  • Report:  #93901

Complaint Review: Target Corporation - Twin Cities Minnesota

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Target Corporation
www.target.com Twin Cities, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Target appears intent on becoming the #1 retail giant, however, there approach is to do so at the expense of the consumer.

If they drive away all the honest, law-abiding customers what will they be left with? The answer is obvious and their future is not difficult to predict.

They can open 100 new stores a year, but if they don't do some damage control soon RE: the groundswell of dissatisfied consumers then it will be all for nothing. The attitude of the average Target employee is quite evident when you read their responses to complaints. They are miserable human beings trying desperately to convince themselves that they have a "great job", that is perhaps the only thing that gets them through the day, this false ideal and their personal mantra: "the patron is scum".

Go to your neighborhood Target store and proceed to the garden department and ask for help with a heavy item. You will wait and wait and wait and if and when someone does ever show up it will be one of the following: a scrawny teenage kid, an elderly person or someone too obese to be capable of tying their shoes. Its the truth... check it out!

The question is why would anyone shop there? Low-prices, that's the obvious answer, but are they really as low as they lead everyone to believe? Sometimes yes, more often not. They use their weekly ad as a draw, but then when you get to the store they're are "out-of-stock" or there is a inferior brand being offered. Target is not the only purveyor of this wicked and deceptive practice but they have been doing it for as long as I can remember. In sales parlance it's called the "bait n' switch".

Someday, and I hope its soon, the country will take notice of these greedy corporate slimeballs and take them down just like Enron and all those other corporate fatcats living their lives like they're some kind of Emperors of the Realm.

In reality they're nothing but opportunistic profiteers just out to make a buck and masquerading as decent human beings. They're not, they're wolves in sheeps clothes. They discriminate against the disabled, they do NOT support this countries troops or its veterans, and they utilize sweatshop labor. Its all a matter of record..."check it out".


Land of the Free!!!, Arizona

19 Updates & Rebuttals


alot depends on each store

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 23, 2008

Alot depends on each individual store and their employees. I personally prefer a larger store, one which offers lower prices and has a grocery store in their store so I am not having to go to two stores. I also am handicapped and have not been offered help when I needed it. Sure I requested the help, but was in a motorized chair at the time and was ignored and pushed aside as if I did not matter. I was not treated that way at Wallyworld, so I go there. Target is usually not the cheapest either on everyday items and their clothes are typically more expensive there. There was a day I had time to go thru the clearance racks, but after having 45 surgeries I do not have time to do that nor the energy. I am sure every store has different employees, so I think you need to determine what your needs are and decide if they can serve you. Our store typically are out of sales, so I rarely go there anymore. I know that Wallyworld usually is in stock and it is not worth my energy to have to end up going to two stores. Time is too short and my health is more important to me. So if this target is not serving your needs then go somewhere else. It really is that simple. This isn't a ripoff, but a preference.

Apostle Ruffus

Job Satisfaction Garunteed

#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 23, 2008

I've worked for T-3803 for five years now, and thus far have had practically no complaints, and here's why: 1) Great pay (I work at a DC) 2)Benefits are competitive, though I prefered BCBS better, it's still better than most carriers 3)They pay for college, even after you're done with school 4)Their hiring practices are particularly impressive, though I imagine not as stringent at the stores, and 5) fast fun and friendly. Period. On top of that it's only good business to require a receipt for a return. It's good personal finance to keep all records of major purchases for AT LEAST 3 years. I don't know any large or small business that doesn't conduct businessthis way, for the exception of tradeposts. I know, I'm in school for business, which Target was the motivator behind going to school in the first place. So I suppose this is my answer coming from the "most miserable employee" possible, and I hope to remain miserable for years to come!


What exactly is your complaint?

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 21, 2008

I like almost everyone else that has read your complaint am trying to figure out just what your complaint is. You wrote a paragraph of rambling nonsense that in your head may be a valid complaint but to everyone else it comes off as the nonsense it is. I worked for Target for over 3 years and no I didn't and don't agree with alot of their business pratices and the treatment of their employee's, but I disagree even more with self indulgent people that post a complaint that has no basis. I'm going to break it down in the simplest terms possible so that you and everyone like you can understand it. Everyone has bills to pay, everyone likes to eat on a fairly regular basis, and everyone has taken a crap nothing job to get by. The most complained about job field is Retail. Why is that? Well it's fairly simple, people take a job in retail to get by and pay the bills and put food on the table, they don't take the job to be chastised and made to feel inferior to pompous jerks like yourself. And they definitely don't take the job to be called "Scrawny" or "Fat". In every complaint I ever handled while working in retail the problem did and was always started by the consumer. Why is that? Well they're the consumer ofcourse, and they're always right. That's the biggest load of crap and whomever started that tag line should be dug up and smacked. The customer/consumer/guest is not always right. Here's an example of where they're wrong 99% of the time. Target has not nor will they ever be the manufacture of anything they sell. They do not actually make the defective bike that sold, or cut down the trees to make the furniture they sell. They buy all their products from companies that make them. All they do is sell the product. It is up to the consumer to decide if that product they sell meets their induvidual needs or not. The "Scrawny little teenager" isn't responsible for the fabrication of what you are purchasing, he's not sitting in a room in the back putting the dolls together and painting the little blocks. If you can't lift that enormous box you want to buy and it's just so much of an inconvience for you to wait until the employee is done being abused by the other consumer that you feel you are more important than and they feel they are more important than you, then don't buy it, or bring someone with you that can help you. Buying something of that size is not an impulse buy, you've planned on getting it before you came in the store. But yes I understand as the consumer you are all too important and above lowering yourself to the point where you have to actually do your shopping for yourself. If the item you want is sold out, well cry about it if you must but do you really think that you are the only person in the world that would want to buy that particular product? Should Target and other retailers be mind readers and hold one just for you? Get off your high horse and come down to the level of the rational thinking little people that look down on everyday. Popular items will be sold out. Is it Targets fault? Yes sometimes it is, sometimes the item you want is in fact sitting in the back, either incorrectly located in the backstock, not backstocked at all and just sitting there, therefore the computer system will not know if it is in stock if it is not backstocked correctly. And sometimes it's sitting on the truck waiting to be unloaded but because it's not peak shopping season there is no overtime and the employees that unloaded the first truck have gone home. And Target in their infinite wisdom decided the store needed more than one truck during a non peak shopping time. But most out of stock causes fall in to just 3 catagories. 1. Alot of other people wanted to buy the same thing as you, hmmm, imagine that. 2. The manufacture (Not Target cause we remember the little lesson about how they don't make the stuff they sell right?) did not make enough quantity to satisfy the orders placed. (I.E. Popular gaming systems and dvd's) And 3. The manufacture did not send the full amount that they could have because why? That's right, it drives up the demand for that item when they puposely short retailers. Imagine someone shorting the all mighty consumer of their product in order to drive up the demand and thus the sales and profits. Stupid business practices there. And last but not least. Ofcourse Target is going to have things at a cheaper price than other retailers, and ofcourse they are going to be more expensive with the things that you can only get from them. Why wouldn't they? You can only get it from them, it makes sense to have it be a little more expensive than something simular at another retailer. Again stupid business practices going on there. Did I put it in "Land of the Free!!!!" terms for you? It breaks down like this. When you go shopping no you are not more important than the hundreds of others shopping too even though you think you are. I know it's hard to accept but you're just not, get over it. Things will break, 9 times out of 10, it's you that broke it cause you're too smart and manly to read the directions and put it together right, and now you're coming back and throwing a temper tantrum because you're trying to get one over on the company and they're not falling for it. Hence the return policy rules, they've seen it before and put measures in place to make sure they don't get hussled again. And finally, if it were not for the poor unfortunate souls that have to take the crap nothing jobs in order to get by you wouldn't be able to have your newspaper delivered, or get your coffee hot and fresh in the morning, or buy that item you just have to have while it's on sale cause you're too cheap to pay the extra buck or two when it's not on sale. Stop whining and crying and complaining that everyone didn't stop what they were doing and bow to you when you came in the store and make you feel like you were the all important special little customer you think you are. The majority of the time a consumer is dissatisfied is caused in and of itself by the consumer in the first place. Don't buy the shirt you know you can't fit into but you keep telling yourself that a small here is different than a small somewhere else. And try reading the packaging for a change to see if you are going to need anything else before you come back to the store in a huff to abuse someone for your stupidity. That's all I have for now, hope you've had fun reading it.


Bike Person

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 17, 2008

As stated you need a receipt to prove you purchased it there. Sure we may stock a certain model of bike but guess what, so does Wal-Mart and every other conglomerate. I work in Guest Services and I can understand your frustration I get guests in everyday with similar problems. However there is nothing we are able to do as our system won't allow us to exchange items over $35 without a receipt. It's corporate policy and the store workers can't override it. Why wouldn't you keep a receipt anyways? And how was the bike defective did you not check it before you purchased it?


Bike Person

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 17, 2008

As stated you need a receipt to prove you purchased it there. Sure we may stock a certain model of bike but guess what, so does Wal-Mart and every other conglomerate. I work in Guest Services and I can understand your frustration I get guests in everyday with similar problems. However there is nothing we are able to do as our system won't allow us to exchange items over $35 without a receipt. It's corporate policy and the store workers can't override it. Why wouldn't you keep a receipt anyways? And how was the bike defective did you not check it before you purchased it?


Bike Person

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 17, 2008

As stated you need a receipt to prove you purchased it there. Sure we may stock a certain model of bike but guess what, so does Wal-Mart and every other conglomerate. I work in Guest Services and I can understand your frustration I get guests in everyday with similar problems. However there is nothing we are able to do as our system won't allow us to exchange items over $35 without a receipt. It's corporate policy and the store workers can't override it. Why wouldn't you keep a receipt anyways? And how was the bike defective did you not check it before you purchased it?

Chase Employee

Broken Bike?

#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 01, 2008

How stupid can you be to buy a bike and keep the reciept?? What do you think target was going to do? Give you a new bike or refund money that you can not prove you bougt it there? Thats WHAT reciepts are for. I suggest getting someone responsable to hold reciepts. Maybe your little girl.

Chase Employee

Broken Bike?

#9Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 01, 2008

How stupid can you be to buy a bike and keep the reciept?? What do you think target was going to do? Give you a new bike or refund money that you can not prove you bougt it there? Thats WHAT reciepts are for. I suggest getting someone responsable to hold reciepts. Maybe your little girl.


target chases away honest customers is right!

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, September 26, 2008

Put it this way, daughter gets a defective bike, purchased at Target, no receipt, won't exchange - wanted to send us out the door with nothing. Located gift card that we used for purchase and now we get only to spend our money at target again. We do hate Target. Thanks Target for disappointing a little girl. I cannot believe you don't stand behind your products. The bike was clearly new.


Think before you run your big mouth

#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 22, 2008

Seriously think before you post. You just insulted a whole bunch of innocent, hard working people!!!!!!! At least we have jobs!!! Im sorry that target doesn't hire those dream employees you want. (Would you like to pay ridiculous amounts so target can hire people like that?). Where do you expect people who don't have an education or are pursuing one, to work??And with today's economy the elderly need a place to work to, or how will they get by? And i go to work every day and i DO try to make sure the guests are happy. I will admit not all employees are as motivated as others, but thats no reason to stereotype a whole bunch of people like that. There are rules we must follow, and sometimes it would require breaking those rules to completely satisfy a guest, which we can't do!! But we do try. Its so sick that some people don't care if we lose our jobs if they can save a couple bucks, or get some free coupons. Seriously, just stay at home and do your shopping on the internet or something, because you obviously can not handle being around other human beings. Or you can get off your lazy butt, get a job in retail, and try dealing with idiots like yourself. And about the ad items running out. We don't have some black hole where we can shove an infinite amount of items. Stores can only carry so much. Nor can we foresee how much we're going to sell. But hey, if we sell out of those items so much, somebody's going to target.


Stevens Point,
Rude and disrespectful

#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 20, 2008

I have a news flash for you, many first jobs are at retailers such as Target. It was my first job, and I still currently work there as it helps pay my bills, and helps me pay for a college education so I don't HAVE to work there the rest of my life. I know it's not a great job! But like I said, it's assisting me in getting a better occupation. If you never had the luck to work in the retail industry, then you have no right to sit and complain about it and the employees who have to put up with crap from people like you. You have no idea what it feels like to sit and be yelled at every day for something that is not your fault. Get off your high horse and read what you're writing. You sound like someone who has had their parents help them out their entire lives and never had to lift a finger when they were younger. And quite frankly, I think it's pathetic that all you can do is criticise honest people trying to make an honest living.

Electric President

Here's a suggestion: Don't shop there.

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 08, 2008

PUH-LEASE. First of all, retail stores hire primarily young people, and elderly people part time. There is not an abundance of body builders or strapping young 20 year olds willing to work in retail due to the low wages and, frankly, better opportunities elsewhere. Secondly, items are sold out because - guess what - when something is cheap, other people buy it! Strange concept! It's not bait and switch, it's "out of stock due to demand for this item". Sheesh.

Electronics 1174

Fergus Falls,
How i feel

#14UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 08, 2008

I just rolled over 2 years at Target, I like my job for the most part, i wouldnt say that i love it though. I disagree with lots of things that they do, but they treat me decent. People like to complain about the service at stores, which i think sometimes is a valid point. I deal with people everyday that are very polite and fun to help, i also deal with people that are just downright mean to me and my coworkers each and everyday. When people like me log in to this website and read about people who like to blame others for their problems it annoys me. Maybe the Target employees know the policies to well, something that is so simple to us is just really complicated to angry guests. And then there are people with legit complaints, it has been my experience that they are taken good care of atleast in my store. Just ask you self, what does he gain by writing this? I don't get a DIME!

Electronics 1174

Fergus Falls,
How i feel

#15UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 08, 2008

I just rolled over 2 years at Target, I like my job for the most part, i wouldnt say that i love it though. I disagree with lots of things that they do, but they treat me decent. People like to complain about the service at stores, which i think sometimes is a valid point. I deal with people everyday that are very polite and fun to help, i also deal with people that are just downright mean to me and my coworkers each and everyday. When people like me log in to this website and read about people who like to blame others for their problems it annoys me. Maybe the Target employees know the policies to well, something that is so simple to us is just really complicated to angry guests. And then there are people with legit complaints, it has been my experience that they are taken good care of atleast in my store. Just ask you self, what does he gain by writing this? I don't get a DIME!

Electronics 1174

Fergus Falls,
How i feel

#16UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 08, 2008

I just rolled over 2 years at Target, I like my job for the most part, i wouldnt say that i love it though. I disagree with lots of things that they do, but they treat me decent. People like to complain about the service at stores, which i think sometimes is a valid point. I deal with people everyday that are very polite and fun to help, i also deal with people that are just downright mean to me and my coworkers each and everyday. When people like me log in to this website and read about people who like to blame others for their problems it annoys me. Maybe the Target employees know the policies to well, something that is so simple to us is just really complicated to angry guests. And then there are people with legit complaints, it has been my experience that they are taken good care of atleast in my store. Just ask you self, what does he gain by writing this? I don't get a DIME!

Electronics 1174

Fergus Falls,
How i feel

#17UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 08, 2008

I just rolled over 2 years at Target, I like my job for the most part, i wouldnt say that i love it though. I disagree with lots of things that they do, but they treat me decent. People like to complain about the service at stores, which i think sometimes is a valid point. I deal with people everyday that are very polite and fun to help, i also deal with people that are just downright mean to me and my coworkers each and everyday. When people like me log in to this website and read about people who like to blame others for their problems it annoys me. Maybe the Target employees know the policies to well, something that is so simple to us is just really complicated to angry guests. And then there are people with legit complaints, it has been my experience that they are taken good care of atleast in my store. Just ask you self, what does he gain by writing this? I don't get a DIME!


Oh geez...

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, June 11, 2008

How is that a ripoff? They didn't scam or cheat you. Retail stores are frequently understaffed (especially for carry-out help, because everyone is always busy) or out of stock on popular items. It's part of the retail business. You back your ranting up with no respectable complaint or criticism. I LOVE Target and have personally NEVER had a bad experience. It is unfortunate that you've had bad service, but this is not a ripoff.


Your Response is Totally Unacceptable

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 09, 2004

I am honestly kind of flabbergasted at your posting. Do you even believe half of what you're saying? Well anyway I will tell you, I work at the Super Target store 1753 in Riverdale, UT. I guess I am one of the "miserable human beings" that you have labeled in your posting. But to be honest I DO like my job, I love it. I feel good to work with a store that cares about its communites, employees, and guests. I have been offered jobs at Home Depot, in the education system, and a telemarketing firm but have denied all because my happiness at Target. It actually sounds like YOU are the person here that doesn't like your job and acts like you like your job. As they say "if you're miserable you want everyone around you to be miserable too." It's very unfortunate that our world has pessimistic and uneducated vocal people such as yourself. As for your comment about team members that are fat, scrawny, or old, Target does not believe in discriminating its employees by race, creed, age, or sex. Every retailer is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY employer...maybe you should read up on it. As for the "bait n' switch" this is an illegal form of advertising. As one of the premier Retailers in this country Target does not use the method. There is such a thing as people buying all of the stock of a certain item on hand. Also there are always things called rain checks, and near by stores that you can see if they have any products. Also as for offering an "inferior product" that is called AD SUBSTITUTION...if you dont' want to substitute the item in the ad keep your raincheck until it comes available. And one last thing about Target not supporting our veterans...maybe YOU should "check it out." If you had studied up on your facts you'd find out that Target does a lot for the armed forces. Maybe one day you can log on to target.com, click on the community giving link at the bottom of the page and it will tell you all that Target does for not only the military but for St. Judes patients, education, and arts programs. Target donates $2 million dollars a week to these programs, name any other retailer that donates that much EVERY week.


Your Response is Totally Unacceptable

#20UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 09, 2004

I am honestly kind of flabbergasted at your posting. Do you even believe half of what you're saying? Well anyway I will tell you, I work at the Super Target store 1753 in Riverdale, UT. I guess I am one of the "miserable human beings" that you have labeled in your posting. But to be honest I DO like my job, I love it. I feel good to work with a store that cares about its communites, employees, and guests. I have been offered jobs at Home Depot, in the education system, and a telemarketing firm but have denied all because my happiness at Target. It actually sounds like YOU are the person here that doesn't like your job and acts like you like your job. As they say "if you're miserable you want everyone around you to be miserable too." It's very unfortunate that our world has pessimistic and uneducated vocal people such as yourself. As for your comment about team members that are fat, scrawny, or old, Target does not believe in discriminating its employees by race, creed, age, or sex. Every retailer is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY employer...maybe you should read up on it. As for the "bait n' switch" this is an illegal form of advertising. As one of the premier Retailers in this country Target does not use the method. There is such a thing as people buying all of the stock of a certain item on hand. Also there are always things called rain checks, and near by stores that you can see if they have any products. Also as for offering an "inferior product" that is called AD SUBSTITUTION...if you dont' want to substitute the item in the ad keep your raincheck until it comes available. And one last thing about Target not supporting our veterans...maybe YOU should "check it out." If you had studied up on your facts you'd find out that Target does a lot for the armed forces. Maybe one day you can log on to target.com, click on the community giving link at the bottom of the page and it will tell you all that Target does for not only the military but for St. Judes patients, education, and arts programs. Target donates $2 million dollars a week to these programs, name any other retailer that donates that much EVERY week.

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