  • Report:  #770820

Complaint Review: Tammy Baruch - S. Palm Beach County, FL Internet

Reported By:
No Donut - West Boynton Beach, Florida, USA

Tammy Baruch
S. Palm Beach County, FL, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Match.com, Plenty of Fish, J-Daters BEWARE,

Profile Name:

:Tammy Baruch

Description in Profile
: white Female, shows  5'3, 126 LBS, brown hair, green eyes, petit build.
 In person actually 5'3, 150 LBS chunky build. Photographs are 5-7 years old and do not relect individual.

2004 Lexus SC 430 Conv. Deep Blue, Saddle Interior with NEW JERSEY LICENSE PLATES.  

This individual responded to my profile placed in the catagory: Long Term Serious Relationship.

 This individual returns contact under the pretense to arrainge a brunch or dinner to set the stage for a romantic relationship. She will arrainge such at a high end establishment or resort that has shops, she arrives early and scans the most expensive items such as Fendi purses, designer cloths... then takes a seat at the bar and orders food and alcohol. Upon meeting said person for the first time, she has pre-arrainged with the bartender to transfer her tab to the table where we shall have our meal. As we left the hotel, she would go back to the shops she "cased", and attempt to have you purchase the expensive items. Once we left the resort, she contacts you and states that she has tickets to a concert venue in a distant area. She will stop at a gas station, go inside to the attendant and have the pump placed in operation, give the attendant her lottery numbers, open beverage items, and then fill her vehicle with high octaine fuel. Once she is finished she looks for her wallet feverishly and cries that it is missing.  As any unsuspecting man with reasonable intentions of entertaining a relationship with this poor unfortunate "damsel in distress" would do, you go inside the station to make good of a bad situation. Once at the venue and 49 miles later, she claims the venue tickets were in her wallet, OMG what to do? She finds a ticket scalper and then asks you to purchase the tickets. Once inside the venue, she works you to purchase any item she can swoop up such as commemorative shirts or compact discs. If you begin to challenge her actions, she becomes defensive and then tries to use her female persuasion to obtain what she wants. IT IS ALL AN ACT!  On the way out of the venue, she states she is hungry, and stops at her "favorite" place to eat. She seems to know the shop keepers and people at her "favorite" place. Again, she orders only high end food, and when I went to the restroom, she again ordered four (4) take out orders in my absense, and when the check came, two iced teas cost eighty (80.00) dollars. I refused to pay for her take out items and had them removed from my check.

This pig is a Professional Con-Woman. She will prey on any unsuspecting man with financial means. This lunch date lasted twelve (12) hours and cost me approximately five hundred ($500) dollars because I did not want to let this PIG ruin my reputation in the community I frequent. She is living with a male she claims is her "room-mate". She claims to have just moved back here from N.J. and my feeling is that the roomate and her are working together. She is representing herself to be the daughter of a famous neurologist. She claims to be ready to purchase a condo on the beach and requests you to go with her to see it. She had asked me several personal questions about myself, family, and business, just short of asking for my social security number. This is a red flag that she is either trying to use my information as a reference or attempt to get credit in my name.  She will play on your emotions stating that both her parents are deceased, and that she has no one in this world to help her in life, that is why she is searching for her soul mate. It is my belief that this is false and she is seeking sympathy.

WARNING:This scam artist does not have an ACTIVE Mary Kay franchise as stated in her profile and she is not a business owner, and it is apparent to me that she misrepresented herself to me and others as her I phone was like an office and did not stop the entire time together with unsuspecting men trying to be swept off their feet (or fortune). One conversation included the manager of an establishment who was given her number by another unsuspecting male whom met her the night before and refused to pay for her check. She told me she picked herself up and left him with the bill because he would not spend the money she wanted on a dress. This woman must be stopped. I submitted a complaint with the dating web site who advised me regardless if her profile is false, they do not pre-screen members.
Tammy Baruch must be stopped, UNSUSPECTING MEN, BEWARE.

This posting is a true and accurate posting based on my real and personal interaction with the individual. Her actions and behavior are unconsionable an unacceptable. If the web sites she is using to promote her scandelous activities will not remove her profile, I will seek all means necessary to stop her.
Report Attachments

18 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Tammy is a criminal

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, January 28, 2020

Tammy is nothing but a lying cheating, gold digging s***k. Her pictures are all ten years old, and she lokos like the crypt keeper.


Boca Raton,
United States
An Amazing Person

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2018

Tammy is an amazing person.  She is incredibly kind, generous, unselfish, sweet and incredibly ethical.  I have known Tammy for the past 18 months.  She has added joy to my life as she does to all those lucky enough to know her.  She is one of the classiest and best people I know.


new york,
New York,
Tammy is no Angel. She is Trouble.

#4General Comment

Sat, March 25, 2017

 I've known Tammy for Over ten years. She actually told me about the complaint. And begged me to write something nice. Which I didn't. She convinced all her Freind , to write something nice. She is trouble. Everything about her is about money. And trying to take advantage , of something , or someone. I am not a pisse off boyfriend. Which is what she will try to convince everyone to believe. None of the rebutted , were written by anyone who had or has a relationship with her. Three months after o broke out relationship together. She calls me and tells me she is pregnant. Trying to suck some money from me. She told me she got an abortion. Which I knew was a lie. And didn't go to. I told her to send me a recept And I would reimburse her. Which she doesn't have. She is a professional liar and manipulater. Call her. Go out and see for yourself. She is a pro. ! Everything that you read is true. I can go on forever. She gets all pissd off and angry if she doesn't get her way. She is a very pretty girl. Fake b***s. Fake nose. Fake personality. and she suckered me off a dating site. Which is her MO. Bad news Stay away. She has a lot of story's. To try to turn it all around. Don't get involved. You won't get far. And ull be sorry. I am not a pissed off boyfreind I went out with her for a few months , She wouldn't leave my apt for weeks. She is a major manipulator. Don't believe anything she says. I can go on forever. Maybe tomorrow I'll write more. Trust me. Stay away.


The Tammy I have come to know

#5General Comment

Sat, July 02, 2016

 Genuine decent gorgeous woman. Period. End of story.

boca mom of 2

boca raton, fl.,
The Tammy we know and love.

#6General Comment

Thu, June 25, 2015

I'd like to share my experience and opnion of Tammy.

It has been my pleasure to have known Tammy for several years. My children and I have become very fond of her during that time. She has proven to be kind, loving, honest, fun and loyal to our family. We have shared many good times as well as many difficult ones. What has never wavered was her friendship and loving heart. She was a loving , dedicated daughter to her parents and remains a loving mom to her pets that she shares her home and heart with. Tammy wears her heart on her sleeve, says what she means and means what she says, You always know where you stand with her. It is quite refreshing in Boca Raton. She is a strong woman that has confidence and disapline. She is as dedicated to the above mentioned as she is to health, heart and mankind. 

I dont know (No Donut) nor was I on the "date" he writes about . So I have nothing to say about that. I can olny say that the behavior he describes  is totally out of character and something I have never whitnessed or can even imagine from the Tammy I know and love. I reread the post and think that he may be writing about a differant Tammy??? I really think that may be where the confusion is.


New Jersey,
Tammy Baruch

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, December 08, 2014

I've known Tammy since 1982, when we attended high school together. Tammy is a determined woman who has overcome much to be in the place she's in. She's a hard worker, who is success driven. She is a physically beautiful woman who's inner beauty exceeds her exterior beauty. Throughout the years our lives have taken us in different directions and 1,600 miles apart, however, Tammy is still the same person I met in 1982.

While Tammy and I were never romantically involved, I find it hard to believe the report made by someone she obviously did not share romantic With. A jilted suitor, as so to speak. Ask yourself, what kind of man would post such negative stuff, stuff that could ruin a woman's life, on the ripoff report? The answer is simple. A pathetic loser, that's who. 

Now I'm not some fly by night, random guy singing her praises. I'm an educated former public official in the state of New Jersey, having served in elective and quasi-judicial office. Given this, I am a good judge of people and Tammy Buruch is one of the finest, most beautiful woman you'll ever meet .

My advice to anyone reading the negative review is this. Don't believe what you read, written by a self-centered, poorly raised, sorry excuse for a man. Get to know Tammy, the real Tammy, and I'm sure you'll see what I see...that she's am amazing woman.



Pembroke Pines,
The Truth!

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, September 17, 2014

My name is Barry and I am a published author.

The aspersions on Tammy Baruch. Her Character. Her motives. Her intentions, are fabrications. Absolute lies. 

I am aware of the obvious question. No. We are not romantically involved and she has taken nothing from me aside from which, I wish to share.

However, whomever the man is that is selectively chosen to be romantically involved with her is, at the very least, fortunate. Tammy is particular, meticulous and yet open minded, friendly and not a snob and she doesn't care what you have, where you live, or what letters you have after your name. She doesn't care what you look like. Her main concern is only if you have a kind heart.

Where does this jealousy and contempt come from?

Does it come from her beauty, her intellect and personality? 

If you are lucky enough to be involved with her, as a friend or beyond, she will only bring joy and happiness into your life.

I am posting this to make perfectly clear who wrote this and why. The person who signed "No Donut", his name is Stuart Crystal and he signed "no donut" because he is an ex police officer who was kicked off the Boynton Beach Police. 

If you “google” him, you will see how extremely dangerous he is and how lucky Tammy is that she was not raped or killed by this man.

The ONE date he is describing is a twisted view of him actually stalking her for 12 hours. As you can see from what he wrote, the only truth in his story is that they had SEPARATE cars. If she committed such horrible actions at the Breakers, why did he follow behind her for a 90 minute car ride from Palm Beach to Hollywood. And at the end of the evening he stalked her and followed her back to where she lived.

This is the truth!

B. Mattathias

Pembroke Pines,
Tammy Baruch Less than Fairy Tale Boca Raton Florida

#9General Comment

Mon, September 15, 2014

My name is B. Mattathias and I have been an author of children’s books about self-esteem for over thirty years. I am, as succinctly as possible, addressing the attack of Tammy Baruch’s character and substance.

I have written fairy tales all my life and you are the living, breathing antithesis of the genre: that there is not one ounce of truth to the allegations that have been cast upon her. Tammy’s character is far above your capacity to comprehend.

She has not once addressed your askance or accusations. Not out of fear that what you promulgate is true. On the contrary, Tammy, simply, has nothing to hide.

You think your detractions are judicious; but, in reality, they are nothing more than malicious lies, to justify your own meager existence. And you are probably the one who needs to look over your shoulder. (And you probably do.)

If she has in fact, stolen some spurned suitor’s heart, remind yourself that she is not responsible for your feelings. This is not third grade.

Have you nothing better to do than belittle her email address? I have one for you, if you’d like. However, I was raised better than to expound upon the obvious.

She is honest and magnanimous and thrives to “pay forward” in every possible way she knows how. It is true, that life has no training wheels. But it is obvious to me, that you should find yourself a set and try to move forward with your life as she has always done.

In reality, all that you have succeeded in doing, is to strengthen her resolve. You have taken your best shot, and she is still standing tall. Still following her feet. Still facing the odds. I guarantee you, she will better this barrage of insults and innuendos. So have at it!

I doubt very much that you are even able to face the mirror in the morning because all your allegations are simply, untrue.

I pity you, that the desire to seek purpose in your life must entail the priggish notion where by belittling someone else makes you feel superior.

You are nothing more than a living parody of the television commercial that declares, “Oh, if it is on the internet, it must be true”.

My suggestion? Look to your own demons. Your own jealousy. Your own lack of self-esteem. Your own gluttony. Your own weaknesses. Your own selfishness. Your own self-indulgence. And there in, you will find your own answer.

And this, of course, is the bottom line!


Boca Raton,
Tammy Baruch

#10General Comment

Fri, August 08, 2014

My name is Tom,


I have known Tammy Baruch for 2 years. I am the father of two young girls 7 and 9. She has babysitted and also been a close friend to my entire family. She is a diamond in the ruff.

I have a massive Youtube channel and realize personally how many people are vindictive trolls.

Under the First Amendment anyone may slander/ write dirty laundry about you which is false and the furthest from the truth.

Tammy Baruch is extremely honest. I trust my young children with her. She is a beautiful human being. She has a wonderful soul. She is religious and a believer in doing what God inspires her to do.

Tammy Baruch is a gem and anyone who disparages her name is simply jealous of her beauty and kindness. 2 people created negative reports using various accounts. None of the negativity is true.

I wish all people were like Tammy Baruch.






New Jersey,
This Is Unsubstantiated- I've know Tammy for 9 years

#11General Comment

Mon, February 24, 2014

I have known Tammy for 9 years.  While she is eccentric, she is also a hard worker, loyal and honest. It is so obvious that the original author is upset that Tammy is a go getter; both personnally and professionally.  She does live in Tammy world, but the only people who would complain about her, are guys that think her sweetness translates to easy-ness.

With regards to her photos, some of them are a few years old, but most of them are recent.  Tammy loves to be the subject of photos, so that complaint is bogus.

Tammy Baruch, I support you.



Boca Raton,
United States of America
Tammy is original

#12General Comment

Sun, December 16, 2012

I have know Tammy a short time and currently dating her. She is exactly who she says she is, looks exactly like her pictures. She is a very pretty, confident and honest woman. I do not have a lot of money and she takes what I want to give without expecting anything more. She is happy with what she has and only wants to be happy. She has her opinions on how a guy should treat her, she is realistic and will enjoy a wide variety of things including spending time with the one she is interested in without searching and planning on how to spend someone else's money. She is very hard working and self sufficient. She expects to be treated like a lady, and will except nothing less. I have no problems with her as she is. What a wonderful, caring, vivacious woman. A pleasure to be with. Anyone that thinks differently, doesn't know the real Tammy. She does work hard at her Mary Kay franchise and has shown me that she is upfront and honest. Mr. Crystal must be the one that misrepresents himself. I have found Mr. Crystal's report to be unfounded and untrue. Tammy is a joy to be around.


West Palm Beach,
United States of America
One jealous punk

#13General Comment

Sun, December 09, 2012

I have known Tammy Baruch since I met her on a dating site in 2005. First off, she is a beautiful woman that looks EXACTLY like her pictures. In fact, she looks even better. I met her way before she moved to Florida and saw the kind of woman that she was. At the time, her father was alive and she was very open to me about another family member in her life. She was honest, frank and very to the point. I was very impressed with Tammy. She was sweet and very "lovable."

We were going to go to the beach the day I first met her but the weather was turning bad (I drove over 2 hours to see her so you can imagine how I felt when I saw how beautiful she was). I suggested we go to Atlantic City and hang out there for our date and she decided that this was OK with her. She had her beautiful little dog with her and we took the back roads to AC so we could get to know each other better (She was really milking me there Mr. Donut), and the dog looked thirsty, so Tammy was concerned about the dogs health (The dog will remain nameless). We stopped at a gas station and picked up a bottle of water and there was Tammy hand feeding the dog out of the water cap the water so the dog could drink. She showed a lot of compassion for the dog.

We talked about a lot of things on the ride including us both losing a parent (we have both lost our other parent since then). and got to AC. When we got there, I wanted a drink and we went into a bar where a rock band was playing. Tammy and I were having a blast and we were dancing to the music. We saw that David Spade was the act that night AND I suggested we go see him. She said it was a good idea and we went and saw David in concert. We also had a sushi dinner before that (not overly expensive, Mr. Donut). After the concert, we did a little bit of gambeling and then decided to head on home. Tammy was everything that you could want in a woman...beauty, class, brains and just the total package. The one problem was she lived over two hours away from me. Tammy was affectionate with me in AC where she kissed me a few times (just innocent kisses and gave me a few hugs). She did nothing like Mr. Donut said.

Now I moved to Florida a few weeks ago and I went on a on line dating site and guess who I see?? I was shocked that this beautiful woman was still single. But then again, so am I. I contacted her and she immediately contacted me back. She did bring up that some moron wrote about her on the internet and I looked it up and here I am. I will protect Tammys honor till the end. I will say that she does enjoy the finer things in life (is that a crime?), but she harms nobody. And I think Tammy is looking for true love. I can't say this for sure but I truly believe that if Tammy meets the right guy, she will give up many of the finer things in life for love. She just has a golden heart and as I told her, she is a rose among trees.


United States of America
You do not know Tammy at all

#14General Comment

Tue, November 27, 2012

    First let me say that I know Tammy for quite some time and after reading this scathing report i was shocked to see this. #1 she owns her apt , and yes she is a Mary Kay rep so get your facts straight. #2 Her father was a very noted urologists in the NY and NJ area you would know this if you would have bothered to look him up. She does not need a man to help define her but one to enhance her life .

As far as her trying to continue the date just to see what she could get , well it just seems like hes  stepping on sour grapes . I suggest that he  grows-up and pulls himself up by his own bootstraps and moves on . Stop writing things are are not true.  She is a sweet warm and loving person any man would be blessed to have her in his life , she is beautiful and caring and a true friend . Thats what defines a person , that is what we look for. So this report as far as I am cocerned is something you would find on a stable floor ... 


boca raton,
United States of America
Know the Real Tammy Baruch

#15General Comment

Mon, November 26, 2012

The Ripoff Report against Tammy Baruch is a pathetic attempt at character assassination by a disgruntled date that felt he was rejected by a beautiful woman.To make matters worse, this is a totally inappropriate venue for personal attacks,irregardless of the truth or falsehood involved.This is a commercial site for business scams not for personal grudges.This man is totally wrong in his accusations.Tammy is a hard working Mary Kay representative for over 4 years.I have seen her credentials.Her father was a beloved and renowned Urologist in New Jersey.Tammy is a very worldly woman who is very sociable,appreciates the finer things in life and frequents fine dining establishments but by no means scopes out stores for ulterior motives.She is a woman of style and grace and needs no one to extol her virtues.


Delray Beach,
United States of America

#16General Comment

Tue, November 06, 2012

One of the most precious things we possess is our reputation.  It's sad that this person (No Donut) gets to hide behind a persona while trashing in a public, vulgar and impolite way someone else by name.  While there are factual errors in his report which only serve to show he has a personal axe to grind (for instance, she IS a Mary Kay franchise owner and I have the paperwork to prove it) I would prefer to use this opportunity to talk about the Tammy that I know.

Like him, I met Tammy via an online dating site.  Unlike him, however, I found her to be anything but "a pig".  (How rude, No Donut, and just another indicator of a lack of class).  My initial impression of Tammy was I found her charming, engaging and easy to talk to.  In the several months that I've known her I have had my impression confirmed. 

Tammy has an appreciation for the finer things.  She has excellent taste and she exemplifies the South Florida lifestyle.  She was raised to believe in very traditional gender roles and any man who is lucky enough to have her company needs to be aware of this.  She expects to be treated like a lady and deserves to be.

Any single woman needs to be careful in today's world.  That is most especially true when it comes to online dating.  Tammy is no different.  When Tammy feels safe with someone she can be vulnerable and will openly share her hopes, fears, and dreams.  It's clear that No Donut never achieved that level of trust with Tammy. 

In the quiet moments I've shared with Tammy I have found her to be intelligent and funny and curious.  She is exceedingly feminine and appreciates a man who can be a man.  Is she some kind of predator as No Donut suggests?  I can say this in no stronger terms than this:  no.  She is someone who is classy, a lady and who doesn't deserve to be maliciously and personally attacked in a forum such as this.  If No  Donut had an issue with Tammy, perhaps he should have brought his concerns to her directly.


Delray Beach,
United States of America
Tammy Baruch is a fine and upstanding lady

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, October 07, 2012

This report against Tammy has absolutely no basis in fact. I know Tammy very well. She is widely respected in her field and she is and does exactly what she says. She is no con artist or scammer! Nothing could be further from the truth. Every accusation against her is an outright lie and constitues slander. Do not belive this negative report against Tammy for one second, it is all lies. She is a very honest, forthright and sincere individual. The report against her is a total fabrication, there are no factual statements in it concerning her character, job or integrity.

Photo Guy

Boynton Beach,
United States of America
Not the woman I know

#18General Comment

Thu, August 09, 2012

The problem with internet postings is that anyone can say anything without proof.  It is a guilty until proven innocent scenario, contrary to foundations of decency. 

I have dated Tammy for a period of time now.  I find her to be tender, caring, compassionate and beautiful.  Not calculating as has been stated by the poster.

Tammy likes nice things and is accustomed to a lifestyle that grew up with.  Her father was an acclaimed physician and Tammy is used to the best, but that does not mean that she uses deception or cunning to "get her way".  I am not wealthy...as a matter of fact, I sometimes struggle financially as many people do. That has not stopped us from enjoying each others' company. We have gone to some nice dinners, but we also have enjoyed time at the Ale House, running errands, grocery shopping and going to the park.

Tammy is truly looking to have someone in her life not just someone who will buy her things. In my opinion, she is looking for love not things.

While it angers me that someone can take twenty minutes and say anything they want to assassinate someone's character, I am glad I took the chance to get to know Tammy without hesitation. She brightens my day and look forward to the future with a smile on my face knowing she is in my life.

Blue Cooter

delray beach,
United States of America
A Simple Case of Rejection Anger

#19Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 16, 2012

I have known and dated Tammy Baruch for the better part of 2012. I have known her to be nothing less than a perfect lady, a hard working busiess woman. I find Stuart Crytal's attack to be factually inaccurate and morally repugnant. Mr. Crystal apparently had a date with Tammy back in August of 2011, prior to my meeting her. They met on an internet dating website. Of course I saw this posting Mr. Crystal had made and demanded an explanation of Mr. Crystal and Tammy.

First of all Tammy is a very active Mary Kay franchisee in south florida. I have personally seen her in action selling her products, and she is a dynamo to be admired in her industry. I can assure you that this woman is no scam artist, her profile on the website along with her pictures don't do her justice. This is an incredibly beautiful woman inside and out.  Her profile is accurate. However, it appears that Mr. Crystal was not as forthcoming with accurate information. His pictures were not accurate in the least and he lied about his age, he turned out to be 62 and weighed i excess of 300 pounds. He provided head shots only that we totally deceiving, luring Tammy to the Breakers for a date. This young lady lives in Boca Raton and he insists she drive to Palm Beach?

Mr. Crystal's problem is that he can't handle the rejection that he himself caused to occur. He invited a beautiful woman to a first date at a posh resort to impress her. Dinner and drinks are no less than $125 a person, he had to know that. Adding insult to injury Mr. Crystal is actually bordering on morbidly obese and 62. Not what Tammy expected at all. When Tammy rebuffed his advances, Mr. Crystal became abusive. Sorry Stuart, you did this all to yourself.

The information Mr. Crystal has posted regarding Tammy puts her at great risk. Mr. Crytal did this without regard to her safety, he made her a target of any predator on every dating website. Mr. Crystal is not a man at all, no man would place any woman in harms way as he has.

He clearly lives a very sad and lonely life, and felt that if he couldn't be with her he was going to be sure no one would. Well Stuart, Tammy and I have been very happy, but then my profile was very accurate.

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