  • Report:  #594163

Complaint Review: T - Mobile - Bellevue Washington

Reported By:
L.S. - Clinton, Montana, United States of America

T - Mobile
12920 S.E. 38th St Bellevue, 98006 Washington, United States of America
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Im writing this letter because Im tired of being screwed by Corporate America. Corporate America are terrorists! T-Mobile fits into this category. Corporate America has ruined what business is supposed to be. Its been taken over by greedy individuals. When you start a business or take a business over your goal is to get rich, I understand that, I REALLY DO! But how hard do we have to fall before you greedy inhuman no-heart so called humans going to give back to your customers? If you can afford to give millions to different organizations every year then you can afford to lower our bills! Its sad, if I was someone famous almost all companies would be throwing everything they could for free at me. Because Im not I cant even get a decent show of customer appreciation. You have the responsibility, no, the privilege to take care of your customers and treat them right, not nickel and dime (more like quarter and dollar) your customers. What happened to business ethic? Corporate ethics? Treat your customers right, earn their business.

Corporations in America today are about lining the pockets of the CEOs; not taking care of the customers Heres the summary of my YEAR long issue with T-Mobile. 03/13/09- went 2 Wal-Mart because the lady running the only T-Mobile store in Bullhead City AZ didnt have a clue what she was doing (that should have been the 1st clue to me that your service wasnt worth having. I signed a 2yr contract with the understanding of being billed under $100 every month with the service I had selected. I got a week of dead air. After finally connecting to T-Mobile I was notified that I had to take my phone back to the 3rd party I got it from (how do you think Wal-Mart would react to find out that they put their companies name up for your company whose abandoning their customers?). 3/27/09 I take the phone back to Wal-Mart. Lucky the same lady I got the phones from was working, turns out shes having the same problem with her phone. Im in my 2 wk trial: exchange phones (I ask for a different manufacture but was unable to swap) 04/17/09- paid $110.10. Unaware of the $4.95 per line for not having direct billing charged every month, so I paid the extra $9.90.

I agreed to the fault (if I was running the company Id have made sure that the charge was made KNOW at set up, & since it wasnt I would of waived it) with the understanding that my next months bills would be $97.92. I moved in May so any and all transactions that went through my account had to be accurate. 05/11/09- $110.10 was attempted to get charged to my account. $12.10 more then I had in my account for that transaction I didnt put the extra money in my account and my service was suspended and I was charged an overdraft fee in my account. 6/11/09: $99.54 was my bill. $1.62 more than had been agreed upon by both parties involved. Not the extra money in my account for that transaction, I defaulted on payments. For the 3rd month Im being over charged and for the 2nd month Im having 2 pay overage charges because of your system. 06/10- my screen turned black and I wasnt able 2 to use my phone. I spent an hour on the phone with your operators trying to get a new phone and have my billing accurate. After sending a picture of my phone to the operator (to show her supervisor I did have a T-Mobile phone so an over ride could be put in the system). I am so grateful to her for going the extra mile nobody else would! I lost all information & pictures because I didnt know about the 222 album upload. Even had to pay $10 s&h charge for using a PO BOX.

After letting the operator now I thought that was crap my reply was its only a 1 time charge so its not a problem. Well it was a problem for me! 7/11/09: after many conversations with your operators about being over charged I was finally reimbursed and charged $89.70. However, Im still paying off the overdraft charges I had accrued. I live on a tight income, so using my phone bill money to pay them off. Also asked my bank not to allow your transaction to go through for the time being. 7/16/09: I was able to pay $90 (and I'm still in my payment period!). 8/11/09: Charged $104.68. I do not understand why I have to call and complain EVERY month about the same problem! Im getting over charged almost $10 and again dealing with overcharges and a messed up account. Because of this Im unable to make a phone payment until 9/1/09 in the amount of $55. I had called T-Mobile sometime between August and September after getting online and seeing that my monthly phone bills were $270.00. The operator that assisted in correcting my account at 1st had a little attitude with me like & I quote Ive had to many of you flex pay customers trying to get free service; however the lady was able to tell that there was truth to what my complaints.

After explaining the over drafting issues I was having due to the T-Mobile system I was told that T-Mobile wont pay the overage charges until they see bank statements supporting the overage charges. Im not sending anything that has to do with my bank account to a company whos responsible for damaging it! Ive tried explaining to your operators that when your company over charges its a domino effect. If your company over charges me I get over charges on your transaction as well as any other accurate transactions Ive authorized who are keeping to the agreement that was made. After an hour on the phone I was told that adjusted had already been made to my account and my account had been reimbursed all that I had been over charged and that my bills would be under $95 a month. I wasnt satisfied with everything. 9/11/09: T-Mobile tried charging $91.93 to my account; however I deny your transaction. I was figuring Id be over charged again. This month I was not going to default on any company that was charging me what they were support to and choose to look after them and take care of my account instead of making it possible for your company to damage it again. 9/17/09: After paying off other bills that your company had me default on I paid T-Mobile.

Im on my 3rd Motorola Razr2 V8 phone in less than 6 months of service. The phone I was sent in June has been freezing up since about 3wks after I got, when its charging its constantly clicking and I have NEVER been able to send emails. September, October, November and December T-Mobile is billing me accurately. 11/ 21/09: added web access. A week of the web just shutting off, still not being able to send email. I called & talking to a tech support operator, being able to send a few emails on the 27th and 28th but thats it. Calling again on the 30th to be told that the only way to fix my phone was to master reset it. So for the 3rd time I loose everything. I asked again to change phones to be told I didnt qualify for any kind of exchange. I pay my bill (when Im not being overcharged) on time every month, never go over my minutes and only call your company when I have a real, legit complaint, not over just nothing. Ive asked a few times to change phone brands to be told that I dont qualify. I dont qualify for a quality working phone? I dont qualify to be treated right? I rudely hung up. 12/09: I called again. After threatening to cancel do to their default I was finally sent a new phone!! 12/13/09: Called because the video in the Razor was worth the $100 restocking fee (if you dont send the bad phone in you get charged a restocking fee). I was told that I would not be charged anything for the phone.

01/10: I was being billed almost $115. 1/07/10: a CSR credited my account $10 instead of fixing the reason for the overcharge. I was unable to make a payment through him without being charged a $5 payment fee. 1/11/10 due to the credit my account was charged correctly. 02/10: I was being charged $ 134.61 (the credit from the month before expired). Called and asked for my account to be corrected permanently! My payments are due no later than the 16th of every month, if not paid my phone is off on the 17th. 02/23/10: My account gets charged $415.11. I had a flight to catch to see my mom before she passed. I had to call and say my goodbye because again T-Mobile screwed with my account. All money was being credited back to my account with the understanding that on 02/26/10 the lady would call me. We were to go over my account and fix it. I was to pay my bill after my account was fixed! 02/25/10: my account was suspended again! The gentlemen I spoke with assured me that my account had already been fixed and that I owed $95.12 which I paid. 04/17/10: Still dealing with a messed up account with T-Mobile. I do curse. I did curse at a few CSR that work for T-Mobile. Today was one of those days. I know that the whole business structure needs to change. BUT WHEN!!!???

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