
I pass between the veil of void and star. Against your trembling body, 
I can see beyond the soul into the dazzling eyes....
The everlasting light of nothingness. Oh Satan, I adore you!!   999

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

53 Updates & Rebuttals


my book through lifes obstacles comes sunshine out on amazon

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, March 27, 2021

 my book on how i met these trolls that trolled on me for years not just on this site but many others..goto chaper on nyc and chater on rapper boyfriend in my book through lifes obstacles comes sunshine on amazon and barns and nobles and through google books..there was another site with hashtags that were taken down with this what i also found This Report is about me! to poster dynex16 go see a shrink poster with a mentally ill disorder, you have already been punished by god, need i say more, you have had tragedy upon tragedy after posting this,lies,fires,floods,etc, cara xenia and christina all had cancer sickness and now in our world theres pandemics,life is beautiful but its like god is punishing the wicked in california, why did you come at a child of god(me) with such falseness and hate? you have not repented or yet even yet apoligized, its ok your problem is not with me but with god August 30, 2020 3:53 pm Reply General Consumer Tila August 30, 2020 5:46 pm Reply General Consumer Yes I was. Listed too on this report and God and Jesus handled dynex16 well as well I spoke about the California churches like agape in Beverly hills...god creates fires pandemics etc...and it only happens on the land where the wicked jezebels reside Kandii wov aka Dulce sanchez October 11, 2020 5:43 am Reply General Consumer Kandii wov aka Dulce sanchez..it’s me Im no longer flat chested or flat botteyed I bought breast and butt implants and got me into making **** Google search kandii wov Rachelle.bella October 11, 2020 6:29 am Reply General Consumer Rachelle Bella aka Rachelle hanasab..come check my new nose and new vaneer teeth out…I changed everything and still continue to be a Jezebel in the churches Christina safai October 11, 2020 4:15 pm Reply General Consumer It’s me Christina safai..I still love cheating getting around trolling and sleeping with others partners it’s an addiction for me.. Cheryl hanasab ruffini October 11, 2020 5:53 pm Reply General Consumer Cheryl hanasab aka Cheryl ruffini…my family members are masons freemasons and I was there triangle girl as a kid…hmm TILA October 12, 2020 1:04 am Reply General Consumer LETS MAKE THIS CLEAR SO THERES NO CONFUSION ON MY VIDEOS I STATE I I SAID THE WRONG THING I MEANT GOD NOT I SO AGAIN NO CONFUSION BUT GOD SENDS FIRES PANDEMICS ETC..OUT IN THIS WORLD ONLY ON THE LANDS WHERE THE WICKED LIVE, YES THE FAKE CHRIESTIANS AND ONES THAT DO ACTS OF EVIL.. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE MUST START BEING KIND LIKE JESUS INSTEAD OF WICKED..FEAR NOT I OR US BUT THE LORD...you can judge all you want of my past pornlife or hellywood style but i have been born again TILA TILA TILA Anywhow this was on another site that was removed i want to share my truths here..nevermind the trolls... Through Lifes obstacles comes sunshine, my Biography By Stephanie Lynn


which John?

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 15, 2015

Jonathan Hanasab whos mother and grandmother all part of a freemason lodge and jonathan who has been put in the mental institute since age 13 through most his childhood years; having issues with his father which his mother cheryl states he was molested by. and who  has abused the american law by stating he fears his life and the life of his friends and put lies to create a restraining order against ms Panayiotou; to then cyber harrasse and then feel safe as he believes he is due to to a little phony paper he made in court that stephanie never received or the court date issue to appear?  well very far off from being safe as GOOD WILL ALWAYS BEAT EVIL...  THE EVIl aNd MEAN ARE GEnERAlly weak as jonathan, christina rafael polo the ones hiding behind a phony restraining order that cyber harrass are.

Here you will find a video of what this mental institute patient made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TKnQvPKl6Q

theres another John and that John giuffrida whos married to phyliss giuffrida mother of derek and first cousin of barbera streisand.. stephanies ex husband derek giuffrida son of john and phyliss whom she divorced.  Derek has resentment to stephanie because stephanie wanted to leave him due to his pot habits cheating habits and nonsense derek put chairs infront of there nyc apartment door not allowing stephanie to leave him stephanies good friend reported it to nypd.  nypd then broke down doors and arrested him.  Stephanie signed papers with nypd stating police where there but told police an District attorney of nyc she didnt want to go through with charges.  However since the nyc laws are strong without stephanie going against derek they still pursued the case making derek have to settle for anger management.  Stephanie gave derek a second chance when she moved to los angeles; and saw he never changed and left him again.  derek found different women who pressed charges against him for rape and other things.  John and Phyliss asked stephanie to appear in court on dereks behalf and Lie to the judge stating what happened in ny never happened etc.. stephanie refused due to the fact if she was to lie in court where the case proved derek did what he did in nyc stephanie would be entitled to jail time over the deal; and at that time since derek did not help stephanie with her green card stephanie going to court for derek may also have been deported.  since stephanie refused to get involved in the matter the giuffridas gave stephanie a hard time on her divorce with derek.  it took stephanie 3 times to file against him and after 10 years its now officially over.  Giuffridas are other evil weak people that never take responisibility for there own actions and till this day still blame stephanie and others and to ignorant to realize there the ones at fault.

Last John we beleive John Borman

ex owner of entertainium studios and la couples a swingers club.

stephanie needed a job and thought that working there as a receptionist would be a great place.  they also 

offered her to live there after her breakup with derek. 

John is known for going after every women in that club and to offer drugs on people . and forceful one night he pushed his way into stephanie  when she had a few beers. and the results were of pregnancy that got aborted. John is said to have slept with his daughters as well. there club got shut down due to others compliants etc.. john  and lynn borman blame stephanie which stephanie has no police filings against them and there club. yes stephanie wants nothing to do with them but she is not responsible for there problems they need to research through reports through lapd before blaming it on innocent people.  stephanie was an illegal immigrant so she never wanted involvement in america with police or courts.



to answer your question

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, January 24, 2015

Its really simple to answer your question.  this report was originally posted as a negative review on stephanie that will never be removed.  well now its getting turned into a positive blog exposing the parasites stalking and putting gov or other contracts on stephanie.  exposing mohammed al turki for drive by stalking in his car donald carlos seoane for drive by stalking cara quici drive by stalking and xenia all being cought. Stephanie focuses on her own life; they need to focus on theres ; and anything they do or did with gov ties or targeting stephanie i am here as a journalist to expose them on it get it legally seattled once and for all.  if they want to continue to play games the more exposing of them will come and will continue more and more until they get it through there dumb thick skulls to stop cowardly bothering people like a parasite stalker and focus on there own darn lives.


reply to John

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, January 24, 2015

Oh its really simple.. to answer your question this report will never be removed so, now its getting turned from a negative into a positive exposing to the parasites stalking stephanie; and putting her as a target for government movement which i as a journalist are in the works of getting all proves of whom signed the papers against stephanie to expose the scums and to put them behind bars..

Im sure you or anyone would be creeped out to see mohammed al turki drive by stalking

Stephanie has no ties or wants nothing to do with him so why dont he focus on his own life

as well as xenia being cought and cara quici hiding in her car in beligium and donald carlos seoane hiding in his car.  

im a journalist and yup they need to have the light shined on them to stop.



#6General Comment

Fri, January 23, 2015

i have just read this entire report and very confused to whats going on here


stephanie panayiotou message

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, January 20, 2015





xenia,mohammed.donald and cara

hello xenia ss xen  ksem or whatever name u use. and your man Bradley Feinstein  
for the last time i never wrote nothing of you i could care less what you do for a living or anything..
you have others who post that your a scam or look like a man on your imdb.  not in my nature. and ive never been to your  company or apartment to write full details..
however i have seen you in the south of france which means you are trying to track me and watch me along with donald carlos seoane as well.. and mohammed al turki in belgium;;;as well as cara quici hiding in her car in belgium....if you have a problem let me know to my face dont play games and write im in custody etc. when im not or that you have my ip address. and or add hate sites;;; that your uncle or cyber unit friends back up wow i never ever had a green card and i had so many people that were intimidated by me in the modeling and show bizz in america lol wow i dont even care about fame..however if you are one trying to bash on me or behind it COME TO MY FACE IN PERSON AND ILL TELL YA THIS TO YOURS you should have a look in the mirror no not the photoshoped mirror.  you are not one that one would turn there head to twice on the street and alex thinks you are much more aged then i and past your expiration date. so stay jealous and keep hating on me its a huge form of flattery.  i put no energy into you or speak of you what so ever  so i expect you do the same.  wheither you are xen sia or siamas or al turki or smith or tila nguyen or darwin or lisa or donald or jon hanasab or tina safai or cara or rafael zavala or polo viteri or  any of them and you put negatative energy to me this message applies to you.  IF YOU DO IT APPLIES TO YOU IF YOU DONT THEN THIS MESSAGE DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU
although i enjoy writing filmmaking music and painting i am not about ego or fame
ALSO SINCE THIS PWL HATE SITE HAS BEEN UP FROM D CARLOS SEOANE NOTICE MANY DEATHS HAVE occured LIKE LISA CAMACHOS MOM OF I DONT KNOW WHAt her connected friends daughter; lisa is not my friend ; but i heard her mom died when the site originally went up. vlad mateescu; my brother loucas; and donalds friend who took his own death jake malone.  i think some may not be accidents and may be a case from a terrorist or government cia movement;; especially since ive seen them spying on me.. well if  murder is what it is what goes around comes around and eventually water will seep at its own level; and then that crashing wave will come and crash down on them. also alexs ex stephanie smith family is gov and cia as well through katerine kirby and arthur baldanado. which they too will be looked into as well ;i believe maybe the supposed contract against me is through government



Tactics to fight gov gang stalking


i will find out and go after them one by one

i need proof against who added me as target i believe it to be cara quici or xenia siama;tila nguyen;christina safai or jonathan hanasab regardless i am a mother of 2 and they are just some s**t wannabes drivin by hurt egos that i  care nothing for that arer stalking me with government ties .. my life and the life of my children are of more importance then some s**t with a hurt ego or anger issues

email xenia  wrote me back in 2011

Dear Stephanie, 
You have 24 hours to take down the UTUBE and the "rip off report "posting, the one with my name on it , thereafter I file aggravated assault charges through NY and LA PD.We have already tracked your IP address and have pulled your actual home address.Unless this is a mistake , erase my name from your UTUBE video. Cara Quici has also brought this to our attention and has asked me to sign documents against you that can and will potentially land you in jail. for a very long time.I strongly suggest , you stop mentioning and posting anything to do with my name . 
Google my uncle : Howard A. Schmidt -He is an expert in the areas of computer security, cybercrime, critical infrastructure protection and business risks related to cyber security.I have made him aware of you . He is very upset , YET he suggested I reach out to you in hopes this is a mistake before we take action. Therefore , go to utube and take it all down.
Email me when you have done so , otherwise I proceed with legal action .


Interview 2 with ms panayiotou

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, August 03, 2014

Interview 2 with ms panayiotou.

A- so we talked alittle about you doing adult films , how did you get in out and why?
S- I was scouted by a guy named vinny , he scouted me at Ralph's supermarket ,he stated he was a photographer.  We shot some photos then after a few drinks he gave me he talked me into doing adult videos. I told him I wasn't legal , he said not a problem I will get you the right documents social security card etc. he dropped me off and picked me up on each shoot,  as I stated I was really hurt by my ex husband and in the mindset and past events if rape in my life and horrible step dad, I felt what else is there to loose this has happened to me over and over what difference if its recorded.  So each shoot I was not attracted to the actors they put me with I had a bottle if whiskey I drank before to get me through the payed job.  After the 3rd shoot I did I had this awful dream that scared me that made me a life changing situation for the better of myself. My vision in my dream was a n ex friend of mine who is a pornstar who they call kitty called me crying stating she contracted HIV.  When I woke up the very next morning vinny called me to do a shoot again I told him I couldn't I didn't want to do it and I quit.  My phone blew up with tons of calls and text messages. I ending up changing my number and chip, so they could no longer harrass me.  I am so glad I quit that very day my health is clean and good, and ive been saved by the grace of god to give me vision.  my angel over my shoulder was really looking out for me because one of kitty's people she knew Cameron bay. As of 2013 has contracted HIV and many others as well who stayed a long time in that devil business.  That is past and put behind me and no human can judge me,as humans are all imperfect.
A- so in our previous interview we spoke of people that try to bash you online, is there anything else you would like to mention of them.
S- you can judge for yourselves they are both ugly inside as out counter punch sites of them posted by people who care for me to stick up for me are here,
The site is about as rude as the ridiculous ones put of me.
They are in there 20's and look more aged then me due to there substance abuse. The girls tina and dulce ,maria cars try to cake on make up to hide there long faced features  or other bad features that will show regardless of how much make up they wear. And that includes the jealousy of Alex's rejects who he found to be ugly inside and out gulla guichard stephanie smith, and numerous others . The men  Jon and bizzy bone donny polo and rafael, Denis, joe , Michael , and others have wrinkles on there face and they look like meth addicts and ugly too . There in no position to speak or bash anyone with the looks they have. Beauty comes from within , whatever you have within your soul will show on the outter and it reflects badly of them.  Like I said before anyone who bashes anyone is of no beauty and they deserve to be exposed on it.  In other words those that stir the crap pot deserve to lick the spoon. They are all past people of Alex and I and deserve to stay in the past.
A- I see well . I agree with you by the way, there nonsense is kind of ridiculous though. 
A- so when you were in Canada you supported the movember movement a fight against prostate cancer, and Canada raised the most money in the world to donate for the cure where can I find the newspaper listing with your back up on this?
S- you can see me in the Hanover post or here directly online 
A-wow that's amazing so you do actually have a good kind heart through all the misunderstandings of you.
A- Is there any other movements you are doing to help others?
S- possibly, you know how I will do my reality show, well there's a church that does missions helping those in need through Africa South America and Asia, and I've been in contact with them to volunteer on the   Mission dedicating 2 years of my life traveling with my family and helping those in need.  I plan to film and also document it if the church allows me to do the mission for them.  Regardless I will. Still do. My reality documentary show, but I am always ready to help with any good cause or movement , if there is any that you know of let me know how I can help.
A-sounds terrific I am glad you've made steps to help for good causes.
And if I hear of anything I will contact you directly.
A-another question while you were illegally in America is there sites on where your mainstream modelling films and music 
S- yes there's a wiki on those cash jobs that gave some credit for my survival. And it's here 
A-good to know tell me alittle but about Alex and your two beautiful kids.
S-Back in l. A I wanted out of the dancing business and slaving myself to the world for money. I wanted someone to show me the right path. So I became spiritual , dropped to my knees and preyed to god to send the right man in my life to free me of that business and one that I would love as he loves me as equal, a soulmate. Alex appeared in my life, toughte how to detach myself of Materialist needs , tought me to survive like a gitan , tought me and bought me books on Hinduism Buddhism , detachment of ego, self, and the material world. Also tought me of my heritage the ancient Egyption secrets the book of the dead. And the one surpreme being that I always believed in god, or others call Vishnu or ra, Ahman ra,Allah, the native Indians refer to as wakan tanka. Alex opened my eyes by teaching me of other religious beliefs other then what I grew up with Christianity and the Old Testament of bible Judaism(western philosophy) . He tought me all that and saved my life.
As I too saved his life as well. We share two beautiful kids Isis who is such a beautiful soul and spirit inside and out Isis resembles norma jean (marilyn monroe) as a kid and Phoenix .  Phoenix looks Identical to the baby on the film 
legend of hercules, starring kellan lutz, Phoenix already has the Kellan lutz look dark blonde hair tanned skin and bright blue eyes. There both gorgeous and I am so blessed to have them as well as to have Alex in my life who is both handsome inside and out to me and of royal bloodline.
A- what do you mean Alex is of royal blood?
S- we searched the bloodline of lartelier it's of the Basque Country and of royal bloodline , Alex is not rich today but rich in spirit.  Alex great ancestors of the lartelier side  were kings and queens in the medieval days in basque.  Well my name is Stephanie which means crown and he is of royal bloodline and my soulmate that god granted me. My king!!  I am blessed god has answered my prayers, because I preyed alot day and day out.
A- wow I'm very happy things have finally worked out for you. And I will let you know of any movements or causes you can help out with.


Report Attachments


I am a journalist here

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2014

I am a journalist here I've interviewed ms panayiotou.

first and most importantly I believe the law needs 

to take action against the threats coming from Marcus 

salinas and mr hanasab. 

Here is my interview with questions and aanswers coming 

from ms panayiotou. 

Stephanie l panayiotou aka stephanie lynn Spane ,  . A singer model, actress past adult film gal and now mother of 2.  

She is living her life now as a happy mother of 2 and wife,  but has her sights set on doing her reality show documentary with her man Alex.  Questions and answers when I met up with ms panayiotou at our normal coffee shop.
A-so first question I'm going to ask you is what is your reality show about ?
S- it's about us as a traveling family exploring more on cultures and places while making a living on the road.
A-sounds very interesting I guess we won't know until its finished.
A- another question as the Internet is a new tool out in this world , besides the fact you do music and movies , modelling have you ever done adult movies?
S- unfortunately yes, 3 films but I don't recognize myself then in 2007 as I was heavily under intoxication and going through alot after my first break up with my first husband. i dont see that person as me, if that makes any sense.
there is a bigger scandal to this event as its  not legal as I wasn't a legal immigrant in America , and they gave me a fake social security card when I did it plus heavily under alcohol that was givin to me.
But that is all past and I am I the future now. I've  put it behind me as it was close to 8 years ago. And people can't judge me unless they want judgement put on themselves.
only god can judge me no human can or has any importance or say, every human has made mistakes and they are not perfect that is why they cannot judge me or others.
A-how do u feel about bad reviews being put up of you and your past films even reviews stating your a lucifer worshipper ,hideous, well you are far from hideous, you are in my opinion a very beautiful girl and your face and eyes are your strongest parts of you.
S- I don't take any of it seriously generally. Last I checked I'm not part of any church of satan , so that's a huge lie there.  when u look at the ones trying to bash me , it's obvious they are extremely jealous and don't even like themselves or have extreme issues in there  lives and are both unattractive inside as well as outside. Some of my fans put counterpunch sites of them as well.  Many women who generally hate on me are with children without there fathers in there life, and if they don't have children they get used left and right from different men, with no one taking them serious, and if they are the guys they have some extreme mental issues due to past abuse issues. Anyone of real beauty wouldn't feel the need to go out of there way bashing on people unless they have some major issues .  But none of it is an importance in my life as the individuals have no standing or part of my life.   You can either love me or hate me either way is cool with me. And besides mean people suck who wants people like that your life? I am like a Buddha very detached from nonsense.  And like I said before only god can judge me , no one else.
A-what do consider as beauty.
S-I think always beauty comes from inside the soul, beauty is being you on your good days and even sick days not looking your best if your happy inside that's beauty. We can all be beautiful if we keep the poisonous negativity out of our souls.
A- so you have planned this reality show documentary what else in the works for you in the future
S-well everything I do will always involve my family as family is number one but I plan on going to school for filmmaking and music engineering, and I've taken an interest in photography as well.
A-I've heard your mother passed away of cancer when you were 13 and your brother died in a car accident. Has that had any effect on you?
S- at those times I went through my share of tears, 
But I know they are now in a better place now, I still don't know everything yet before my brother had his departure. 
A- what do you know of what happened before your brother passed on.
S- I know the area where he crashed was flat land and I heard there was transport trucks with there lights gleaming on him. I don't know where he was before or who he was with before his departure, everyone in the small town area who knew him knows. But don't say. 
A-I see well maybe in time the truth will come out.
A- out of curiosity how were u able to live and work in America if you weren't legal
S- when I first married in 2003 I was givin a temporary work permit for the year, then my marriage fell apart I fell out of love and I never ended up getting my green card, so I worked cash Jobs, even the modelling was cash payed off the books.
A-would you want to return to America living as illegal again.
S- no I wouldn't want that life again I am content being legal in a country and getting treated equally like everyone else. My daughter was born in America though but she would not be able to register me or her father for a very long time.
A- so since you have been living in Canada and Europe how do u like it?
S- Canada I love it's my homeland  very wild spacious and free, all my childhood friends are still my very close childhood friends , Europe I'm getting used to and learning more and more French, I want to Settle down the line in Cyprus or south of France or the French country's like Tahiti or New Caledonia .  But maybe Cyprus is best as it has no humidity it's dry heat like California , but much more beautiful.
A-well I hope you settle where you love to be and I look forward to this documentary reality show you are doing


Report Attachments


in regards to rebuttals and murders

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 11, 2014

TO anyone that is posted on this report as a comment or rebuttal ;MAYBE DUE TO YOU MAKING A RECORDED LYING STATEMENT AGAINST ALEX OUT OF JEALOUSY TO TO HURT HIM or deport him. STEPHANIE THE COUSIN OF ALEX OR STEPHANIE ALEX EX WIFE and want it removed the only one that can do it; is the author of this report who is dynex16,OR ADAM TANNER(read my blog in regards to them) or an informal claims dynex16 is christina safai aka tina nguyen.

i have spoke to christina and she heavily denies it; however she is known to be a liar from past history. also others claim is dynex16 the other is rafael zavala; or rafael quesquen or polo viteri or an ex of mine jonathan Hanasab.

there addresses and information is posted on this report under one of the comments/rebuttals, to be in contact.

this silly report they put of me is nothing in comparison to what they conspired along time ago.

originally when i first dumped and broke up with jonathan hanasab my lincoln car he bought me the breaks got pulled after i left him and i almost crashed the car in the hollywood hills, which i beleive it came from him and his connections of friends that do machinical work. that is why i originally had beef with him as well as he never payed me for hard work of dancing on the cno show as well as promoting for him and casting girls for his calendar he never payed; and the consistant lying he did. Christina safai was my friend until i heard of all the backstabbing she spoke of me behind my back which is due to her insecurity issues. which turned into a fight that i got pulled off her in the park, for punching her too much after she started it. polo viteri was also a friend but turned against me and started trolling against me on the net because i never allowed him to move in to my hollywood apartment supporting him. rafael zavala was a friend that got involved due to jonathan manipulating him to do it and probably payed him to do sites of me as well, that in turn got called out on as well as others for stupidly fighting battles for jonathan that jonathan could have done on his own not involving others to conspire against me.

Rafael quesquen was a phony that i found out about in hollywood that wanted to manage me i payed him rent 400 a month at his apartmentand and got scammed on it and he had an eviction notice that he never told me of; police came and evicted us surprising me. my friend robert check his background out through police reports and we found out he was a phony; and did time for going for underage prostitutes. and i left him as a manager.

also JONATHAN HANASAB CHRISTINA SAFAI and MARCUS SALINAS AKA MARKY GARCIA AKA MARCUS MCLOVEN ON FACEBOOK are beleived to conspire against me killing an innocent women in my old hollywood apartment.

they could have moved on with there lives but instead they conspired against me stalked me and cyberstalked and now they are getting exposed on it.

Stephanie lynn spane to marcus..Marcus mc loven (Facebook user.. ::His real name Marcus salinas alias market Garcia,,,out of curiousity why in 2009 you text me someone was going to be killed and from what others there was a girl killed in my old hollywood apartment not cool;; whoever did it;; especially for the reason of being a sore loser;; im getting to the bottom of this.....

there was a girl killed in my old building I'm not saying its u that did it as I know u gave Jonathan and Tina my address but wrong apt # u gave them apt # 220 when it was 208. Bc u didn't know what they were going to do with gang members they are connected with. Do u not agree that they are corrupt and evil to do that to an innocent women, mistaken for me because what a stupid fight that Tina lost in. Jon threatened me after that I was going to end up dead etc., I want justice for them and there evilness and corruption and if they ever come near me or my family We will do what is necessary to take them out bc they are threats. Just come forward with the truth either way ill be expos ing this ,,,,,

.marcus mc loven real name marcus salinas alias name markey garcia..to stephanie lynn Spane

forget about the past stupid its not your business forget you ignorant women not ur business forget it...

Marcus mc loven Facebook user.. Real name Marcus salinas alias markey Garcia .. To Alex...that idiot caused a lot of problems

There is a contract out on Stephanie keep her out of states , I'm telling u that contract will be fullfilleD..

Alex to Marcus: if u or anyone them come anywhere near us u will flat out be done your with your life.. And by the way ur threats will be exposed for the world to see Obama needs to clean out that trash in America , now u just caused more problems for yourself , watch and see

Stephanie Lynn Spane Jon and Tina are Jonathan hanasab.. Tina real name is christina safai alias Tina Nguyen

February 28 at 10:31am · Like

A-----im glad you put something up about this. i shared it on my timeline and ill help spread the word for you. good for you for doing your part. that fool is a loser.

February 28 at 8:35pm · Unlike · 1

Stephanie Lynn Spane yes indeed

March 3 at 8:39am · Like

Alex Csl Yea this guy is a Moran and d********, fat and disgusting too..how did u even come across people like him stephanie? But besides that he needs to be dealt with along with his friends

March 11 at 11:30pm · Unlike · 1


Stephanie Lynn Spane He posted on Craigslist in la under talent for models and claimed he was a photographer, I. Met Jon the same way Jon posted in cl too for dancers for a time Warner series.... Never use Cl alot of times u will come across creeps like these individuals

March 12 at 9:31am · Like





Sasha grey and ackiller

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 31, 2013

 Sasha grey. Marina Ann Hantzis (alias Sasha Grey) 

We suspect marina hantzis aka sasha grey friend of ac killer also involved in cyberstalking me in order to get ideas for movies like..
Sasha grey aka marina hantzis only gets jobs by using her sex not looks to go ahead.  She gets paid to drink urine and do anal sex.  It is said she has several stds.   If u look closely on unedited photos of her her face she is aging grotesquely hideous and ugly..
She is obviously jealous of prettier Greek girls that have better faces then hers.  I pity her she will always
Be prostituting herself and No man will ever truly love her.  Her face has aged a lot for her age due to drug abuse.. And gotten uglier over the years.
Her friends


Report Attachments


ackiller and friends exposed

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, December 23, 2013

Ac Killer New Album DeMo oN YouTube

Bizzy Bone

Flesh N Bone  

Ac KiLLer is a good guy but yee we kill people and....

people Kill people All The Time

seems to me you just gave yourself away for knowing about it polo i hear you guys are sore losers ie christina safai  that lost a physcal fight to her in 09 and had a hit on stephanie with ackiller which in turn murdered an innocent blonde that lived in her same old apartment  building 7537 hollywood blvd hollywood spring summer of 2009 if the story from told by whitespeare is accurate:: police are not disclosing much detail on phone but if all in all is true you will in turn be reprehended and find yourselves in a cold jail cell 4 life sharing it with the likes of your new boyfriend Bubba::



kandi fishi aka dulce sanchez lilly santiago

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 16, 2013

dulce sanchez aka kandi fishi is a jealous insecure prostitute that works as that and at jack in the box in vannuys california, and lives at the woodland hills address with jonathan or at de celis pl vannuys cal http://www.spokeo.com/search?q=Dulce+Sanchez,+Van+Nuys,+CA&swp4=t88#:263115347 she works at jack in the box as a front for her sex exchange business with her good friend lily santiago. both ugly hideous face grotesk prostitutes.

in 2013 dulce invested in a bad operation from a bad plastic surgeoun due to her low self esteem and insecurities to get a bad breast job and butt implant job which looks even worse.. she takes her insecurities out on girls that are generally more beautiful than her more real,more successful landed more modeling jobs. and people like me that do good causes and get recognition in the paper.she helps her pedifile boyfriend jonathan hanasab aka ac killer cyberstalk people like me that they are

jealous of.. the fact that jonathan got dumped by me and i dont want anything to do with him or his freemason cult mother friends or his family, or sex prostitution ring.. he then engages with as many people he can get to put reports and sites of me

to discredit me out of jealousy. so sad i travel and go so many places and have a soulmate alex and a beautiful daughter which jon can never get or do nor can his friends afford it.

jonathan was molested by his father jack hanasab and been in and out of the mental institute on numerous occasions...he cheats on dulce with 16 year old prostitutes and christina safai. they live like swingers cheating on one another . and always having bad karma and misfortunes. the law of karma shall bring fourth there doses needed =)




Report Attachments


joseph librandi aka joe brandi

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, May 16, 2013

joseph librandi aka joe brandi aka pornactor mr big (((REDACTED))) has been linked to slandering and cyberstalking people

with his buddy donald carlos seaone. hes a fat ugly hideous fat old face ex dirty cop ex pornstar thats now running a investigation site

called snoops investigation.  he pulls information of people and post there address home address on slanderous sites along with there family members.  he also does hunting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_azlEfEZYdg


wondering if he was in canada dec 19 2011.  he is now known to be in mexico and thailand.  


this man needs to be located and reprehended and investigated for all his bad actions

Report Attachments


woodland hills,
all these people attached to U.S army solidiers

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, May 05, 2013


elizabethroyalelizabethescandon dot weebly dot com


donnylongmonicafoster dot weebly or monicafosterisblacktrash dot weebly dot com


274827829573609913 dot weebly dot com/blog.html


lisacamachovictoriaprobert dot weebly dot com


christinasafai dot weebly dot com/blog dot html


991333048537818152 dot weebly dot com/blog dot html


these individuals are cyberstalkers linked to us army friends like vlad and elizabeth cook that

do there tracking spying phone taping and information pulling also possible friends to M;semos

a ex navy seal whom is possibly as well connected with cara quici and darwin ortiz




woodland hills,
elizabeth c**** a mentally insane stalker

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 04, 2013

elizabeth c**** is mentally sick and crazy she works for the military in arizona as a marine and abuses her powers to stalk and cyberstalk people like stephanie and others that are friends with jonathan hanasab christina safai rafael zavala, she calls people from an internet phone number always sounding drunk and high off substance asking for a larry. Larry is her brother..

she has also been spotted on location around areas where stephanie stays in a red bronco then late at night she knocks on doors and walls and takes off.  that is her way of stalking and harrassing people.  her friend vlad hacks computer accounts and puts spyware on screens;; to watch and stalk people also crazy guy.  elizabeths address is **** mesa AZ 85213-5593 vlad m**** is **** napa ca 94559-4254 . 

the best way to resolve the issue is cut off all communacations block from the internet and dont allow these stalkers to have any information about you. change emails etc;;; they should not be able to abuse there power priviledges working for the military and stalking people.


Report Attachments


woodland hills,
alexandra mayers aka monica foster

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, May 02, 2013

alexandra mayers aka monica foster traced as well to cyberharrassment against stephanie and others.

alexandra mayers aka monica foster a failed pornstar,hpv2 positive escort ,cam girl and tranny lookalike with an ugly hideous face, cyberstalks many individuals with the help of her friend donny long.

donnylongmonicafoster.weebly.com and then ask for money to take down links to try to extort people for money since.they do criminal and organized crimes.

fbi are searching for this criminal any info on her whereabouts is a help.


Report Attachments


Our team located cyber stalker donny l****

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, April 17, 2013

We located cyberstalking donny l**** He at this time in his life unfortunately For him is HIV positive. So he is miserable so. His face is aging And ugly as hideous as it comes. Google donny l**** HIV and sites will Pop up with his test results. Also google donny long convicted felon with a list of crimes he committed there's (((link redacted))) has his results He needs to create cyberstalking sites of Stephanie And many others to try to bash to feel better about himself And try to ask for $1000 to remove his untrue bashful Comments.

Authorities are looking for him and I have his information Chonburi Thailand bang lamung and Nong sadao rd Phone number (((redacted))) his wife's name is Puy. (((link redacted))) It is also said he works for monster drinks in USA and Belgium And possibly Thailand. For he cannot work I. The Adult industry due to his test results. He is angry at everyone the need to post Untruthful reports. He is good friends of christina safai (((link redacted))) Jonathan hanasab and Rafael zavala author of this report google Rafael zavala or Rafael zavela Report

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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Stacy p traced to Diana Marie penate

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, April 10, 2013

Stacy p of Dallas traced to Diana Marie Penate if a Dallas a jealous ugly troll Ex of Jonathan Hamadan and a convicted Criminal http://m.journal-spectator.com/mobile/news/in_custody/article_5e272162-3b78-11e2-b0ed-0019bb2963f4.html



Diana M Penate 25939 Chapman Falls Dr Richmond, TX 77406 Age: 25-29

Report Attachments


rafael zavala and polo viteri are dynex16 traced to his email with

#20Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 13, 2012

Rafael Zavala 
65+ W 48th St
Los Angeles, CA Angelica M Zavala
Rosa C Zavala
Maria S Zavala 1
Rafael Zavala 
  Gabriel Garcia Marquez St
Los Angeles, CA 2
Rafael Z Zavala Jr 
40-44 Granada St
Los Angeles, CA 3
Rafael Zavala 
35-39 S Downey Rd
Los Angeles, CA 4
Rafael Z Zavala Jr 
  Range View Ave
Los Angeles, CA 5
R Zavala 
  E 43rd St
Los Angeles, CA Lydia Zavala 6
Raphael B Zavala 
55-59 S St Andrews Pl
Los Angeles, CA Gilbert B Zavala
Maria G Zavala

[email protected],he has ripoffreport account dynex16 under [email protected] himself and polo viteri are the cause
of cyberstalking  stephanie with the help of jonathan hanasab and christina safai behind them he needs reprehending
for there bad actions so they dont stalk cyberstalk others.. pedifiles/stalkers like rafael and polo should
be in either a mental hospital or jail and his number 818-300-2241

the best way to solve this action is to take action  against these criminals


real name rafael zavela changed it to zavala

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, December 13, 2012

he is a scumbag cyberstalker he does cyberstalk people.. he asked me todo a photoshot with him and because i never gave him nude pictures he refused to give me a cd copy of what we did..

he works for a porno company he does try to recruit girls into that industry..or he wont let u know hes in it and use your images and name putting false info on spam sites..hes a f-u-g-l-y pedifile that goes for underage girls as well with his good buddys jonathan hanasab polo viteri and donny long...
his email is [email protected],[email protected] has been spotting stalking my cousin at starbucks locations in beverlyhills,also showing up at random locations..he lives at jonathan hanasabs location or at his parents..hes a sicko that needs to be dealt with by the law..



real name rafael zavela changed his name to zavala to hide from his reputation


Report Attachments


judgement day for Stefan Gray

#22Consumer Comment

Mon, December 03, 2012


Stefan Gray is a cyberstalking pedifile pig, that travels to asia and sleeps with minor boys and girls he should be locked behind bars with the key thrown out, him and his team Klay Shroedel, Joerg Fronzke,Dr. Stefan Fraedrich,Robert Schroedel,Don Carmody,Mike Tarzian,Despina Efstathiou Michael Sellars, all cyberstalk creeps and they are in the porn business as well and traffic many illegals into there business without proper ids'..judgement day is coming for them..



#23Consumer Comment

Sun, December 02, 2012

check out these hypocritical hookers they like to point a finger when there the dirty ones doing so much porn dont make you a better person or give you bigger values it makes you lesser of a person and dirtier.. they think there hot when there not they are just midgets with fake b***s and average in face like others nothing spectacular thats why they only can do porn and stuck with it they couldnt cut mainstream modeling.. and they are as negative  and jealous as they come..

Tia Tanaka aka dawn ann Dawn Ann Nguyen
Michelle Salamanca aka kitty jung aka Amanda Yung
then check tila tequila escorting (((link redacted))) ....what is hollywood becoming full of prostitutes ?,,the only reason 

i point a finger at these individuals is because they point it at others when  there hands are dirty.. and thats for anyone do not throw stones if your born a sinner or or you'll get 3 back at you,take what you dish..and move on.. its judgement day 4 everyone!!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


alex cousin and alex ex STALKERS

#24Consumer Comment

Sat, October 27, 2012

Stephanie Smith aka Stephanie Lartelier /Stephanie smith lartelier

Is a hated jealous overweight ugly on the inside as outter  women and as jealous as it gets she cant stand to see the happiness of others because shes miserable and bitter inside.. . jealous over any of alex ex since he dumped her 11 years ago..

she has her cousin who is cia that cyberstalk all, alex gf and fiance that includes miss panayiotou, she has
made up numourous false accusations against alex to the police out of jealousy to put him behind bars costing him
and his good friends like nadia and newman thousands of dollars..she has alex cell or had it on gps and spyware listening to all his conversations and text messages..with the help of her relatives.. she recently had it arranged in the states for alex to be keeped in prison without bail because she was jealous he was going to canada to see his soulmate miss panayiotou and his daughter Isis.  

She is cross bi polar and mentally insane due to her past cocaine use and adreral pill popping.. she gives all school teachers a bad name they shouldnt even have people like her around children. she acts fake to peoples face but is a snake always behind there backs.. she has been giving her son lucas aderal pills since age 6 which has already effected his mind, when hes not on it hes very down and depressed when he is on it he is tweeked like on meth.we wish nothing but the worst for her she needs to be reprehended for her bad actions..behind bars or a  mental hospital..

Stephanie Moulard/stephanie santapaula/stephanie Moulard lartelier

Stephanie Moulard/stephanie santapaula/stephanie Moulard lartelier an ugly long faced hooker she has also been sickly after her first cousinalex.. you may ask What to that? yes indeed its true she married alex brother serge nicolas lartelier who is her first cousin and even shares a child with him.. she has been after alex for a long time wanting him to give her a child alex doesnt want his cousin that way.. she  is a  store manager and prostitute she got payed by kobe bryant http://www.worldtempus.com/en/news/top-news/detail/article/1259855756-jaeger-lecoultre-host-los-angeles-lakers-at-the-beverly-hills-boutique/ and sleeps with owner to keep her job shes crazy she has made prank calls to miss panayiotou pretending to be someone else and stating

shes always pregnant when in fact shes not.. her and her husband or should i say first cousin sergio dont want alex with anyone other than his family they broke alex and stephanie smith up along time. ago. since then stephanie smith has been miserable and bitter.. towards alex and any of alex's gf's or fiance.. well not bitter to there face fake to there face and sneaky behind there backs like the snake she is.  this just needs to be exposed to the world its just not right!!!!

Report Attachments


tila tequila cyberstalking troll

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, October 03, 2012

tila tequila cyberstalking troll,, has spyware on ppls phones and computers likes to put a finger on others when she does dirty deeds such as 


and http://www.ghostriderradio.net/2012/05/28/occultist-and-indigo-child-tila-tequila-promotes-satanic-teachings-of-helena-blavatsky/

this washed out drug addict needs reprehending...for her bad actions

Report Attachments


mohammed-al-turki exposed and linked to cyberstalking stephanie

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, September 07, 2012

i believe within all my friends i have many with fake profiles...example ones from dubai..that alex worked for and protected on there visit in america...even though they tried splitting alex and me to try to push me to there son (the father of son Bubba) and they learned i never sold out to there millions they have from oil there born in i stayed with my true love... guys you dont have to pose with a fake profile on my friends.. its ok im fine with you..but i love alex...

 Robert-  wasnt that ahmed abdullaha or something or (((link redacted))) you guys were laughing about in 2010/2011?

(((link redacted)))
Yesterday at 1:05am Like  

Stephanie= it would have been ahmed...but i love alex and never went for him...when alex worked for mohammed al turkey...he got the job from his friend azeb who works for christian audigier at the headquarters in l.a...alex didnt have much faith in me then so he took me on his jobs secretly hiding me in the trunk of the cadillac escalade.. mahummed alturki found out lol and then alex lost that job then got his job working for ahmed and his family from dubai
Yesterday at 1:10am Like

Robert- ok you guys were both joking about what was going on with that al turki jerky guy... wasnt he in surgery to get his teeth vaneered and had different woman he payed for dating or getting pleasure from after a night at the beverly hills hotel...telling them all the same stories.. lol and i remember you wanting to kick one of the slutty ugly girls butt he was with for trying to hit on alex...
Yesterday at 1:15am Like

Stephanie- well the girl that was hitting on alex was one of his gf,, and alex no interest in her whatsoever,,she just made flirty comments to him, and presented herself trashy getting wasted wearing a small dress and sitting with her legs spread open (gross)..alex rejected her coldly.. i wanted to surprise her and jump out of the trunk on her but had to hold myself from doing it.. yes its the huchim on that site all the way to the top right wearing a pink dress
Yesterday at 1:21am Like

Stephanie - huchi^^
Yesterday at 1:21am Like

Robert - your so much prettier than her,,alex made a good choice although its not only about looks its about soul too and you have a good one.
Yesterday at 1:26am Like

 Stephanie- thank you well enough of that talk thats past old news...
Yesterday at 1:30am Like

Robert- its the girl on the second photo on the top right, right? wearing a pink dress? al turki looks like a weirdo...
Yesterday at 1:33am Like

Stephanie- yes thats her lol... but past news..
Yesterday at 1:34am Like

Yesterday at 1:35am Like

Robert - you betcha
Yesterday at 1:40am Like

Linda - well spoken Steph, so glad you followed your heart..Alex is for you
20 hours ago Unlike 1

Stephanie - thx Linda true love is forever =)

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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proof about anastacia aka cara quici,and input on stephanie

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, August 14, 2012

looking at some of cara or polo pictures they look high on meth or some substance and i only feel pity for them... xenia claims she never wrote onany  report about stephanie that its cara... only she knows if she did or didnt.. the person posting is sick with bad human factor emotions and jealousy.. and probably high on substance when they wrote it thats all i have to note..

666 proof about cara quici aka anastacia an escort on eros dot com  
her photo is below she sold herself for 300 to 450 an hour.. well she persues being a wanna be fake 
in the entertainment industry..  999 

Report Attachments


2 more people that need to be added to final judgement

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, June 06, 2012

cara quici.. is a failed singer actress..watch her perform live and see how terrible she is and darwin is a pimp rapist...drug dealer..that work the underground business and put the finger on others as well to hide there own bad doings..they make money in that world and use entertainment as a front..they also state they support military troops Anyone that works for the military or any part of the government just helps support killing innocent women and children for money and oil. Just my 2 cents.

Cara Quici ManagerDarwin D. Ortiz
Darwin World Media, LLC325 W 45 Street New York, N.Y.  10036
Phone:212.461.0489 Cell:917.667.1539
Email:[email protected] and cara and darwins video http://www.xvideos.com/video710038/cara_quici

Report Attachments


final judgement on cyberstalkers...

#29Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 28, 2012

on marcus salinas aka marky garciaHe goes by Marcus salinas/Marcus Garcia... Marcus salinas/Marcus Garcia... sextrafficer/fraud/illegal immigrant...He recruits young women and underrage women into the sex business traffics them from different country's stalks them when they want to leave him... his weblink is http://www.myspace.com/Parnar513 his phone number is 310-461-6352..he advertises as a modeling job on craiglslist but recruits girls for other alterior motives... What's up people just rolling with the punches. A little about me pretty much straight forward no nonsense. Out here in Hollywood laying low.

Hit me up guys if your in need of an entertainment consultant. I have ladies of all walks of life for all occasions.

Ladies and if your with the business.

Hit me up for details concerning my in call service. Safety, location and advertising is what I provide. Please fill free to contact me and ask for Marco at 310-461-6352 Respect and business No GamesWho I'd like to meet: Just want to have good time never know what may happen. If you are a women that just likes to go with the wind let's talk and if you want to do business answer the rest.

New Talent needed in Los Angeles Must be sexy fit,trim. Send revealing photos and information (age,height,weight,etc.)

1.Nude or bikini photos clear photos of body and face (Polaroids ok) Send contact info with photos to [email protected] looking forward, working with you.ON CHRISTINSA safai shes a failed model and failure in life with a hpv2 virus that shes not honest about.. shes as jealous as they come..also a part of cyberstalking and stalking individuals..on rafael zavela aka ralph zavelahe works for a porno company he does try to recruit girls into that industry..or he wont let u know hes in it and use
your images and name putting false info on spam sites..hes a f-u-g-l-y pedifile that goes for underage girls as well
with his good buddys jonathan hanasab polo viteri and donny long...


 his email is [email protected],[email protected] has been spotting stalking my cousin at starbucks locations in beverlyhills,also showing up at random locations..he lives at jonathan hanasabs location or at his parents..hes a sicko that needs to be dealt with by the lawon jonathan hanasaba+c killer aka  A.c killer REAL NAme Jonathan Hanasab who resides at  6086 Madera Dr Woodland Hills, CA 91367-7231

 and another place where he works out of his moms place Cheryl R Hanasab 5864 Laramie AveWoodland Hills, CA 91367-5526..
 it has been traced to this cyberstalker making false reports and sites with his sidekick pedifile friend polo viteri.. they violate underage girls sleep with them take advantage, with use of alcohol and drugs he also works alongside with his good felon friend donny long  donny long..they are bi as well and sleep with men.  

they stalk people in there cars but arent real enough to get out.. and step up they cyberstalk and then call lapd make false report to get restraining ordrer on person they cyberstalk out of fear.. Jonathan hanasab was submitted in mental institution at a very young age of 13 he has been there for years.. he is mentally ill claiming people are satanist when he and his mom practice the works of that...Jonathan and his mom both CLaim his issues are due to him being molested by his father Jack Hanasab..bizzybone is also bi due to his molestings at a young age.

whatever the situation is this guy needs to pay for anybad doings he does.. on polo viteri aka polo high and on Maribel Joachin  polo and jonathans friend Maribel cought and linked to cyberstalking as well heres her information Maribel Joachin Maribel Joachin,cyberstalker,con...hooker...she lives at 4166 E Montecito AveFresno, CA 93702-3541, shes related to AAssociated:Abel Joachin, Lydia Joachin, Jose N Joachin, Jason Joachin, Emelia R Rivera, N Joachin,,is a sicko cyber stalker,who stalks numerous people putting sites of them across the internet,, shes a failed model,failed xstar, prostitute,and as jealous as they come,,she has been traced for cyber stalking people she doesnt even know that shes jealous of..shes ugly and looks like shes been on her share of drugs...and just released from the mental institution..she needs to be looked up and authorities are to know of who she is or she needs beaten...dont let this creep con away with anything she does...on POLO VITERT + this conartist REAL NAME is POLO VIteri he changed it to be on the run to polo high his website is polohigh5.com polohigh5.tk  https://plus.google.com/101163071213440231741#101163071213440231741/posts..

he hides out at a.c killers aka jonathan hanasabs place 818) 436-2154 6086 Madera Dr Woodland Hills, CA 91367-7231
(818) 704-72735864 Laramie AveWoodland Hills, CA 91367-5526 .. or at his sister who also cyber stalks and stalks individuals like him at 8250 N Grand Canyon Dr, Unit 1126 Las Vegas, NV 89166-3737or other family membersDavid S Viteri
(818) 764-4012 7900 Bellingham AveNorth Hollywood, CA 91605-2304.  Marco A ViteriMariana E Viteri

 550 N Catalina StBurbank, CA 91505-3243Adolfo C Viteri(818) 252-79728022 Via Latina

 Burbank, CA 91504-1521151 N Maple St, Apt 204Burbank, CA 91505-4261,1305-1307

Riviera Ave Venice, CA 90291

 (.polo is a pedifile he sleeps with underage girls after getting them drunk

 like rachelle hanasab who is now 17 but went with her when she was only 14 years of age...he has done many gay xrated films

 he cyber stalks good people who dont want him as friend

  putting false info of them on sites..out of jealousy and frustration.. his bisexual side makes him very jealous of

pretty girls..he is satinist and mentally ill he states everyone is a satanist when they are not for the kind of things

he does a satanist points out to be him..... he also sleeps with men..i think this individual should be tracked down and locked up from the authorities...

or tracked down by individuals he stalks

 dont let this con get away with what he does

now there websites













ADULT INDUSTRYARE SEX BUSINESS RELATED..do criminal activities..do drugs..are run by bad emotions..HAVE A CRIMINAL AND




maribel Joachin Jons friend busted

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, May 01, 2012

Friend of jonothans thats ipaddress was linked to sites created of stephanie her name is Maribel Joachin Maribel Joachin,cyberstalker,con...hooker...she lives at 4166 E Montecito AveFresno, CA 93702-3541, shes related to AAssociated:Abel Joachin, Lydia Joachin, Jose N Joachin, Jason Joachin, Emelia R Rivera, N Joachin,,is a sicko cyber stalker,who stalks numerous people putting sites of them across the internet,,

shes a failed model,failed xstar,prostitute,and as jealous as they come,,she has been traced for cyber stalking people she doesnt even know that shes jealous of..shes ugly and looks like shes been on her share of drugs...

she needs to be looked up and authorities are to know of who she is or she needs beaten...

dont let this creep con away with anything she does...

Report Attachments


report by dynex 16 traced to jonathan hanasab ackiller

#31REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 01, 2012

A.c killer REAL NAme Jonathan Hanasab who resides at  Woodland Hills, CA 91367-7231  and another place where he works out of his moms place  Woodland Hills, CA 91367-5526..it has been traced to this cyberstalker making false reports on rippoff and videos and sites traced to his sidekick pedifile friend polo viteri.. they violate underage girls sleep with them take advantage, with use of alcohol and drugshe also works alongside with his good felon friend donny long  donny long..

they are bi as well and sleep with men.  http://ns1.xhamster.com/movies/468917/jonathan_hanasab.html
they stalk people in there cars but arent real enough to get out.. and step up they cyberstalk and then call lapd make false report to get restraining ordrer on person they cyberstalk  out of fear..

Jonathan hanasab was submitted in mental institution at a very young age of 13 he has been there for years.. he is mentally ill claiming people are satanist when he and his mom practice the works of that...Jonathan and his mom both CLaim his issues are due to him being molested by his father Jack Hanasab..bizzybone is also bi due to his molestings at a young age.  when i broke up with him in 08 he called lapd and said he was goingto commit suicide..and they brought him again to the mental institution..to try and make me feel sorry for him and go back with him.. whatever the situation is this guy needs to pay for anybad doings he does..he claims people hate on him for his talents.. but honestly he's a failed rapper. he lives off his daddy who molested him..and bizzy bone takes the $$ payed to him to work with ac crapper.. because at his career point he needs $$ while all the other
rappers are shining at the grammys but him..

jonathan aka accrapper is ugly inside as he is out..and has no class and i dont respect rappers (especially stalking ones).. i respect singers that are talented and models actors actresses or regulaar people that are beautiful inside and out..that are classy..and theres nothing anyof themscum ac killer /polo viteri/donny long have  that i want.. i think its pretty amusing they think they even have haters.. nope they get called out on there bad doings that are truthful,and thats about it..

when im in town i will be dealing with them.. my guess as to why they are cyberstalking and stalking me is because when i broke it off back in 08 i never wanted to remain friends with any of them.. and ive moved on in life with my soul mate alex and we now share a beautiful daughter..so jealousy is it.. they are extremely jealous of me.. because they still havent had happiness in there life or found there soulmate..they need drugs/alcohol
to give them temporary happiness..with out it there deeply depressed miserable with black souls just bc they have problems they dont need to bring it on others..http://ns1.xhamster.com/movies/468917/jonathan_hanasab.html
so i will be going after them legally since i have proof its them when im in cali..

Report Attachments


polo high aka polo viteri and christina

#32REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 04, 2012

regarding christina safai and all her other fake names she uses i've seen her recent pictures and she really is starting to look drugged out..i actually have pity upon her..but do not wish her well because she is a trouble maker..thank you for the informationinformer5488.. as you all know i had it out with tina along time ago in park which resultedin her losing..a.c killer
well i refer to him as accrapper bc he sucks aka jonathan hanasab made a false report to lapd to put restraining order on me out of fear because they were cyberstalking and still are for sometime for himself tinaand polo viteri so i legally cannot confront them or go after them unless its a legal actionwhich with my investigation friends such as hikerman and princess polo viteri aka polo high has admitted in email that he is the one making fake videos and that of me and i am assumingothers as well like haley haze http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1545611107 who is a good person has nothing to do with the adult industry but put videos up of her with her name labelled haley haze..she is also i am assuming pretty annoyed and peezed with  the nonsense and stalking he has created and made..so polo viteri is proven to be making the sites and more than likely responsible for this idiotic false report  of me unless he made sitesand christina or jonathan is responsible
for the writtings since they worktogetherand are close friends.. when i come back to america i will make that trip to arizona to get that info from court to finilize investigation.. now since polo is cought he still trying to put false info on his sites against me to try to go against me stating im cyberstalking .. im not the one cyber stalking he is and haley haze isnt me for the record i am canadian not legal to work in americaif it were to be me the porn industry would have alot of legall and criminal issues..POLO VITERI AKA POLO HIGH IS ALSO CO OWNER OF PORNWIKILEAKS with his pal donny long aka donald carlos seoane..i had that site shut down due to false info they stated of me..and i proved its not me with goddaddy anyone can
write anything on any site nowadays including imdb..who my lawyer is now contacting..i have contacting godaddy the host for pornwikileaks sending them scanned canadian passport info and my social insurance.. and that i dont
have social security to even work in america..and because godaddy.com found that what i stated was true the site has been shutdown.. i think all the people regardless if they are xstars or not should go after polo viteri and donald for cyberstalking then as wellwith me.. i am going to make people aware of polo and donald..and help them anyway i can to fight these cyberstalking cons.... xenia siamas is a good person i found outshe informed her uncle who is fbi traced cara quici hacking peoples email accounts and posingas them to write reports on ripoff and to have harrassed me out of her insecurities and jealousy on my youtube accounts..that i am also aware of now..her bf manager darwin isa pill drink giving rappist..
that will be dealt with as well..reports made of christina jonathan and polo are very true.. they are very mentally ill they have drug addictions polo has sleeped with minors and taken advantage of them as well they do cyberstalk
and made xrated videos as did jonathan and tina..again here is there information
he hides out at a.c killers aka jonathan hanasabs place 818) 436-2154 6086 Madera Dr Woodland Hills, CA 91367-7231 (818) 704-72735864 Laramie AveWoodland Hills,CA 91367-5526 .. or at his sister veronica viteri who also cyber stalks and stalks individuals like him at 8250 N Grand Canyon Dr, Unit 1126Las Vegas, NV 89166-3737or other family membersDavid S Viteri(818) 764-4012 7900 Bellingham AveNorth Hollywood, CA 91605-2304 Marco A ViteriMariana E Viteri550 N Catalina StBurbank, CA 91505-3243Adolfo C Viteri(818) 252-79728022 Via LatinaBurbank, CA 91504-1521151 N Maple St, Apt
204Burbank, CA 91505-4261,1305-1307 Riviera Ave Venice, CA 90291
(.polo is a pedifile he sleeps with underage girls after getting them drunk like rachelle hanasab who is now 17 but went with her when she was only 14 years of age... he has done many gay xrated films he cyber stalks good people who
dont want him as friend putting false info of them on sites..out of jealousy and frustration.. his bisexual side makes him very jealous of pretty girls..he is satinist and mentally ill he states everyone is a satanist when they are not for the kind of things he does a satanist points out to be him..... he also sleeps with men..i think this individual should be tracked down and locked up from the authorities...or tracked down by individuals he stalks polo high aka polo viteri siteispolohigh5.com and polohigh5.tk where he still put false info about me now that hes caught trying to point finger at me..good luck i have all evidence pointing to him for cyberstalking and stalking his other sites
(((ROR redacted))) i will be going after polo and anyone else involved any information any one wants
to send me that i can use against them contact me at [email protected]
thanks Stephanie Panayiotou "quote of the day god bless us who are good..and work with me to condemn the bad the
evil and the ugly"Stephanie Panayiotou"
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Christna Safai aka Tina Nguyen

#33Consumer Comment

Thu, February 02, 2012

Here is more information on Christina Safai also known as Tina Nguyen, Tina Nolanyan, Tina Bobina, Tina Love. If you really want to find her you can just find her every weekend at Avalon in Hollywood with her drug dealer boyfriend Wayne (the guy with no shirt on downstairs near the stage). People like her and jonathan hanasab and all the people associated with her needs to be put away or sent to a mental institution or drug rehab. The address you have posted here is correct for Christina 5910 Laramie St Woodland Hills CA 91367 phone number 818-999-2929 or 818-835-5265. She can also be found at her drug dealing boyfriend house also his address is 11049 Magnolia St North Hollywood Ca 91601. These conartist rumor spreader people really need to be reprehanded. 

Report Attachments


polo high aka polo viteri cyberstalking threats

#34Consumer Comment

Wed, February 01, 2012

this is a threat through email polo posing as someone else posted   :: STOP <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, Feb 1, 2012 5:44 am
Subject: Guess what ?

why the hate on polo? ok polo was a friend of ackiller and tina...But can you plz stop? with the ripoffreport???  i ask you 1 time with a pls if you can edit/fix the new ripoffreport u did of polo  to NOT say polo @ All Me aka ???? :) will bee cool and i will just look the other way  

BUT if i see polo all over ripoffreport u are going to see more videos of you on the internet MORE fake VIDEOS Like WEB cam Videos,nudepixs,porn videos, and spam webpages ,


i aka ??? :)  have all ur info  all ur info tip  dont ever go to polohigh5.com TRACKers GET all UR INFO :) let polo be polo u be u Ok thx u BYE:::

i think this cyberstalking bi pedifile needs to be dealt with once and for all this conartist REAL NAME is POLO VIteri he changed it to be on the run to polo high his website is polohigh5.com polohigh5.tk  https://plus.google.com/101163071213440231741#101163071213440231741/posts.. he hides out at a.c killers aka jonathan hanasabs place 818) 436-2154 6086 Madera Dr Woodland Hills, CA 91367-7231 (818) 704-72735864 Laramie AveWoodland Hills, CA 91367-5526 .. or at his sister who also cyber stalks and stalks individuals like him at 8250 N Grand Canyon Dr, Unit 1126
Las Vegas, NV 89166-3737or other family membersDavid S Viteri
(818) 764-4012 7900 Bellingham AveNorth Hollywood, CA 91605-2304  

.Marco A ViteriMariana E Viteri
550 N Catalina StBurbank, CA 91505-3243Adolfo C Viteri(818) 252-79728022 Via Latina
Burbank, CA 91504-1521151 N Maple St, Apt 204Burbank, CA 91505-4261,1305-1307 
Riviera Ave Venice, CA 90291
(.polo is a pedifile he sleeps with underage girls after getting them drunk like rachelle hanasab who is now 17 but went with her when she was only 14 years of age...he has done many gay xrated films he cyber stalks good people who dont want him as friend putting false info of them on sites..out of jealousy and frustration.. his bisexual side makes him very jealous of pretty girls..he is satinist and mentally ill he states everyone is a satanist when they are not for the kind of things he does a satanist points out to be him..... he also sleeps with men..i think this individual should be tracked down and locked up from the authorities...or tracked down by individuals he stalks polo high aka polo viteri site is polohigh5.com http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=301743522 

cara exposed http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1198451887

christina safai exposed http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1621653209

dont let this con get away with what he does


info on cara quici and christina safai/polo high

#35Consumer Comment

Sun, January 29, 2012

polo high aka polo viteri site is polohigh5.com  

cara exposed http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1198451887

christina safai exposed http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1621653209


replyto cara quici/darwon ortiz christina safai,polo viteri/jonathan

#36Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

cara quici's other location she works out of is her brother brians place this is where she hack's people email account impersonates them to cyber stalk stephanie and others here is his location

Bryan Quici9719 Girth Ln San Antonio, TX 78254-5301 now we know where these cons are lets go after them and not let them away with there nonsense and trouble they try causing for others..those garbage drug addict stalking people..


re cara quici/darwon ortiz christina safai,polo viteri/jonathan

#37Consumer Comment

Thu, January 26, 2012

http://www.bilderberg.org/masons.htm i found where these cons cara quici and darwin ortiz
are located here is one location of darwin Address
1776 Boradway Floor 19New York NY 10019 ( work another location
50 W 34th St, Apt 5B8New York, NY 10001-3045..unless the con is hiding this is what comes up
under search results... cara quici place in texas where she stays is at her mothers
Mary E Quici(361) 937-3835 417 Glenoak Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78418-3705Associated:
Perry L Quici,Bryan Quici, Alex Quici.. you can get more reports and addresses of
cara e quici and darwin ortiz on www.intelius.com they are listed there dont let these
cons get away with what they do they deserve there bad dose of bad karma
and more con more cyberstalkers info
lisa camacho aka lisa lynn camacho and victoria probert aka victoria frances probert
these cons are located at 2982 Tigertail Dr Los Alamitos, CA 90720-4945 and there weblinks
are http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=643332552#!/profile.php?id=100000361183477
we wish only the worst for them and the rest on this report and hope bad karma hits them
d.c seoane 21165 Escondito Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Donny's/donalds florida address
4 Woodward Way,Key Largo, FL 33037,101600 OVERSEAS HWY B25 KEY LARGO, FL 33037
1289 SEAGRAPE CIR WESTON, FL 33326-2725
rafael quesquen 9945 Lurline Ave Chatsworth, CA 91311-4604
Rafael Quesquen(323) 466-4788
1321 N Sycamore Ave, Apt 204Los Angeles, CA 90028-7554Rafael Quesquen559) 635-0426
1719 S Bardo StVisalia, CA 93277-4846
Lori Andresen(818) 578-59167518 Wish AveVan Nuys, CA 91406-2535
Matthew A Yazdi(310) 476-8434 2331 Worthing Ln Los Angeles, CA 90077-1321
cara quici/darwin ortiz tina nguyen aka christina safai,polo high/aka polo viteri
jonathan hanasab aka ac killer all seem like lowlife con people i did alittle research
and got a.c kill ers locations polo viteri aka polo high and Jonathan Hanasab
(818) 436-2154 6086 Madera Dr Woodland Hills, CA 91367-7231
 and another place where he works out of his moms place
Cheryl R Hanasab who is an admitted triangle girl for the freemasons
http://www.bilderberg.org/masons.htm (818) 704-72735864
Laramie AveWoodland Hills, CA 91367-5526 when they are in florida jonathan and cheryls home
is located at 9439 apple valley drive weeki wachee FL 34613
and christina safai's aka tina nguyen location where she is is
5910 Laramie AveWoodland Hills, CA 91367-5526..hope bad karma hits them


cara quici/darwin ortiz tina nguyen,polo high/viteri

#38Consumer Comment

Tue, January 17, 2012

cara quici/darwin ortiz tina nguyen aka christina safai,polo high/aka polo viteri jonathan hanasab aka ac killer all seem like lowlife con people i did alittle research and got a.c killers location where he works out of his moms placeCheryl R Hanasab(818) 704-72735864 Laramie Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-5526 and christina safai's aka tina nguyen location where she is is 5910 Laramie AveWoodland Hills, CA 91367-5526..i will do research on polo cara and darwin as well


cara quici/darwin ortiz tina nguyen,polo high/viteri

#39Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 16, 2012

tina nguyen aka christina safai/cara quici /darwin ortiz..polo high aka polo viteri have been found to be hacking others accounts and posting of stephanie... they have no proof of id to proof she is halay or hailey is they state..they are just jealous dumb cyber stalkers that hide from stephanie behind a computer real lame..it shows how mentally desturbed and how far there emotions of jealousy will take them..cara and christina/and polo all have adult films out on the market and disguisting nude slideshows..

dynex16 we wish only the worst for you and your family, you real garbage and a typical l.a liar con..
stephanie panayiotou is an awsome person her brother loucas was also good people we will miss him.. stephanie i hope you surround yourself of good people and rid those garbage people which im sure you have your a strong person and a survivor/and warrior i pull my hat to you.. god bless you Stephanie..and loucas and god bless your family sorry there are some garbage people in this world..


cara Quici Darwin ortiz and christina safai

#40Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 18, 2011

other than rafael there is also xenia siamas and the rest so xenia is a liar she stated on email to stephanie that her uncle worked for fbi cyber crimes

if he does and she has nothing to do with postings of stephanie she would prove it and her uncle could pull up the internet stalkers but she didnt probably because she too is involved;;

as for cara Quici who who tried recruitting stephanie in her prostitution circle working at etioles nyc

naughty wed nights and her pimp bf darwin who gets women drunk and takes advantage because hes too old and disguisting for anyone other than cara to go with him sober:: we believe

that these drug addict dealers also have something to do with the cyber stalking of stephanie only time will tell and when she is back from europe she will be sapena rippoff report to get yber stalker posters information;;and suing and knowing stephanie she will probably track them down and give them a lesson of there lifetime,another one who picked a fight with stephanie along ti,e ago was christina safai stephanie beat her bad in the fight breaking her ring over christinas face and it ended with christina on ground in park and bloody:: dont judge stephanie on how she appears

she is skilled in martial arts and boxing and will take down any jealous person against her::

christina could be the one also stalking bc she has a restraining order on stephanie and knows if stephanie goes after her she goes to jail::regardless whoever it is a restraining order

wont stop the punishment that will come there way with the law and:::more


rafael quesquen

#41General Comment

Mon, April 04, 2011

we found out who is dynex16 its a 60 something year old hollywood con artist that goes by the
name rafael quesquen..  this person has used fakephotos of stephanie to put on xsites etc..
and believed to have been the internet stalker..  this individual is in a wheelchair but dont
let that fool you hes been in jail for sleeping with minors and for getting 15 year old prostitutes..
Stephanie is in europe but already has papers ready to serve him by her lawyer when
she gets back.. he was stephanies manager along time ago until she found out he was a con
men and convict of a pedifile crime..


tila tequila/tila Nguyen if her karma is seving

#42REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 29, 2010


also suspect of dynex16

listen to message there is a investigation being done.. by authoritys i dont know why that happened to her or after fake x rated sites were made of me on aug 13 and august 14 this happened to her http://gawker.com/5612993/was-tila-tequila-attacked-with-poo-by-juggalos... to top it off before i changed my # due to gps trackingand took it off fb myself and alex ran into her two times at mobile station..she was flirty with alex when she saw me she got scared and scurried away..i have a strong faith and connection to god in past many people that have done me wrong payed with karma to the fullest degree...still waiting to find out the truth behind all this...


looks like someones hacking page of true identity of miss hayz http://www.iafd.com/person.rme/perfid=HaileyHayz/gender=f/hailey-hayz.htm

#43Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2010


proves that hailey hayz alias name is hailey jewel, and born in newyork is not stephanie

but people try hacking and removing that info on sites when posted..to hide there lies

stephanie is a canadian citizen born in kitchener ontario canada.. how can stephanie be her shes not even a citizen...id like to see that performers birth certificate social # and id because it don't match to Stephanie Panayiotou truth is infiniti lies you can prove...


proof that this whole report is a lie http://www.kellyfind.com/models/Hailey_Haze.html

#44REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 10, 2010

I was Born in kitchener ontario canada, never ever visited vancouver bc in my life would like too but didn't haley haze they used videos under hailey hayz or hailey haze the information and alias names are on these sites to prove its not me.. doesn't look anything like me even as a redhead...  some people need to grow up and get therapy


http://www.kellyfind.com/models/Hailey_Haze.html http://www.riskytube.com/stars/69803/Hailey-Hayz.html http://www.stripclublist.com/m.asp?c=7838&curPage=3


los angeles,
United States of America
polo jon and ralph http://www.ustream.tv/channel/stephanie-panayiotou-on-pedifile-polo-viteri-ralph-zavela

#45Consumer Comment

Mon, December 06, 2010

stephanie exposes polo and ralph here http://www.ustream.tv/channel/stephanie-panayiotou-on-pedifile-polo-viteri-ralph-zavela  please listen carefully to message and read all the show info  and her youtube account as well for some scam artist please read all info under each video http://www.youtube.com/user/1model4life



los angeles,
United States of America
ursula bond (((ROR redacted)))

#46Consumer Comment

Mon, December 06, 2010

so my consumer input is other than ralph zavela polo viteri (((ROR redacted))) and jonathan hanasab with sites above showing them, is ursula bond angelo panayiotou mom stephanie's half brother why becaause thats stephanie s dads ex whom he threw out years ago after he found out she was a prostitute plus stole his money and jewerly.. shes jealous of stephanie because stephanies father loves his daughter and never loved her..she has children with different fathers since she can't hold a job she needs to get pregnant by men and sue them or hit them up for child support to support herself...she sets men up and makes up stories about them to the police she tried it with stephanies father..lying won't get you everything...shes also been one of stephanies stalkers since one of her sons works for the army and since she sleeps with all types of men including cops to do her favors for exchange of things...

I think this woman needs to go back to south africa where she came from,well shes not a real south african shes dutch she needs to go back to her home country and stop bothering people putting fraud and fake defflammating pages up in the states or canada out of jealousy.. im writing this because she not only put stephanies name in it but mine as well, as of many people..


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notice person posting continues to change name hailey to haley

#47REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 29, 2010

notice person posting continues to change name hailey to haley, it obviously looks nothing like Stephanie but i suggest you search reports written of ones posting this check christina safai who is positive of hpv from the california department of health stephanie exposes christina safai (((ROR redacted)))

check polo viteri,cara quici,jonathan hanasab, ac killer..

real high school nonsense, if you all have a problem with her why not meet up and handle it like adults.. if your of god you wouldn;t continue to put fake vids with her name on internet and wouldn't be afraid of her to meet up.. or putting a restraining order on her out of fear, and then cyber harrassing.. the lord can fight it from here, and karma will come back to you weither its now or in a few years you reap what you sow..what goes around comes around.. have a good day and grow up.. Rob


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


dynex16 u must be ur age 16

#48REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, September 22, 2010

you all seem to be displeased with me exposing you after you created sites of me well

if you want to know truth about any of them with pedifile pics escorting pics of them

that they dont want out email me for truth [email protected]

since they had google cancel my blogspot stephaniepanayiotou.blogspot.com

because of offensive real pics of them.. get the truth about lisa lyn camacho  theychristina safai,cara quici,darwin ortiz,jonathan hanasab,ackiller,ralph zavela,victoria frances probert polo viteri,matt yazdi lori andresen etc...

God wants me to show demons like them how they mind control use satans techniques, control people pics of them with 16years old nude woman that they sleep with diseases and escort pics of them.. and they call themselves good people and try to make a child of god look bad because they are driven by the devil and a sickness called jealousy..



Umm your a stalker that needs a life satanist get one

#49UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 22, 2010

what a loser i'll prey to god you get well , anyone who wants to know info which i had up on my blog that they complained about with ac killer pedifile polo viteri hpv2 christina safai,lisa lynn camacho matt yazdi lori andrese,prostitute,cara quici darwin ortiz.. just email me pics where pretty explicit of jonathan hanasab with a underage 16 year old girl along with all there porn they did, along with christinas escort nude pics.. get a life.. satan worshippers lol cyber stalker i will put pics of you jonathan up again


Stephanie panayiotou aka HALEY HAZE

#51Author of original report

Tue, September 21, 2010

Stephanie panayiotou aka HALEY HAZE


 Released from the viod, I behold the perfect beauty.

  Creator of all things, Sayeth Satan! Eyes of molten souls view the building of universes. 

Meteors adore your forhead shining throught the sapphire veil of formless choas,  hidding your naked body from view. 

The golden phallus brings forth  eternal existing souls. 

Your are Kether the purest light of creation. Between your silver jeweled hair appears a eight-rayed rainbow of diamond. 

From your body comes the scarlet sea. 

Your honey voice creates the constellations  of space. 

Your mind is the eternal river of life.Guided by your hands,  I pass between the veil of void and star. Against your trembling body,  I can see beyond the soul into the dazzling eyes.... The everlasting light of nothingness. Oh Satan, I adore you!!  999

Report Attachments


United States of America
It seems i have some stalkers that wont quit

#52REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, September 17, 2010

stephaniepanayiotou.blogspot.com hmmm your forgetting cara quici,Saeed Zarabian aka Mohamad Saeed Zarrabian's and lisa lynn camacho .who  is traced or putting fake crap on internet also jonathan hanasab aka a.c killer whos been in and out of mental institutes since age 13 and who is legally insane who continues to stalk me through calling my phone, which i have proof for police,and hamlet who calls as well today need i give a last name,.. that message site etc.. you keep doing is really a severe illness you have i have a strong faith in one god..it seems to be the stalkers are stalking me more since i am happy and engaged this video making etc.. has been starting about me since ive ignored there calls emails posted happy pictures with alex and myself too much stalking its gotten to point that i am suiing saeed and since a restraining orders been put i will be contacting local police about jonathan hanasab contacting me and pressing charges,lori andresen and matt and rest..get well soon stalkers and get alife, and since you know so much about satan since you are soldiers of him i rebuke you all in the name of god..but traced is saeed..  your pages will be removed and u can continue but karma is a bad taste once hit..get alife

Report Attachments


fake page false statement on these spammers

#53REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 17, 2010


read through carefully any one can add fake pages of anyone altor images

read on jonathan hanasab aka ac killer

christina safai

and the rest who worship the devil along with bizzybone



#54Consumer Comment

Fri, September 17, 2010

What is the rip off?

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