  • Report:  #3668

Complaint Review: Superior Business Network - Irvine California

Reported By:
- Salem, NH,

Superior Business Network
2392 Morse Avenue Irvine, 92614 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is the contract Joe Turpel from SBN.com sent me to sign and fax back if I wanted to complete the deal. The credit card number was given to him because he said he needed to fill everything in first, but that not charges would go on the card until I signed the agreement and Faxed it back to him. Notice at the top in the red circle there is no Order number yet because I never returned the fax nor did I sign it at the bottom. Joe proceeded to call me everyday, at least two or three times per day and even on a Sunday to try and get me to sign on.

I told him that when I was good and ready I would do so and not until then. Well then they proceeded to send me a banner of my sight that wasn't even up and running yet. Along with the banner came a note saying that if they didn't here from me within 48 hours that they guessed I liked it and they would proceed to bill me.

Can you see where this is going? I returned this and told them not to try and force me to do anything that I didn't want to do. Joe informed me that it was all a mistake and that if I gave him a call that the PROBLEM, that he created could all be taken care of. Well I called him back on that Sunday and said forget the deal that I didn't like the way they do business and he said fine he would drop it.

Then along comes my credit card bill with a $400 dollar charge on it from SBN.com that was charged on 7/31. Notice the date on the FAX below 7/26, again the FAX that I never returned to complete this contract. Now nobody again returns the calls or email. Isn't funny how they can call you 10 times a day when they try and suck you into these bogus deals and then when you have a complaint, nobody seems to be home. Well when they see this I'm sure I will get plenty of calls and email. And then its my turn.

Remember earlier when I said they would call? Well they have. This is what they are trying to do now. It sounds like extortion or blackmail. These are emails direct from them.

I'm Dave Schwarm V.P. Sales here at SBN.com. Please give me a call or let me know how I can get a hold of you so we can resolve this matter. My direct line is Toll Free 877-472-6266 ext 1307. I'll be available from 1:00 PM on Pacific Standard Time. I look forward to hearing from you.

I returned his call he said ok he would look into the matter and hung up. Then a few weeks later I get this, a monthly bill from this clown saying I owed $85.33 one of the nine monthly payments towards my contract. Which again I never signed. Oh wait, read on it gets better.

Here come the best ones!


Dan from our office tried to call you a few minutes ago. If you could sign and return the attached agreement, I can have a check sent out to you immediately. I would really appreciate just one more small effort on your part and this matter can be resolved. You can fax it to (949) 873-0017. Thanks a lot! And feel free to call me on our 1-877 line.


Russell Kuchynka In-House Counsel SBN.com, Inc. 2392 Morse Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 873-1001 Ext. 1326 (949) 873-0017 (Fax) 1-877-472-6266

Notice how now its just a small effort on my part, like I'm suppose to sign off and trust these guys who stole money from me to begin with. This is what they want me to sign.


Subject to my receipt of a check for $400.00 from Superior Business Network, Inc., within the next five business days, I agree to withdraw my complaint to the State of California's Attorney General's Office. Upon my receipt of this check, I will execute the Settlement and Release Agreement, which will be enclosed with the check.

Jxxx x. Cxxxxxxx


Date: ___________

So I email them back this letter.

I'm tired of playing games with you guys, I'll forward all this and any other crap you want to send me over to the AG's Office Monday and let them handle it.

Best Regards,


This is what I get in return, again now they try and make it all my fault.


I'm also a bit tired of this complete lack of professionalism on your part. When I call to leave you messages, you refuse to return them. When I do speak to you on the phone, it is very difficult to understand what you are saying.

I have made a very decent offer and all it takes on your part is to return a simple release. Given the fact that you have posted derogatory remarks regarding our business on the Internet, I believe it would be imprudent for me not to ask for such.

When and if the AG does contact our office, I and my attorney will show him our file on this issue, including these emails which clearly demonstrate a willingness on our part to try to settle this issue with you.

If you would like to reconsider faxing or mailing the very simple agreement to release us of any and all claims and to discontinue the derogatory remarks about SBN.com, then I will be happy to send you your $400 back immediately.

Dan Trznadel "It is very difficult to understand what you are saying." (ONE MORE TIME, GIVE ME MY F***ING MONEY YOU THIEVING RAT BASTARDS!!!) can you understand me now?

The man calls me at 8:30 pm EST, I guess because he lives on the west coast that's also my problem. I have posted no untrue statements about his company on this site. Everything is true and backed up by the documents. So therefore there are no derogatory statements. And he expects me to sign a paper and trust them after the initial rip-off. The old checks in the mail deal. If they sent me the check and I waited till it cleared and then signed off on it, I think that would be a fair deal. Even though they did steal from me to start with.

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